void RequestInfo(NetworkMessage netMsg) { ServInfo info = new ServInfo(); #if UNITY_EDITOR string path = "C:\\Users\\evan\\Documents\\Unity\\Compiller\\Angry Dash Server\\" + Application.version + "\\"; #elif UNITY_STANDALONE string[] Path = Application.dataPath.Split(new string[2] { "/", "\\" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); string path = Application.dataPath.Replace(Path[Path.Length - 1], ""); #endif if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigAPI.GetString("server.icon"))) { ConfigAPI.SetString("server.icon", "icon.png"); } if (!File.Exists(path + ConfigAPI.GetString("server.icon"))) { File.WriteAllBytes(path + ConfigAPI.GetString("server.icon"), DefaultIcon.texture.EncodeToPNG()); } info.icon = File.ReadAllBytes(path + ConfigAPI.GetString("server.icon")); info.maxPlayer = ConfigAPI.GetInt("players.limit"); info.player = player; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigAPI.GetString("server.name"))) { ConfigAPI.SetString("server.name", "Angry Dash Server"); } info.Name = ConfigAPI.GetString("server.name"); NetworkServer.SendToAll(MsgID.SendServerInfo, info); }
public ActionResult ConfigAPI(int MaNCC) { var a1 = new ConfigAPI(); a1.NhaCungCapId = MaNCC; return(View(a1)); }
public void StartServer() { LoadMap(); //GetComponent<NetworkManager>().StartHost(); NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgID.AskForServerInfo, RequestInfo); NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgID.AskForServerMap, MapRequestReceive); player = 0; #if UNITY_EDITOR string path = "C:\\Users\\evan\\Documents\\Unity\\Compiller\\Angry Dash Server\\" + Application.version + "\\"; #elif UNITY_STANDALONE string[] Path = Application.dataPath.Split(new string[2] { "/", "\\" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); string path = Application.dataPath.Replace(Path[Path.Length - 1], ""); #endif if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigAPI.GetString("server.icon"))) { ConfigAPI.SetString("server.icon", "icon.png"); } if (!File.Exists(path + ConfigAPI.GetString("server.icon"))) { File.WriteAllBytes(path + ConfigAPI.GetString("server.icon"), DefaultIcon.texture.EncodeToPNG()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigAPI.GetString("server.name"))) { ConfigAPI.SetString("server.name", "Angry Dash Server"); } }
public ActionResult ConfigAPI(string MaNCC) { ConfigAPI a1 = new ConfigAPI(); a1.MaNCC = MaNCC; return(View(a1)); }
void Start() { Viewport = transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject; ConfigAPI.Reload(); Net.StartServer(); Message("Server start"); }
public static void Reload() { if (!ConfigAPI.ParamExist("server.create_log")) { ConfigAPI.SetBool("server.create_log", true); } CreateLog = ConfigAPI.GetBool("server.create_log"); }
public ActionResult ConfigAPI(ConfigAPI a) { ConfigAPIModel model = new ConfigAPIModel(); if (model.ThemmoiConfig(a)) { return(RedirectToAction("GetNhaDoiTac")); } return(View(a)); }
public void LoadMap() { if (ConfigAPI.GetInt("players.limit") < 1 | !ConfigAPI.ParamExist("players.limit")) { ConfigAPI.SetInt("players.limit", 50); } GetComponent <NetworkManager>().maxConnections = ConfigAPI.GetInt("players.limit"); if (ConfigAPI.GetInt("server.port") < 500 | ConfigAPI.GetInt("server.port") > 65535 | !ConfigAPI.ParamExist("server.port")) { ConfigAPI.SetInt("server.port", 20000); } if (ConfigAPI.GetInt("server.port") != GetComponent <NetworkManager>().networkPort) { GetComponent <NetworkManager>().networkPort = ConfigAPI.GetInt("server.port"); //GetComponent<NetworkManager>().matchPort = ConfigAPI.GetInt("server.port"); GetComponent <NetworkManager>().StopHost(); GetComponent <NetworkManager>().StartHost(); } m_Message = new MyMsgBase(); string path = Application.dataPath; #if UNITY_EDITOR path = "C:\\Users\\evan\\Documents\\Unity\\Compiller\\Angry Dash Server\\" + Application.version + "\\"; #elif UNITY_STANDALONE string[] Path = Application.dataPath.Split(new string[2] { "/", "\\" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); path = Application.dataPath.Replace(Path[Path.Length - 1], ""); #endif if (!File.Exists(path + "map.level")) { File.WriteAllText(path + "map.level", DefaultMap.text); } m_Message.map = File.ReadAllText(path + "map.level"); if (!ConfigAPI.ParamExist("map.reload_for_players")) { ConfigAPI.SetBool("map.reload_for_players", true); } if (ConfigAPI.GetBool("map.reload_for_players")) { NetworkServer.SendToAll(MsgID.SendServerMap, m_Message); } }
public static void onServerJoinHandler(Player JoinedPlayer) { if (ConfigAPI.loadProfile(JoinedPlayer)) { PlayerAPI.createPlayer(JoinedPlayer); ColourEngine.write("[Project Eco] ", ConsoleColor.Magenta, Console.BackgroundColor); ColourEngine.writeLine("Welcome " + JoinedPlayer.playerName + " to the server!", ConsoleColor.Red, Console.BackgroundColor); } else { ServerAPI.playerList.Add(JoinedPlayer); ColourEngine.write("[Project Eco] ", ConsoleColor.Magenta, Console.BackgroundColor); ColourEngine.writeLine(JoinedPlayer.playerName + " joined the server.", ConsoleColor.Yellow, Console.BackgroundColor); } }
public ActionResult Taohopdong(HopDongNCC a) { HopdongNCCModel Ncc = new HopdongNCCModel(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { string MaHD; if ((MaHD = Ncc.ThemmoiHopDongNCC(a)) != "") { ConfigAPI a1 = new ConfigAPI(); a1.MaNCC = a.MaNCC; return(View("ConfigAPI", a1)); } } ViewBag.TenNCC = new SelectList(Ncc.getDsNhaCC(), "MaNCC", "TenNCC"); ViewBag.MaSP = new SelectList(Ncc.getDsSanPham(), "ID", "TenSP"); return(View(a)); }
public ActionResult Taohopdong(HopDongNcc hopDong) { var Ncc = new HopdongNCCModel(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { string MaHD; if (Ncc.ThemmoiHopDongNCC(hopDong) != 0) { var a1 = new ConfigAPI(); a1.NhaCungCapId = hopDong.NccId; return(View("ConfigAPI", a1)); } } ViewBag.TenNCC = new SelectList(Ncc.getDsNhaCC(), "NhaCungCapId", "TenNcc"); ViewBag.MaSP = new SelectList(Ncc.getDsSanPham(), "Id", "TenSP"); return(View(hopDong)); }
public bool ThemmoiConfig(ConfigAPI a) { using (Entities db = new Entities()) { try { if (kiemtratontai(a.MaNCC, db)) { db.Entry(a).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } else { db.ConfigAPIs.Add(a); db.SaveChanges(); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } } }
public bool ThemmoiConfig(ConfigAPI a) { using (var db = new MainContext()) { try { if (kiemtratontai(a.NhaCungCapId, db)) { db.Entry(a).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } else { db.ConfigApIs.Add(a); db.SaveChanges(); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } } }
public void CommandEnter() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IF.text)) { Message("Please enter a command", 1); } else { lastCMD = lastCMD.Union(new string[] { IF.text }).ToArray(); CMDactual = ""; string cmd = IF.text.Split(new string[1] { " " }, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[0].ToLower(); string[] args = IF.text.Replace(cmd + " ", "").Split(new string[1] { " " }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (cmd == "stop") { Message("Stopping server ..."); Net.Disconnect(); Message("The server stopped"); } else if (cmd == "color") { bool done = false; Color32[] newColor = new Color32[textColor.Length]; try { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { newColor[i] = Base.HexToColor(args[i]); } done = true; } catch { Message("Syntax error, all data need to be hex : color {main} {info} {error}", 2); } if (done) { textColor = newColor; for (int i = 0; i < MessagesList.Count; i++) { MessagesList[i].textObject.color = textColor[MessagesList[i].type]; } Message("The colors have been changed"); } } else if (cmd == "reload") { ConfigAPI.Reload(); Message("The config file has been reload"); Net.LoadMap(); Message("The map has been reload"); } else if (cmd == "info") { if (Net.player > 1) { Message(Net.player + " players connected", 1); } else { Message(Net.player + " player connected", 1); } Message("", 1); Message("Angry Dash Server v" + Application.version, 1); Message("Coded by EvanG", 1); Message("©" + DateTime.Now.Year + " 06Games. All rights reserved.", 1); } else if (cmd == "clear") { for (int i = 0; i < Viewport.transform.childCount; i++) { Destroy(Viewport.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject); } Log.LogNewMessage("Terminal has been cleared", false); } else { Message(IF.text + " : unkown command", 1); } } IF.text = ""; }
public SecureController() { _configAPI = new ConfigAPI(); _currentConfig = new Config(); _currentConfig = _configAPI.GetConfig(); }