private Condition compile(string conditionText)
            var settings = new ConditionSettings(conditionText, PowerStatus.Undefined, ConditionType.Regular, "", new Socket(1, ""));

            var compiler = new ConditionCompiler();

            return(compiler.Compile(new List <ConditionSettings>()
        public void Seed()
            if (!Configurations.Any())
                var config = new List <ApiConfiguration>
                    new ApiConfiguration()
                        AcceptedSpeed            = 2,
                        LimitSpeed               = 5,
                        PriceThreshold           = 0.04,
                        LastNotification         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-15),
                        MinimalAcceptedSpeed     = 0.4,
                        AcceptedPercentThreshold = 0.1,
                        EnableAudit              = true,
                        TotalHashThreshold       = 0.8,


            foreach (var condition in Registry.GetConditions())
                var name        = condition.Name;
                var priority    = Registry.GetPriority(condition);
                var dbCondition = ConditionSettings.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ConditionName == name);
                if (dbCondition == null)
                    var setting = new ConditionSetting()
                        ConditionID   = priority,
                        ConditionName = name,
                        Enabled       = true

                else if (dbCondition.ConditionID != priority)
                    dbCondition.ConditionID = priority;

        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates <see cref="AdvancedSolverSettings.PseudoAttributeConstraints"/> and converts each
        /// PseudoAttribute into a list of the attribute names that evaluated to true and their conversion multiplier.
        /// </summary>
        private List <ConvertedPseudoAttributeConstraint> EvalPseudoAttrConstraints()
            var keystones = from node in Settings.Checked
                            where SkillTree.Skillnodes[node].IsKeyStone
                            select SkillTree.Skillnodes[node].Name;
            var conditionSettings = new ConditionSettings(Settings.Tags, Settings.OffHand, keystones.ToArray(), Settings.WeaponClass);

            var resolvedWildcardNames = new Dictionary <string, List <Tuple <string, string[]> > >();
            var convertedPseudos      = new List <ConvertedPseudoAttributeConstraint>(Settings.PseudoAttributeConstraints.Count);

            foreach (var pair in Settings.PseudoAttributeConstraints)
                var convAttrs = new List <Tuple <string, float> >(pair.Key.Attributes.Count);
                foreach (var attr in pair.Key.Attributes)
                    var name = attr.Name;
                    if (ContainsWildcardRegex.IsMatch(name))
                        // Wildcards are resolverd by searching the skill tree attributes for each attribute
                        // that matches the attribute name ('{number}' replaced by '(.*)' for matching) and
                        // evaluating the attribute for each of those replacements.
                        if (!resolvedWildcardNames.ContainsKey(name))
                            var searchRegex = new Regex("^" + ContainsWildcardRegex.Replace(name, "(.*)") + "$");
                            resolvedWildcardNames[name] = (from a in SkillTree.AllAttributes
                                                           let match = searchRegex.Match(a)
                                                                       where match.Success
                                                                       select Tuple.Create(a, ExtractGroupValuesFromGroupCollection(match.Groups))).ToList();
                        convAttrs.AddRange(from replacement in resolvedWildcardNames[name]
                                           where attr.Evaluate(conditionSettings, replacement.Item2)
                                           select Tuple.Create(replacement.Item1, attr.ConversionMultiplier));
                    else if (attr.Evaluate(conditionSettings))
                        convAttrs.Add(Tuple.Create(name, attr.ConversionMultiplier));

                var convPseudo = new ConvertedPseudoAttributeConstraint(convAttrs, pair.Value);

        private IEnumerable <ConditionSettings> readConditions(XElement socketNode)
            var socket = new Socket(
                id: int.Parse(socketNode.Attribute("id").Value),
                name: socketNode.Attribute("name").Value);

            string startupAttributeValue = socketNode.Element("conditions").Attribute("startupState").Value.ToLower();
            var    startupStatus         = new ConditionSettings(
                text: "",
                resultingStatus: convertStringToPowerStatus(startupAttributeValue),
                type: ConditionType.Startup,
                mode: "",
                socket: socket);

            string shutdownAttributeValue = socketNode.Element("conditions").Attribute("shutdownState").Value.ToLower();
            var    shutdownStatus         = new ConditionSettings(
                text: "",
                resultingStatus: convertStringToPowerStatus(shutdownAttributeValue),
                type: ConditionType.Shutdown,
                mode: "",
                socket: socket);

            var regularConditions = socketNode.Element("conditions").Elements().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)).Select(x =>
                return(new ConditionSettings(
                           text: x.Value,
                           resultingStatus: convertStringToPowerStatus(x.Name.ToString()),
                           type: ConditionType.Regular,
                           mode: x.Attribute("mode") == null ? "" : x.Attribute("mode").Value,
                           socket: socket));

            var conditions = new List <ConditionSettings>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts attribute constraints to pseudo attribute constraints with the set Tags, WeaponClass,
        /// OffHand and check-tagged keystones where possible.
        /// Str, Int and Dex are not removed from the attribute constraint list but still converted.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConverteAttributeToPseudoAttributeConstraints()
            var keystones = from node in Tree.GetCheckedNodes()
                            where node.Type == NodeType.Keystone
                            select node.Name;
            var conditionSettings    = new ConditionSettings(Tags.Value, OffHand.Value, keystones.ToArray(), WeaponClass.Value);
            var convertedConstraints = new List <AttributeConstraint>();

            foreach (var attributeConstraint in AttributeConstraints)
                var attrName = attributeConstraint.Data;
                // Select the pseudo attributes and the multiplier for attributes which match the given one and evaluate to true.
                var pseudos =
                    from pseudo in _pseudoAttributes
                    let matches = (from attr in pseudo.Attributes
                                   where attr.MatchesAndEvaluates(conditionSettings, attrName)
                                   select attr)
                                  where matches.Any()
                                  select new { PseudoAttribute = pseudo, Multiplier = matches.First().ConversionMultiplier };

                // Add attribute target and weight to the pseudo attributes.
                var converted = false;
                foreach (var pseudo in pseudos)
                    var pseudoAttribute = pseudo.PseudoAttribute;
                    converted = true;
                    if (_addedPseudoAttributes.Contains(pseudoAttribute))
                        foreach (var pseudoAttributeConstraint in PseudoAttributeConstraints)
                            if (pseudoAttributeConstraint.Data == pseudoAttribute)
                                pseudoAttributeConstraint.TargetValue += attributeConstraint.TargetValue * pseudo.Multiplier;
                        PseudoAttributeConstraints.Add(new PseudoAttributeConstraint(pseudoAttribute)
                            TargetValue = attributeConstraint.TargetValue * pseudo.Multiplier

                if (converted &&
                    attrName != "+# to Intelligence" && attrName != "+# to Dexterity" && attrName != "+# to Strength")

            // Update the attribute constraint related collections.
            foreach (var convertedConstraint in convertedConstraints)
            if (convertedConstraints.Count > 0)
                NewAttributeConstraint = convertedConstraints[0];
                NewPseudoAttributeConstraint.Data = PseudoAttributesView.CurrentItem as PseudoAttribute;