public override void Display() { Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition (Console.WindowWidth / 2, Console.WindowHeight / 2); string[] credits = { "Creator of the project: Raul Gogna", "Version: 2.0", "Data ot creation: 14/05/2018", "Data of finalization: 01/06/2018", "Project Boss: Nacho Cabanes" }; while (!finished) { for (int i = credits.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { config.WriteFore(20, (startY), credits[i], "green", true); Thread.Sleep(1000); if (startY < endY) { finished = true; } startY -= 2; Console.Clear(); if (startY < endY) { finished = true; } } } }
public void DisplayActualNote(NotesList notes, int option) { string line = new string('-', Console.WindowWidth); string helpLine1 = "1 - Add 2 - Modify 3 - Delete 4 - Category"; string helpLine2 = "<-- --> - Change Note Esc-Exit"; if (notes.Count == 0) { SetConsoleEmpty(); Console.WriteLine("Not dates"); Console.Write("Do you want add first record(yes/no): "); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer == "yes") { Add(); } else if (answer == "no") { Console.WriteLine("Okey. See you!"); Console.WriteLine("Pres ESC to return."); } } else { SetConsole(notes); config.WriteBack(0, 2, "Completed items: ", false); int x = 0, y = 4; for (int i = 0; i < notesList.Count; i++) { if (notesList.Notes[i].Title == notesList.Notes[noteActual].Title && notesList.Notes[i].Category == notesList.Notes[noteActual].Category && notesList.Notes[i].Done == true) { Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y); Console.WriteLine((i + 1) + "." + notesList.Notes[i].Description); y++; } } config.WriteBack("blue"); config.WriteFore("white"); config.WriteBack(0, (Console.WindowHeight - 3), line, false); config.WriteBack(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - (helpLine1.Length / 2), Console.WindowHeight - 2, helpLine1, false); config.WriteBack(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - (helpLine2.Length / 2), Console.WindowHeight - 1, helpLine2, false); } }
private void Add() { Console.Clear(); config.WriteFore("Name: ", "white", false); string name = Console.ReadLine(); config.WriteFore("Email: ", "white", false); string email = Console.ReadLine(); config.WriteFore("Age: ", "white", false); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); int age = 0; if (answer != "") { age = Convert.ToInt32(answer); } config.WriteFore("Telephone: ", "white", false); string telephone = Console.ReadLine(); config.WriteFore("Address: ", "white", false); string adress = Console.ReadLine(); config.WriteFore("Country: ", "white", false); string country = Console.ReadLine(); config.WriteFore("Observations: ", "white", false); string observations = Console.ReadLine(); listContact.Add(new Contact( name, email, age, telephone, adress, country, observations)); listContact.Save(); }
public void Add() { if (!GetLanguage) options = camps; else options = campos; Console.Clear(); contCamps = 0; config.WriteFore(options[contCamps], "white", false); string description = Console.ReadLine(); contCamps++; config.WriteFore(options[contCamps], "white", false); string dateStart = Console.ReadLine(); contCamps++; config.WriteFore(options[contCamps], "white", false); string dateDue = Console.ReadLine(); contCamps++; config.WriteFore(options[contCamps], "white", false); string category = Console.ReadLine(); contCamps++; config.WriteFore(options[contCamps], "white", false); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); int priority = 0; if (answer != "") priority = Convert.ToInt32(answer); contCamps++; config.WriteFore(options[contCamps], "white", false); answer = Console.ReadLine(); bool confidential = false; if (answer == "yes") confidential = true; else if (answer == "no") confidential = false; contCamps = 0; tasks.Add(new Task( description, dateStart, dateDue, category, priority, confidential)); tasks.Save(); }
private void PrintMenu() { Console.ResetColor(); SetConsole(); string line = new string('-', Console.WindowWidth); string lineaAyuda1 = "Esc-Salir V-Visualizacion S-Buscar " + "Enter-Abrir dia"; string helpLine1 = "Esc-Exit V-Visualization S-Search " + "Enter-Open Day"; config.WriteBack("black"); config.WriteFore("white"); config.WriteBack(0, (Console.WindowHeight - 4), line, false); if (!GetLanguage) { config.WriteBack(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - (helpLine1.Length / 2), Console.WindowHeight - 3, helpLine1, "black", true); } else { config.WriteBack(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - (helpLine1.Length / 2), Console.WindowHeight - 3, lineaAyuda1, "black", true); } /*config.WriteBack(Console.WindowWidth / 2 - * (helpLine2.Length / 2), Console.WindowHeight - 2, helpLine2, true);*/ }