    public void SetRoofTileID(int subGridIndex, int gridX, int gridY, int roofID)
        GridIDs gridIDs = GetGridIDs(subGridIndex);

        if (!gridIDs.isNull)
                gridIDs.roofTileIDs[gridX, gridY] = roofID;
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                ComponentSubGrid subGrid = grid.GetSubGrid(subGridIndex);
                if (subGrid != null)
                    gridIDs.roofTileIDs = new int[subGrid.gridSizeX, subGrid.gridSizeY];
            ComponentSubGrid subGrid = grid.GetSubGrid(subGridIndex);
            if (subGrid != null)
                GridIDs newGridIDs = new GridIDs(subGrid.gridSizeX, subGrid.gridSizeY, subGridIndex);
                newGridIDs.roofTileIDs[gridX, gridY] = roofID;
    public List <ComponentNode> GetCrossSection(int units, ComponentNode node)
        ComponentSubGrid     grid       = GetSubGrid(node.subGridIndex);
        List <ComponentNode> neighbours = new List <ComponentNode> ();

        for (int x = -units; x <= units; x++)
            for (int y = -units; y <= units; y++)
                if (x == 0 && y == 0)

                int checkX = node.gridX + x;
                int checkY = node.gridY + y;

                if (checkX >= 0 && checkX < grid.gridSizeX && checkY >= 0 && checkY < grid.gridSizeY)
                    neighbours.Add(grid.grid[checkX, checkY]);
 public void SetupNewGrid(ComponentSubGrid newGrid, Vector3 bottomRightPos)
     newGrid.transform.parent = transform;
     newGrid.Setup(nodeRadius, null);
     newGrid.gridPlanes[0, 0].transform.parent = transform;
     newGrid.transform.parent = newGrid.gridPlanes[0, 0].transform;
     newGrid.gridPlanes[0, 0].transform.position = bottomRightPos;
     newGrid.transform.parent = transform;
     newGrid.gridPlanes[0, 0].transform.parent = newGrid.transform;
    public ComponentWall CreateTopWall(ComponentSubGrid grid, ComponentNode node, int wallID, bool interiorWall)
        int sub = DetermineSubID(node, "Top");

        // Create wall
        GameObject    newWall       = Instantiate(db.GetStoreObject(wallID, sub).gameObject_);
        ComponentWall componentWall = newWall.GetComponent <ComponentWall>();

        if (node == null)
        if (componentWall == null)
            newWall.AddComponent <ComponentWall>();
        componentWall.gridX      = node.gridX;
        componentWall.gridY      = node.gridY;
        componentWall.parentNode = node;
        componentWall.wallState  = ComponentWall.WallState.solid;
        Vector3 targetPos = node.worldPosition;
        Vector3 newPos    = targetPos;

        newWall.transform.position = newPos;
        Vector3 oldEuler = newWall.transform.eulerAngles;
        float   yRot     = 0.0f;
        Vector3 newEuler = new Vector3(oldEuler.x, yRot, oldEuler.z);

        newWall.transform.eulerAngles = newEuler;
        newWall.transform.parent      = wallsParent.transform;
        newWall.tag = "Wall";
        if (parentWalls.showingTransparency)
            newWall.layer = 2;
            newWall.layer = 22;
        topWall.walls.Add(newWall.GetComponent <ComponentWall>());
        if (wallID != 12000) // if not building trans wall
            if (interiorWall)
                SetIntWallID(componentWall, node, wallID);
                SetExtWallID(componentWall, node, wallID);
    public void SetupNewGrid(Vector2 dimensions)
        GameObject newSubGridGO = new GameObject(gameObject.name + "Grid" + grids.Count);

        newSubGridGO.transform.parent = transform;
        ComponentSubGrid newSubGrid = newSubGridGO.AddComponent <ComponentSubGrid>();

        newSubGrid.parentGrid   = this;
        newSubGrid.subGridIndex = grids.Count;
        newSubGrid.Setup(dimensions, nodeRadius, null);
    public List <ComponentNode> GetSideNeighbours(ComponentNode node, string side)
        ComponentSubGrid     grid       = GetSubGrid(node.subGridIndex);
        List <ComponentNode> neighbours = new List <ComponentNode>();
        int xValMin = 0;
        int xValMax = 0;
        int yValMin = 0;
        int yValMax = 0;

        switch (side)
        case "Top":
            yValMin = -1;
            yValMax = 1;

        case "Right":
            xValMin = -1;
            xValMax = 1;

        case "Left":
            xValMin = -1;
            xValMax = 1;

        case "Bottom":
            yValMin = -1;
            yValMax = 1;
        for (int x = xValMin; x <= xValMax; x++)
            for (int y = yValMin; y <= yValMax; y++)
                if (x == 0 && y == 0)

                int checkX = node.gridX + x;
                int checkY = node.gridY + y;

                if (checkX >= 0 && checkX < grid.gridSizeX && checkY >= 0 && checkY < grid.gridSizeY)
                    neighbours.Add(grid.grid[checkX, checkY]);
    public void SetAllTileIDs(int subGridIndex, int[,] tileIDs, int[,] intWallIDs, int[,] extWallIDs, int[,] roofIDs)
        ComponentSubGrid subGrid = grid.GetSubGrid(subGridIndex);

        if (tileIDs == null && subGrid != null)
            tileIDs = new int[subGrid.gridSizeX, subGrid.gridSizeY];
            for (int i = 0; i < subGrid.gridSizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < subGrid.gridSizeY; j++)
                    tileIDs[i, j] = 10002;
        if (intWallIDs == null && subGrid != null)
            intWallIDs = new int[subGrid.gridSizeX, subGrid.gridSizeY];
            for (int i = 0; i < subGrid.gridSizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < subGrid.gridSizeY; j++)
                    intWallIDs[i, j] = 12002;
        if (extWallIDs == null && subGrid != null)
            extWallIDs = new int[subGrid.gridSizeX, subGrid.gridSizeY];
            for (int i = 0; i < subGrid.gridSizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < subGrid.gridSizeY; j++)
                    extWallIDs[i, j] = 12003;
        if (roofIDs == null && subGrid != null)
            roofIDs = new int[subGrid.gridSizeX, subGrid.gridSizeY];
            for (int i = 0; i < subGrid.gridSizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < subGrid.gridSizeY; j++)
                    roofIDs[i, j] = 11000;
        gridTileIDs.Add(new GridIDs(subGridIndex, tileIDs, intWallIDs, extWallIDs, roofIDs));
 public Grid_s(Vector3 position, ComponentSubGrid subGrid, int[,] tileIDs, int[,] intWallIDs, int[,] extWallIDs, int[,] roofIDs)
     posX           = position.x;
     posY           = position.y;
     posZ           = position.z;
     scaleX         = subGrid.gridWorldSize.x;
     scaleZ         = subGrid.gridWorldSize.y;
     gridRotY       = subGrid.gridEulerRotation.y;
     subGridIndex   = subGrid.subGridIndex;
     gridTileIDs    = tileIDs;
     intWallTileIDs = intWallIDs;
     extWallTileIDs = extWallIDs;
     roofTileIDs    = roofIDs;
    public int DetermineSubID(ComponentNode node, string side)
        ComponentGrid    componentGrid = parentWalls.gameObject.GetComponent <ComponentGrid>();
        ComponentSubGrid grid          = componentGrid.GetSubGrid(subGridIndex);
        ComponentNode    neighbourNode = GetNeighbouringComponentNode(grid, componentGrid.gameObject.name, node);

        if (node != null)
            if (node.doorway == ComponentNode.DoorwayValue.doorway)
                return(1); // sub index for left side doorway walls
            else if (node.window == ComponentNode.WindowValue.largewindow)
            else if (node.window == ComponentNode.WindowValue.mediumwindow)
            else if (node.window == ComponentNode.WindowValue.smallwindow)
        if (neighbourNode != null)
            if (neighbourNode.doorway == ComponentNode.DoorwayValue.doorway)
                return(1); // sub index for left side doorway walls
            else if (neighbourNode.window == ComponentNode.WindowValue.largewindow)
            else if (neighbourNode.window == ComponentNode.WindowValue.mediumwindow)
            else if (neighbourNode.window == ComponentNode.WindowValue.smallwindow)
 public ComponentSubGrid GetSubGrid()
     RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position, Vector3.down);
     foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
         if (hit.transform.tag == "Floor")
             GameObject       subGridObject = hit.transform.parent.parent.gameObject;
             ComponentSubGrid subGrid       = subGridObject.GetComponent <ComponentSubGrid>();
             if (subGrid != null)
     print("returning null");
    // Gets the node in the middle of a side
    public ComponentNode GetMiddleNode(WallSection wallSection)
        ComponentSubGrid grid = parentWalls.GetComponent <ComponentGrid>().GetSubGrid(subGridIndex);

        foreach (ComponentWall wall in wallSection.walls)
            ComponentNode parentNode = wall.parentNode;
            switch (wallSection.side)
            case "Top":
                if (parentNode.gridX == grid.gridSizeX - 1 && parentNode.gridY == grid.gridSizeY / 2)

            case "Right":
                if (parentNode.gridX == grid.gridSizeX / 2 && parentNode.gridY == 0)

            case "Left":
                if (parentNode.gridX == grid.gridSizeX / 2 && parentNode.gridY == grid.gridSizeY - 1)

            case "Bottom":
                if (parentNode.gridX == 0 && parentNode.gridY == grid.gridSizeY / 2)
        return(new ComponentNode());
    public ComponentNode GetNeighbouringComponentNode(ComponentSubGrid grid, string component, ComponentNode node)
        Vector3 nodePos = node.worldPosition;
        int     xVal    = (node.gridX == grid.gridSizeX - 1) ? 0 : 1;
        int     yVal    = (node.gridY == grid.gridSizeY - 1) ? 0 : 1;

        for (int x = -xVal; x <= xVal; x++)
            // Checks if its next to another component
            for (int y = -yVal; y <= yVal; y++)
                if (x == 0 && y == 0)
                    continue; // skip the middle value, only do the edges
                float   newX       = nodePos.x + y * grid.nodeRadius * 2;
                float   newZ       = nodePos.z + x * grid.nodeRadius * 2;
                Vector3 posToCheck = new Vector3(newX, 1, newZ);
                Debug.DrawRay(posToCheck, Vector3.down, (x == 0 && y == 0) ? Color.blue : Color.green);
                //Debug.Break ();
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(posToCheck, Vector3.down, out hit))
                    FloorTile np = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <FloorTile>();
                    if (np != null)
                        if (np.node.componentEdge)
                            if (np.component != component)
        return(new ComponentNode());
    public void CreateWalls(int subGridIndex_, int[,] intWallIDs, int[,] extWallIDs)
        subGridIndex = subGridIndex_;
        if (db == null || dm == null)
            dm = GameObject.Find("DispensaryManager").GetComponent <DispensaryManager>();
            db = GameObject.Find("Database").GetComponent <Database>();
        if (wallsParent != null)
            Destroy(wallsParent.gameObject); // Destroys all walls
        WallSection previousTop    = topWall;
        WallSection previousRight  = rightWall;
        WallSection previousLeft   = leftWall;
        WallSection previousBottom = bottomWall;

        topWall           = new WallSection("Top", new List <ComponentWall>());
        topWall.reference = this;
        if (previousTop != null)
            topWall.transparent = previousTop.transparent;
        rightWall           = new WallSection("Right", new List <ComponentWall>());
        rightWall.reference = this;
        if (previousRight != null)
            rightWall.transparent = previousRight.transparent;
        leftWall           = new WallSection("Left", new List <ComponentWall>());
        leftWall.reference = this;
        if (previousLeft != null)
            leftWall.transparent = previousLeft.transparent;
        bottomWall           = new WallSection("Bottom", new List <ComponentWall>());
        bottomWall.reference = this;
        if (previousBottom != null)
            bottomWall.transparent = previousBottom.transparent;
        List <ComponentNode> edgeNodes = GetEdgeNodes();

        wallsParent = new GameObject("ComponentWalls");
        wallsParent.transform.parent = transform;
        ComponentSubGrid grid = parentWalls.GetComponent <ComponentGrid>().GetSubGrid(subGridIndex);

        foreach (ComponentNode node in edgeNodes)
            int intWallID = -1;
            if (intWallIDs != null)
                    intWallID = intWallIDs[node.gridX, node.gridY];
                    if (intWallID == 0)
                        intWallID = 12002;
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    intWallID = 12002;
                intWallID = 12002;

            int extWallID = -1;
            if (extWallIDs != null)
                    extWallID = extWallIDs[node.gridX, node.gridY];
                    if (extWallID == 0)
                        extWallID = 12003;
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    extWallID = 12003;
                extWallID = 12003;

            // Right Row
            if (node.gridY == 0)
                ComponentWall intComponentWall = CreateRightWall(grid, node, intWallID, true);
                ComponentWall extComponentWall = CreateRightWall(grid, node, extWallID, false);
                RaycastHit    hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(intComponentWall.raycastObject.transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit)) // just do one walls raycast, because both walls are affected the same
                    FloorTile np = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <FloorTile>();
                    if (np != null)
                        if (np.node.componentEdge)
                            if (np.component != parentWalls.gameObject.name)
                                Destroy(extComponentWall.gameObject); // dont do an external wall if theres another component over there
                                if (parentWalls.showingTransparency)
                                    Destroy(intComponentWall.gameObject);                        // Destroy solid wall
                                    intComponentWall = CreateRightWall(grid, node, 12000, true); // Make a trans wall (it identifies as male)
                            else if (np.component == parentWalls.gameObject.name)
                                Destroy(intComponentWall.gameObject); // Destroy wall
                                Destroy(extComponentWall.gameObject); // Destroy wall
                    if (hit.transform.tag == "BuildableZone")
                        if (intComponentWall != null && extComponentWall != null)
                            GameObject newWallTrim = Instantiate(db.GetStoreObject(9999, 0).gameObject_);
                            newWallTrim.transform.parent = extComponentWall.transform;
                            //Vector3 pos = componentWall.transform.position;
                            //Vector3 trimPos = new Vector3(pos.x, .02f, pos.z);
                            //newWallTrim.transform.position = trimPos + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.05f);
                            //newWallTrim.transform.eulerAngles = componentWall.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles;
                            //newWallTrim.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 2, .1f);

            // Left Row
            if (node.gridY == grid.gridSizeY - 1)
                ComponentWall intComponentWall = CreateLeftWall(grid, node, intWallID, true);
                ComponentWall extComponentWall = CreateLeftWall(grid, node, extWallID, false);
                RaycastHit    hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(intComponentWall.raycastObject.transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit))
                    FloorTile np = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <FloorTile>();
                    if (np != null)
                        if (np.node.componentEdge)
                            if (np.component != parentWalls.gameObject.name)
                                Destroy(extComponentWall.gameObject); // dont do an external wall if theres another component over there
                                if (parentWalls.showingTransparency)
                                    Destroy(intComponentWall.gameObject);                       // Destroy solid wall
                                    intComponentWall = CreateLeftWall(grid, node, 12000, true); // Make a trans wall (it identifies as male)
                            else if (np.component == parentWalls.gameObject.name)
                                Destroy(intComponentWall.gameObject); // Destroy wall
                                Destroy(extComponentWall.gameObject); // Destroy wall
                    if (hit.transform.tag == "BuildableZone")
                        if (intComponentWall != null && extComponentWall != null)
                            GameObject newWallTrim = Instantiate(db.GetStoreObject(9999, 0).gameObject_);
                            newWallTrim.transform.parent = extComponentWall.transform;
                            //Vector3 pos = componentWall.transform.position;
                            //Vector3 trimPos = new Vector3(pos.x, .02f, pos.z);
                            //newWallTrim.transform.position = trimPos + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.05f);
                            //newWallTrim.transform.eulerAngles = componentWall.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles;
                            //newWallTrim.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 2, .1f);

            // Top Row
            if (node.gridX == grid.gridSizeX - 1)
                ComponentWall intComponentWall = CreateTopWall(grid, node, intWallID, true);
                ComponentWall extComponentWall = CreateTopWall(grid, node, extWallID, false);
                RaycastHit    hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(intComponentWall.raycastObject.transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit))
                    FloorTile np = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <FloorTile>();
                    if (np != null)
                        if (np.node.componentEdge)
                            if (np.component != parentWalls.gameObject.name)
                                Destroy(extComponentWall.gameObject); // dont do an external wall if theres another component over there
                                if (parentWalls.showingTransparency)
                                    Destroy(intComponentWall.gameObject);                      // Destroy solid wall
                                    intComponentWall = CreateTopWall(grid, node, 12000, true); // Make a trans wall (it identifies as male)
                            else if (np.component == parentWalls.gameObject.name)
                                Destroy(intComponentWall.gameObject); // Destroy wall
                                Destroy(extComponentWall.gameObject); // Destroy wall
                    if (hit.transform.tag == "BuildableZone")
                        if (intComponentWall != null && extComponentWall != null)
                            GameObject newWallTrim = Instantiate(db.GetStoreObject(9999, 0).gameObject_);
                            newWallTrim.transform.parent = extComponentWall.transform;
                            //Vector3 pos = componentWall.transform.position;
                            //Vector3 trimPos = new Vector3(pos.x, .02f, pos.z);
                            //newWallTrim.transform.position = trimPos + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.05f);
                            //newWallTrim.transform.eulerAngles = componentWall.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles;
                            //newWallTrim.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 2, .1f);

            // Bottom Row
            if (node.gridX == 0)
                ComponentWall intComponentWall = CreateBottomWall(grid, node, intWallID, true);
                ComponentWall extComponentWall = CreateBottomWall(grid, node, extWallID, false);
                RaycastHit    hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(intComponentWall.raycastObject.transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit))
                    FloorTile np = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <FloorTile>();
                    if (np != null)
                        if (np.node.componentEdge)
                            if (np.component != parentWalls.gameObject.name)
                                Destroy(extComponentWall.gameObject); // dont do an external wall if theres another component over there
                                if (parentWalls.showingTransparency)
                                    Destroy(intComponentWall.gameObject);                         // Destroy solid wall
                                    intComponentWall = CreateBottomWall(grid, node, 12000, true); // Make a trans wall (it identifies as male)
                            else if (np.component == parentWalls.gameObject.name)
                                Destroy(intComponentWall.gameObject); // Destroy wall
                                Destroy(extComponentWall.gameObject); // Destroy wall
                    if (hit.transform.tag == "BuildableZone")
                        if (intComponentWall != null && extComponentWall != null)
                            GameObject newWallTrim = Instantiate(db.GetStoreObject(9999, 0).gameObject_);
                            newWallTrim.transform.parent = extComponentWall.transform;
                            //Vector3 pos = componentWall.transform.position;
                            //Vector3 trimPos = new Vector3(pos.x, .02f, pos.z);
                            //newWallTrim.transform.position = trimPos + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.05f);
                            //newWallTrim.transform.eulerAngles = componentWall.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles;
                            //newWallTrim.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 2, .1f);
 public void RotateWallTileIDs(int subGridIndex)
     foreach (GridIDs gridIDs in gridTileIDs)
         ComponentSubGrid subGrid = grid.GetSubGrid(subGridIndex);
         if (gridIDs.subGridIndex == subGridIndex)
                 int oldIntWallX = gridIDs.intWallTileIDs.GetLength(0);
                 int oldIntWallY = gridIDs.intWallTileIDs.GetLength(1);
                 int newIntWallX = oldIntWallY;
                 int newIntWallY = oldIntWallX;
                 int[,] newWallTileIDs = new int[newIntWallX, newIntWallY];
                 for (int i = 0; i < newIntWallX; i++)
                     for (int j = 0; j < newIntWallY; j++)
                         newWallTileIDs[i, j] = gridIDs.intWallTileIDs[j, i];
                 gridIDs.intWallTileIDs = newWallTileIDs;
             catch (NullReferenceException)
                 if (subGrid != null)
                     gridIDs.intWallTileIDs = new int[subGrid.gridSizeX, subGrid.gridSizeY];
                     for (int x = 0; x < subGrid.gridSizeX; x++)
                         for (int y = 0; y < subGrid.gridSizeY; y++)
                             gridIDs.intWallTileIDs[x, y] = 12002;
                 int oldExtWallX = gridIDs.extWallTileIDs.GetLength(0);
                 int oldExtWallY = gridIDs.extWallTileIDs.GetLength(1);
                 int newExtWallX = oldExtWallY;
                 int newExtWallY = oldExtWallX;
                 int[,] newWallTileIDs = new int[newExtWallX, newExtWallY];
                 for (int i = 0; i < newExtWallX; i++)
                     for (int j = 0; j < newExtWallY; j++)
                         newWallTileIDs[i, j] = gridIDs.extWallTileIDs[j, i];
                 gridIDs.extWallTileIDs = newWallTileIDs;
             catch (NullReferenceException)
                 if (subGrid != null)
                     gridIDs.extWallTileIDs = new int[subGrid.gridSizeX, subGrid.gridSizeY];
                     for (int x = 0; x < subGrid.gridSizeX; x++)
                         for (int y = 0; y < subGrid.gridSizeY; y++)
                             gridIDs.extWallTileIDs[x, y] = 12003;
    public ComponentSubGrid GetClosestComponentGrid(Vector3 worldPoint, string exception)
        ComponentSubGrid   closestSubGrid = null;
        float              distance       = 10000;
        MainStoreComponent main_c         = dm.dispensary.Main_c;

        if (main_c != null && exception != "MainStore")
            if (main_c.grid.grids.Count > 0)
                foreach (ComponentSubGrid grid in main_c.grid.grids)
                    float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(worldPoint, grid.gameObject.transform.position);
                    if (newDistance < distance)
                        distance       = newDistance;
                        closestSubGrid = grid;
        if (dm.dispensary.Storage_cs.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dm.dispensary.Storage_cs.Count; i++)
                StorageComponent storage_c = dm.dispensary.Storage_cs[i];
                if (storage_c.grid.grids.Count > 0 && exception != "Storage" + i)
                    foreach (ComponentSubGrid grid in storage_c.grid.grids)
                        float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(worldPoint, grid.gameObject.transform.position);
                        if (newDistance < distance)
                            distance       = newDistance;
                            closestSubGrid = grid;
        GlassShopComponent glass_c = dm.dispensary.Glass_c;

        if (glass_c != null && exception != "GlassShop")
            if (glass_c.grid.grids.Count > 0)
                foreach (ComponentSubGrid grid in glass_c.grid.grids)
                    float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(worldPoint, grid.gameObject.transform.position);
                    if (newDistance < distance)
                        distance       = newDistance;
                        closestSubGrid = grid;
        SmokeLoungeComponent lounge_c = dm.dispensary.Lounge_c;

        if (lounge_c != null && exception != "SmokeLounge")
            if (lounge_c.grid.grids.Count > 0)
                foreach (ComponentSubGrid grid in lounge_c.grid.grids)
                    float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(worldPoint, grid.gameObject.transform.position);
                    if (newDistance < distance)
                        distance       = newDistance;
                        closestSubGrid = grid;
        WorkshopComponent workshop_c = dm.dispensary.Workshop_c;

        if (workshop_c != null && exception != "Workshop")
            if (workshop_c.grid.grids.Count > 0)
                foreach (ComponentSubGrid grid in lounge_c.grid.grids)
                    float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(worldPoint, grid.gameObject.transform.position);
                    if (newDistance < distance)
                        distance       = newDistance;
                        closestSubGrid = grid;
        if (dm.dispensary.Growroom_cs.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dm.dispensary.Growroom_cs.Count; i++)
                GrowroomComponent growroom_c = dm.dispensary.Growroom_cs[i];
                if (growroom_c.grid.grids.Count > 0 && exception != "Growroom" + i)
                    foreach (ComponentSubGrid grid in growroom_c.grid.grids)
                        float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(worldPoint, grid.gameObject.transform.position);
                        if (newDistance < distance)
                            distance       = newDistance;
                            closestSubGrid = grid;
        if (dm.dispensary.Processing_cs.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dm.dispensary.Processing_cs.Count; i++)
                ProcessingComponent processing_c = dm.dispensary.Processing_cs[i];
                if (processing_c.grid.grids.Count > 0 && exception != "Processing" + i)
                    foreach (ComponentSubGrid grid in processing_c.grid.grids)
                        float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(worldPoint, grid.gameObject.transform.position);
                        if (newDistance < distance)
                            distance       = newDistance;
                            closestSubGrid = grid;
        if (dm.dispensary.Hallway_cs.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dm.dispensary.Hallway_cs.Count; i++)
                HallwayComponent hallway_c = dm.dispensary.Hallway_cs[i];
                if (hallway_c.grid.grids.Count > 0 && exception != "Hallway" + i)
                    foreach (ComponentSubGrid grid in hallway_c.grid.grids)
                        float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(worldPoint, grid.gameObject.transform.position);
                        if (newDistance < distance)
                            distance       = newDistance;
                            closestSubGrid = grid;
    IEnumerator MoveProduct()
        while (true)
            currentDisplayShelf = null;
            currentShelf        = null;
            bool movementConflict = false;
            if (currentProduct != null)
                // Raise or lower shelf layer
                if (Input.GetKeyUp(dm.database.settings.GetRaiseShelfLayer()))
                    SetCurrentShelfLayer(currentShelfLayer + 1);
                if (Input.GetKeyUp(dm.database.settings.GetLowerShelfLayer()))
                    SetCurrentShelfLayer(currentShelfLayer - 1);

                // If moving a box
                bool productIsBox = currentProduct.currentProduct.IsBox();
                if (productIsBox)
                { // Moving box
                    print("Moving box");
                if (currentProduct.newStack != null)
                    currentProduct.newStack = null;
                    if (currentProduct.currentPlaceholder != null)

                bool chooseContainerPanelOpen = uiM_v5.chooseContainerPanel.panelOpen;
                bool placingBudPanelOpen      = uiM_v5.packagedBudPlacementPanel.panelOpen;
                // Raycasting
                Ray          ray  = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray.origin, ray.direction);

                if (currentProduct.currentProduct.NeedsContainer())
                    if (Input.GetKeyUp(dm.database.settings.GetOpenChooseContainerPanel().ToLower()))
                        if (chooseContainerPanelOpen)
                if (chooseContainerPanelOpen || placingBudPanelOpen)
                    // Dont carry on if either of these windows are open
                    yield return(null);
                else if (currentProduct.currentPlaceholder != null)
                    currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = false;
                    bool hitShelf = false;
                    foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
                        if (hit.transform.tag == "DisplayShelf" || hit.transform.tag == "CheckoutCounter")
                            if (hit.transform.tag == "DisplayShelf")
                                SetCurrentDisplayShelf(hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <StoreObjectFunction_DisplayShelf>());
                            else if (hit.transform.tag == "CheckoutCounter")
                                StoreObjectFunction_DisplayShelf shelf = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <StoreObjectFunction_DisplayShelf>();
                                if (shelf != null)
                                    hitShelf = false;
                        if (hit.transform.gameObject.layer == 21)
                            currentShelf = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <Shelf>();
                            if (currentShelf.shelfLayer == GetCurrentShelfLayer())
                                hitShelf = true;
                                currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.transform.position = hit.point;
                        if (hit.transform.gameObject.layer == 17)
                            //print("Hitting product");
                        if (hit.transform.tag == "StorageBox" && productIsBox)
                            Box        beingMoved           = currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.GetComponent <Box>();
                            StorageBox storageBoxBeingMoved = (StorageBox)beingMoved.product;
                            Box        hitBox = hit.transform.GetComponent <Box>();
                            if (hitBox != null)
                                BoxStack stack = hitBox.parentBoxStack;
                                if (stack != null)
                                    if (stack.boxList.Count <= 2)
                                        currentProduct.newStack = stack;
                                        Box        toSend        = Instantiate(beingMoved);
                                        StorageBox newStorageBox = new StorageBox(storageBoxBeingMoved.productReference, toSend.gameObject);
                                        newStorageBox.uniqueID = storageBoxBeingMoved.uniqueID;
                                        toSend.product         = newStorageBox;
                                        // need to handle carrying across contents as well
                                        // Stack is full
                                        stack.gameObject.GetComponent <Highlighter>().ConstantOnImmediate(Color.red);
                                    print("Need to create a new stack");
                    if (!hitShelf && hits.Length > 0 && !productIsBox)
                    { // Find the nearest display shelf
                            currentDisplayShelf = GetClosestDisplayShelf(hits[0].point);
                            currentShelf        = currentDisplayShelf.GetShelf(GetCurrentShelfLayer(), hits[0].point);
                            Vector3 closestPoint = currentShelf.GetCollider().ClosestPoint(hits[0].point);
                            currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.transform.position = closestPoint;
                        catch (System.NullReferenceException)
                            // Failed to find a nearby shelf
                    else if (!hitShelf && hits.Length > 0 && productIsBox)
                            RaycastHit       toUse          = hits[0];
                            bool             outdoorHit     = false;
                            ComponentSubGrid closestSubGrid = dm.dispensary.GetClosestSubGrid(toUse.point);
                            ComponentGrid    grid           = closestSubGrid.parentGrid;
                            FloorTile        hitTile        = null;
                            foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
                                if (hit.transform.tag == "Floor")
                                    hitTile = hit.transform.GetComponent <FloorTile>();
                            if (hitTile != null)
                                outdoorHit = false;
                                outdoorHit = true;
                            ComponentNode nodeToSnapTo    = null;
                            GameObject    tempTileGO      = Instantiate(dm.database.GetFloorTile(10000).gameObject_);
                            BoxCollider   placeholderTile = tempTileGO.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
                            if (hitTile != null)
                                outdoorHit   = false;
                                nodeToSnapTo = hitTile.node;
                            if (nodeToSnapTo == null)
                                nodeToSnapTo = GetClosestEdgeNode(grid, toUse, outdoorHit);
                            Vector3 snapPos = nodeToSnapTo.worldPosition;
                            Vector3 newPos  = new Vector3(snapPos.x, snapPos.y + placeholderTile.bounds.extents.y, snapPos.z);
                            if (!dm.actionManager.snapToGrid)
                            { // If not snapping to grid and didnt hit something outside
                                if (!outdoorHit)
                                    foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
                                        if (hit.transform.tag == "Floor")
                                            newPos = hit.point;
                            currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.transform.position = newPos;
                        catch (System.NullReferenceException)
                    if (currentDisplayShelf != null && currentShelf != null)
                        // Disable Colliders
                        currentDisplayShelf.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = false;
                        currentShelf.GetCollider().enabled = false;

                        // Perform collision check
                        BoxCollider productCollider = currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
                        productCollider.enabled = true;
                        Vector3 size = productCollider.bounds.size; // /14
                        //Vector3 center = productCollider.bounds.center;
                        productCollider.enabled = false;
                        //size.x = Mathf.Abs(size.x);
                        //size.y = Mathf.Abs(size.y);
                        //size.z = Mathf.Abs(size.z);
                        //float oldY = size.y;
                        //size.y = size.z;
                        //size.z = oldY;
                        Vector3    center  = new Vector3(productCollider.transform.position.x, productCollider.transform.position.y + size.y / 2, productCollider.transform.position.z);
                        Collider[] results = Physics.OverlapBox(center, size / 2);

                        if (results.Length > 0)
                            bool conflict = true;

                            /*foreach (Collider col in results)
                             * {
                             *  if (col.tag == "Shelf")
                             *  {
                             *      print("COnflict with shelf 1");
                             *      conflict = true;
                             *      break;
                             *  }
                             *  else if (col.gameObject.layer == 21)
                             *  { // Shelf layer
                             *      print("COnflict with shelf 2");
                             *      conflict = true;
                             *      break;
                             *  }
                             *  else if (col.gameObject.layer == 17)
                             *  { // Product layer
                             *      print("COnflict with product");
                             *      conflict = true;
                             *      break;
                             *  }
                             * }*/
                            if (conflict)
                                movementConflict = true;
                            results = null;

                        // Re-enable colliders
                        currentDisplayShelf.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = true;
                        currentShelf.GetCollider().enabled = true;
                        //print("Didnt check");
                    currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = true;
                    print("Placeholder doesnt exist");
                if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && !dm.PointerOverUI)
                { // Left Click
                    if (!movementConflict)
                        if (currentProduct.currentProduct.NeedsContainer())
                            if (currentProduct.currentContainer != null)
                                Box.PackagedBud packagedBud = currentProduct.GetPackagedBud();
                                if (packagedBud != null)
                                    currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.indicator.OpenPackagedBudPlacementPanel(currentProduct.currentContainer, packagedBud);
                        else if (!productIsBox)
                            Box.PackagedProduct packagedProduct = null;
                            bool isPackagedProduct = false;
                                packagedProduct   = (Box.PackagedProduct)currentProduct.currentProduct;
                                isPackagedProduct = true;
                            catch (System.InvalidCastException)
                            { // Wasnt a packaged product
                                // Do nothing, allow to carry on
                                isPackagedProduct = false;
                            if (isPackagedProduct)
                                if (packagedProduct != null)
                                    packagedProduct.MoveProduct(Dispensary.JobType.StoreBudtender, currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.transform.position, currentDisplayShelf);

                                    // Try moving next packaged product
                                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.0125f)); // Needs to last longer than the waitforseconds(.01f)

                                    yield break;

                                    /*Product newProduct = null;
                                     * CurrentProduct oldProduct = currentProduct;
                                     * try
                                     * { // Use packaged product reference
                                     *  newProduct = CreateProduct(packagedProduct.packagedProductReference, packagedProduct.parentBox.transform.position);
                                     * }
                                     * catch (System.NullReferenceException)
                                     * { // Use product reference
                                     *  newProduct = CreateProduct(packagedProduct.productReference, packagedProduct.parentBox.transform.position);
                                     * }
                                     * if (newProduct != null)
                                     * {
                                     *  newProduct.productGO.gameObject.SetActive(false);
                                     *  newProduct.MoveProduct(Dispensary.JobType.StoreBudtender, currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.transform.position, currentDisplayShelf);
                                     *  currentProduct.currentProduct.uniqueID = newProduct.uniqueID;
                                     *  currentProduct.FinishMovement();
                                     *  // Try moving next packaged product
                                     *  StartCoroutine(StartMovingNextPackagedProduct());
                                     *  yield return new WaitForSeconds(.0125f); // Needs to last longer than the waitforseconds(.01f)
                                     *  packagedProduct.parentBox.RemoveProduct(packagedProduct);
                                     *  uiM_v5.leftBarMainSelectionsPanel.UpdateBoxScrollable();
                                     *  yield break;
                                     * }*/
                            { // Is not a packaged product0
                                currentProduct.currentProduct.MoveProduct(Dispensary.JobType.StoreBudtender, currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.transform.position, currentDisplayShelf);

                                uiM_v5.leftBarMainSelectionsPanel.RemoveProduct(currentProduct.currentProduct, false);
                                if (moveMode == MoveMode.single)
                                else if (moveMode == MoveMode.multiple)
                                yield break;
                        else if (productIsBox)
                            bool       newStackExists = false;
                            StorageBox beingMoved     = (StorageBox)currentProduct.currentProduct;
                            if (currentProduct.newStack != null)
                                newStackExists = true;
                            if (newStackExists)
                                beingMoved.MoveProduct(Dispensary.JobType.StoreBudtender, currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.transform.position, currentProduct.newStack);
                            else if (currentDisplayShelf != null)
                                beingMoved.MoveProduct(Dispensary.JobType.StoreBudtender, currentProduct.currentPlaceholder.transform.position, currentDisplayShelf);
                        print("Cant move here: wont fit");
            yield return(null);
    public void CreateRoof(ComponentSubGrid grid, int[,] roofIDs)
        subGridIndex = grid.subGridIndex;
        if (db == null || dm == null)
            dm = GameObject.Find("DispensaryManager").GetComponent <DispensaryManager>();
            db = GameObject.Find("Database").GetComponent <Database>();
        if (roofTilesParent != null)
        roofTiles = new GameObject[grid.gridSizeX, grid.gridSizeY];
        GameObject tileParent = new GameObject("RoofTiles");

        tileParent.transform.parent = transform;
        roofTilesParent             = tileParent;
        Vector3 worldBottomLeft = transform.position - Vector3.right * grid.gridWorldSize.x / 2 - Vector3.forward * grid.gridWorldSize.y / 2;

        for (int x = 0; x < grid.gridSizeX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.gridSizeY; y++)
                Vector3 worldPoint = worldBottomLeft + Vector3.right * (x * grid.nodeRadius * 2 + grid.nodeRadius) + Vector3.forward * (y * (grid.nodeRadius * 2) + grid.nodeRadius);
                int     ID         = -1;
                    ID = roofIDs[x, y];
                    if (ID == 0)
                        ID = 11000; // Default roof tile
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ID = -1;
                if (ID == -1)
                    ID = 11000; // Default roof tile
                GameObject newPlane = Instantiate(db.GetStoreObject(ID, 0).gameObject_);
                switch (gameObject.name)
                case "MainStoreComponent":
                case "MainStoreComponent_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "MainStoreComponent";
                    dm.dispensary.Main_c.SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "StorageComponent0":
                case "StorageComponent0_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "StorageComponent0";
                    dm.dispensary.Storage_cs[0].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "StorageComponent1":
                case "StorageComponent1_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "StorageComponent1";
                    dm.dispensary.Storage_cs[1].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "StorageComponent2":
                case "StorageComponent2_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "StorageComponent2";
                    dm.dispensary.Storage_cs[2].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "GlassShopComponent":
                case "GlassShopComponent_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "GlassShopComponent";
                    dm.dispensary.Glass_c.SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "SmokeLoungeComponent":
                case "SmokeLoungeComponent_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "SmokeLoungeComponent";
                    dm.dispensary.Lounge_c.SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "WorkshopComponent":
                case "WorkshopComponent_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "WorkshopComponent";
                    dm.dispensary.Workshop_c.SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "GrowroomComponent0":
                case "GrowroomComponent0_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "GrowroomComponent0";
                    dm.dispensary.Growroom_cs[0].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "GrowroomComponent1":
                case "GrowroomComponent1_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "GrowroomComponent1";
                    dm.dispensary.Growroom_cs[1].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "ProcessingComponent0":
                case "ProcessingComponent0_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "ProcessingComponent0";
                    dm.dispensary.Processing_cs[0].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "ProcessingComponent1":
                case "ProcessingComponent1_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "ProcessingComponent1";
                    dm.dispensary.Processing_cs[1].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "HallwayComponent0":
                case "HallwayComponent0_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "HallwayComponent0";
                    dm.dispensary.Hallway_cs[0].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "HallwayComponent1":
                case "HallwayComponent1_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "HallwayComponent1";
                    dm.dispensary.Hallway_cs[1].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "HallwayComponent2":
                case "HallwayComponent2_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "HallwayComponent2";
                    dm.dispensary.Hallway_cs[2].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "HallwayComponent3":
                case "HallwayComponent3_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "HallwayComponent3";
                    dm.dispensary.Hallway_cs[3].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "HallwayComponent4":
                case "HallwayComponent4_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "HallwayComponent4";
                    dm.dispensary.Hallway_cs[4].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);

                case "HallwayComponent5":
                case "HallwayComponent5_Copy":
                    newPlane.name = "HallwayComponent5";
                    dm.dispensary.Hallway_cs[5].SetRoofTileID(subGridIndex, x, y, ID);
                //newPlane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(grid.nodeRadius * 2, newPlane.transform.localScale.y, grid.nodeRadius * 2);
                Vector3 roofPos = new Vector3(worldPoint.x, 0, worldPoint.z);
                newPlane.transform.position = roofPos;
                RoofTile newRoofTile = newPlane.AddComponent <RoofTile>();
                newRoofTile.gridX     = x;
                newRoofTile.gridY     = y;
                newRoofTile.tileID    = ID;
                newRoofTile.component = newPlane.name;
                newPlane.tag          = "Roof";
                newPlane.layer        = 16;
                newPlane.gameObject.transform.SetParent(roofTilesParent.transform, false);
                roofTiles[x, y] = newPlane;