public ActionResult InsertBasic(string Stops, string TripTypeName, string PassengerName, string PassengerLastName, string PassengerEmail) { _airlinesRepository = new AirlinesRepository(); _airportsRepository = new AirportsRepository(); _tagsRepository = new TagsRepository(); _passengerRepository = new PassengerRepository(); _itineraryPingersRepository = new ItineraryPingersRepository(); new UserTagsRepository(); _usersRepository = new UsersRepository(); _monitoredFlightsRepository = new MonitoredFlightsRepository(); _itinerarysRepository = new ItinerarysRepository(); _flightsRepository = new FlightsRepository(); new GatewayAirlineRepository(); #region Create Itinerary var model = new BasicItineraryModel { //ConnxysTagId = ConnxysTagId, DepartureTime = _listF.First().DepartureDateTime, ArrivalTime = _listF.Last().ArrivalDateTime, DepartureName = _airportsRepository.Get(_listF.First().DepartureLocation).AirportDesignationLetters, ArrivalName = _airportsRepository.Get(_listF.Last().ArrivalLocation).AirportDesignationLetters, Stops = Convert.ToInt32(Stops), TripTypeName = TripTypeName, DepartDateTimeUTC = _listIti.First().DepartDateTimeUTC, ArrivalDateTimeUTC = _listIti.Last().ArrivalDateTimeUTC }; object jsonData; //Get Passenger Information var passenger = _passengerRepository.Get(PassengerEmail); passenger.PassengerName = PassengerName; passenger.PassengerLastName = PassengerLastName; _passengerRepository.Update(passenger); var itinerary = new Itinerary { //UserID = userInfo.userID, UserID = 0, Stops = model.Stops, DepartDateTime = model.DepartureTime, ArrivalDateTime = model.ArrivalTime, AirlineReservationID = model.AirlineReservationId, RetStops = model.RetStops, TripType = (short?)int.Parse(model.TripTypeName), From = model.DepartureName, To = model.ArrivalName, CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Type = "Real Flight", PassengerID = passenger != null ? passenger.PassengerID : 0, DepartDateTimeUTC = model.DepartDateTimeUTC, ArrivalDateTimeUTC = model.ArrivalDateTimeUTC }; try { //insert the new itinerary _itinerarysRepository.Add(itinerary); var itineraryId = itinerary.ItineraryID; if (itineraryId > 0) { var connxysWcfRestService = new ConnxysWCFRestService(); var flightsList = new StringBuilder(); var currentFlight = 0L; var flightInd = 0; //insert all the flights foreach (var flightItem in _listF) { flightItem.ItineraryID = itineraryId; _flightsRepository.Add(flightItem); if (flightInd == (_listF.Count - 1)) { flightsList.Append(flightItem.FlightID); } else { flightsList.Append(flightItem.FlightID).Append("-"); } if (flightInd == 0) { currentFlight = flightItem.FlightID; } var monitoredFlights = new MonitoredFlights(); { monitoredFlights.FlightId = flightItem.FlightID; monitoredFlights.FlightNumber = flightItem.FlightNumber; monitoredFlights.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(flightItem.DepartureDateTime); monitoredFlights.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(flightItem.ArrivalDateTime); monitoredFlights.DepartureLocation = flightItem.DepartureLocation; monitoredFlights.ArrivalLocation = flightItem.ArrivalLocation; monitoredFlights.Status = 0; var airline = _airlinesRepository.Get(flightItem.AirlineID); monitoredFlights.AirlineDesignator = airline.AirlineDesignator; monitoredFlights.AirlineName = airline.AirlineName; } //Insert monitoredflight in the database _monitoredFlightsRepository.Add(monitoredFlights); // Increase Flight index flightInd++; } //insert all the bags foreach (var bagItem in _listB) { var baggageInfo = new BaggageInfo { BagIATANumber = bagItem.BagIATANumber, ItineraryId = itineraryId, PingerId = bagItem.ConnxysTagID, PassengerEmail = passenger.PassengerEmail, PassengerLastName = passenger.PassengerLastName, PassengerName = passenger.PassengerName }; connxysWcfRestService.UpdateBaggageInfo(baggageInfo); var itineraryPinger = new ItineraryPingers { ItineraryID = itinerary.ItineraryID, ConnxysTagID = bagItem.ConnxysTagID }; _itineraryPingersRepository.Add(itineraryPinger); } _listB = new List <BagTagDesignation>(); var creationDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); _storeProcedureRepository = new StoreProcedureRepository(); _storeProcedureRepository.CreateOutgoingMessage(itinerary.ItineraryID, null, null, null, null, Convert.ToInt64(model.TagId), "Manually", creationDate, false); //Create notification message to sent a message to the passenger abput the itinerary creation var notification = new NotificationMessage { Title = "Itinerary Information", Message = string.Format ("Hello {0}! We’re excited to have you fly with us on flight #: {1} to {2}. We’ll notify you when your bag is checked in, when it’s been loaded aboard your flight, and where you can reclaim it in {3}. Enjoy your flight with us!", passenger.PassengerName, _listF[0].FlightNumber.ToString(), model.ArrivalName, model.ArrivalName), TokenId = passenger.TokenId }; foreach (var fl in _listF) { var airlineDesignator = _airlinesRepository.Get(fl.AirlineID); var callUpdateFlight = new ConnxysWCFRestService(); if (fl.DepartureDateTime == null) { continue; } if (fl.ArrivalDateTime != null) { callUpdateFlight.UpdateSimpleFlight( fl.FlightID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), airlineDesignator.AirlineDesignator, fl.FlightNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fl.DepartureDateTime.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fl.ArrivalDateTime.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } _listF = new List <Flights>(); jsonData = new { status = "Ok", itineraryId = itinerary.ItineraryID }; //Send push notification about itinerary creation to the passenger connxysWcfRestService.SendPushNotification(notification); } else { //throw error the itinerary can not be created _listF = new List <Flights>(); PopulateList(); jsonData = new { status = "Failed", message = "Error: The itinerary was not added." }; return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception e) { //throw error the itinerary can not be created _listF = new List <Flights>(); jsonData = new { status = "Failed", message = "Error: The itinerary was not added." }; return(Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } #endregion }