// Create a random graphic
        private Graphic CreateRandomGraphic(int id)
            var symbol = new CompositeSymbol();

            symbol.Symbols.Add(new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
                Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle, Color = Colors.Red, Size = 16
            symbol.Symbols.Add(new TextSymbol()
                Text  = id.ToString(),
                Color = Colors.White,
                VerticalTextAlignment   = VerticalTextAlignment.Middle,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center,
                YOffset = -1

            var graphic = new Graphic()
                Geometry = GetRandomMapPoint(),
                Symbol   = symbol

            graphic.Attributes["ID"] = id;

        private Graphic CreateStopGraphic(MapPoint location, int id)
            var symbol = new CompositeSymbol();

            symbol.Symbols.Add(new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
                Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle, Color = Colors.Blue, Size = 16
            symbol.Symbols.Add(new TextSymbol()
                Text  = id.ToString(),
                Color = Colors.White,
                VerticalTextAlignment   = VerticalTextAlignment.Middle,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center,
                YOffset = -1

            var graphic = new Graphic()
                Geometry = location,
                Symbol   = symbol

        private async void AddStop(Android.Graphics.PointF tappedPosition)
                // Get the location on the map.
                MapPoint tappedLocation = _myMapView.ScreenToLocation(tappedPosition);

                // Name the stop by its number.
                string stopName = $"{_stopsOverlay.Graphics.Count + 1}";

                // Create a pushpin marker for the stop.
                PictureMarkerSymbol pushpinMarker = await GetPictureMarker();

                // Create the text symbol for labeling the stop.
                TextSymbol stopSymbol = new TextSymbol(stopName, Color.White, 15,
                                                       HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle);
                stopSymbol.OffsetY = 15;

                // Create a combined symbol with the pushpin and the label.
                CompositeSymbol combinedSymbol = new CompositeSymbol(new MarkerSymbol[] { pushpinMarker, stopSymbol });

                // Create the graphic from the geometry and the symbology.
                Graphic newStopGraphic = new Graphic(tappedLocation, combinedSymbol);

                // Add the stop to the overlay.
            catch (Exception e)
                ShowMessage("Couldn't select or add stop", "Couldn't select or add stop. See debug output for details.");
        private Graphic CreateGraphic(Dictionary <string, object> attributes, double latitude, double longitude, string iconPath, int?countSymbol = 0)
            CompositeSymbol     compositeSymbol     = new CompositeSymbol();
            PictureMarkerSymbol pictureMarkerSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol();
            TextSymbol          textSymbol          = new TextSymbol();

            pictureMarkerSymbol.SetSourceAsync(new Uri(iconPath));

            if (countSymbol.HasValue && countSymbol != 0)
                textSymbol.Text = countSymbol.ToString();
                textSymbol.HorizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center;
                textSymbol.VerticalTextAlignment   = VerticalTextAlignment.Middle;
                textSymbol.Font.FontSize           = 18;
                textSymbol.YOffset = 7;
                textSymbol.Color   = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#d91e18");

            var graphics = new Graphic(new MapPoint(longitude, latitude, new SpatialReference(4326)), compositeSymbol);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> item in attributes)
                graphics.Attributes.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
            graphics.ZIndex = MARKER_Z_INDEX;
		private void LoadEntireNmeaTrack(string filename)
			var layer = mapView.GraphicsOverlays.First();
			if (currentNmeaFile == null)
			List<MapPoint> vertices = new List<MapPoint>();
			using (var sr = System.IO.File.OpenText(filename))
				while (!sr.EndOfStream)
					var line = sr.ReadLine();
					if (line != null && line.StartsWith("$"))
							var msg = NmeaParser.Messages.NmeaMessage.Parse(line);
							if (msg is NmeaParser.Messages.Rmc rmc)
								if (!double.IsNaN(rmc.Longitude))
									vertices.Add(new MapPoint(rmc.Longitude, rmc.Latitude));
						catch { }
			var pline = new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.Polyline(vertices, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
			var linesymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Width = 4, Color = System.Drawing.Color.CornflowerBlue };
			var symbol = new CompositeSymbol();
			symbol.Symbols.Add(new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Size = 5, Color = System.Drawing.Color.Black });
			layer.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(pline, symbol));
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取聚合图形,用户地图展示
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Graphic GetGraphic()
            if (Graphics.Count == 1)
            var g = new Graphic {
                Geometry = _center

            var cs  = new CompositeSymbol();
            var sms = new SimpleMarkerSymbol
                Outline = new SimpleLineSymbol(),
                Size    = _size

            if (100.0 * Graphics.Count / _totalCount > 30)
                sms.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(100, 255, 0, 0);
            else if (100.0 * Graphics.Count / _totalCount > 5)
                sms.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 255);
                sms.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 255, 0);

            sms.Outline.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);
            sms.Outline.Width = 1;

            var ts = new TextSymbol
                HorizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center,
                VerticalTextAlignment   = VerticalTextAlignment.Baseline,
                Font =
                    FontSize   = 14,
                    FontWeight = SymbolFontWeight.Bold
                Text = Graphics.Count.ToString()


            g.Symbol = cs;

        private Graphic CreateGraphic(double Latitude, double Longitude, string IconPath)
            CompositeSymbol     compositeSymbol     = new CompositeSymbol();
            PictureMarkerSymbol pictureMarkerSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol();

            pictureMarkerSymbol.SetSourceAsync(new Uri(IconPath));


            var graphics = new Graphic(new MapPoint(Longitude, Latitude, new SpatialReference(4326)), compositeSymbol);

        public T CreatSymbol <T>() where T : Symbol
            var symbol = new CompositeSymbol();

            symbol.Symbols.Add(new SimpleMarkerSymbol {
                Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle, Color = Colors.Red, Size = 17
            symbol.Symbols.Add(new TextSymbol
                Text  = "景", //中文支持有问题 解决方案:设置字体即可
                Font  = new SymbolFont("宋体", 15),
                Color = Colors.White,
                VerticalTextAlignment   = VerticalTextAlignment.Middle,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center,
                YOffset = -1
            return(symbol as T);
		private Graphic CreateStopGraphic(MapPoint location, int id)
			var symbol = new CompositeSymbol();
			symbol.Symbols.Add(new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle, Color = Colors.Blue, Size = 16 });
			symbol.Symbols.Add(new TextSymbol()
				Text = id.ToString(),
				Color = Colors.White,
				VerticalTextAlignment = VerticalTextAlignment.Middle,
				HorizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center,
				YOffset = -1

			var graphic = new Graphic()
				Geometry = location,
				Symbol = symbol

			return graphic;
        private async void HandleMapTap(MapPoint mapLocation)
            // Normalize geometry - important for geometries that will be sent to a server for processing.
            mapLocation = (MapPoint)GeometryEngine.NormalizeCentralMeridian(mapLocation);

            switch (_currentSampleState)
            case SampleState.AddingBarriers:
                // Buffer the tapped point to create a larger barrier.
                Geometry bufferedGeometry = GeometryEngine.BufferGeodetic(mapLocation, 500, LinearUnits.Meters);

                // Create the graphic to show the barrier.
                Graphic barrierGraphic = new Graphic(bufferedGeometry, _barrierSymbol);

                // Add the graphic to the overlay - this will cause it to appear on the map.

            case SampleState.AddingStops:
                // Get the name of this stop.
                string stopName = $"{_stopsOverlay.Graphics.Count + 1}";

                // Create the marker to show underneath the stop number.
                PictureMarkerSymbol pushpinMarker = await GetPictureMarker();

                // Create the text symbol for showing the stop.
                TextSymbol stopSymbol = new TextSymbol(stopName, System.Drawing.Color.White, 15,
                                                       HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle);
                stopSymbol.OffsetY = 15;

                CompositeSymbol combinedSymbol = new CompositeSymbol(new MarkerSymbol[] { pushpinMarker, stopSymbol });

                // Create the graphic to show the stop.
                Graphic stopGraphic = new Graphic(mapLocation, combinedSymbol);

                // Add the graphic to the overlay - this will cause it to appear on the map.
        // Create a random graphic
        private Graphic CreateRandomGraphic(int id)
            var symbol = new CompositeSymbol();
            symbol.Symbols.Add(new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle, Color = Colors.Red, Size = 16 });
            symbol.Symbols.Add(new TextSymbol()
                Text = id.ToString(),
                Color = Colors.White,
                VerticalTextAlignment = VerticalTextAlignment.Middle,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center,
                YOffset = -1

            var graphic = new Graphic()
                Geometry = GetRandomMapPoint(),
                Symbol = symbol

            graphic.Attributes["ID"] = id;

            return graphic;
        public static CompositeSymbol CreateEntityCompositeSymbol(string label, bool isGrayed)
            // Composite symbol is used to collate all the constituent parts
            var compositeSymbol = new CompositeSymbol();

            // Reversed triangle symbol
            var triangleSymbol = CreatePointMarker(isGrayed);

            // Map point marker

            // Entity label
            double textHeight;
            var    entityLabelSymbol = CreateEntityLabelSymbol(label, triangleSymbol, isGrayed, out textHeight);
            //compositeSymbol.Symbols.Add(entityLabelSymbol); // Don't add text symbols (we'll get to this later)

            // Entity icon symbol
            var entityIconSymbol = CreateEntityIconSymbol(entityLabelSymbol, textHeight);


		private void LoadEntireNmeaTrack(string filename)
			var layer = mapView.Map.Layers.OfType<GraphicsLayer>().First();
			if (currentNmeaFile == null)
			List<MapPoint> vertices = new List<MapPoint>();
			using (var sr = System.IO.File.OpenText(filename))
				while (!sr.EndOfStream)
					var line = sr.ReadLine();
					if (line.StartsWith("$"))
							var msg = NmeaParser.Nmea.NmeaMessage.Parse(line);
							if (msg is NmeaParser.Nmea.Gps.Gprmc)
								var rmc = (NmeaParser.Nmea.Gps.Gprmc)msg;
								if (!double.IsNaN(rmc.Longitude))
									vertices.Add(new MapPoint(rmc.Longitude, rmc.Latitude));
						catch { }
			var pline = new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.Polyline(vertices, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
			var linesymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Width = 4, Color = Colors.CornflowerBlue };
			var symbol = new CompositeSymbol();
			symbol.Symbols.Add(new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Size = 5, Color = Colors.Black });

			Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Layers.Graphic g = new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Layers.Graphic(pline, symbol);