private void b_Final_Next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bool notCompleted = false; var textboxList = Tools.GetAllType(this, typeof(TextBox)); foreach (TextBox tb in textboxList) { if (tb.Text.Length < 1) { notCompleted = true; } } if (notCompleted) { MessageBox.Show("Some fields are empty!"); return; } string customer = tB_SO.Text + "_" + tB_Customer.Text; if (Directory.Exists(tB_Destination.Text + @"\" + customer + @"\")) { MessageBox.Show("Folder already exists!"); return; } string ip = HasIP(tB_Source.Text); if (ip != "") { if (!OtherCamCom.PingAdr(ip).Result) { Tools.ShowPopup("Couldn't ping address given within Source Folder input!\nShow more?", "Final Mode Failed!", "Tried to ping: " + ip); return; } } if (!Directory.Exists(tB_Source.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Source folder doesn't exist!"); return; } string dest = Directory.CreateDirectory(tB_Destination.Text + @"\" + customer + @"\").FullName; string appFolder = Directory.CreateDirectory(dest + @"SSUtility2\").FullName; string manuals = Directory.CreateDirectory(dest + @"Manuals\").FullName; string evidence = Directory.CreateDirectory(dest + @"Test Evidence\").FullName; string useful = Directory.CreateDirectory(dest + @"Useful Applications\").FullName; this.Hide(); string self = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; File.Copy(self, appFolder + System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName); if (Tools.CheckIfNameValid(dest, false) && Tools.CheckIfNameValid(tB_Source.Text, false)) { if (check_Default.Checked) { ConfigControl.finalSource.UpdateValue(tB_Source.Text); ConfigControl.finalDestination.UpdateValue(tB_Destination.Text); ConfigControl.CreateConfig(ConfigControl.appFolder + ConfigControl.config); } if (check_Old.Checked) { Tools.CopyFiles(appFolder, Directory.GetFiles(tB_Source.Text)); Tools.CopyDirs(appFolder, Directory.GetDirectories(tB_Source.Text)); } } MainForm.m.Text = "FINAL TEST MODE - " + customer.Replace("_", " "); MainForm.m.ToggleFinalMode(dest); } catch (Exception error) { Tools.ShowPopup("Failed to start Final Test Mode!\nShow more?", "Final Test Mode Failed!", error.ToString()); } }