public YamlStack() { var files = new ConfigGroup("files", new ConfigGroupArgs { Files = new[] { "app-*.yaml" } }); }
private ToolStripMenuItem BuildMenu(ConfigGroup conGroup) { ToolStripMenuItem tsm = new ToolStripMenuItem(conGroup.Name); if (conGroup.Contains("Path") > -1) { tsm = BuildMenuFromPathData(com.toSystemPath(conGroup.Item("Path").Setting)); } if (conGroup.Contains("cmd") > -1) { tsm.Tag = conGroup.Item("cmd").Setting; tsm.Click += launch; } if (conGroup.Contains("IconResource") > -1) { if (conGroup.Item("IconResource").Setting.Contains(",")) { tsm.Image = elvDesktop.addImage(com.toSystemPath(conGroup.Item("IconResource").Setting), ""); } else { tsm.Image = com.prepareImage(com.toSystemPath(conGroup.Item("IconResource").Setting)); } } tsm.ImageScaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.None; tsm.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; tsm.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; tsm.Alignment = ToolStripItemAlignment.Left; tsm.Padding = new Padding(0); //Debug.WriteLine(tsm. ); return(tsm); }
public static string GetCodeMap(string codeGroup, string codeName) { if (codeGroup == null || codeName == null) { return(codeName); } ConfigGroup group = GetConfigByGroup(codeGroup); if (group == null) { return(codeName); } var infos = group.Item; if (infos == null || infos.Count == 0) { return(codeName); } ConfigInfo find; if (infos.TryGetValue(codeName, out find)) { return(find.CodeValue); } return(codeName); }
public static bool TryGetValue(string codeGroup, string codeName, out string codeValue) { codeValue = null; if (codeGroup == null || codeName == null) { return(false); } ConfigGroup group = GetConfigByGroup(codeGroup); if (group == null) { return(false); } var infos = group.Item; if (infos == null || infos.Count == 0) { return(false); } ConfigInfo find; if (infos.TryGetValue(codeName, out find)) { codeValue = find.CodeValue; return(true); } return(false); }
private void InitBaseChannels() { try { if (ParentItem == null) { return; } ConfigGroup configGroup = ParentItem.Data as ConfigGroup; if (configGroup == null) { return; } ConfigObject parentObject = configGroup.ConfigObject; if (parentObject == null || parentObject.ObjectType != S1110Consts.RESOURCE_SCREENSERVER) { return; } mListBaseChannels.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < parentObject.ListChildObjects.Count; i++) { ConfigObject configObject = parentObject.ListChildObjects[i]; if (configObject.ObjectType == S1110Consts.RESOURCE_SCREENCHANNEL) { mListBaseChannels.Add(configObject); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowException(ex.Message); } }
protected ConfigBase Instantiate(ConfigBaseMetadata metadata, PluginRuntime pluginRuntime) { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Debug("ConfigurationNode: Loading configuration item '{0}'", metadata.Location); ConfigBase result; if (metadata.GetType() == typeof(ConfigGroupMetadata)) { result = new ConfigGroup(); } else if (metadata.GetType() == typeof(ConfigSectionMetadata)) { result = new ConfigSection(); } else if (metadata.GetType() == typeof(ConfigSettingMetadata)) { ConfigSettingMetadata csm = (ConfigSettingMetadata)metadata; try { ConfigSetting cs = (ConfigSetting)pluginRuntime.InstantiatePluginObject(csm.ClassName); if (cs == null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Configuration class '{0}' not found", csm.ClassName)); } cs.Load(); if (csm.ListenTo != null) { foreach (string listenToLocation in csm.ListenTo) { IConfigurationNode node; if (FindNode(listenToLocation, out node)) { if (node.ConfigObj is ConfigSetting) { cs.ListenTo((ConfigSetting)node.ConfigObj); } else { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ConfigurationNode '{0}': Trying to listen to setting, but location '{1}' references a {2}", Location, listenToLocation, node.ConfigObj.GetType().Name); } } } } result = cs; } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Error("Error loading configuration class '{0}'", ex, csm.ClassName); return(null); } } else { throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unknown child class '{0}' of '{1}'", metadata.GetType().FullName, typeof(ConfigBaseMetadata).FullName)); } result.SetMetadata(metadata); return(result); }
public static ConfigGroup LoadGroup(XmlElement xmlElement) { var configGroup = new ConfigGroup(); configGroup.Title = GetAttribute(xmlElement, "title", null); configGroup.Enabled = GetAttribute(xmlElement, "enabled", null); configGroup.Members = LoadMembers(xmlElement); return(configGroup); }
public static bool ComputeGroupsMapUpdate(IDictionary <string, ConfigGroup> original, IDictionary <string, ConfigGroup> updated, Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup> readSet, Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup> writeSet, Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup> sameSet) { bool updatedMembers = false; foreach (string groupName in original.Keys) { ConfigGroup originalGroup = original[groupName]; if (!updated.ContainsKey(groupName) || null == updated[groupName]) { updatedMembers = true; //missing from updated ie deleted. } else { ConfigGroup updatedGroup = updated[groupName]; ConfigGroup readSetB = new ConfigGroup(); ConfigGroup writeSetB = new ConfigGroup(); if (!ComputeGroupUpdate(originalGroup, updatedGroup, readSetB, writeSetB)) { sameSet[groupName] = readSetB; } else { readSet[groupName] = readSetB; writeSet[groupName] = writeSetB; } } } foreach (string groupName in updated.Keys) { ConfigGroup updatedConfigGroup = updated[groupName]; if (!original.ContainsKey(groupName) || null == original[groupName]) { updatedMembers = true; // final Configtx.ConfigGroup originalConfigGroup = original.get(groupName); ConfigGroup readSetB = new ConfigGroup(); ConfigGroup writeSetB = new ConfigGroup(); ComputeGroupUpdate(new ConfigGroup(), updatedConfigGroup, readSetB, writeSetB); ConfigGroup cfg = new ConfigGroup { Version = 0, ModPolicy = updatedConfigGroup.ModPolicy }; cfg.Policies.Add(writeSetB.Policies); cfg.Values.Add(writeSetB.Values); cfg.Groups.Add(writeSetB.Groups); writeSet[groupName] = cfg; } } return(updatedMembers); }
private bool InitConfigData() { bool retValue = false; string msg = string.Empty; retValue = dbHelperOra.TestConnection(ref msg); Console.WriteLine("测试数据库连接状态返回的结果:{0} 错误信息:{1}", retValue ? "成功" : "失败", msg); retValue = false; try { string SectionGroupName = "LuoBei"; configService = new ConfigService(); xmlService = new XmlService(); lesseeId = configService.getValue(SectionGroupName, "lesseeId"); string sqlCount = configService.getValue(SectionGroupName, "excuteSqlCount"); int.TryParse(sqlCount, out excuteSqlCount); string frequency = configService.getValue(SectionGroupName, "collectFrequency"); MailReceiver = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailReceiver"].ToString(); string configUserName = configService.getValue(SectionGroupName, "UserName"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configUserName)) { UserName = SectionGroupName + UserName; } else { UserName = configUserName; } if (frequency != "") { int.TryParse(frequency, out nFrequency); } ConnnectionUrl = configService.getValue(SectionGroupName, "ConnnectionUrl"); ConnnectionGroups = configService.getValue(SectionGroupName, "ConnnectionGroups"); isDebug = configService.getValue(SectionGroupName, "WriteToDB").ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? false : true; configGroup = configService.getConfigGroup(SectionGroupName); xmlNodes = configGroup.xmlNode.Split(new String[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string xmlNode in xmlNodes) { List <ConfiguredTagData> tags = xmlService.getXmlTagConfig(configGroup.config, xmlNode); foreach (var item in tags) { tagList.Add(item); } } retValue = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal("执行InitConfigData方法出错!" + ex.ToString()); } return(retValue); }
private void WpfConfigurator_OnSaveRequested(ConfigGroup configGroup) { try { ConfigManager.Save(configGroup); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void OpenSettings() { try { if (!Directory.Exists(this.SettingsPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(this.SettingsPath); } ConfigGroup settings = ConfigGroup.Create("Settings"); if (File.Exists(this.SettingsFilePath)) { settings = ConfigGroup.Load(this.SettingsFilePath, ConfigFormat.Xml); } Screen screen = Screen.FromHandle(this.Handle); ConfigGroup main = settings.SetGroup("Main"); this.Width = main.ReadInt32("Width", this.Width); this.Height = main.ReadInt32("Height", this.Height); this.Left = main.ReadInt32("Left", screen.WorkingArea.Width / 2 - this.Width / 2); this.Top = main.ReadInt32("Top", screen.WorkingArea.Height / 2 - this.Height / 2); ConfigGroup last = settings.SetGroup("Last"); m_lastTileSize = last.ReadInt32("TileSize", 32); m_lastTileSetWidth = last.ReadInt32("TileSetWidth", 10); m_lastTileSetHeight = last.ReadInt32("TileSetHeight", 10); m_lastPath = last.ReadString("Path", null); m_lastDrawTileSize = last.ReadInt32("DrawTileSize", 32); m_presets = new List <TilesetProperties>(); ConfigGroup presets = settings.SetGroup("Presets"); foreach (ConfigGroup preset in presets.Groups) { TilesetProperties tp = new TilesetProperties(); tp.Width = preset.ReadInt32("Width", 10); tp.Height = preset.ReadInt32("Height", 10); tp.TileSize = preset.ReadInt32("TileSize", 32); m_presets.Add(tp); } this.splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = main.ReadInt32("Splitter", splitContainer1.SplitterDistance); ConfigGroup misc = settings.SetGroup("Misc"); tbbTargetRaster.Checked = misc.ReadBool("Raster", true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Die Einstellungen konnten nicht geöffnet werden.\n" + ex.Message, "Fehler", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public IConfigGroup Add(string groupName) { if (__configGroups.Any(x => x.GroupName.Equals(groupName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { return(__configGroups.Find(x => x.GroupName.Equals(groupName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); } var group = new ConfigGroup(groupName, this); __configGroups.Add(group); Save(); return(group); }
private void WpfConfigurator_OnSaveRequested(ConfigGroup configGroup) { try { Result = ConfiguratorWindowResult.Save; ConfigManager.Save(configGroup); Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
// not an api public static bool ComputeUpdate(string channelId, Protos.Common.Config original, Protos.Common.Config update, ConfigUpdate cupd) { ConfigGroup readSet = new ConfigGroup(); ConfigGroup writeSet = new ConfigGroup(); if (ComputeGroupUpdate(original.ChannelGroup, update.ChannelGroup, readSet, writeSet)) { cupd.ReadSet = readSet; cupd.WriteSet = writeSet; cupd.ChannelId = channelId; return(true); } return(false); }
private void RaiseSaveRequested(ConfigGroup configGroup) { try { if (SaveRequested != null && configGroup != null) { SaveRequested(configGroup); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Save(ConfigGroup configGroup) { try { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(configGroup, Formatting.Indented, new SecureStringSerializer()); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(WorkingDirectory, configGroup.DisplayName + ".config"), json); // Mark as initialized after saving configGroup.IsInitialized = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
internal static void AddItem(this ConfigGroup group, Config item) { string key = item.CODE_NAME; if (key == null) { return; } ConfigInfo info; if (group.Item.TryGetValue(key, out info) == false) { info = CreateHelper.CreateConfigInfo(item); group.Item.Add(key, info); } }
internal static ConfigGroup SafeGetConfigGorup(string name) { string key = name ?? ""; ConfigGroup group; if (Data.TryGetValue(key, out group) == false) { group = new ConfigGroup(); group.CodeGroup = key; group.Item = new Dictionary <string, ConfigInfo>(); Data.Add(key, group); } return(group); }
private void SaveSettings() { try { if (!Directory.Exists(this.SettingsPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(this.SettingsPath); } ConfigGroup settings = ConfigGroup.Create("Settings"); ConfigGroup main = settings.SetGroup("Main"); main.Write("Left", this.Left); main.Write("Top", this.Top); main.Write("Width", this.Width); main.Write("Height", this.Height); main.Write("Splitter", this.splitContainer1.SplitterDistance); ConfigGroup last = settings.SetGroup("Last"); last.Write("TileSize", m_lastTileSize); last.Write("TileSetWidth", m_lastTileSetWidth); last.Write("TileSetHeight", m_lastTileSetHeight); last.Write("Path", m_lastPath ?? string.Empty); last.Write("DrawTileSize", m_lastDrawTileSize); ConfigGroup presets = settings.SetGroup("Presets"); for (int i = 0; i < m_presets.Count; i++) { ConfigGroup preset = presets.SetGroup("Preset" + (1 + i)); preset.Write("Width", m_presets[i].Width); preset.Write("Height", m_presets[i].Height); preset.Write("TileSize", m_presets[i].TileSize); } ConfigGroup misc = settings.SetGroup("Misc"); misc.Write("Raster", tbbTargetRaster.Checked); settings.Save(this.SettingsFilePath, ConfigFormat.Xml); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Die Einstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden.\n" + ex.Message, "Fehler", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
void ButnNext_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!CheckInputNumber()) { return; } //新建机器 List <ObjectItem> tempObjItem = WizardHelper.ListAllObjectItem.Where(p => p.Type == 1).ToList(); int ReadyMachineNumber = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 210).ToList().Count(); int j = 0; for (; j < tempObjItem.Count; j++) { ConfigGroup tempCG = tempObjItem[j].Data as ConfigGroup; if (tempCG.GroupID == 1 && tempCG.ChildType == 210) { int MinValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue01; int MaxValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue02; if ((ReadyMachineNumber + TotalMachineNumber) > MaxValue || (ReadyMachineNumber + TotalMachineNumber) < MinValue) { CurrentApp.ShowInfoMessage(CurrentApp.GetLanguageInfo("1110N008", "超过个数,不能增加")); return; } for (int i = 0; i < TotalMachineNumber; i++) { //ListConfigObject.Add(WizardHelper.CreateNewConfigObject(tempCG.ConfigObject, 210)); ListConfigObject.Add(tempCG.ConfigObject); } break; } } //进入下一个配置界面 UCWizardMachineConfig ucwizard = new UCWizardMachineConfig(); ucwizard.CurrentApp = CurrentApp; ucwizard.MainPage = MainPage; ucwizard.PrePage = this; ucwizard.TotalMachineNumber = TotalMachineNumber; ucwizard.mListSaveConfigObject = ListConfigObject; ucwizard.WizardHelper = this.WizardHelper; //ucwizard.ListConfigObjects = ListConfigObjects; MainPage.PopupPanel.Title = "Config Wizard"; MainPage.PopupPanel.Content = ucwizard; MainPage.PopupPanel.IsOpen = true; }
Program() { Instance = this; Config = new ConfigGroup(); Paths = new WindarPaths(Application.StartupPath); Daemon = new DaemonController(Paths); ScanQueue = new Queue<string>(); MainForm = new MainForm(); Tray = new Tray(); PluginHost = new PluginHost(Paths); WaitingDialog = new WaitingDialog(); // Register command event handlers. Daemon.ScanCompleted += ScanCompleted; Daemon.PlaydarStopped += PlaydarStopped; Daemon.PlaydarStarted += PlaydarStarted; Daemon.PlaydarStartFailed += PlaydarStartFailed; }
private void Init()//在保存前生成243 { //生成243的ConfigObject对象,之前要检查是否已经建立了这个类型的CTI对象 List <ConfigObject> TempReadyCTI = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 243).ToList(); var PageValue = this.ComCTIType.SelectedItem; bool IsFind = false; if (PageValue != null) { string pValue = (PageValue as PropertyValueEnumItem).Value; for (int i = 0; i < TempReadyCTI.Count; i++) { string properValueofList = TempReadyCTI[i].ListProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PropertyID == 11).Value; if (properValueofList == pValue) { IsFind = true; CTIConfigObject = TempReadyCTI[i]; break; } } } List <ObjectItem> tempObjItem = WizardHelper.ListAllObjectItem.Where(p => p.Type == 1).ToList(); //int ReadyNumber = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 243).ToList().Count(); int j = 0; ConfigGroup tempCG = new ConfigGroup(); for (; j < tempObjItem.Count; j++) { tempCG = tempObjItem[j].Data as ConfigGroup; if (tempCG.GroupID == 51 && tempCG.ChildType == 243 && tempCG.TypeID == 0) { CTIObjItem = tempObjItem[j]; //int MinValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue01; int MaxValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue02; //if ((ReadyNumber + 1) > MaxValue || (ReadyNumber + 1) < MinValue) //{ return; } //CTIConfigObject = WizardHelper.CreateNewConfigObject(tempCG.ConfigObject, 243); break; } } if (!IsFind) { CTIConfigObject = WizardHelper.CreateNewConfigObject(tempCG.ConfigObject, 243); } }
private void Init() { try { if (ParentItem == null) { return; } ConfigGroup parentGroup = ParentItem.Data as ConfigGroup; if (parentGroup == null) { return; } ConfigObject parentObject = parentGroup.ConfigObject; mParentObject = parentObject; } catch (Exception ex) { ShowException(ex.Message); } }
protected ConfigBase Instantiate(ConfigBaseMetadata metadata, PluginRuntime pluginRuntime) { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Debug("ConfigurationNode: Loading configuration item '{0}'", metadata.Location); ConfigBase result; if (metadata.GetType() == typeof(ConfigGroupMetadata)) { result = new ConfigGroup(); } else if (metadata.GetType() == typeof(ConfigSectionMetadata)) { result = new ConfigSection(); } else if (metadata.GetType() == typeof(ConfigSettingMetadata)) { ConfigSettingMetadata csm = (ConfigSettingMetadata)metadata; try { ConfigSetting cs = (ConfigSetting)pluginRuntime.InstantiatePluginObject(csm.ClassName); if (cs == null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Configuration class '{0}' not found", csm.ClassName)); } cs.Load(); result = cs; } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Error("Error loading configuration class '{0}'", ex, csm.ClassName); return(null); } } else { throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unknown child class '{0}' of '{1}'", metadata.GetType().FullName, typeof(ConfigBaseMetadata).FullName)); } result.SetMetadata(metadata); return(result); }
private void InitControlObject() { ListConcurrencies = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 224 && p.ParentID == RecordConfigObj.ObjectID).ToList(); //if (RecordAgreementNumber == 1) //{ // RecordAgreementNumber = ListAgreements.Count(); //} int ListCount = ListConcurrencies.Count; List<BasicInfoData> TempBasicInfo = WizardHelper.ListAllBasicInfos.Where(p => p.InfoID == 111000150).ToList(); foreach (BasicInfoData info in TempBasicInfo) { PropertyValueEnumItem propertyValueItem = new PropertyValueEnumItem(); propertyValueItem.IsCheckedChanged += EnumItem_IsCheckedChanged; propertyValueItem.Value = info.Value; propertyValueItem.Display = CurrentApp.GetLanguageInfo(string.Format("BID{0}{1}", info.InfoID, info.SortID.ToString("000")), info.Icon); propertyValueItem.Info = info; ListConcurrencyItems.Add(propertyValueItem); } this.TexLicenseNumber.Text = "0"; if (ListCount >= RecordConcurrencyNumber) { //加载显示已有项 CurrentConfigObj = ListConcurrencies[RecordConcurrencyNumber - 1]; ResourceProperty NetworkName = CurrentConfigObj.ListProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PropertyID == 12); if (NetworkName != null) { this.TexLicenseNumber.Text = NetworkName.Value; } ResourceProperty mPropertyValue = CurrentConfigObj.ListProperties.Find(p => p.PropertyID == 11); if (mPropertyValue != null) { int value = 0; if (int.TryParse(mPropertyValue.Value, out value)) { for (int i = 0; i < ListConcurrencyItems.Count; i++) { if (ListConcurrencyItems[i].Value == value.ToString()) { this.CombNumber.SelectedIndex = i; } } } } } else { List<ObjectItem> tempObjItem = WizardHelper.ListAllObjectItem.Where(p => p.Type == 1).ToList(); int ReadyNumber = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 224 && p.ParentID == RecordConfigObj.ObjectID).ToList().Count(); for (int i = 0; i < tempObjItem.Count; i++) { ConfigGroup tempCG = tempObjItem[i].Data as ConfigGroup; if (tempCG.GroupID == 28 && tempCG.ChildType == 224 && tempCG.ConfigObject == RecordConfigObj) { int MinValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue01; int MaxValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue02; if ((ReadyNumber + 1) > MaxValue || (ReadyNumber + 1) < MinValue) { return; } //WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Add(WizardHelper.CreateNewConfigObject(tempCG.ConfigObject, 222)); CurrentConfigObj = WizardHelper.CreateNewConfigObject(tempCG.ConfigObject, 224); CurrentConfigObj.CurrentApp = CurrentApp; CurrentConfigObj.ListProperties.Find(p => p.PropertyID == 3).Value = RecordConfigObj.ObjectID.ToString(); ParentObjectItem = tempObjItem[i]; break; } } } }
private void InitControlObject() { //加载下载方式下拉项 List <BasicInfoData> TempBasicInfo = WizardHelper.ListAllBasicInfos.Where(p => p.InfoID == 111000115).ToList(); mListDownWayItems.Clear(); foreach (BasicInfoData info in TempBasicInfo) { PropertyValueEnumItem propertyValueItem = new PropertyValueEnumItem(); propertyValueItem.Value = info.Value; propertyValueItem.Display = CurrentApp.GetLanguageInfo(string.Format("BID{0}{1}", info.InfoID, info.SortID.ToString("000")), info.Icon); propertyValueItem.Info = info; mListDownWayItems.Add(propertyValueItem); } //加载录音服务器下拉项 List <ConfigObject> TempConfigObj = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 221).ToList(); mListVoiceServiceItems.Clear(); foreach (ConfigObject Obj in TempConfigObj) { PropertyValueEnumItem propertyValue = new PropertyValueEnumItem(); propertyValue.Value = Obj.ObjectID.ToString(); propertyValue.Display = Obj.ToString(); propertyValue.Info = Obj; mListVoiceServiceItems.Add(propertyValue); } //生成291的ConfigObject对象 if (DownLoadNumber > mListDownConfigObjs.Count) { //加载默认值 this.IPTextBox.SetIP(""); this.TexPort.Text = ""; this.TexCatalog.Text = ""; this.TexLoginName.Text = ""; this.PasswLogin.Password = ""; List <ObjectItem> tempObjItem = WizardHelper.ListAllObjectItem.Where(p => p.Type == 1).ToList(); int j = 0; for (; j < tempObjItem.Count; j++) { ConfigGroup tempCG = tempObjItem[j].Data as ConfigGroup; if (tempCG.GroupID == 9 && tempCG.ChildType == 291) { DownloadObjectItem = tempObjItem[j]; CurrentConfigObject = WizardHelper.CreateNewConfigObject(tempCG.ConfigObject, 291); mListDownConfigObjs.Add(CurrentConfigObject); break; } } } else { CurrentConfigObject = mListDownConfigObjs[DownLoadNumber - 1]; } for (int i = 0; i < CurrentConfigObject.ListProperties.Count; i++) { int propertyID = CurrentConfigObject.ListProperties[i].PropertyID; string propertyValue = CurrentConfigObject.ListProperties[i].Value; if (propertyValue == null || propertyValue == string.Empty) { continue; } switch (propertyID) { case 11: for (int k = 0; k < mListDownWayItems.Count; k++) { if (mListDownWayItems[k].Value == propertyValue) { this.CombDownWay.SelectedItem = mListDownWayItems[k]; break; } } break; case 12: for (int k = 0; k < mListVoiceServiceItems.Count; k++) { if (mListVoiceServiceItems[k].Value == propertyValue) { this.CombVoice.SelectedItem = mListVoiceServiceItems[k]; break; } } break; case 13: this.IPTextBox.SetIP(propertyValue); break; case 14: this.TexPort.Text = propertyValue; break; case 15: this.TexCatalog.Text = propertyValue; break; case 911: this.TexLoginName.Text = propertyValue; break; case 912: this.PasswLogin.Password = propertyValue; break; } } }
public void AddConfigGroup(ConfigGroup group) { Db.ConfigGroup.AddObject(group); }
private void Init() { try { LvResourceObjects.ItemsSource = mListConfigObjects; mViewID = string.Format("1110010"); if (ObjectItem == null) { return; } ConfigGroup configGroup = ObjectItem.Data as ConfigGroup; if (configGroup == null) { return; } if (configGroup.GroupType != ResourceGroupType.ChildList) { return; } mParentObject = configGroup.ConfigObject; mObjectType = configGroup.ChildType; if (mObjectType > 0) { switch (mObjectType) { case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_MACHINE: mViewID = string.Format("1110210"); break; case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_LICENSESERVER: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_DATATRANSFERSERVER: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_CTIHUBSERVER: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_DBBRIDGE: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_ALARMMONITOR: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_ALARMSERVER: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_SFTP: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_VOICESERVER: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_SCREENSERVER: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_ISASERVER: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_CMSERVER: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_KEYGENERATOR: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_FILEOPERATOR: case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_SPEECHANALYSISPARAM: mViewID = string.Format("1110011"); break; case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_STORAGEDEVICE: mViewID = string.Format("1110214"); break; case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_PBXDEVICE: mViewID = string.Format("1110220"); break; case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_CHANNEL: mViewID = string.Format("1110225"); break; case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_SCREENCHANNEL: mViewID = string.Format("1110012"); break; case S1110Consts.RESOURCE_DOWNLOADPARAM: mViewID = string.Format("1110291"); break; } } BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += (s, de) => { LoadViewColumnItems(); }; worker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, re) => { worker.Dispose(); InitResourceObjects(); CreateColumnsItems(); }; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowException(ex.Message); } }
private static bool ComputeGroupUpdate(ConfigGroup original, ConfigGroup updated, ConfigGroup readSet, ConfigGroup writeSet) { Dictionary <string, ConfigPolicy> readSetPolicies = new Dictionary <string, ConfigPolicy>(); Dictionary <string, ConfigPolicy> writeSetPolicies = new Dictionary <string, ConfigPolicy>(); Dictionary <string, ConfigPolicy> sameSetPolicies = new Dictionary <string, ConfigPolicy>(); bool policiesMembersUpdated = ComputePoliciesMapUpdate(original.Policies, updated.Policies, writeSetPolicies, sameSetPolicies); Dictionary <string, ConfigValue> readSetValues = new Dictionary <string, ConfigValue>(); Dictionary <string, ConfigValue> writeSetValues = new Dictionary <string, ConfigValue>(); Dictionary <string, ConfigValue> sameSetValues = new Dictionary <string, ConfigValue>(); bool valuesMembersUpdated = ComputeValuesMapUpdate(original.Values, updated.Values, writeSetValues, sameSetValues); Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup> readSetGroups = new Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup>(); Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup> writeSetGroups = new Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup>(); Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup> sameSetGroups = new Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup>(); bool groupsMembersUpdated = ComputeGroupsMapUpdate(original.Groups, updated.Groups, readSetGroups, writeSetGroups, sameSetGroups); if (!policiesMembersUpdated && !valuesMembersUpdated && !groupsMembersUpdated && original.ModPolicy.Equals(updated.ModPolicy)) { // nothing changed. if (writeSetValues.Count == 0 && writeSetPolicies.Count == 0 && writeSetGroups.Count == 0 && readSetGroups.Count == 0) { readSet.Version = original.Version; writeSet.Version = original.Version; return(false); } readSet.Version = original.Version; readSet.Groups.Add(readSetGroups); writeSet.Version = original.Version; writeSet.Policies.Add(writeSetPolicies); writeSet.Values.Add(writeSetValues); writeSet.Groups.Add(writeSetGroups); return(true); } foreach (string name in sameSetPolicies.Keys) { readSetPolicies[name] = sameSetPolicies[name]; writeSetPolicies[name] = sameSetPolicies[name]; } foreach (string name in sameSetValues.Keys) { readSetValues[name] = sameSetValues[name]; writeSetValues[name] = sameSetValues[name]; } foreach (string name in sameSetGroups.Keys) { readSetGroups[name] = sameSetGroups[name]; writeSetGroups[name] = sameSetGroups[name]; } readSet.Version = original.Version; readSet.Policies.Add(readSetPolicies); readSet.Values.Add(readSetValues); readSet.Groups.Add(readSetGroups); writeSet.Version = original.Version + 1; writeSet.Policies.Add(writeSetPolicies); writeSet.Values.Add(writeSetValues); writeSet.ModPolicy = updated.ModPolicy; writeSet.Groups.Add(writeSetGroups); return(true); }
private void InitControlObject() { ListRecordNetwork = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 222 && p.ParentID == RecordConfigObj.ObjectID).ToList(); int ListCount = ListRecordNetwork.Count; List <BasicInfoData> TempBasicInfo = WizardHelper.ListAllBasicInfos.Where(p => p.InfoID == 111000200).ToList(); foreach (BasicInfoData info in TempBasicInfo) { PropertyValueEnumItem propertyValueItem = new PropertyValueEnumItem(); propertyValueItem.IsCheckedChanged += EnumItem_IsCheckedChanged; propertyValueItem.Value = info.Value; propertyValueItem.Display = CurrentApp.GetLanguageInfo(string.Format("BID{0}{1}", info.InfoID, info.SortID.ToString("000")), info.Icon); propertyValueItem.Info = info; ListCaptureItems.Add(propertyValueItem); } if (ListCount >= RecordNetWorkNumber) { //加载显示已有项 NetworkConfigObj = ListRecordNetwork[RecordNetWorkNumber - 1]; ResourceProperty NetworkName = NetworkConfigObj.ListProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PropertyID == 12); if (NetworkName != null) { this.CombNetworkName.Text = NetworkName.Value; } ResourceProperty mPropertyValue = NetworkConfigObj.ListProperties.Find(p => p.PropertyID == 11); if (mPropertyValue != null) { int value = 0; if (int.TryParse(mPropertyValue.Value, out value)) { if ((value & 1) == 1) { PropertyValueEnumItem propertyItem = ListCaptureItems.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value == "1"); if (propertyItem != null) { propertyItem.IsChecked = true; } else { propertyItem.IsChecked = false; } } if ((value & 2) == 2) { PropertyValueEnumItem propertyItem = ListCaptureItems.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value == "2"); if (propertyItem != null) { propertyItem.IsChecked = true; } else { propertyItem.IsChecked = false; } } } } } else { List <ObjectItem> tempObjItem = WizardHelper.ListAllObjectItem.Where(p => p.Type == 1).ToList(); int ReadyNumber = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 222 && p.ParentID == RecordConfigObj.ObjectID).ToList().Count(); for (int i = 0; i < tempObjItem.Count; i++) { ConfigGroup tempCG = tempObjItem[i].Data as ConfigGroup; if (tempCG.GroupID == 26 && tempCG.ChildType == 222 && tempCG.ConfigObject == RecordConfigObj) { int MinValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue01; int MaxValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue02; if ((ReadyNumber + 1) > MaxValue || (ReadyNumber + 1) < MinValue) { return; } //WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Add(WizardHelper.CreateNewConfigObject(tempCG.ConfigObject, 222)); NetworkConfigObj = WizardHelper.CreateNewConfigObject(tempCG.ConfigObject, 222); NetworkConfigObj.ListProperties.Find(p => p.PropertyID == 3).Value = RecordConfigObj.ObjectID.ToString(); ParentObjectItem = tempObjItem[i]; break; } } } }
private void InitControlObject() { ListScreenConfigObjs = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 232 && p.ParentID == ScreenSeviceConfigObj.ObjectID).ToList(); //if (RecordAgreementNumber == 1) //{ // RecordAgreementNumber = ListAgreements.Count(); //} int ListCount = ListScreenConfigObjs.Count; List <BasicInfoData> TempBasicInfo = WizardHelper.ListAllBasicInfos.Where(p => p.InfoID == 111000165).ToList(); ListScreenStartupModeItems.Clear(); foreach (BasicInfoData info in TempBasicInfo) { PropertyValueEnumItem propertyValueItem = new PropertyValueEnumItem(); propertyValueItem.IsCheckedChanged += EnumItem_IsCheckedChanged; propertyValueItem.Value = info.Value; propertyValueItem.Display = CurrentApp.GetLanguageInfo(string.Format("BID{0}{1}", info.InfoID, info.SortID.ToString("000")), info.Icon); propertyValueItem.Info = info; ListScreenStartupModeItems.Add(propertyValueItem); } List <BasicInfoData> TempBasicInfoStop = WizardHelper.ListAllBasicInfos.Where(p => p.InfoID == 111000166).ToList(); ListScreenStopModeItems.Clear(); foreach (BasicInfoData info in TempBasicInfoStop) { PropertyValueEnumItem propertyValueItem = new PropertyValueEnumItem(); propertyValueItem.IsCheckedChanged += StopEnumItem_IsCheckedChanged; propertyValueItem.Value = info.Value; propertyValueItem.Display = CurrentApp.GetLanguageInfo(string.Format("BID{0}{1}", info.InfoID, info.SortID.ToString("000")), info.Icon); propertyValueItem.Info = info; ListScreenStopModeItems.Add(propertyValueItem); } if (ListCount >= ScreenChanNumber) { //加载显示已有项 CurrentConfigObj = ListScreenConfigObjs[ScreenChanNumber - 1]; ResourceProperty ExtName = CurrentConfigObj.ListProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PropertyID == 12); if (ExtName != null) { this.TexExtName.Text = ExtName.Value; } ResourceProperty mPropertyValue = CurrentConfigObj.ListProperties.Find(p => p.PropertyID == 15); if (mPropertyValue != null) { int value = 0; if (int.TryParse(mPropertyValue.Value, out value)) { for (int i = 0; i < ListScreenStartupModeItems.Count; i++) { if (ListScreenStartupModeItems[i].Value == value.ToString()) { this.CombStartup.SelectedIndex = i; } } } } ResourceProperty mStopPropertyValue = CurrentConfigObj.ListProperties.Find(p => p.PropertyID == 16); if (mStopPropertyValue != null) { int value = 0; if (int.TryParse(mStopPropertyValue.Value, out value)) { for (int i = 0; i < ListScreenStopModeItems.Count; i++) { if (ListScreenStopModeItems[i].Value == value.ToString()) { this.CombStop.SelectedIndex = i; } } } } } else { List <ObjectItem> tempObjItem = WizardHelper.ListAllObjectItem.Where(p => p.Type == 1).ToList(); int ReadyNumber = WizardHelper.ListAllConfigObjects.Where(p => p.ObjectType == 232 && p.ParentID == ScreenSeviceConfigObj.ObjectID).ToList().Count(); for (int i = 0; i < tempObjItem.Count; i++) { ConfigGroup tempCG = tempObjItem[i].Data as ConfigGroup; if (tempCG.GroupID == 1 && tempCG.ChildType == 232 && tempCG.ConfigObject == ScreenSeviceConfigObj) { int MinValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue01; int MaxValue = tempCG.GroupInfo.IntValue02; if ((ReadyNumber + 1) > MaxValue || (ReadyNumber + 1) < MinValue) { return; } CurrentConfigObj = WizardHelper.CreateNewConfigObject(tempCG.ConfigObject, 232); CurrentConfigObj.ListProperties.Find(p => p.PropertyID == 3).Value = ScreenSeviceConfigObj.ObjectID.ToString(); ParentObjectItem = tempObjItem[i]; break; } } } }