        /// <summary>
        /// we have three lanes per segments. the index should be 1,2,3. ONLY.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lindex"></param>
        public void ChangeLaneRandomly()
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
                int lanConut = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.LanesCount;
                if (lanConut > 2)
                    RoadSegment rs  = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment;
                    LaneUi prevLane = CurrentLane;
                    LaneUi newlane  = null;

                    if (prevLane.LaneDirection == Direction.N)
                        newlane = rs.Lanes[LaneIndex.RandomLaneIndex.North(rs.LanesCount)];

                        this.CurrentLane = newlane;
                        this.Margin      = new Thickness(newlane.MyCenterLeft, this.Margin.Top, 0, 0);
                    else if (prevLane.LaneDirection == Direction.S)
                        newlane = rs.Lanes[LaneIndex.RandomLaneIndex.South(rs.LanesCount)];

                        this.CurrentLane = newlane;
                        this.Margin      = new Thickness(newlane.MyCenterLeft, this.Margin.Top, 0, 0);

                    else if (prevLane.LaneDirection == Direction.E)
                        newlane = rs.Lanes[LaneIndex.RandomLaneIndex.East(rs.LanesCount)];

                        this.CurrentLane = newlane;
                        this.Margin      = new Thickness(this.Margin.Left, newlane.MyCenterTop, 0, 0);

                    else if (prevLane.LaneDirection == Direction.W)
                        newlane = rs.Lanes[LaneIndex.RandomLaneIndex.West(rs.LanesCount)];

                        this.CurrentLane = newlane;
                        this.Margin      = new Thickness(this.Margin.Left, newlane.MyCenterTop, 0, 0);

                    // change my speed to random.
                    double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(Computations.RandomSpeedkmh(CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment)); // slow the speed.
                    InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                    // display:
                    prevLane._MainWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => prevLane.lbl_info.Text = prevLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.CountInLane.ToString()), DispatcherPriority.Send);
        double AllowToChangeLaneDistance = 25; // when the distance to the junction is x, then its not allowed to change the lane.

        /// <summary>
        /// move the vechile.
        /// </summary>
        public void StartMove()
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
                VehicleUi infrontVehicle = CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.GetMyFrontVehicle(this); // get in the front.
                showInfo(Settings.Default.DisplayInfoFlag);                                         // show flage. // info which should be disply.
                double headingDistance = RemianDistanceToHeadingJunction;
                // to north:
                if (VehicleDirection == Direction.N)
                    if (headingDistance > 0)
                        double marTop = this.Margin.Top;
                        marTop       -= 1;
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => Margin = new Thickness(Margin.Left, marTop, 0, 0)), DispatcherPriority.Send);
                        // start decrease the speed according to the heading distance toward the jucntion.
                        if (headingDistance <= SlowDownDistance)
                            double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(headingDistance); // slow the speed.
                            InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                        // if has vechile in front: the behind vehicle should change the speed to or change the lane if possible.
                        if (infrontVehicle != null)
                            //: if still allowed to change the lane then go ahead. if not then the behind vechile should lower its speed.
                            if (headingDistance > AllowToChangeLaneDistance)
                                // not allowd to change the lane.
                                // double fronVspeed = 5;
                                InstantaneousSpeed = infrontVehicle.InstantaneousSpeed * SpeedDisPercentage;

                        // change the lane randomnlly when v is in the middlel of the segment.
                        if (marTop < CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Midpoint)
                            double half = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Height / 2;
                            if (headingDistance > half)
                                if (!ChangeLaneFlage)
                                    ChangeLaneFlage = true;

                        if (headingDistance < LineUpInJunctionDistance)
                            CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.Enqueue(this); // add to the queue.
                else if (VehicleDirection == Direction.S)
                    if (headingDistance > 0)
                        double marTop = this.Margin.Top;
                        marTop       += 1;
                        // Margin = new Thickness(Margin.Left, marTop, 0, 0);
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => Margin = new Thickness(Margin.Left, marTop, 0, 0)), DispatcherPriority.Send);
                        if (headingDistance <= SlowDownDistance)
                            double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(headingDistance); // slow the speed.
                            InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                        if (infrontVehicle != null)
                            //: if still allowed to change the lane then go ahead. if not then the behind vechile should lower its speed.
                            if (headingDistance > AllowToChangeLaneDistance)
                                InstantaneousSpeed = infrontVehicle.InstantaneousSpeed * SpeedDisPercentage;
                        if (marTop > CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Midpoint)
                            double half = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Height / 2;
                            if (headingDistance > half)
                                if (!ChangeLaneFlage)
                                    ChangeLaneFlage = true;

                        if (headingDistance < LineUpInJunctionDistance)
                            CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.Enqueue(this); // add to the queue.
                else if (VehicleDirection == Direction.E)
                    if (headingDistance > 0)
                        double marLeft = Margin.Left;
                        double marTop  = Margin.Top;
                        marLeft       += 1;
                        //   Margin = new Thickness(marLeft, marTop, 0, 0);
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => Margin = new Thickness(marLeft, marTop, 0, 0)), DispatcherPriority.Send);

                        if (headingDistance <= SlowDownDistance)
                            double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(headingDistance); // slow the speed.
                            InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                        if (infrontVehicle != null)
                            //: if still allowed to change the lane then go ahead. if not then the behind vechile should lower its speed.
                            if (headingDistance > AllowToChangeLaneDistance)
                                InstantaneousSpeed = infrontVehicle.InstantaneousSpeed * SpeedDisPercentage;
                        if (marLeft > CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Midpoint)
                            double half = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Width / 2;
                            if (headingDistance > half)
                                if (!ChangeLaneFlage)
                                    ChangeLaneFlage = true;

                        if (headingDistance < LineUpInJunctionDistance)
                            CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.Enqueue(this); // add to the queue.
                else if (VehicleDirection == Direction.W)
                    if (headingDistance > 0)
                        double marLeft = Margin.Left;
                        double marTop  = Margin.Top;
                        marLeft       -= 1;
                        // Margin = new Thickness(marLeft, marTop, 0, 0);
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => Margin = new Thickness(marLeft, marTop, 0, 0)), DispatcherPriority.Send);

                        if (headingDistance <= SlowDownDistance)
                            double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(headingDistance); // slow the speed.
                            InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                        if (infrontVehicle != null)
                            //: if still allowed to change the lane then go ahead. if not then the behind vechile should lower its speed.
                            if (headingDistance > AllowToChangeLaneDistance)
                                InstantaneousSpeed = infrontVehicle.InstantaneousSpeed * SpeedDisPercentage;
                        if (marLeft < CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Midpoint)
                            double half = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Width / 2;
                            if (headingDistance > half)
                                if (!ChangeLaneFlage)
                                    ChangeLaneFlage = true;

                        if (headingDistance < LineUpInJunctionDistance)
                            CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.Enqueue(this); // add to the queue.