private void SetupToggle(ConsentDialog.Toggle toggleData)
            if (toggle == null)

            toggle.isOn = toggleData.IsOn;

            if (!toggleData.IsInteractable)
                toggle.interactable = false;

            toggle.OnValueChanged.AddListener(isOn =>
                if (toggleData.ShouldToggleDescription)
                    UpdateDescription(isOn ? toggleData.OnDescription : toggleData.OffDescription);

                if (OnToggleStateUpdated != null)
                    OnToggleStateUpdated(toggleData.Id, isOn);
        public EditorConsentDialogToggleUI AddToggle(ConsentDialog.Toggle toggleData)
            if (togglePrefab == null || contentParent == null)

            if (createdToggles.ContainsKey(toggleData.Id))
                Debug.LogWarning("Ignored a toggle with duplicated id: " + toggleData.Id + "!!!");

            EditorConsentDialogToggleUI newToggle = GameObject.Instantiate(togglePrefab);

            newToggle.OnToggleStateUpdated += OnToggleStateUpdated;
            newToggle.transform.SetParent(contentParent, false);

            createdToggles.Add(toggleData.Id, newToggle);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the consent dialog. Set localize to true to use the
        /// localized content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The consent dialog.</returns>
        /// <param name="localize">If set to <c>true</c> localize.</param>
        private static ConsentDialog ConstructConsentDialog(bool localize)
            /// Here we create a consent dialog completely from coding.
            /// The alternative is to use our consent dialog editor in
            /// the Privacy module settings UI to compose the dialog content.
            /// Here we manually pick the correct translation based on the
            /// localization requirement. In a real-world app, you may use
            /// a professional localization tool to do that.
            /// If you're showing the default consent dialog (constructed
            /// with the consent dialog editor), you can insert placeholder
            /// texts into the dialog content and then replace them
            /// with translated texts in script before showing
            /// the dialog for localization purpose.

            // First check if there's any consent saved previously.
            // If there is, we will set the 'isOn' state of our toggles
            // according to the saved consent to reflect the current consent
            // status on the consent dialog.
            DemoAppConsent consent = DemoAppConsent.LoadDemoAppConsent();

            // First create a new consent dialog.
            ConsentDialog dialog = new ConsentDialog();

            // Title.
            dialog.Title = localize ? FrTitle : EnTitle;

            // Put our disclaimer on top.

            // Add the first paragraph.
            dialog.AppendText(localize ? FrFirstParagraph : EnFirstParagraph);

            // Build and append the Advertising toggle.
            ConsentDialog.Toggle adsToggle = new ConsentDialog.Toggle(AdsToggleId);
            adsToggle.Title                   = localize ? FrAdsToggleTitle : EnAdsToggleTitle;
            adsToggle.OnDescription           = localize ? FrAdsToggleOnDesc : EnAdsToggleOnDesc;
            adsToggle.OffDescription          = localize ? FrAdsToggleOffDesc : EnAdsToggleOffDesc;
            adsToggle.ShouldToggleDescription = true;                                                       // make the description change with the toggle state.
            adsToggle.IsOn = consent != null ? consent.advertisingConsent == ConsentStatus.Granted : false; // reflect previous ads consent if any


            // Build and append the Notifications toggle.
            ConsentDialog.Toggle notifsToggle = new ConsentDialog.Toggle(NotifsToggleId);
            notifsToggle.Title                   = localize ? FrNotifsToggleTitle : EnNotifsToggleTitle;
            notifsToggle.OnDescription           = localize ? FrNotifsToggleDesc : EnNotifsToggleDesc;
            notifsToggle.ShouldToggleDescription = false;                                                       // use same description for both on & off states.
            notifsToggle.IsOn = consent != null ? consent.notificationConsent == ConsentStatus.Granted : false; // reflect previous notifs consent if any


            // Build and append the Unity Analytics toggle.
            // If the opt-out URL for Unity Analytics is available, we'll insert it
            // to the toggle description. Otherwise we'll use the "URL unavailable" description.
            // Note that this toggle is ON by default and is not interactable because we can't opt-out
            // Unity Analytics locally, instead the user must visit the fetched URL to opt-out.
            ConsentDialog.Toggle uaToggle = new ConsentDialog.Toggle(UnityAnalyticsToggleId);
            uaToggle.Title = localize ? FrAnalyticsToggleTitle : EnAnalyticsToggleTitle;
            uaToggle.ShouldToggleDescription = false; // the description won't change when the toggle switches between on & off states.
            uaToggle.IsInteractable          = false; // not interactable
            uaToggle.IsOn = true;                     // consent for UnityAnalytics is ON by default, can opt-out via Unity URL

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UnityAnalyticsOptOutURL))
                // Unity Analytics opt-out URL is available.
                var description = localize ? FrAnalyticsToogleDesc : EnAnalyticsToogleDesc;
                description            = description.Replace(UnityAnalyticsOptOutURLPlaceholder, UnityAnalyticsOptOutURL); // replace placeholder with actual URL
                uaToggle.OnDescription = description;
                // Unity Analytics opt-out URL is not available.
                uaToggle.OnDescription = localize ? FrAnalyticsToggleUnavailDesc : EnAnalyticsToggleUnavailDesc;


            // Append the second paragraph.
            dialog.AppendText(localize ? FrSecondParagraph : EnSecondParagraph);

            // Build and append the accept button.
            // A consent dialog should always have at least one button!
            ConsentDialog.Button okButton = new ConsentDialog.Button(AcceptButtonId);
            okButton.Title      = localize ? FrButtonTitle : EnButtonTitle;
            okButton.TitleColor = Color.white;
            okButton.BodyColor  = new Color(66 / 255f, 179 / 255f, 1);


 public void UpdateSettings(ConsentDialog.Toggle toggleData)