 /// <summary>
 /// Class redirecting sniffer output to a remote client.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="FullJID">Full JID of remote client.</param>
 /// <param name="Expires">When the sniffer should automatically expire.</param>
 /// <param name="Node">Node being sniffed.</param>
 /// <param name="ConcentratorServer">Concentrator server managing nodes.</param>
 public RemoteSniffer(string FullJID, DateTime Expires, ISniffable Node, ConcentratorServer ConcentratorServer)
     this.id                 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
     this.fullJID            = FullJID;
     this.expires            = Expires;
     this.node               = Node;
     this.concentratorServer = ConcentratorServer;
        public WaitHandle Start()
            ConcentratorServer ConcentratorServer = null;
            ProvisioningClient ProvisioningClient = null;

            if (Types.TryGetModuleParameter("Concentrator", out object Obj))
                ConcentratorServer = Obj as ConcentratorServer;

            if (Types.TryGetModuleParameter("Provisioning", out Obj))
                ProvisioningClient = Obj as ProvisioningClient;

            this.bobClient  = new BobClient(Gateway.XmppClient, Path.Combine(Gateway.AppDataFolder, "BoB"));
            this.chatServer = new ChatServer(Gateway.XmppClient, this.bobClient, ConcentratorServer, ProvisioningClient);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the extension to the client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Instance">Actor instance.</param>
        /// <param name="Client">XMPP Client</param>
        /// <returns>Extension object.</returns>
        public override Task <object> Add(IActor Instance, Waher.Networking.XMPP.XmppClient Client)
            ConcentratorServer Extension;

            if (!Client.TryGetTag("ProvisioningClient", out object Obj) || !(Obj is ProvisioningClient ProvisioningClient))
                ProvisioningClient = null;

            if (!Client.TryGetTag("ThingRegistryClient", out Obj) || !(Obj is ThingRegistryClient ThingRegistryClient))
                ThingRegistryClient = null;

            Extension = new ConcentratorServer(Client, ThingRegistryClient, ProvisioningClient);

            Client.SetTag("ConcentratorServer", Extension);

            return(Task.FromResult <object>(Extension));
        private void SavaConcentrator(Socket con, byte[] message)
            string       ConcerIP = ((IPEndPoint)(con.RemoteEndPoint)).Address.ToString();
            Concentrator concer   = new Concentrator();

            concer.Unit_Id        = (message[0] * 256 + message[1]).ToString();
            concer.Unit_IpAddress = ConcerIP;
            concer.Unit_Status    = "1";
            concer.Unit_Latitude  = "";
            concer.Unit_Longitude = "";

            ConcentratorServer SaveConcen = new ConcentratorServer();

            string sql = "select * from concentrator where UnitID = " + concer.Unit_Id;

            if (db.Select(sql) != null)
                string sqlSave = string.Format("insert into sensordata values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}')", concer.Unit_Id, concer.Unit_IpAddress, concer.Unit_Status, concer.Unit_Longitude, concer.Unit_Latitude);
        /// <summary>
        /// Stops the gateway.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Stop()
            IDisposable Disposable;

            Log.Informational("Server shutting down.");

             * if (databaseProvider != null)
             *      File.WriteAllText(appDataFolder + "Stop.xml", databaseProvider.ExportXml(true).Result);

            if (gatewayRunning != null)
                gatewayRunning = null;

            if (ibbClient != null)
                ibbClient = null;

            if (httpxServer != null)
                httpxServer = null;

            if (provisioningClient != null)
                provisioningClient = null;

            if (thingRegistryClient != null)
                thingRegistryClient = null;

            if (concentratorServer != null)
                concentratorServer = null;

            if (xmppClient != null)
                using (ManualResetEvent OfflineSent = new ManualResetEvent(false))
                    xmppClient.SetPresence(Availability.Offline, string.Empty, (sender, e) => OfflineSent.Set());

                foreach (ISniffer Sniffer in xmppClient.Sniffers)

                    Disposable = Sniffer as IDisposable;
                    if (Disposable != null)

                xmppClient = null;

            if (connectionTimer != null)
                connectionTimer = null;

            if (coapEndpoint != null)
                coapEndpoint = null;

            if (webServer != null)
                foreach (ISniffer Sniffer in webServer.Sniffers)

                    Disposable = Sniffer as IDisposable;
                    if (Disposable != null)

                webServer = null;

            clientEvents = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the gateway.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ConsoleOutput">If console output is permitted.</param>
        public static bool Start(bool ConsoleOutput)
            gatewayRunning = new Semaphore(1, 1, "Waher.IoTGateway.Running");
            if (!gatewayRunning.WaitOne(1000))
                return(false);                // Is running in another process.
            Semaphore StartingServer = new Semaphore(1, 1, "Waher.IoTGateway.Starting");

            if (!StartingServer.WaitOne(1000))
                gatewayRunning = null;

                return(false);                // Being started in another process.


                appDataFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData);
                if (!appDataFolder.EndsWith(new string(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1)))
                    appDataFolder += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

                appDataFolder += "IoT Gateway" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

                Log.Register(new XmlFileEventSink("XML File Event Sink",
                                                  appDataFolder + "Events" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Event Log %YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%T%HOUR%.xml",
                                                  appDataFolder + "Transforms" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "EventXmlToHtml.xslt", 7));

                Log.Informational("Server starting up.");

                beforeUninstallCommandNr = Gateway.RegisterServiceCommand(BeforeUninstall);

                rootFolder = appDataFolder + "Root" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
                if (!Directory.Exists(rootFolder))
                    appDataFolder = string.Empty;
                    rootFolder    = "Root" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

                Types.SetModuleParameter("AppData", appDataFolder);
                Types.SetModuleParameter("Root", rootFolder);

                scheduler = new Scheduler();
                rnd       = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();

                Task.Run(() => CodeContent.GraphViz.Init());

                XmlDocument Config = new XmlDocument();

                string GatewayConfigFileName = appDataFolder + "Gateway.config";
                if (!File.Exists(GatewayConfigFileName))
                    GatewayConfigFileName = "Gateway.config";

                XSL.Validate("Gateway.config", Config, "GatewayConfiguration", "http://waher.se/Schema/GatewayConfiguration.xsd",
                             XSL.LoadSchema(typeof(Gateway).Namespace + ".Schema.GatewayConfiguration.xsd", typeof(Gateway).Assembly));

                domain = Config.DocumentElement["Domain"].InnerText;

                XmlElement DatabaseConfig = Config.DocumentElement["Database"];
                if (!CommonTypes.TryParse(DatabaseConfig.Attributes["encrypted"].Value, out bool Encrypted))
                    Encrypted = true;

                databaseProvider = new FilesProvider(appDataFolder + DatabaseConfig.Attributes["folder"].Value,
                                                     int.Parse(DatabaseConfig.Attributes["blobBlockSize"].Value), Encoding.UTF8,
                                                     Encrypted, false);

                PersistedEventLog PersistedEventLog = new PersistedEventLog(7, new TimeSpan(4, 15, 0));
                PersistedEventLog.Queue(new Event(EventType.Informational, "Server starting up.", string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, EventLevel.Minor, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty));

                xmppConfigFileName = Config.DocumentElement["XmppClient"].Attributes["configFileName"].Value;
                if (!File.Exists(xmppConfigFileName))
                    xmppConfigFileName = appDataFolder + xmppConfigFileName;

                if (ConsoleOutput)
                    xmppConfiguration = SimpleXmppConfiguration.GetConfigUsingSimpleConsoleDialog(xmppConfigFileName,
                                                                                                  Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty), // Default user name.
                                                                                                  Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty), // Default password.
                                                                                                  FormSignatureKey, FormSignatureSecret, typeof(Gateway).Assembly);
                else if (File.Exists(xmppConfigFileName))
                    xmppConfiguration = new SimpleXmppConfiguration(xmppConfigFileName);
                    RuntimeSettings.Set("XMPP.CONFIG", xmppConfiguration.ExportSimpleXmppConfiguration());
                    string      XmppConfig = RuntimeSettings.Get("XMPP.CONFIG", string.Empty);
                    XmlDocument Doc        = new XmlDocument();
                    xmppConfiguration = new SimpleXmppConfiguration(Doc);

                xmppClient = xmppConfiguration.GetClient("en", typeof(Gateway).Assembly, false);
                xmppClient.AllowRegistration(FormSignatureKey, FormSignatureSecret);
                xmppClient.OnValidateSender += XmppClient_OnValidateSender;
                Types.SetModuleParameter("XMPP", xmppClient);

                if (xmppConfiguration.Sniffer)
                    ISniffer Sniffer;

                    if (ConsoleOutput)
                        Sniffer = new ConsoleOutSniffer(BinaryPresentationMethod.ByteCount, LineEnding.PadWithSpaces);

                    Sniffer = new XmlFileSniffer(appDataFolder + "XMPP" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                                                 "XMPP Log %YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%T%HOUR%.xml",
                                                 appDataFolder + "Transforms" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "SnifferXmlToHtml.xslt",
                                                 7, BinaryPresentationMethod.ByteCount);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmppConfiguration.Events))
                    Log.Register(new XmppEventSink("XMPP Event Sink", xmppClient, xmppConfiguration.Events, false));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmppConfiguration.ThingRegistry))
                    thingRegistryClient           = new ThingRegistryClient(xmppClient, xmppConfiguration.ThingRegistry);
                    thingRegistryClient.Claimed  += ThingRegistryClient_Claimed;
                    thingRegistryClient.Disowned += ThingRegistryClient_Disowned;
                    thingRegistryClient.Removed  += ThingRegistryClient_Removed;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmppConfiguration.Provisioning))
                    provisioningClient = new ProvisioningClient(xmppClient, xmppConfiguration.Provisioning);

                DateTime Now      = DateTime.Now;
                int      MsToNext = 60000 - (Now.Second * 1000 + Now.Millisecond);

                connectionTimer                   = new Timer(CheckConnection, null, MsToNext, 60000);
                xmppClient.OnStateChanged        += XmppClient_OnStateChanged;
                xmppClient.OnPresenceSubscribe   += XmppClient_OnPresenceSubscribe;
                xmppClient.OnPresenceUnsubscribe += XmppClient_OnPresenceUnsubscribe;
                xmppClient.OnRosterItemUpdated   += XmppClient_OnRosterItemUpdated;

                ibbClient = new Networking.XMPP.InBandBytestreams.IbbClient(xmppClient, MaxChunkSize);
                Types.SetModuleParameter("IBB", ibbClient);

                socksProxy = new Networking.XMPP.P2P.SOCKS5.Socks5Proxy(xmppClient);
                Types.SetModuleParameter("SOCKS5", socksProxy);

                string CertificateLocalFileName = Config.DocumentElement["Certificate"].Attributes["configFileName"].Value;
                string CertificateFileName;
                string CertificateXml;
                string CertificatePassword;
                byte[] CertificateRaw;

                    CertificateRaw      = Convert.FromBase64String(RuntimeSettings.Get("CERTIFICATE.BASE64", string.Empty));
                    CertificatePassword = RuntimeSettings.Get("CERTIFICATE.PWD", string.Empty);

                    certificate = new X509Certificate2(CertificateRaw, CertificatePassword);
                catch (Exception)
                    certificate = null;

                if (File.Exists(CertificateFileName = appDataFolder + CertificateLocalFileName))
                    CertificateXml = File.ReadAllText(CertificateFileName);
                else if (File.Exists(CertificateFileName = CertificateLocalFileName) && certificate == null)
                    CertificateXml = File.ReadAllText(CertificateFileName);
                    CertificateFileName = null;
                    CertificateXml      = null;

                if (CertificateXml != null)
                    XmlDocument CertificateConfig = new XmlDocument();

                    XSL.Validate(CertificateLocalFileName, CertificateConfig, "CertificateConfiguration", "http://waher.se/Schema/CertificateConfiguration.xsd",
                                 XSL.LoadSchema(typeof(Gateway).Namespace + ".Schema.CertificateConfiguration.xsd", typeof(Gateway).Assembly));

                    CertificateLocalFileName = CertificateConfig.DocumentElement["FileName"].InnerText;

                    if (File.Exists(appDataFolder + CertificateLocalFileName))
                        CertificateLocalFileName = appDataFolder + CertificateLocalFileName;

                    CertificateRaw      = File.ReadAllBytes(CertificateLocalFileName);
                    CertificatePassword = CertificateConfig.DocumentElement["Password"].InnerText;

                    certificate = new X509Certificate2(CertificateRaw, CertificatePassword);

                    RuntimeSettings.Set("CERTIFICATE.BASE64", Convert.ToBase64String(CertificateRaw));
                    RuntimeSettings.Set("CERTIFICATE.PWD", CertificatePassword);

                    if (CertificateLocalFileName != "certificate.pfx" || CertificatePassword != "testexamplecom")
                        catch (Exception)
                            Log.Warning("Unable to delete " + CertificateLocalFileName + " after importing it into the encrypted database.");

                        catch (Exception)
                            Log.Warning("Unable to delete " + CertificateFileName + " after importing it into the encrypted database.");

                foreach (XmlNode N in Config.DocumentElement["Ports"].ChildNodes)
                    if (N.LocalName == "Port")
                        XmlElement E        = (XmlElement)N;
                        string     Protocol = XML.Attribute(E, "protocol");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Protocol) && int.TryParse(E.InnerText, out int Port))
                            ports.AddLast(new KeyValuePair <string, int>(Protocol, Port));

                webServer = new HttpServer(GetConfigPorts("HTTP"), GetConfigPorts("HTTPS"), certificate);
                Types.SetModuleParameter("HTTP", webServer);

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (int Port in webServer.OpenPorts)

                    File.WriteAllText(appDataFolder + "Ports.txt", sb.ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)

                HttpFolderResource HttpFolderResource;
                HttpxProxy         HttpxProxy;

                webServer.Register(new HttpFolderResource("/Graphics", "Graphics", false, false, true, false));                      // TODO: Add authentication mechanisms for PUT & DELETE.
                webServer.Register(new HttpFolderResource("/highlight", "Highlight", false, false, true, false));                    // Syntax highlighting library, provided by http://highlightjs.org
                webServer.Register(HttpFolderResource = new HttpFolderResource(string.Empty, rootFolder, false, false, true, true)); // TODO: Add authentication mechanisms for PUT & DELETE.
                webServer.Register(HttpxProxy         = new HttpxProxy("/HttpxProxy", xmppClient, MaxChunkSize));
                webServer.Register("/", (req, resp) =>
                    throw new TemporaryRedirectException(Config.DocumentElement["DefaultPage"].InnerText);
                webServer.Register(clientEvents = new ClientEvents());

                MarkdownToHtmlConverter.EmojiSource = Emoji1_24x24;

                XmlElement FileFolders = Config.DocumentElement["FileFolders"];
                if (FileFolders != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode N in FileFolders.ChildNodes)
                        if (N is XmlElement E && E.LocalName == "FileFolder")
                            string WebFolder  = XML.Attribute(E, "webFolder");
                            string FolderPath = XML.Attribute(E, "folderPath");

                            webServer.Register(new HttpFolderResource(WebFolder, FolderPath, false, false, true, true));

                httpxServer = new HttpxServer(xmppClient, webServer, MaxChunkSize);
                Types.SetModuleParameter("HTTPX", HttpxProxy);
                Types.SetModuleParameter("HTTPXS", httpxServer);

                HttpxProxy.IbbClient  = ibbClient;
                httpxServer.IbbClient = ibbClient;

                HttpxProxy.Socks5Proxy  = socksProxy;
                httpxServer.Socks5Proxy = socksProxy;

                if (xmppConfiguration.Sniffer)
                    ISniffer Sniffer;

                    Sniffer = new XmlFileSniffer(appDataFolder + "HTTP" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                                                 "HTTP Log %YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%T%HOUR%.xml",
                                                 appDataFolder + "Transforms" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "SnifferXmlToHtml.xslt",
                                                 7, BinaryPresentationMethod.ByteCount);

                coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint();
                Types.SetModuleParameter("CoAP", coapEndpoint);

                concentratorServer = new ConcentratorServer(xmppClient, provisioningClient, new MeteringTopology());
                Types.SetModuleParameter("Concentrator", concentratorServer);
                Types.SetModuleParameter("Sensor", concentratorServer.SensorServer);
                Types.SetModuleParameter("Control", concentratorServer.ControlServer);
            catch (Exception ex)

                gatewayRunning = null;



            Task.Run(async() =>
                        string BinaryFolder    = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
                        string[] LanguageFiles = Directory.GetFiles(BinaryFolder, "*.lng", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                        string FileName;

                        if (LanguageFiles.Length > 0)
                            XmlSchema Schema = XSL.LoadSchema(Translator.SchemaResource, typeof(Translator).Assembly);

                            foreach (string LanguageFile in LanguageFiles)
                                    FileName = LanguageFile;
                                    if (FileName.StartsWith(BinaryFolder))
                                        FileName = FileName.Substring(BinaryFolder.Length);

                                    DateTime LastWriteTime    = File.GetLastWriteTime(LanguageFile);
                                    DateTime LastImportedTime = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync(FileName, DateTime.MinValue);

                                    if (LastWriteTime > LastImportedTime)
                                        Log.Informational("Importing language file.", FileName);

                                        string Xml      = File.ReadAllText(LanguageFile);
                                        XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument();

                                        XSL.Validate(FileName, Doc, Translator.SchemaRoot, Translator.SchemaNamespace, Schema);

                                        using (XmlReader r = new XmlNodeReader(Doc))
                                            await Translator.ImportAsync(r);

                                        RuntimeSettings.Set(FileName, LastWriteTime);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Log.Critical(ex, LanguageFile);

                catch (Exception ex)

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets parameters from a data form in an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param>
        /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be set.</param>
        /// <param name="Form">Data Form.</param>
        /// <param name="OnlySetChanged">If only changed parameters are to be set.</param>
        /// <returns>Any errors encountered, or null if parameters was set properly.</returns>
        public static async Task <SetEditableFormResult> SetEditableForm(IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, DataForm Form, bool OnlySetChanged)
            Type   T = EditableObject.GetType();
            string DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T);
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Errors = null;
            PropertyInfo PropertyInfo;
            FieldInfo    FieldInfo;
            Language     Language = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode);

            Namespace Namespace             = null;
            Namespace ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace);

            LinkedList <Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object> > ToSet = null;
            ValidationMethod           ValidationMethod;
            OptionAttribute            OptionAttribute;
            RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute;
            RangeAttribute             RangeAttribute;
            DataType DataType;
            Type     PropertyType;
            string   NamespaceStr;
            string   LastNamespaceStr = null;
            object   ValueToSet;
            object   ValueToSet2;

            object[] Parsed;
            bool     ReadOnly;
            bool     Alpha;
            bool     DateOnly;
            bool     HasHeader;
            bool     HasOptions;
            bool     ValidOption;
            bool     Nullable;

            if (Namespace is null)
                Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace);

            if (ConcentratorNamespace is null)
                ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace);

            foreach (Field Field in Form.Fields)
                PropertyInfo = T.GetRuntimeProperty(Field.Var);
                FieldInfo    = PropertyInfo is null?T.GetRuntimeField(Field.Var) : null;

                if (PropertyInfo is null && FieldInfo is null)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(1, "Property not found."));

                if (PropertyInfo != null && (!PropertyInfo.CanRead || !PropertyInfo.CanWrite))
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable."));

                NamespaceStr = (PropertyInfo?.DeclaringType ?? FieldInfo.DeclaringType).Namespace;
                if (Namespace is null || NamespaceStr != LastNamespaceStr)
                    Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(NamespaceStr);

                    LastNamespaceStr = NamespaceStr;

                ValidationMethod = null;
                ReadOnly         = Alpha = DateOnly = HasHeader = HasOptions = ValidOption = false;

                foreach (Attribute Attr in (PropertyInfo?.GetCustomAttributes() ?? FieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes()))
                    if (Attr is HeaderAttribute)
                        HasHeader = true;
                    else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null)
                        HasOptions = true;
                        if (Field.ValueString == OptionAttribute.Option.ToString())
                            ValidOption = true;
                    else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern);
                    else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max);
                    else if (Attr is OpenAttribute)
                        ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation();
                    else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute)
                        ReadOnly = true;
                    else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute)
                        Alpha = true;
                    else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute)
                        DateOnly = true;

                if (!HasHeader)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable."));

                if (ReadOnly)
                    if (Field.ValueString != (PropertyInfo?.GetValue(EditableObject) ?? FieldInfo?.GetValue(EditableObject))?.ToString())
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(3, "Property is read-only."));


                if (HasOptions && !ValidOption)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option."));

                PropertyType = PropertyInfo?.PropertyType ?? FieldInfo.FieldType;
                ValueToSet   = null;
                ValueToSet2  = null;
                Parsed       = null;
                DataType     = null;
                Nullable     = false;

                if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType)
                    Type GT = PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    if (GT == typeof(Nullable <>))
                        Nullable     = true;
                        PropertyType = PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0];

                if (Nullable && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Field.ValueString))
                    ValueToSet2 = null;
                    if (PropertyType == typeof(string[]))
                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                        ValueToSet = ValueToSet2 = Parsed = Field.ValueStrings;
                        DataType   = StringDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                            ValueToSet = ValueToSet2 = Enum.Parse(PropertyType, Field.ValueString);
                        catch (Exception)
                            AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option."));
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                        if (!CommonTypes.TryParse(Field.ValueString, out bool b))
                            AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(5, "Invalid boolean value."));

                        DataType   = BooleanDataType.Instance;
                        ValueToSet = ValueToSet2 = b;
                        if (PropertyType == typeof(string))
                            DataType = StringDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte))
                            DataType = ByteDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(short))
                            DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(int))
                            DataType = IntDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(long))
                            DataType = LongDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte))
                            DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;

                            if (ValidationMethod is null)
                                ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(byte.MinValue.ToString(), byte.MaxValue.ToString());
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort))
                            DataType = IntDataType.Instance;

                            if (ValidationMethod is null)
                                ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString());
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint))
                            DataType = LongDataType.Instance;

                            if (ValidationMethod is null)
                                ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString());
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong))
                            DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance;

                            if (ValidationMethod is null)
                                ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString());
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
                            if (DateOnly)
                                DataType = DateDataType.Instance;
                                DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal))
                            DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(double))
                            DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(float))
                            DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;                                // Use xs:double anyway
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                            DataType = TimeDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri))
                            DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor))
                            if (Alpha)
                                DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance;
                                DataType = ColorDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = null;

                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                            if (DataType is null)
                                ValueToSet  = Field.ValueString;
                                ValueToSet2 = Activator.CreateInstance(PropertyType, ValueToSet);
                                ValueToSet = DataType.Parse(Field.ValueString);

                                if (ValueToSet.GetType() == PropertyType)
                                    ValueToSet2 = ValueToSet;
                                    ValueToSet2 = Convert.ChangeType(ValueToSet, PropertyType);
                        catch (Exception)
                            AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(6, "Invalid value."));

                    if (Parsed is null)
                        Parsed = new object[] { ValueToSet }

                    ValidationMethod.Validate(Field, DataType, Parsed, Field.ValueStrings);
                    if (Field.HasError)
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, Field.Error);

                if (ToSet is null)
                    ToSet = new LinkedList <Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object> >();

                ToSet.AddLast(new Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object>(PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, ValueToSet2));

            if (Errors is null)
                SetEditableFormResult Result = new SetEditableFormResult()
                    Errors = null,
                    Tags   = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >()

                foreach (Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object> P in ToSet)
                        if (OnlySetChanged)
                            object Current = P.Item1?.GetValue(EditableObject) ?? P.Item2?.GetValue(EditableObject);

                            if (Current is null)
                                if (P.Item3 is null)
                            else if (P.Item3 != null && Current.Equals(P.Item3))

                        if (P.Item1 != null)
                            P.Item1.SetValue(EditableObject, P.Item3);
                            Result.Tags.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(P.Item1.Name, P.Item3));
                            P.Item2.SetValue(EditableObject, P.Item3);
                            Result.Tags.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(P.Item2.Name, P.Item3));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        AddError(ref Errors, P.Item1?.Name ?? P.Item2.Name, ex.Message);

                return(new SetEditableFormResult()
                    Errors = Errors.ToArray(),
                    Tags = null
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a data form containing editable parameters from an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Client">Client</param>
        /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param>
        /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be edited.</param>
        /// <param name="Title">Title of form.</param>
        /// <returns>Data form containing editable parameters.</returns>
        public static async Task <DataForm> GetEditableForm(XmppClient Client, IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, string Title)
            Type     T = EditableObject.GetType();
            string   DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T);
            DataForm Parameters          = new DataForm(Client, FormType.Form, e.To, e.From);
            Language Language            = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode);

            Namespace    Namespace = null;
            List <Field> Fields    = new List <Field>();
            List <Page>  Pages     = new List <Page>();
            Dictionary <string, Page>             PageByLabel = new Dictionary <string, Page>();
            Dictionary <string, Section>          SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = null;
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Options = null;
            string                     NamespaceStr;
            string                     LastNamespaceStr = null;
            string                     Header;
            string                     ToolTip;
            string                     PageLabel;
            string                     SectionLabel;
            string                     s;
            int                        StringId;
            int                        PagePriority;
            int                        PageOrdinal = 0;
            int                        FieldPriority;
            int                        FieldOrdinal = 0;
            bool                       Required;
            bool                       ReadOnly;
            bool                       Masked;
            bool                       Alpha;
            bool                       DateOnly;
            bool                       Nullable;
            HeaderAttribute            HeaderAttribute;
            ToolTipAttribute           ToolTipAttribute;
            PageAttribute              PageAttribute;
            SectionAttribute           SectionAttribute;
            OptionAttribute            OptionAttribute;
            TextAttribute              TextAttribute;
            RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute;
            LinkedList <TextAttribute> TextAttributes;
            RangeAttribute             RangeAttribute;
            ValidationMethod           ValidationMethod;
            Type                       PropertyType;
            Field                      Field;
            Page                       DefaultPage = null;
            Page                       Page;

            if (Namespace is null)
                Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace);

            LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo> > Properties = new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo> >();

            foreach (PropertyInfo PI in T.GetRuntimeProperties())
                if (PI.CanRead)
                    Properties.AddLast(new KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo>(PI, null));

            foreach (FieldInfo FI in T.GetRuntimeFields())
                Properties.AddLast(new KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo>(null, FI));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo> Rec in Properties)
                PropertyInfo PropertyInfo = Rec.Key;
                FieldInfo    FieldInfo    = Rec.Value;

                NamespaceStr = (PropertyInfo?.DeclaringType ?? FieldInfo.DeclaringType).Namespace;
                if (Namespace is null || NamespaceStr != LastNamespaceStr)
                    Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(NamespaceStr);

                    LastNamespaceStr = NamespaceStr;

                Header           = ToolTip = PageLabel = SectionLabel = null;
                TextAttributes   = null;
                ValidationMethod = null;
                Options          = null;
                Required         = Masked = Alpha = DateOnly = false;
                ReadOnly         = PropertyInfo != null && !PropertyInfo.CanWrite;
                PagePriority     = PageAttribute.DefaultPriority;
                FieldPriority    = HeaderAttribute.DefaultPriority;

                foreach (Attribute Attr in (PropertyInfo?.GetCustomAttributes() ?? FieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes()))
                    if ((HeaderAttribute = Attr as HeaderAttribute) != null)
                        Header        = HeaderAttribute.Header;
                        StringId      = HeaderAttribute.StringId;
                        FieldPriority = HeaderAttribute.Priority;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            Header = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, Header);
                    else if ((ToolTipAttribute = Attr as ToolTipAttribute) != null)
                        ToolTip  = ToolTipAttribute.ToolTip;
                        StringId = ToolTipAttribute.StringId;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            ToolTip = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, ToolTip);
                    else if ((PageAttribute = Attr as PageAttribute) != null)
                        PageLabel    = PageAttribute.Label;
                        StringId     = PageAttribute.StringId;
                        PagePriority = PageAttribute.Priority;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            PageLabel = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, PageLabel);
                    else if ((SectionAttribute = Attr as SectionAttribute) != null)
                        SectionLabel = SectionAttribute.Label;
                        StringId     = SectionAttribute.StringId;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            SectionLabel = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, SectionLabel);
                    else if ((TextAttribute = Attr as TextAttribute) != null)
                        if (TextAttributes is null)
                            TextAttributes = new LinkedList <TextAttribute>();

                    else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null)
                        if (Options is null)
                            Options = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                        StringId = OptionAttribute.StringId;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(OptionAttribute.Option.ToString(),
                                                                          await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, OptionAttribute.Label)));
                            Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(OptionAttribute.Option.ToString(), OptionAttribute.Label));
                    else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern);
                    else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max);
                    else if (Attr is OpenAttribute)
                        ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation();
                    else if (Attr is RequiredAttribute)
                        Required = true;
                    else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute)
                        ReadOnly = true;
                    else if (Attr is MaskedAttribute)
                        Masked = true;
                    else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute)
                        Alpha = true;
                    else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute)
                        DateOnly = true;

                if (Header is null)

                PropertyType = PropertyInfo?.PropertyType ?? FieldInfo.FieldType;
                Field        = null;
                Nullable     = false;

                if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType)
                    Type GT = PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    if (GT == typeof(Nullable <>))
                        Nullable     = true;
                        PropertyType = PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0];

                string PropertyName  = PropertyInfo?.Name ?? FieldInfo.Name;
                object PropertyValue = (PropertyInfo?.GetValue(EditableObject) ?? FieldInfo.GetValue(EditableObject));

                if (PropertyType == typeof(string[]))
                    if (ValidationMethod is null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    if (Options is null)
                        Field = new TextMultiField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, (string[])PropertyValue,
                                                   null, ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                        Field = new ListMultiField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, (string[])PropertyValue,
                                                   Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                else if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                    if (ValidationMethod is null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    if (Options is null)
                        Options = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                        foreach (string Option in Enum.GetNames(PropertyType))
                            Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(Option, Option));

                    s = PropertyValue?.ToString();
                    if (Nullable && s is null)
                        s = string.Empty;

                    Field = new ListSingleField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s },
                                                Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, null, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                    if (ValidationMethod is null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    if (Nullable && PropertyValue is null)
                        s = string.Empty;
                        s = CommonTypes.Encode((bool)PropertyValue);

                    Field = new BooleanField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s },
                                             Options?.ToArray(), ToolTip, BooleanDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod,
                                             string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                    DataType DataType;

                    if (PropertyType == typeof(string))
                        DataType = StringDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte))
                        DataType = ByteDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(short))
                        DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(int))
                        DataType = IntDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(long))
                        DataType = LongDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte))
                        DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(byte.MinValue.ToString(), byte.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort))
                        DataType = IntDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint))
                        DataType = LongDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong))
                        DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
                        if (DateOnly)
                            DataType = DateDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal))
                        DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(double))
                        DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(float))
                        DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;                            // Use xs:double anyway
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        DataType = TimeDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri))
                        DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor))
                        if (Alpha)
                            DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = ColorDataType.Instance;
                        DataType = StringDataType.Instance;

                    if (ValidationMethod is null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    s = PropertyValue?.ToString();
                    if (Nullable && s is null)
                        s = string.Empty;

                    if (Masked)
                        Field = new TextPrivateField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s },
                                                     Options?.ToArray(), ToolTip, DataType, ValidationMethod,
                                                     string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                    else if (Options is null)
                        Field = new TextSingleField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s },
                                                    null, ToolTip, DataType, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                        Field = new ListSingleField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s },
                                                    Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, DataType, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);

                if (Field is null)

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageLabel))
                    if (DefaultPage is null)
                        DefaultPage = new Page(Parameters, string.Empty)
                            Priority = PageAttribute.DefaultPriority,
                            Ordinal  = PageOrdinal++
                        PageByLabel[string.Empty] = DefaultPage;

                    Page      = DefaultPage;
                    PageLabel = string.Empty;
                    if (!PageByLabel.TryGetValue(PageLabel, out Page))
                        Page = new Page(Parameters, PageLabel)
                            Priority = PagePriority,
                            Ordinal  = PageOrdinal++
                        PageByLabel[PageLabel] = Page;

                Field.Priority = FieldPriority;
                Field.Ordinal  = FieldOrdinal++;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SectionLabel))
                    if (TextAttributes != null)
                        foreach (TextAttribute TextAttr in TextAttributes)
                            if (TextAttr.Position == TextPosition.BeforeField)
                                StringId = TextAttr.StringId;
                                if (StringId > 0)
                                    Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttr.Label)));
                                    Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, TextAttr.Label));

                    Page.Add(new FieldReference(Parameters, Field.Var));

                    if (TextAttributes != null)
                        foreach (TextAttribute TextAttr in TextAttributes)
                            if (TextAttr.Position == TextPosition.AfterField)
                                StringId = TextAttr.StringId;
                                if (StringId > 0)
                                    Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttr.Label)));
                                    Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, TextAttr.Label));
                    if (SectionByPageAndSectionLabel is null)
                        SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = new Dictionary <string, Section>();

                    s = PageLabel + " \xa0 " + SectionLabel;
                    if (!SectionByPageAndSectionLabel.TryGetValue(s, out Section Section))
                        Section = new Section(Parameters, SectionLabel);
                        SectionByPageAndSectionLabel[s] = Section;


                    if (TextAttributes != null)
                        foreach (TextAttribute TextAttr in TextAttributes)
                            if (TextAttr.Position == TextPosition.BeforeField)
                                StringId = TextAttr.StringId;
                                if (StringId > 0)
                                    Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttr.Label)));
                                    Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, TextAttr.Label));

                    Section.Add(new FieldReference(Parameters, Field.Var));

                    if (TextAttributes != null)
                        foreach (TextAttribute TextAttr in TextAttributes)
                            if (TextAttr.Position == TextPosition.AfterField)
                                StringId = TextAttr.StringId;
                                if (StringId > 0)
                                    Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttr.Label)));
                                    Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, TextAttr.Label));

            if (EditableObject is IPropertyFormAnnotation PropertyFormAnnotation)
                FormState State = new FormState()
                    Form        = Parameters,
                    PageByLabel = PageByLabel,
                    SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = SectionByPageAndSectionLabel,
                    DefaultPage  = DefaultPage,
                    LanguageCode = Language.Code,
                    Fields       = Fields,
                    Pages        = Pages,
                    FieldOrdinal = FieldOrdinal,
                    PageOrdinal  = PageOrdinal

                await PropertyFormAnnotation.AnnotatePropertyForm(State);

            Parameters.Title  = Title;
            Parameters.Fields = Fields.ToArray();

            if (Pages != null)

                foreach (Page Page2 in Pages)

            Parameters.Pages = Pages.ToArray();

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets parameters from a data form in an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param>
        /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be set.</param>
        /// <param name="Form">Data Form.</param>
        /// <returns>Any errors encountered, or null if parameters was set properly.</returns>
        public static async Task <KeyValuePair <string, string>[]> SetEditableForm(IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, DataForm Form)
            Type   T = EditableObject.GetType();
            string DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T);
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Errors = null;
            PropertyInfo PI;
            Language     Language = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode);

            Namespace Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace);

            Namespace ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace);

            LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object> > ToSet = null;
            ValidationMethod           ValidationMethod;
            OptionAttribute            OptionAttribute;
            RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute;
            RangeAttribute             RangeAttribute;
            DataType DataType;
            Type     PropertyType;
            string   Header;
            object   ValueToSet;

            object[] Parsed;
            bool     ReadOnly;
            bool     Alpha;
            bool     DateOnly;
            bool     HasHeader;
            bool     HasOptions;
            bool     ValidOption;

            if (Namespace == null)
                Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace);

            if (ConcentratorNamespace == null)
                ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace);

            foreach (Field Field in Form.Fields)
                PI = T.GetRuntimeProperty(Field.Var);
                if (PI == null)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(1, "Property not found."));

                if (!PI.CanRead || !PI.CanWrite)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable."));

                Header           = null;
                ValidationMethod = null;
                ReadOnly         = Alpha = DateOnly = HasHeader = HasOptions = ValidOption = false;

                foreach (Attribute Attr in PI.GetCustomAttributes())
                    if (Attr is HeaderAttribute)
                        HasHeader = true;
                    else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null)
                        HasOptions = true;
                        if (Field.ValueString == OptionAttribute.Option.ToString())
                            ValidOption = true;
                    else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern);
                    else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max);
                    else if (Attr is OpenAttribute)
                        ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation();
                    else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute)
                        ReadOnly = true;
                    else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute)
                        Alpha = true;
                    else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute)
                        DateOnly = true;

                if (Header == null)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable."));

                if (ReadOnly)
                    if (Field.ValueString != PI.GetValue(EditableObject).ToString())
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(3, "Property is read-only."));


                if (HasOptions && !ValidOption)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option."));

                PropertyType = PI.PropertyType;
                ValueToSet   = null;
                Parsed       = null;
                DataType     = null;

                if (PropertyType == typeof(string[]))
                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    ValueToSet = Parsed = Field.ValueStrings;
                    DataType   = StringDataType.Instance;
                else if (PropertyType == typeof(Enum))
                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                        ValueToSet = Enum.Parse(PropertyType, Field.ValueString);
                    catch (Exception)
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option."));
                else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    if (!CommonTypes.TryParse(Field.ValueString, out bool b))
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(5, "Invalid boolean value."));

                    DataType = BooleanDataType.Instance;
                    if (PropertyType == typeof(string))
                        DataType = StringDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte))
                        DataType = ByteDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(short))
                        DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(int))
                        DataType = IntDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(long))
                        DataType = LongDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte))
                        DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(sbyte.MinValue.ToString(), sbyte.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort))
                        DataType = IntDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint))
                        DataType = LongDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong))
                        DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
                        if (DateOnly)
                            DataType = DateDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal))
                        DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(double))
                        DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(float))
                        DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;                            // Use xs:double anyway
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        DataType = TimeDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri))
                        DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor))
                        if (Alpha)
                            DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = ColorDataType.Instance;
                        DataType = null;

                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                        ValueToSet = DataType.Parse(Field.ValueString);
                    catch (Exception)
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(6, "Invalid value."));

                if (Parsed == null)
                    Parsed = new object[] { ValueToSet }

                ValidationMethod.Validate(Field, DataType, Parsed, Field.ValueStrings);
                if (Field.HasError)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, Field.Error);

                if (ToSet == null)
                    ToSet = new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object> >();

                ToSet.AddLast(new KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object>(PI, ValueToSet));

            if (Errors == null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object> P in ToSet)
                        P.Key.SetValue(EditableObject, P.Value);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        AddError(ref Errors, P.Key.Name, ex.Message);

            if (Errors == null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a data form containing editable parameters from an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Client">Client</param>
        /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param>
        /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be edited.</param>
        /// <param name="Title">Title of form.</param>
        /// <returns>Data form containing editable parameters.</returns>
        public static async Task <DataForm> GetEditableForm(XmppClient Client, IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, string Title)
            Type     T = EditableObject.GetType();
            string   DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T);
            DataForm Parameters          = new DataForm(Client, FormType.Form, e.To, e.From);
            Language Language            = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode);

            Namespace Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace);

            List <Field> Fields = new List <Field>();
            List <Page>  Pages  = new List <Page>();
            Dictionary <string, Page>             PageByLabel = new Dictionary <string, Page>();
            Dictionary <string, Section>          SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = null;
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Options = null;
            string                     Header;
            string                     ToolTip;
            string                     PageLabel;
            string                     SectionLabel;
            string                     s;
            int                        StringId;
            bool                       Required;
            bool                       ReadOnly;
            bool                       Masked;
            bool                       Alpha;
            bool                       DateOnly;
            HeaderAttribute            HeaderAttribute;
            ToolTipAttribute           ToolTipAttribute;
            PageAttribute              PageAttribute;
            SectionAttribute           SectionAttribute;
            OptionAttribute            OptionAttribute;
            TextAttribute              TextAttribute;
            RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute;
            LinkedList <string>        TextAttributes;
            RangeAttribute             RangeAttribute;
            ValidationMethod           ValidationMethod;
            Type                       PropertyType;
            Field                      Field;
            Page                       DefaultPage = null;
            Page                       Page;

            if (Namespace == null)
                Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace);

            foreach (PropertyInfo PI in T.GetRuntimeProperties())
                if (!PI.CanRead || !PI.CanWrite)

                Header           = ToolTip = PageLabel = SectionLabel = null;
                TextAttributes   = null;
                ValidationMethod = null;
                Required         = ReadOnly = Masked = Alpha = DateOnly = false;

                foreach (Attribute Attr in PI.GetCustomAttributes())
                    if ((HeaderAttribute = Attr as HeaderAttribute) != null)
                        Header   = HeaderAttribute.Header;
                        StringId = HeaderAttribute.StringId;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            Header = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, Header);
                    else if ((ToolTipAttribute = Attr as ToolTipAttribute) != null)
                        ToolTip  = ToolTipAttribute.ToolTip;
                        StringId = ToolTipAttribute.StringId;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            ToolTip = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, ToolTip);
                    else if ((PageAttribute = Attr as PageAttribute) != null)
                        PageLabel = PageAttribute.Label;
                        StringId  = PageAttribute.StringId;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            PageLabel = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, PageLabel);
                    else if ((SectionAttribute = Attr as SectionAttribute) != null)
                        SectionLabel = SectionAttribute.Label;
                        StringId     = SectionAttribute.StringId;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            SectionLabel = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, SectionLabel);
                    else if ((TextAttribute = Attr as TextAttribute) != null)
                        if (TextAttributes == null)
                            TextAttributes = new LinkedList <string>();

                        StringId = TextAttribute.StringId;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            TextAttributes.AddLast(await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttribute.Label));
                    else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null)
                        if (Options == null)
                            Options = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                        StringId = OptionAttribute.StringId;
                        if (StringId > 0)
                            Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(OptionAttribute.Option.ToString(),
                                                                          await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttribute.Label)));
                            Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(OptionAttribute.Option.ToString(), OptionAttribute.Label));
                    else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern);
                    else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max);
                    else if (Attr is OpenAttribute)
                        ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation();
                    else if (Attr is RequiredAttribute)
                        Required = true;
                    else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute)
                        ReadOnly = true;
                    else if (Attr is MaskedAttribute)
                        Masked = true;
                    else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute)
                        Alpha = true;
                    else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute)
                        DateOnly = true;

                if (Header == null)

                PropertyType = PI.PropertyType;
                Field        = null;

                if (PropertyType == typeof(string[]))
                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    if (Options == null)
                        Field = new TextMultiField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, (string[])PI.GetValue(EditableObject),
                                                   null, ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                        Field = new ListMultiField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, (string[])PI.GetValue(EditableObject),
                                                   Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                else if (PropertyType == typeof(Enum))
                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    if (Options == null)
                        Options = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                        foreach (string Option in Enum.GetNames(PropertyType))
                            Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(Option, Option));

                    Field = new ListSingleField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, new string[] { PI.GetValue(EditableObject).ToString() },
                                                Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, null, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    Field = new BooleanField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required,
                                             new string[] { CommonTypes.Encode((bool)PI.GetValue(EditableObject)) },
                                             Options?.ToArray(), ToolTip, BooleanDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod,
                                             string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                    DataType DataType;

                    if (PropertyType == typeof(string))
                        DataType = StringDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte))
                        DataType = ByteDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(short))
                        DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(int))
                        DataType = IntDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(long))
                        DataType = LongDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte))
                        DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(sbyte.MinValue.ToString(), sbyte.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort))
                        DataType = IntDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint))
                        DataType = LongDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong))
                        DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
                        if (DateOnly)
                            DataType = DateDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal))
                        DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(double))
                        DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(float))
                        DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;                            // Use xs:double anyway
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        DataType = TimeDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri))
                        DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor))
                        if (Alpha)
                            DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = ColorDataType.Instance;
                        DataType = null;

                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    if (Masked)
                        Field = new TextPrivateField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, new string[] { (string)PI.GetValue(EditableObject) },
                                                     Options?.ToArray(), ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod,
                                                     string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                    else if (Options == null)
                        Field = new TextSingleField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, new string[] { (string)PI.GetValue(EditableObject) },
                                                    null, ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);
                        Field = new ListSingleField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, new string[] { (string)PI.GetValue(EditableObject) },
                                                    Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false);

                if (Field == null)


                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageLabel))
                    if (DefaultPage == null)
                        DefaultPage = new Page(Parameters, string.Empty);
                        PageByLabel[string.Empty] = DefaultPage;

                    Page      = DefaultPage;
                    PageLabel = string.Empty;
                    if (!PageByLabel.TryGetValue(PageLabel, out Page))
                        Page = new Page(Parameters, PageLabel);
                        PageByLabel[PageLabel] = Page;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SectionLabel))
                    if (TextAttributes != null)
                        foreach (string Text in TextAttributes)
                            Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, Text));

                    Page.Add(new FieldReference(Parameters, Field.Var));
                    if (SectionByPageAndSectionLabel == null)
                        SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = new Dictionary <string, Section>();

                    s = PageLabel + " \xa0 " + SectionLabel;
                    if (!SectionByPageAndSectionLabel.TryGetValue(s, out Section Section))
                        Section = new Section(Parameters, SectionLabel);
                        SectionByPageAndSectionLabel[s] = Section;


                    if (TextAttributes != null)
                        foreach (string Text in TextAttributes)
                            Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, Text));

                    Section.Add(new FieldReference(Parameters, Field.Var));

            Parameters.Title  = Title;
            Parameters.Fields = Fields.ToArray();
            Parameters.Pages  = Pages.ToArray();
