        /// <summary>
        /// Get a hero kit object from a conditional bool field on an event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to action field A.</param>
        /// <returns>A hero kit object from a conditional bool field on an event.</returns>
        public static HeroKitObject GetValueEvent(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, ConditionBoolField itemField)
            // Get the game object
            HeroObjectFieldData goData = new HeroObjectFieldData();

            goData.heroKitObject = heroKitObject;
            goData.heroList      = goData.heroKitObject.heroList;
            goData.objectType    = itemField.objectType;
            goData.heroGUID      = itemField.heroGUID;
            goData.propertyID    = itemField.propertyID;

            // Get the hero kit object
            HeroKitObject targetHKO = HeroObjectTargetField.GetValue(goData)[0];

            if (targetHKO == null)
                Debug.LogError("No hero kit object was found for this event." + HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetHeroDebugInfo(goData.heroKitObject));

            // If we are working with a hero object in the scene or a property or variable field, make sure it matches the object we want to work with.
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject && goData.objectType != 1)
                // make sure we're working with the right kind of hero object inside the hero kit object
                HeroObject expectedHeroObject = itemField.heroObject;
                HeroObject thisHeroObject     = targetHKO.heroObject;
                if (expectedHeroObject != null && (expectedHeroObject != thisHeroObject))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Wrong hero object for this event. Expected " + expectedHeroObject.name + " but got " + thisHeroObject.name + ". " + HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetHeroDebugInfo(goData.heroKitObject));

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a value from a bool field on an event.
        /// This is for a field that contains Value, Variable, Property, Global.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to the action field.</param>
        /// <returns>The value from a bool field.</returns>
        public static bool GetValueEvent(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, ConditionBoolField eventField)
            // Get the bool type
            int  itemType  = eventField.fieldType;
            bool itemValue = false;

            // don't get item. Item type was never specified
            if (itemType == 0)
                Debug.LogError("Bool type was never specified for " + "event" + " " + HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetHeroDebugInfo(heroKitObject));
            // get bool from field
            else if (itemType == 1)
                itemValue = eventField.fieldValue;
            // get bool from variable field or property field
            else if (itemType == 2 || itemType == 3)
                // Get the hero kit object
                HeroKitObject targetHKO = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueEvent(heroKitObject, eventField);
                if (targetHKO == null)
                    Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoHeroKitObjectDebugInfo("event", 0, heroKitObject));

                // Get the slot in the list that contains the bool
                int slotID = eventField.fieldID - 1;

                // Get the bool from bool list
                if (itemType == 2)
                    if (targetHKO.heroList.bools.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                        Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo("event", targetHKO.heroObject.name, "Variables", "Bool", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));
                    itemValue = targetHKO.heroList.bools.items[slotID].value;

                // Get the bool from property list
                if (itemType == 3)
                    int propertyID = eventField.propertyID - 1;

                    if (targetHKO.heroProperties == null || targetHKO.heroProperties.Length == 0 ||
                        targetHKO.heroProperties.Length <= propertyID || propertyID < 0 ||
                        targetHKO.heroProperties[propertyID].itemProperties.bools.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                        Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo("event", targetHKO.heroObject.name, "Properties", "Bool", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));

                    itemValue = targetHKO.heroProperties[propertyID].itemProperties.bools.items[slotID].value;
            // get bool from global
            else if (itemType == 4)
                // Get the slot in the list that contains the bool
                int slotID = eventField.fieldID - 1;

                if (HeroKitDatabase.GetGlobals().bools.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                    Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo("event", "n/a", "Globals", "Bool", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));
                itemValue = HeroKitDatabase.GetGlobals().bools.items[slotID].value;

            // Return the bool
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a value from a bool field on an event.
        /// This is for a field that contains Value, Variable, Property, Global.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">Title for action field.</param>
        /// <param name="boolData">Current data for this action field.</param>
        /// <param name="heroObject">Hero object that is the target of this action.</param>
        public static void BuildEventField(string title, ConditionBoolField boolData, HeroObject heroObject)
            BoolFieldData data = new BoolFieldData();

            data.heroObject       = heroObject;
            data.targetHeroObject = boolData.targetHeroObject;
            data.objectType       = boolData.objectType;
            data.objectID         = boolData.objectID;
            data.fieldID          = boolData.fieldID;
            data.fieldType        = boolData.fieldType;
            data.heroGUID         = boolData.heroGUID;
            data.propertyID       = boolData.propertyID;
            data.objectName       = boolData.objectName;
            data.fieldValue       = boolData.fieldValue;


            // Get the type of field you want to work with.
            data.fieldType = new HeroField.ValueTypeField().SetValues(data.fieldType, 0);

            // Get the type of game object we are working with
            // Option 1: This game object (game object that this hero object is attached to)
            // Option 2: Another game object (another game object in the scene that has a hero object attached to it)
            if (data.fieldType == 2 || data.fieldType == 3)
                data = ActionCommon.GetTargetHeroObject(data);

            // Get the list you want to work with.
            // The list is in hero object editor > Variables

            // if this is a field, draw field (1=value)
            if (data.fieldType == 1)
                data.fieldValue = SimpleLayout.BoolField(data.fieldValue);

            // if this is a list, draw ints (2=variables, 3=properties)
            if (data.fieldType != 1)
                data = SetPropertyID(data, -1);
                List <BoolField> items = GetItemsFromList(data, -1);
                data = BuildItemFieldList(data, items);

            // assign values back to hero object fields
            boolData.objectType       = data.objectType;
            boolData.objectID         = data.objectID;
            boolData.fieldID          = data.fieldID;
            boolData.fieldType        = data.fieldType;
            boolData.heroGUID         = data.heroGUID;
            boolData.propertyID       = data.propertyID;
            boolData.targetHeroObject = data.targetHeroObject;
            boolData.objectName       = data.objectName;
            boolData.fieldValue       = data.fieldValue;