        public void FilterByStatus_OriginalStatusIsUnspecified_ShouldReturnAllStatuses()

            var dataContext = GetDataContext();

            var settings = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportSettings();

            ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder reportBuilder;
            ConnectionStatusChangeReportData    report;

            var attendeeStatusId = GetStatusValueIdOrThrow("Attendee");
            var memberStatusId   = GetStatusValueIdOrThrow("Member");

            // Get an unfiltered report.
            // The unfiltered data should contain at least one record that is a transition from Visitor.
            Assert.That.IsTrue(_BaselineReport.ChangeEvents.Any(x => x.OldConnectionStatusId == attendeeStatusId), "Status expected but not found. [Status=Attendee]");

            // Get a filtered report: Original Status=Attendee, UpdatedStatus=Member.
            reportBuilder = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder(dataContext, settings);

            settings.ToConnectionStatusId = GetStatusValueIdOrThrow("Member");

            report = reportBuilder.CreateReport();

            // The report should include events for new people, represented by a change from (null) --> (some status).
            Assert.That.IsTrue(report.ChangeEvents.Any(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.OldConnectionStatusName)), "Status expected but not found. [OldStatus=(empty)]");
        public void FilterByStatus_OriginalAndUpdatedStatusSpecified_ShouldReturnMatchingStatusesOnly()

            var dataContext = this.GetDataContext();

            var settings = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportSettings();

            ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder reportBuilder;
            ConnectionStatusChangeReportData    report;

            var memberConnectionStatusId   = GetStatusValueIdOrThrow("Member");
            var attendeeConnectionStatusId = GetStatusValueIdOrThrow("Attendee");
            var visitorConnectionStatusId  = GetStatusValueIdOrThrow("Visitor");
            var prospectConnectionStatusId = GetStatusValueIdOrThrow("Prospect");

            // Get an unfiltered report.
            // The unfiltered data should contain Original Status=[Attendee|Prospect].

            Assert.That.IsTrue(_BaselineReport.ChangeEvents.Any(x => x.OldConnectionStatusId == attendeeConnectionStatusId), "Status expected but not found. [Status=Attendee]");
            Assert.That.IsTrue(_BaselineReport.ChangeEvents.Any(x => x.OldConnectionStatusId == prospectConnectionStatusId), "Status expected but not found. [Status=Prospect]");

            // Get a filtered report: Original Status=Attendee, UpdatedStatus=Member.
            // The filtered data should only contain Original Status=Attendee.
            settings.FromConnectionStatusId = attendeeConnectionStatusId;
            settings.ToConnectionStatusId   = memberConnectionStatusId;

            reportBuilder = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder(dataContext, settings);

            report = reportBuilder.CreateReport();

            Assert.That.IsTrue(!report.ChangeEvents.Any(x => x.OldConnectionStatusId != attendeeConnectionStatusId), "Status found but not expected.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the report data.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadReport()
            var settings = GetReportSettingsFromPage();

            // Get an instance of the report builder.
            var dataContext = this.GetDataContext();

            var reportService = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder(dataContext, settings);

            var report = reportService.CreateReport();

            // Create the report data to be presented.
            _report = new ReportDataViewModel();

            _report.EndDate   = report.EndDate;
            _report.StartDate = report.StartDate;

            // Get the set of changes that represent activity during the reporting period.
            _changeEvents = new List <StatusChangeViewModel>();

            var modelsAdded = GetChangeEventViewModels(report.ChangeEvents);


        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a report that contains all of the available test data for comparison results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static void CreateBaselineReport(RockContext dataContext)
            var settings = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportSettings();

            ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder reportBuilder;

            // Get an unfiltered report.
            reportBuilder = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder(dataContext, settings);

            _BaselineReport = reportBuilder.CreateReport();
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a report that contains all of the available test data for comparison results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ConnectionStatusChangeReportData GetBaselineReport()
            if (_BaselineReport == null)
                var dataContext = new RockContext();

                var settings = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportSettings();

                ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder reportBuilder;

                // Get an unfiltered report.
                reportBuilder = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder(dataContext, settings);

                _BaselineReport = reportBuilder.CreateReport();

        public void FilterByCampus_MatchesExist_ShouldReturnPeopleInMatchedCampusOnly()

            var dataContext = GetDataContext();

            // Get an unfiltered report and verify that it contains records for Campus "Main".
            // This establishes the baseline for the test.
            Assert.That.IsTrue(_BaselineReport.ChangeEvents.Any(x => x.CampusId == _MainCampusId), "History events expected but not found. [Campus=(unfiltered)");

            // The standard test data set does not currently have data for people in multiple campuses.
            // As an alternative, create a filtered report for a non-existent Campus and verify that no records are returned.
            var settings = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportSettings();

            settings.CampusId = _InvalidCampusId;

            var reportService = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder(dataContext, settings);

            var reportFiltered = reportService.CreateReport();

            Assert.That.IsFalse(reportFiltered.ChangeEvents.Any(x => x.CampusId == _MainCampusId), "History events found but not expected. [CampusId=999]");
        public void Performance_LargeHistoryDataSet_ShouldNotTimeout()

            int monthsToInclude = 2;

            var periodStart = new DateTime(RockDateTime.Now.Year, RockDateTime.Now.Month, 1);

            // Run a series of monthly reports throughout the year to test performance for various time periods.
            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                var dataContext = GetDataContext();

                periodStart = periodStart.AddMonths(monthsToInclude * -1);

                var nextPeriodEnd = periodStart.AddMonths(monthsToInclude).AddDays(-1);

                var settings = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportSettings();

                settings.ReportPeriod.SetToSpecificDateRange(periodStart, nextPeriodEnd);

                ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder reportBuilder;
                ConnectionStatusChangeReportData    report;

                // Get an unfiltered report.
                // The unfiltered data should contain at least one record that is a transition from Visitor.
                reportBuilder = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder(dataContext, settings);

                var watch = new Stopwatch();


                report = reportBuilder.CreateReport();


                Debug.Print($"Pass {i:00}: Period={report.StartDate:dd-MMM-yy} - {report.EndDate:dd-MMM-yy}, Events={report.ChangeEvents.Count}, Execution Time={watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s");
        public void FilterByCurrentYear_MatchesExist_ShouldReturnChangesInCurrentYearOnly()

            var dataContext = GetDataContext();

            // Get an unfiltered report and verify that it contains records for this year and previous years.
            // This establishes the baseline for the test.
            int currentYear = RockDateTime.Now.Year;

            Assert.That.IsTrue(_BaselineReport.ChangeEvents.Any(x => x.EventDate.Year == currentYear), "History events expected but not found. [EventDate=(current year)");
            Assert.That.IsTrue(_BaselineReport.ChangeEvents.Any(x => x.EventDate.Year == (currentYear - 1)), "History events expected but not found. [EventDate=(previous year)");

            // Create a filtered report for current year only.
            var settings = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportSettings();


            var reportService = new ConnectionStatusChangeReportBuilder(dataContext, settings);

            var reportFiltered = reportService.CreateReport();

            Assert.That.IsFalse(reportFiltered.ChangeEvents.Any(x => x.EventDate.Year != currentYear), "History events found but not expected. [EventDate != (current year)]");