        protected ArribaApplication(DatabaseFactory factory, ClaimsAuthenticationService claimsAuth)
            this.EventSource = EventPublisher.CreateEventSource(this.GetType().Name);
            this.Database    = factory.GetDatabase();
            _claimsAuth      = claimsAuth;

            // Cache correctors which aren't request specific
            // Cache the People table so that it isn't reloaded for every request.
            // TODO: Need to make configurable by table.
            _correctors = new ComposedCorrector(new TodayCorrector(), new UserAliasCorrector(this.Database["People"]));
        public void Corrector_Basic()
            Table t = new Table();


            // Create as many correctors as possible in the order most like real queries:
            //  - Nested ComposedCorrectors
            //  - Me Corrector on the outside
            //  - ColumnAlias corrector last
            // Unable to include UserAliasCorrector as it requires the User table
            ComposedCorrector correctors = new ComposedCorrector(new MeCorrector("scott"), new ComposedCorrector(new TodayCorrector()));

            // Verify no correction when existing correctors don't have anything to fix
            Assert.AreEqual("[t]:one", Correct("t:one", correctors));

            // Add column alias corrector and verify it's included
            correctors.Add(new ColumnAliasCorrector(t));
            Assert.AreEqual("[Title]:one", Correct("t:one", correctors));

            // Correct 'me'
            Assert.AreEqual("[a] = me OR [a] = scott", Correct("a=me", correctors));

            // Ensure 'me' is willing to correct for all column queries
            Assert.AreEqual("[*]:me OR [*]:scott", Correct("me", correctors));

            // Ensure 'me' correction does not happen to not equal and range operators (which would cause wrong results)
            Assert.AreEqual("[a] <> me", Correct("a <> me", correctors));
            Assert.AreEqual("[a] > me", Correct("a>me", correctors));

            // Correct 'today' and 'today - n'
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("[Created Date] > \"{0}\"", DateTime.Today.ToUniversalTime()), Correct("cd > today", correctors));
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("[Created Date] < \"{0}\"", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-2).ToUniversalTime()), Correct("cd < today-2", correctors));

            // Ensure 'today' is not corrected for any column
            Assert.AreEqual("[*]:today", Correct("today", correctors));

            // Verify several corrections together
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("[Title]:one AND [Created Date] < \"{0}\"", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5).ToUniversalTime()), Correct("t:one cd<today-5", correctors));

            // Correct within NotExpression
            Assert.AreEqual("[Title]:one AND [Title]:two AND NOT([Title]:three)", Correct("t:one t:two -t:three", correctors));

            // Verify ComposedCorrector ensures callers don't call CorrectTerm on it.
            Verify.Exception <InvalidOperationException>(() => correctors.CorrectTerm(new TermExpression("*", Operator.Matches, "today")));