        void GetOtherPart(IStageSeparator separator, ConnectedPartSet cp)
            AttachNode node = null;

            if (separator is ModuleAnchoredDecoupler)
                node = (separator as ModuleAnchoredDecoupler).ExplosiveNode;
            else if (separator is ModuleDecouple)
                node = (separator as ModuleDecouple).ExplosiveNode;
            else if (separator is ModuleDockingNode)
                // if referenceNode.attachedPart is not null, then the port
                // was attached in the editor and may be separated later,
                // otherwise, need to check for the port having been docked.
                // if referenceNode itself is null, then the port cannot be
                // docked in the editor (eg, inline docking port)
                var  port      = separator as ModuleDockingNode;
                Part otherPart = null;
                if (partMap.TryGetValue(port.dockedPartUId, out otherPart))
                    if (port.vesselInfo != null)
                        var vi = port.vesselInfo;
                        cp.Add(otherPart, vi.name);
                node = port.referenceNode;
                if (node == null)
                    //Debug.LogFormat ("[RMResourceManager] docking port null");
            if (node == null)
                // separators detach on both ends (and all surface attachments?)
                // and thus don't keep track of the node(s), so return the parent
                Part p = (separator as PartModule).part;
                if (p.parent != null)
                    cp.Add(p.parent, "separator");
            if (node.attachedPart != null)
                cp.Add(node.attachedPart, "decoupler");
        void GetOtherPart(ModuleGrappleNode grapple, ConnectedPartSet cp)
            // The claw is a very unfriendly part. All the important fields
            // private.
            AttachNode grappleNode = (AttachNode)grappleNodeField.GetValue(grapple);

            if (grappleNode != null && grappleNode.attachedPart != null)
                var vi = grapple.vesselInfo;
                cp.Add(grappleNode.attachedPart, vi.name);
        void GetOtherPart(KASModuleStrut strut, ConnectedPartSet cp)
            Part otherPart = null;

            if (partMap.TryGetValue(strut.dockedPartID, out otherPart))
                if (strut.vesselInfo != null)
                    var vi = strut.vesselInfo;
                    cp.Add(otherPart, vi.name);
 void GetOtherPart(ELLaunchpad pad, ConnectedPartSet cp)
     // no need to worry about something attached via a node as
     // hopefully that part is a decoupler of some sort, otherwise
     // the pad is probably unusable, and surface attached parts
     // don't matter too much, either.
     // if pad.control is ever null, bigger problems are afoot
     if (pad.control.craftRoot != null)
         var vi = pad.control.vesselInfo;
         cp.Add(pad.control.craftRoot, vi.name);
 void GetOtherPart(KASJointCableBase joint, ConnectedPartSet cp)
     if (joint.isLinked)
         var srcVessel = joint.linkSource.part.vessel;
         var dstVessel = joint.linkTarget.part.vessel;
         if (srcVessel == dstVessel &&
             joint.persistedTgtVesselInfo != null)