        public void CompressAndDecompressQuaternion_Iterate_0_to_360()
            // stepSize  1: 360 * 360 * 360 =  46 million  [takes 96 s]
            // stepSize  5:  72 *  72 *  72 = 373 thousand [takes 700 ms]
            // stepSize 10:  36 *  36 *  36 =  46 thousand [takes 100 ms]
            // => 10 is enough. 700ms accumulates in hours of time waited over
            //    the years..
            const int stepSize = 10;

            for (int x = 0; x <= 360; x += stepSize)
                for (int y = 0; y <= 360; y += stepSize)
                    for (int z = 0; z <= 360; z += stepSize)
                        // we need a normalized value
                        Quaternion value = Quaternion.Euler(x, y, z).normalized;

                        // compress
                        uint data = Compression.CompressQuaternion(value);

                        // decompress
                        Quaternion decompressed = Compression.DecompressQuaternion(data);

                        // compare them. Quaternion.Angle is easiest to get the angle
                        // between them. using .eulerAngles would give 0, 90, 360 which is
                        // hard to compare.
                        float angle = Quaternion.Angle(value, decompressed);
                        // 1 degree tolerance
                        Assert.That(Mathf.Abs(angle), Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(1));
 void ClientAuthorityUpdate()
     if (!isServer && HasEitherMovedRotatedScaled())
         // serialize
         // local Position/Orientation for VR sUpport
         // send to server
         CmdClientToServerSync(targetTransform.LocalPosition, Compression.CompressQuaternion(targetTransform.LocalOrientation), targetTransform.LocalScale);
        public void ServerTeleport(Vector3 LocalPosition, Quaternion LocalOrientation)
            // To prevent applying the Position Updates received from client (if they have ClientAuth) while being teleported.
            // clientAuthorityBeforeTeleport defaults to false when not teleporting, if it is true then it means that teleport
            // was previously called but not finished therefore we should keep it as true so that 2nd teleport call doesn't clear authority
            clientAuthorityBeforeTeleport = clientAuthority || clientAuthorityBeforeTeleport;
            clientAuthority = false;

            DoTeleport(LocalPosition, LocalOrientation);

            // tell all clients about new values
            RpcTeleport(LocalPosition, Compression.CompressQuaternion(LocalOrientation), clientAuthorityBeforeTeleport);
        public void SerializeIntoWriterTest()
            NetworkWriter writer   = new NetworkWriter();
            Vector3       position = new Vector3(1, 2, 3);
            Quaternion    rotation = new Quaternion(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f);
            Vector3       scale    = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f);

            NetworkTransformBase.SerializeIntoWriter(writer, position, rotation, scale, true, true);
            NetworkReader reader = new NetworkReader(writer.ToArray());

            Assert.That(reader.ReadVector3(), Is.EqualTo(position));
            Assert.That(reader.ReadUInt(), Is.EqualTo(Compression.CompressQuaternion(rotation)));
            Assert.That(reader.ReadVector3(), Is.EqualTo(scale));
        public void CompressAndDecompressQuaternion()
            // we need a normalized value
            Quaternion value = new Quaternion(1, 3, 4, 2).normalized;

            // compress
            uint data = Compression.CompressQuaternion(value);

            Assert.That(data, Is.EqualTo(0xA83E2F07));

            // decompress
            Quaternion decompressed = Compression.DecompressQuaternion(data);

            Assert.That(decompressed.x, Is.EqualTo(value.x).Within(0.005f));
            Assert.That(decompressed.y, Is.EqualTo(value.y).Within(0.005f));
            Assert.That(decompressed.z, Is.EqualTo(value.z).Within(0.005f));
            Assert.That(decompressed.w, Is.EqualTo(value.w).Within(0.005f));
        public void CompressAndDecompressQuaternion_90DegreeEuler()
            // we need a normalized value
            Quaternion value = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0).normalized;

            // compress
            uint data = Compression.CompressQuaternion(value);

            // decompress
            Quaternion decompressed = Compression.DecompressQuaternion(data);

            // compare them. Quaternion.Angle is easiest to get the angle
            // between them. using .eulerAngles would give 0, 90, 360 which is
            // hard to compare.
            Debug.Log("euler=" + decompressed.eulerAngles);
            float angle = Quaternion.Angle(value, decompressed);

            // 1 degree tolerance
            Assert.That(Mathf.Abs(angle), Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(1));
        public void RotationIsWithinPrecision(Quaternion rotationIn)
            uint packed = Compression.CompressQuaternion(rotationIn);

            Quaternion rotationOut = Compression.DecompressQuaternion(packed);

            Assert.That(rotationOut.x, Is.Not.NaN, "x was NaN");
            Assert.That(rotationOut.y, Is.Not.NaN, "y was NaN");
            Assert.That(rotationOut.z, Is.Not.NaN, "z was NaN");
            Assert.That(rotationOut.w, Is.Not.NaN, "w was NaN");

            Vector3 inVec  = rotationIn * Vector3.forward;
            Vector3 outVec = rotationOut * Vector3.forward;
            // allow for extra precision when rotating vector
            float precision = AllowedPrecision * 2;

            Assert.AreEqual(inVec.x, outVec.x, precision, $"x off by {Mathf.Abs(inVec.x - outVec.x)}");
            Assert.AreEqual(inVec.y, outVec.y, precision, $"y off by {Mathf.Abs(inVec.y - outVec.y)}");
            Assert.AreEqual(inVec.z, outVec.z, precision, $"z off by {Mathf.Abs(inVec.z - outVec.z)}");
        public void QuaternionCompressIsWithinPrecision(Quaternion inRot)
            uint packed = Compression.CompressQuaternion(inRot);

            Quaternion outRot = Compression.DecompressQuaternion(packed);

            Assert.That(outRot.x, Is.Not.NaN, "x was NaN");
            Assert.That(outRot.y, Is.Not.NaN, "y was NaN");
            Assert.That(outRot.z, Is.Not.NaN, "z was NaN");
            Assert.That(outRot.w, Is.Not.NaN, "w was NaN");

            int   largest = Compression.FindLargestIndex(inRot);
            float sign    = Mathf.Sign(inRot[largest]);

            // flip sign of A if largest is negative
            // Q == (-Q)

            Assert.AreEqual(sign * inRot.x, outRot.x, AllowedPrecision, $"x off by {Mathf.Abs(sign * inRot.x - outRot.x)}");
            Assert.AreEqual(sign * inRot.y, outRot.y, AllowedPrecision, $"y off by {Mathf.Abs(sign * inRot.y - outRot.y)}");
            Assert.AreEqual(sign * inRot.z, outRot.z, AllowedPrecision, $"z off by {Mathf.Abs(sign * inRot.z - outRot.z)}");
            Assert.AreEqual(sign * inRot.w, outRot.w, AllowedPrecision, $"w off by {Mathf.Abs(sign * inRot.w - outRot.w)}");
        public void CompressAndDecompressQuaternion_2674()
            // we need a normalized value
            Quaternion value = Quaternion.Euler(338.850037f, 170.609955f, 182.979996f).normalized;

            Debug.Log("immediate=" + value.eulerAngles);

            // compress
            uint data = Compression.CompressQuaternion(value);

            // decompress
            Quaternion decompressed = Compression.DecompressQuaternion(data);

            // compare them. Quaternion.Angle is easiest to get the angle
            // between them. using .eulerAngles would give 0, 90, 360 which is
            // hard to compare.

            //  (51.6, 355.5, 348.1)
            Debug.Log("euler=" + decompressed.eulerAngles);
            float angle = Quaternion.Angle(value, decompressed);

            // 1 degree tolerance
            Assert.That(Mathf.Abs(angle), Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(1));
 void ServerUpdate()
     RpcMove(targetTransform.LocalPosition, Compression.CompressQuaternion(targetTransform.LocalOrientation), targetTransform.LocalScale);