private void UpdateFilteredRows() { ConsoleFlags flags = (ConsoleFlags)UnityLogEntries.consoleFlags; this.mainStream.collapse = (flags & ConsoleFlags.Collapse) != 0; this.mainStream.displayLog = (flags & ConsoleFlags.LogLevelLog) != 0; this.mainStream.displayWarning = (flags & ConsoleFlags.LogLevelWarning) != 0; this.mainStream.displayError = (flags & ConsoleFlags.LogLevelError) != 0; this.mainStream.RefreshFilteredRows(); }
private static GUIStyle GetStyleForErrorMode(ConsoleFlags flags, bool isIcon, bool isSmall) { // Errors if (flags == ConsoleFlags.LogLevelError) { if (isIcon) { if (isSmall) { return(Constants.IconErrorSmallStyle); } return(Constants.IconErrorStyle); } if (isSmall) { return(Constants.ErrorSmallStyle); } return(Constants.ErrorStyle); } // Warnings if (flags == ConsoleFlags.LogLevelWarning) { if (isIcon) { if (isSmall) { return(Constants.IconWarningSmallStyle); } return(Constants.IconWarningStyle); } if (isSmall) { return(Constants.WarningSmallStyle); } return(Constants.WarningStyle); } // Logs if (isIcon) { if (isSmall) { return(Constants.IconLogSmallStyle); } return(Constants.IconLogStyle); } if (isSmall) { return(Constants.LogSmallStyle); } return(Constants.LogStyle); }
private static Texture2D GetIconForErrorMode(ConsoleFlags flags, bool large) { // Errors if (flags == ConsoleFlags.LogLevelError) { return(large ? iconError : iconErrorSmall); } // Warnings if (flags == ConsoleFlags.LogLevelWarning) { return(large ? iconWarn : iconWarnSmall); } // Logs return(large ? iconInfo : iconInfoSmall); }
public static void SetFlag(ConsoleFlags flag, bool value) { try { var logEntries = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditor.LogEntries, UnityEditor.dll"); object[] parametersArray = new object[] { (int)flag, value }; var clearMethod = logEntries.GetMethod("SetConsoleFlag", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public); if (clearMethod != null) { clearMethod.Invoke(null, parametersArray); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { TouchBar.Log(ex); } }
public static bool GetFlag(ConsoleFlags flag) { try { var logEntries = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditor.LogEntries, UnityEditor.dll"); //object[] parametersArray = new object[] { (int) flag, // true // }; //var clearMethod = logEntries.GetMethod("SetConsoleFlag", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public); var clearMethod = logEntries.GetProperty("consoleFlags"); if (clearMethod != null) { int value = (int)clearMethod.GetValue(null, null); ConsoleFlags flags = (ConsoleFlags)value; bool show = ((flags & flag) != 0); return(show); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { TouchBar.Log(ex); return(false); } return(false); }
private static void SetFlag(ConsoleFlags flags, bool val) { LogEntries.SetConsoleFlag((int)flags, val); }
private static bool HasFlag(ConsoleFlags flags) { return((LogEntries.consoleFlags & (int)flags) != 0); }
static public extern Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(DesiredAccess DesiredAccess, ShareMode ShareMode, IntPtr SecurityAttributes, ConsoleFlags Flags, IntPtr ScreenBufferData);
void OnGUI() { Event e = Event.current; LoadIcons(); LogEntries.wrapped.UpdateEntries(); if (!m_HasUpdatedGuiStyles) { m_LineHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(Constants.ErrorStyle.lineHeight); m_BorderHeight = + Constants.ErrorStyle.border.bottom; UpdateListView(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(Constants.Toolbar); if (GUILayout.Button(Constants.ClearLabel, Constants.MiniButton)) { LogEntries.Clear(); GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; } int currCount = LogEntries.wrapped.GetCount(); if (m_ListView.totalRows != currCount && m_ListView.totalRows > 0) { // scroll bar was at the bottom? if (m_ListView.scrollPos.y >= m_ListView.rowHeight * m_ListView.totalRows - ms_LVHeight) { m_ListView.scrollPos.y = currCount * RowHeight - ms_LVHeight; } } if (LogEntries.wrapped.searchFrame) { LogEntries.wrapped.searchFrame = false; int selectedIndex = LogEntries.wrapped.GetSelectedEntryIndex(); if (selectedIndex != -1) { int showIndex = selectedIndex + 1; if (currCount > showIndex) { int showCount = ms_LVHeight / RowHeight; showIndex = showIndex + showCount / 2; } m_ListView.scrollPos.y = showIndex * RowHeight - ms_LVHeight; } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); bool wasCollapsed = LogEntries.wrapped.collapse; LogEntries.wrapped.collapse = GUILayout.Toggle(wasCollapsed, Constants.CollapseLabel, Constants.MiniButton); bool collapsedChanged = (wasCollapsed != LogEntries.wrapped.collapse); if (collapsedChanged) { // unselect if collapsed flag changed m_ListView.row = -1; // scroll to bottom m_ListView.scrollPos.y = LogEntries.wrapped.GetCount() * RowHeight; } SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.ClearOnPlay, GUILayout.Toggle(HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.ClearOnPlay), Constants.ClearOnPlayLabel, Constants.MiniButton)); #if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.ClearOnBuild, GUILayout.Toggle(HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.ClearOnBuild), Constants.ClearOnBuildLabel, Constants.MiniButton)); #endif SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.ErrorPause, GUILayout.Toggle(HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.ErrorPause), Constants.ErrorPauseLabel, Constants.MiniButton)); #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER ConnectionGUILayout.AttachToPlayerDropdown(m_ConsoleAttachToPlayerState, EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown); #endif EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (m_DevBuild) { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.StopForAssert, GUILayout.Toggle(HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.StopForAssert), Constants.StopForAssertLabel, Constants.MiniButton)); SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.StopForError, GUILayout.Toggle(HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.StopForError), Constants.StopForErrorLabel, Constants.MiniButton)); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // Search bar GUILayout.Space(4f); SearchField(e); int errorCount = 0, warningCount = 0, logCount = 0; LogEntries.wrapped.GetCountsByType(ref errorCount, ref warningCount, ref logCount); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); bool setLogFlag = GUILayout.Toggle(LogEntries.wrapped.HasFlag((int)ConsoleFlags.LogLevelLog), new GUIContent((logCount <= 999 ? logCount.ToString() : "999+"), logCount > 0 ? iconInfoSmall : iconInfoMono), Constants.MiniButton); bool setWarningFlag = GUILayout.Toggle(LogEntries.wrapped.HasFlag((int)ConsoleFlags.LogLevelWarning), new GUIContent((warningCount <= 999 ? warningCount.ToString() : "999+"), warningCount > 0 ? iconWarnSmall : iconWarnMono), Constants.MiniButton); bool setErrorFlag = GUILayout.Toggle(LogEntries.wrapped.HasFlag((int)ConsoleFlags.LogLevelError), new GUIContent((errorCount <= 999 ? errorCount.ToString() : "999+"), errorCount > 0 ? iconErrorSmall : iconErrorMono), Constants.MiniButton); // Active entry index may no longer be valid if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { } LogEntries.wrapped.SetFlag((int)ConsoleFlags.LogLevelLog, setLogFlag); LogEntries.wrapped.SetFlag((int)ConsoleFlags.LogLevelWarning, setWarningFlag); LogEntries.wrapped.SetFlag((int)ConsoleFlags.LogLevelError, setErrorFlag); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(errorCount > 0 ? iconFirstErrorSmall : iconFirstErrorMono, Constants.FirstErrorLabel), Constants.MiniButton)) { int firstErrorIndex = LogEntries.wrapped.GetFirstErrorEntryIndex(); if (firstErrorIndex != -1) { SetActiveEntry(firstErrorIndex); LogEntries.wrapped.searchFrame = true; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); SplitterGUILayout.BeginVerticalSplit(spl); int rowHeight = RowHeight; EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(rowHeight, rowHeight)); GUIContent tempContent = new GUIContent(); int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(0); int rowDoubleClicked = -1; /////@TODO: Make Frame selected work with ListViewState using (new GettingLogEntriesScope(m_ListView)) { int selectedRow = -1; bool openSelectedItem = false; bool collapsed = LogEntries.wrapped.collapse; foreach (ListViewElement el in ListViewGUI.ListView(m_ListView, Constants.Box)) { if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0 && el.position.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { m_ListView.row = el.row; selectedRow = el.row; if (e.clickCount == 2) { openSelectedItem = true; } } else if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { int mode = 0; int entryCount = 0; int searchIndex = 0; int searchEndIndex = 0; string text = LogEntries.wrapped.GetEntryLinesAndFlagAndCount(el.row, ref mode, ref entryCount, ref searchIndex, ref searchEndIndex); ConsoleFlags flag = (ConsoleFlags)mode; bool isSelected = LogEntries.wrapped.IsEntrySelected(el.row); // Draw the background GUIStyle s = el.row % 2 == 0 ? Constants.OddBackground : Constants.EvenBackground; s.Draw(el.position, false, false, isSelected, false); // Draw the icon #if !UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER if (Constants.LogStyleLineCount == 1) { Rect rt = el.position; rt.x += 6f; rt.y += 2f; rt.width = 16f; rt.height = 16f; GUI.DrawTexture(rt, GetIconForErrorMode(flag, false)); } else #endif { GUIStyle iconStyle = GetStyleForErrorMode(flag, true, Constants.LogStyleLineCount == 1); iconStyle.Draw(el.position, false, false, isSelected, false); } // Draw the text tempContent.text = text; GUIStyle errorModeStyle = GetStyleForErrorMode(flag, false, Constants.LogStyleLineCount == 1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LogEntries.wrapped.searchString) || searchIndex == -1 || searchIndex >= text.Length) { errorModeStyle.Draw(el.position, tempContent, id, isSelected); } else { errorModeStyle.DrawWithTextSelection(el.position, tempContent, GUIUtility.keyboardControl, searchIndex, searchEndIndex); } if (collapsed) { Rect badgeRect = el.position; tempContent.text = entryCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Vector2 badgeSize = Constants.CountBadge.CalcSize(tempContent); badgeRect.xMin = badgeRect.xMax - badgeSize.x; badgeRect.yMin += ((badgeRect.yMax - badgeRect.yMin) - badgeSize.y) * 0.5f; badgeRect.x -= 5f; GUI.Label(badgeRect, tempContent, Constants.CountBadge); } } } if (selectedRow != -1) { if (m_ListView.scrollPos.y >= m_ListView.rowHeight * m_ListView.totalRows - ms_LVHeight) { m_ListView.scrollPos.y = m_ListView.rowHeight * m_ListView.totalRows - ms_LVHeight - 1; } } // Make sure the selected entry is up to date if (m_ListView.totalRows == 0 || m_ListView.row >= m_ListView.totalRows || m_ListView.row < 0) { } else { if (m_ListView.selectionChanged) { SetActiveEntry(m_ListView.row); } } // Open entry using return key if ((GUIUtility.keyboardControl == m_ListView.ID) && (e.type == EventType.KeyDown) && (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) && (m_ListView.row != 0)) { selectedRow = m_ListView.row; openSelectedItem = true; } if (e.type != EventType.Layout && ListViewGUI.ilvState.rectHeight != 1) { ms_LVHeight = ListViewGUI.ilvState.rectHeight; } if (openSelectedItem) { rowDoubleClicked = selectedRow; e.Use(); } if (selectedRow != -1) { SetActiveEntry(selectedRow); } } // Prevent dead locking in EditorMonoConsole by delaying callbacks (which can log to the console) until after LogEntries.EndGettingEntries() has been // called (this releases the mutex in EditorMonoConsole so logging again is allowed). Fix for case 1081060. if (rowDoubleClicked != -1) { LogEntries.wrapped.StacktraceListView_RowGotDoubleClicked(); } EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(; StacktraceListView(e, tempContent); SplitterGUILayout.EndVerticalSplit(); // Copy & Paste selected item if ((e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand || e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) && e.commandName == "Copy") { if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) { LogEntries.wrapped.StacktraceListView_CopyAll(); } e.Use(); } }
private static void Initialize(ConsoleFlags flag, string romName) { //Do a fast initalize for a legacy read. if (flag.Equals(ConsoleFlags.ReadAll) || flag.Equals(ConsoleFlags.Read)) { XPathDocument docNav = new XPathDocument(HTT_XML); XPathNavigator nav = docNav.CreateNavigator(); string strExpression = string.Format("/HiToText/Entry[Header/Games/Name=\"{0}\"]", romName); XPathNodeIterator NodeIter = nav.Select(strExpression); NodeIter.MoveNext(); r = new HXMLReader(NodeIter.Current); } else { //Load up XML file #if DEBUG r = new HXMLReader(HTT_XML); #else if (File.Exists(HTT_XML)) r = new HXMLReader(HTT_XML); #endif } supportedGames = r.GetSupportedGames(); }
/// <summary> /// Displays the top menus. /// </summary> /// <param name="r"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Rect DrawHeader(Rect r) { GeneralSettings settings = HQ.Settings.Get <GeneralSettings>(); float width = r.width; // Draw Unity native features. This way is better because using style Toolbar in BeginHorizontal creates an unwanted left margin. GUI.Box(r, GUIContent.none, settings.ToolbarStyle); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.clearLabel) == false) { Utility.content.text = settings.clearLabel; Utility.content.tooltip = Utility.content.text != "Clear" ? "Clear" : string.Empty; r.width = settings.MenuButtonStyle.CalcSize(Utility.content).x; if (GUI.Button(r, Utility.content, settings.MenuButtonStyle) == true) { this.Clear(); } r.x += r.width + 5F; } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); ConsoleFlags flags = (ConsoleFlags)UnityLogEntries.consoleFlags; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.collapseLabel) == false) { Utility.content.text = settings.collapseLabel; Utility.content.tooltip = Utility.content.text != "Collapse" ? "Collapse" : string.Empty; r.width = settings.MenuButtonStyle.CalcSize(Utility.content).x; this.collapse = GUI.Toggle(r, (flags & ConsoleFlags.Collapse) != 0, Utility.content, settings.MenuButtonStyle); r.x += r.width; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.clearOnPlayLabel) == false) { Utility.content.text = settings.clearOnPlayLabel; Utility.content.tooltip = Utility.content.text != "Clear on Play" ? "Clear on Play" : string.Empty; r.width = settings.MenuButtonStyle.CalcSize(Utility.content).x; this.clearOnPlay = GUI.Toggle(r, (flags & ConsoleFlags.ClearOnPlay) != 0, Utility.content, settings.MenuButtonStyle); r.x += r.width; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.errorPauseLabel) == false) { Utility.content.text = settings.errorPauseLabel; Utility.content.tooltip = Utility.content.text != "Error Pause" ? "Error Pause" : string.Empty; r.width = settings.MenuButtonStyle.CalcSize(Utility.content).x; this.breakOnError = GUI.Toggle(r, (flags & ConsoleFlags.ErrorPause) != 0, Utility.content, settings.MenuButtonStyle); r.x += r.width; } Utility.content.tooltip = string.Empty; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true) { UnityLogEntries.SetConsoleFlag((int)ConsoleFlags.Collapse, this.collapse); UnityLogEntries.SetConsoleFlag((int)ConsoleFlags.ClearOnPlay, this.clearOnPlay); UnityLogEntries.SetConsoleFlag((int)ConsoleFlags.ErrorPause, this.breakOnError); if (this.OptionAltered != null) { this.OptionAltered(); } Utility.RepaintConsoleWindow(); } try { if (this.AfterGUIHeaderLeftMenu != null) { this.AfterGUIHeaderLeftMenu(); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.errorPopup.exception = ex; } r.x += 5F; // Draw tabs menu. if (this.visibleModules.Length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < this.visibleModules.Length; i++) { r = this.visibleModules[i].DrawMenu(r, this.workingModuleId); } } r.x += 5F; r.width = width - r.x; r.xMax += autoPaddingRightHeaderMenu; try { if (this.AfterGUIHeaderRightMenu != null) { r = this.AfterGUIHeaderRightMenu.Invoke(r); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.errorPopup.exception = ex; } // Display right menus. try { if (this.BeforeGUIHeaderRightMenu != null) { r = this.BeforeGUIHeaderRightMenu.Invoke(r); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.errorPopup.exception = ex; } if (r.width < 0F) { autoPaddingRightHeaderMenu += -r.width; } else if (r.width > 0F) { if (autoPaddingRightHeaderMenu > 0F) { this.Repaint(); autoPaddingRightHeaderMenu -= 1F; if (autoPaddingRightHeaderMenu < 0F) { autoPaddingRightHeaderMenu = 0F; } } } r.y += settings.menuHeight; if (this.errorPopup.exception != null) { r.x = 0F; r.width = width; r.height = this.errorPopup.boxHeight; this.errorPopup.OnGUIRect(r); r.y += r.height; } return(r); }
private void SetFlag(ConsoleFlags flags, bool val) { LogEntries.SetConsoleFlag((int) flags, val); }
private bool HasFlag(ConsoleFlags flags) { return ((LogEntries.consoleFlags & flags) != 0); }
/// <summary> /// Console ウィンドウの設定のオン・オフを変更します /// </summary> public static void SetConsoleFlag(ConsoleFlags bit, bool value) { var methodInfo = ms_type.GetMethod(nameof(SetConsoleFlag), BINDING_ATTR); methodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { ( int )bit, value }); }
private bool HasFlag(ConsoleFlags flags) { return((LogEntries.consoleFlags & flags) != 0); }