public void TestConnectionSummaryComparer()
            var summary1 = new ConnectionSummary()
                ServerName   = "localhost",
                DatabaseName = "master",
                UserName     = "******"

            var summary2 = new ConnectionSummary()
                ServerName   = "localhost",
                DatabaseName = "master",
                UserName     = "******"

            var comparer = new ConnectionSummaryComparer();

            Assert.True(comparer.Equals(summary1, summary2));

            summary2.DatabaseName = "tempdb";
            Assert.False(comparer.Equals(summary1, summary2));
            Assert.False(comparer.Equals(null, summary2));

            Assert.False(summary1.GetHashCode() == summary2.GetHashCode());
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the database context of a connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ownerUri">URI of the owner of the connection</param>
        /// <param name="newDatabaseName">Name of the database to change the connection to</param>
        public void ChangeConnectionDatabaseContext(string ownerUri, string newDatabaseName)
            ConnectionInfo info;

            if (TryFindConnection(ownerUri, out info))
                    if (info.SqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                    info.ConnectionDetails.DatabaseName = newDatabaseName;

                    // Fire a connection changed event
                    ConnectionChangedParams parameters = new ConnectionChangedParams();
                    ConnectionSummary       summary    = info.ConnectionDetails;
                    parameters.Connection = summary.Clone();
                    parameters.OwnerUri   = ownerUri;
                    ServiceHost.SendEvent(ConnectionChangedNotification.Type, parameters);
                catch (Exception e)
                            "Exception caught while trying to change database context to [{0}] for OwnerUri [{1}]. Exception:{2}",
        public void TestConnectionSummaryComparerHashCode(bool objectNull, string serverName, string databaseName, string userName)
            // Given a connection summary and comparer object
            ConnectionSummary summary = null;

            if (!objectNull)
                summary = new ConnectionSummary()
                    ServerName   = serverName,
                    DatabaseName = databaseName,
                    UserName     = userName
            ConnectionSummaryComparer comparer = new ConnectionSummaryComparer();

            // If I compute a hash code
            int hashCode = comparer.GetHashCode(summary);

            if (summary == null || (serverName == null && databaseName == null && userName == null))
                // Then I expect it to be 31 for a null summary
                Assert.Equal(31, hashCode);
                // And not 31 otherwise
                Assert.NotEqual(31, hashCode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a reference to an autocomplete cache from a URI. If
        /// it is the last URI connected to a particular connection,
        /// then remove the cache.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RemoveAutoCompleteCacheUriReference(ConnectionSummary summary, string ownerUri)

            // currently this method is disabled, but we need to reimplement now that the
            // implementation of the 'cache' has changed.
            await Task.FromResult(0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a copy of a ConnectionSummary object
 /// </summary>
 public static ConnectionSummary Clone(this ConnectionSummary summary)
     return(new ConnectionSummary()
         ServerName = summary.ServerName,
         DatabaseName = summary.DatabaseName,
         UserName = summary.UserName
        public ServerNode(ConnectionCompleteParams connInfo, IMultiServiceProvider serviceProvider, ServerConnection serverConnection)
            : base()
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(connInfo), connInfo);
            Validate.IsNotNull("connInfo.ConnectionSummary", connInfo.ConnectionSummary);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(serviceProvider), serviceProvider);

            this.connectionSummary = connInfo.ConnectionSummary;
            this.serverInfo        = connInfo.ServerInfo;
            this.sqlServerType     = ServerVersionHelper.CalculateServerType(this.serverInfo);

            this.context          = new Lazy <SmoQueryContext>(() => CreateContext(serviceProvider));
            this.serverConnection = serverConnection;

            NodeValue    = connectionSummary.ServerName;
            IsAlwaysLeaf = false;
            NodeType     = NodeTypes.Server.ToString();
            NodeTypeId   = NodeTypes.Server;
            Label        = GetConnectionLabel();
        public void ServerNodeLabelShouldIgnoreUserNameIfEmptyOrNull()
            // Given no username set
            ConnectionSummary integratedAuthSummary = new ConnectionSummary()
                DatabaseName = defaultConnectionDetails.DatabaseName,
                ServerName   = defaultConnectionDetails.ServerName,
                UserName     = null
            ConnectionCompleteParams connParams = new ConnectionCompleteParams()
                ConnectionSummary = integratedAuthSummary,
                ServerInfo        = defaultServerInfo,
                OwnerUri          = defaultOwnerUri
            // When querying label
            string label = new ServerNode(connParams, ServiceProvider, serverConnection).Label;
            // Then only server name and version shown
            string expectedLabel = defaultConnectionDetails.ServerName + " (SQL Server " + defaultServerInfo.ServerVersion + ")";

            Assert.Equal(expectedLabel, label);