void removeComponent()
        //If a new component is added to the ship

        //Get its slot type (Hull, Thrusters, Wings)

        //Fade out the opacity of the old component and delete it
        currently = Component_State.Fade_Out;
    }//End Update

    internal void you_are_a(Slot placement, int level) //Hull
        //Set slot
        thisGoes = placement;
        //Set level(tier) of item
        component_level = level;
        //Set state to spawning
        currently = Component_State.Spawning;
    }//End you_are_a
 internal void lock_in_place_to(Transform spaceship)
     //New component has transform set to above the ship
     start_position = spaceship.position + vertical_height_at_start_of_animation * Vector3.up;
     //End position is set to the ships position
     end_position = spaceship.position;
     //Ship is the parent for the transform
     transform.parent = spaceship;
     timer            = 0;
     //Set state to Animating
     currently = Component_State.Animating;
 }//End lock_in_place_to
    }//End you_are_a_thruster

    internal void you_are_a_wing(Slot placement, int level, GameObject parent)
        //Set parent
        transform.parent = parent.transform;

        //Set slot
        thisGoes = placement;

        //Set level(tier) of item
        component_level = level;

        //Set state to spawning
        currently = Component_State.Spawning;
    }//End you_are_a_wing
    }//End you_are_a_wing


    //Collision detection for pickup
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        Character_pick_up the_one_picking_me_up = col.transform.GetComponent <Character_pick_up>();

        if (the_one_picking_me_up)
            if (the_one_picking_me_up.can_pick_me_up())
                currently        = Component_State.Carried;
                transform.parent = the_one_picking_me_up.transform;
                transform.localScale    = scale_down_for_carry * transform.localScale;
                transform.localPosition = new Vector3(1.0f, 0f, 1.0f);
            } //End if
        }     //End if
    }         //End onTriggerEnter
    }//End lock_in_place_to

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Folded Component_State to tidy up code
        switch (currently)
        case Component_State.Spawning:

            if (!model_loaded)
                // StartCoroutine(waitToSpawn());
                //Find an object to spawn. "Filename" + "number" eg "thrusters1"
                string filename = filename_start[(int)thisGoes] + component_level.ToString();

                //new_component is an object loaded from resources
                GameObject new_component = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(filename), transform, false);

                if (new_component.GetComponent <Rigidbody>() == null)
                    Rigidbody r = new_component.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    r.isKinematic = true;
                //if (new_component.GetComponent<Collider>() == null)
                //    Collider c = new_component.AddComponent<Collider>();
                //    c.isTrigger = true;

                 * Rigidbody r = new_component.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
                 * r.isKinematic = true;
                 * Collider c = new_component.AddComponent<Collider>();
                 * c.isTrigger = true;
                 * model_loaded = true;
                currently = Component_State.Available;

            break;    //End Spawning

        case Component_State.Available:
            if (our_model_renderer)
                Boolean materialAssigned = false;
                our_model_renderer.material = transparent_texture;
                if (is_a_dummy)
                    //If a material is NOT assigned, do this
                    if (!materialAssigned)
                        Color currentcolour = our_model_renderer.material.color;

                        Color newcolour = new Color(currentcolour.r, currentcolour.g, currentcolour.b, 0.2f);     // new color(currentcolour.r, currentcolour.g, currentcolour.b, 0.2f);

                        our_model_renderer.material.color = newcolour;
                    //Else get the material
                        our_model_renderer.material = transparent_texture; //Fix this
                    }                                                      //End else
                }                                                          //End if
            }                                                              //End if
                our_model_renderer = GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>();

            //When an object spawns and has a model assigned to it
            //  Set the object to available

            break;        //End Available

        case Component_State.Animating:

            timer += Time.deltaTime;
            transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(start_position, end_position, timer / ANIMATION_TIME);
            if (timer > ANIMATION_TIME)
                currently = Component_State.Spawning;
                transform.localPosition = end_position;

            break;    //End Animating

        case Component_State.Fade_Out:

            //If slot is occupied AND a new object is entering the slot
            //Fade out and destroy the old component

             * for (int i = 0; i > 100; i++) {
             *  Slot.variableComponent.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color.a = 0.5f;
             * }

            break;    //End Fade_Out

        case Component_State.Fixed:

            //If a component has been added to a ship
            //Set the component to fixed

            break;    //End Fixed

        case Component_State.Carried:

            //If an object is available AND the player collides with it
            //Pick up the object, set it to carried

            transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, carry_rotate_speed * Time.deltaTime);
            break;    //End Fixed
        }//End switch
    }//End Update