private void CheckIncomingMessage() { while (client.Socket.Connected) { if (client.BufferList.Count > (client.MsgTerminatorStart.Count + client.BarcodeLengthSize + client.MsgTerminatorStop.Count)) { client.BuildIncomingMessage(); client.MessageReceived(); } else { Thread.Sleep(1000); } } }
private static void Receive(ConnectedObject client) { int bytesRead = 0; while (true) { // Read message from the server try { bytesRead = client.Socket.Receive(client.Buffer, SocketFlags.None); } catch (SocketException) { Console.WriteLine("Server Closed"); client.Close(); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } catch (Exception) { Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); return; } // Check message if (bytesRead > 0) { // Build message as it comes in client.BuildIncomingMessage(bytesRead); // Check if we received the full message if (client.MessageReceived()) { // Print message to the console Console.WriteLine("Message Received"); // Reset message client.ClearIncomingMessage(); } } } }
private static void Receive(ConnectedObject client, LoginScreen parent) { int bytesRead = 0; while (true) { // Read message from the server try { bytesRead = client.Socket.Receive(client.Buffer, SocketFlags.None); } catch (SocketException) { Console.WriteLine("Server Closed"); client.Close(); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } catch (Exception) { Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); return; } // Check message if (bytesRead > 0) { // Build message as it comes in client.BuildIncomingMessage(bytesRead); // Check if we received the full message if (client.MessageReceived()) { // Print message to the console Console.WriteLine("Message Received"); Console.WriteLine(client.getIncommingMessage()); string response = client.getIncommingMessage().Replace("<END>", ""); if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 1) { parent.SetVisible(true); parent.SetText("This Key Got Banned !"); parent.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Red); } else if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 2) { parent.SetVisible(true); parent.SetText("Password Wrong !"); parent.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Red); } else if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 3) { parent.SetVisible(true); parent.SetText("Key Already Online !"); parent.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow); } else if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 4) { parent.SetVisible(true); parent.SetText("Key Binded Click Login Again !"); parent.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Lime); } else if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 5) { parent.SetVisible(true); parent.SetText("Key Deleted Because Expired !"); parent.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Red); } else if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 6) { parent.SetVisible(true); parent.SetText("Your Key Expired !"); parent.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Red); } else if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 7) { parent.SetVisible(true); parent.SetText("You Can't Use On This PC !"); parent.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Red); } else if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 8) { parent.SetVisible(true); parent.SetText("You Have Been Banned !"); parent.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Red); } else if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 9) { string message1 = "VERSION OUTDATED , PLEASE CLICK OK TO UPDATE OR CANCEL TO SHUTDOWN !"; string title1 = "! BYPASS WARNING !"; MessageBoxButtons buttons1 = MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel; DialogResult result1 = MessageBox.Show(message1, title1, buttons1, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (result1 == DialogResult.OK) { updater.DoUpdate(); } else if (result1 == DialogResult.Cancel) { Application.Exit(); } } else if (int.Parse(response.Split(',')[0]) == 10) { parent.SetVisible(false); parent.SafeHide(); using (RegistryKey Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Techcom", true)) if (Key != null) { string val = (string)Key.GetValue("Name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) { Key.SetValue("Name", "" + response.Split(',')[1] + ""); Key.Close(); } else { Key.SetValue("Name", "" + response.Split(',')[1] + ""); Key.Close(); } } else { RegistryKey key; key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Techcom"); key.SetValue("Name", "" + response.Split(',')[1] + ""); key.Close(); } BypassScreen bypassdialog = new BypassScreen(); TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(DateTime.ParseExact(response.Split(',')[2], "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Ticks); DateTime nistTime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan timeSpan1 = new TimeSpan(nistTime.Ticks); int totalDays = (int)(timeSpan.TotalDays - timeSpan1.TotalDays); int totalHours = (int)(timeSpan.TotalHours - timeSpan1.TotalHours); int totalMinutes = (int)(timeSpan.TotalMinutes - timeSpan1.TotalMinutes); string str1 = ""; string str2 = ""; if (totalDays > 0) { str1 = string.Concat("Expire By Days : ", totalDays, " Days"); str2 = string.Concat("", totalDays, " Days"); } else if (totalHours > 0) { str1 = string.Concat("Expire By Hours: ", totalHours, " Hours"); str2 = string.Concat("", totalHours, " Hours"); } else if (totalMinutes > 0) { str1 = string.Concat("Expire By Minutes : ", totalMinutes, " Minutes"); str2 = string.Concat("", totalMinutes, " Minutes"); } bypassdialog.Show(); Control[] ctrls = bypassdialog.Controls.Find("username", false); if (ctrls.Length > 0) { Label lbl = (Label)ctrls[0]; lbl.Text += response.Split(',')[1]; } Control[] ctrls2 = bypassdialog.Controls.Find("keyindays", false); if (ctrls2.Length > 0) { Label lbl = (Label)ctrls2[0]; lbl.Text = str1; } Control[] ctrls3 = bypassdialog.Controls.Find("keyindate", false); if (ctrls3.Length > 0) { Label lbl = (Label)ctrls3[0]; lbl.Text = "Expire By Date : " + response.Split(',')[2] + ""; } bypassdialog.Text += str2; parent.SafeHide(); } // Reset message client.ClearIncomingMessage(); } } } }