/// <summary>
        /// Gets the surface controller meta data and a reference to the MethodInfo object for the ChildAction to render based on the
        /// macro definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="macro"></param>
        /// <param name="components"></param>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Lazy <SurfaceController, SurfaceMetadata> GetSurfaceMacroChildAction(
            this MacroDefinition macro,
            ComponentRegistrations components,
            out MethodInfo action)
            var parsedMacroName = MacroNameParser.ParseChildActionMacroName(macro.SelectedItem);

            //get the surface controller for the area/controller name
            var surfaceController = components.SurfaceControllers
                                    .Where(x => x.Metadata.ControllerName == parsedMacroName.ControllerName &&
                                           (parsedMacroName.AreaName == "" || (x.Metadata.PluginDefinition != null && x.Metadata.PluginDefinition.PackageName == parsedMacroName.AreaName)))

            if (surfaceController == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not find the Surface controller '" + parsedMacroName.ControllerName);
            if (!surfaceController.Metadata.HasChildActionMacros)
                throw new ApplicationException("The Surface controller '" + parsedMacroName.ControllerName + "' is not advertising that it HasChildActionMacros");
            //now we need to get the controller's referenced child action
            var childAction = surfaceController.Metadata.ComponentType.GetMethods()
                              .Where(x => x.Name == parsedMacroName.ActionName && x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ChildActionOnlyAttribute), false).Any())

            if (childAction == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The Surface controller '" + parsedMacroName.ControllerName + "' with Action: '" + parsedMacroName.ActionName + "' could not be found or was not attributed with a ChildActionOnlyAttribute");

            action = childAction;
        public RoutableRequestContext(IRebelApplicationContext applicationContext, ComponentRegistrations components, IRoutingEngine routingEngine)
            Mandate.ParameterNotNull(applicationContext, "applicationContext");
            Mandate.ParameterNotNull(components, "components");
            Mandate.ParameterNotNull(routingEngine, "routingEngine");

            Application          = applicationContext;
            RegisteredComponents = components;
            RoutingEngine        = routingEngine;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor using a specific RebelSettings object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="applicationContext"></param>
 /// <param name="componentRegistrar"></param>
 public RebelAreaRegistration(
     IRebelApplicationContext applicationContext,
     ComponentRegistrations componentRegistrar)
     _applicationContext = applicationContext;
     _rebelSettings      = _applicationContext.Settings;
     _componentRegistrar = componentRegistrar;
     _treeControllers    = _componentRegistrar.TreeControllers;
     _editorControllers  = _componentRegistrar.EditorControllers;
     _surfaceControllers = _componentRegistrar.SurfaceControllers;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor using a specific UmbracoSettings object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="applicationContext"></param>
 /// <param name="componentRegistrar"></param>
 public UmbracoAreaRegistration(
     IUmbracoApplicationContext applicationContext,
     ComponentRegistrations componentRegistrar)
     _applicationContext = applicationContext;
     _umbracoSettings    = _applicationContext.Settings;
     _componentRegistrar = componentRegistrar;
     _treeControllers    = _componentRegistrar.TreeControllers;
     _editorControllers  = _componentRegistrar.EditorControllers;
     _surfaceControllers = _componentRegistrar.SurfaceControllers;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds bot runtime-related services to the application's service collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="services">The application's collection of registered services.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The application configuration.</param>
        public static void AddBotRuntime(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
            if (services == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(services));

            if (configuration == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));

            // Component registrations must be added before the resource explorer is instantiated to ensure
            // that all types are correctly registered. Any types that are registered after the resource explorer
            // is instantiated will not be picked up otherwise.

            // Configuration
            string applicationRoot = configuration.GetSection(ConfigurationConstants.ApplicationRootKey).Value;
            string defaultLocale   = configuration.GetSection(ConfigurationConstants.DefaultLocale).Value;
            string rootDialog      = configuration.GetSection(ConfigurationConstants.RootDialogKey).Value;

            // Runtime settings. If no config is provided, we create basic runtime config with defaults.
            var runtimeSettings = configuration.GetSection(ConfigurationConstants.RuntimeSettingsKey).Get <RuntimeSettings>() ?? new RuntimeSettings();

            // Bot
            services.AddSingleton <IBot, CoreBot>();
            .Configure <CoreBotOptions>(o =>
                o.DefaultLocale = defaultLocale;
                o.RootDialog    = rootDialog;

            // ResourceExplorer. TryAddSingleton will only add if there is no other registration for resource explorer.
            // Tests use this to inject custom resource explorers but could also be used for advanced runtime customization scenarios.
            services.TryAddSingleton <ResourceExplorer>(serviceProvider =>
                                                        new ResourceExplorer()
                                                        .RegisterType <OnQnAMatch>(OnQnAMatch.Kind));

            // Runtime set up
            services.AddBotRuntimeStorage(configuration, runtimeSettings);
            services.AddBotRuntimeTranscriptLogging(configuration, runtimeSettings.Features);
            services.AddBotRuntimePlugins(configuration, runtimeSettings);
        public PackageAreaRegistration(DirectoryInfo packageFolder,
                                       IRebelApplicationContext applicationContext,
                                       ComponentRegistrations componentRegistrar)
            //TODO: do we need to validate the package name??

            _packageName = packageFolder.Name;

            _packageFolder      = packageFolder;
            _applicationContext = applicationContext;
            _componentRegistrar = componentRegistrar;
            _treeControllers    = _componentRegistrar.TreeControllers;
            _editorControllers  = _componentRegistrar.EditorControllers;
            _surfaceControllers = componentRegistrar.SurfaceControllers;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the surface controller meta data and a reference to the MethodInfo object for the ChildAction to render based on the
        /// macro definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="macro"></param>
        /// <param name="components"></param>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Lazy <SurfaceController, SurfaceMetadata> GetSurfaceMacroChildAction(
            this MacroDefinition macro,
            ComponentRegistrations components,
            out MethodInfo action)
            //need to see if the surface controller is part of an area
            var areaParts = macro.SelectedItem.Split('-');
            var areaName  = areaParts.Length > 1
                               ? areaParts[0]
                               : "";

            //we need to get the surface controller by name
            var controllerParts = macro.SelectedItem.Split('.');

            if (controllerParts.Length != 2)
                throw new FormatException("The string format for macro.SelectedItem for child actions must be: [AreaName-]ControllerName.ActionName");
            var controllerName   = controllerParts[0].Replace(areaName + "-", ""); //strip off area name and hyphen if present (will be for plug-in based surface controllers, won't be for local ones)
            var controllerAction = controllerParts[1];

            //get the surface controller for the area/controller name
            var surfaceController = components.SurfaceControllers
                                    .Where(x => x.Metadata.ControllerName == controllerName &&
                                           (areaName == "" || x.Metadata.PluginDefinition.PackageName == areaName))

            if (surfaceController == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not find the Surface controller '" + controllerName);
            if (!surfaceController.Metadata.HasChildActionMacros)
                throw new ApplicationException("The Surface controller '" + controllerName + "' is not advertising that it HasChildActionMacros");
            //now we need to get the controller's referenced child action
            var childAction = surfaceController.Metadata.ComponentType.GetMethods()
                              .Where(x => x.Name == controllerAction && x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ChildActionOnlyAttribute), false).Any())

            if (childAction == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The Surface controller '" + controllerName + "' with Action: '" + controllerAction + "' could not be found or was not attributed with a ChildActionOnlyAttribute");

            action = childAction;
        public DefaultBackOfficeRequestContext(IRebelApplicationContext applicationContext,
                                               HttpContextBase httpContext,
                                               ComponentRegistrations components,
                                               IPackageContext packageContext,
                                               IRoutingEngine routingEngine)
            : base(applicationContext, components, routingEngine)
            //create the IO resolvers
            var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(httpContext.Request.RequestContext);

            DocumentTypeIconResolver      = new DocumentTypeIconFileResolver(httpContext.Server, applicationContext.Settings, urlHelper);
            DocumentTypeThumbnailResolver = new DocumentTypeThumbnailFileResolver(httpContext.Server, applicationContext.Settings, urlHelper);
            ApplicationIconResolver       = new ApplicationIconFileResolver(httpContext.Server, applicationContext.Settings, urlHelper);

            PackageContext = packageContext;
        public void InitTest()

            RenderModelFactory = FakeRenderModelFactory.CreateWithApp();
            var frontEndRouteHandler = new RenderRouteHandler(new TestControllerFactory(), UmbracoApplicationContext, RenderModelFactory);

            //register areas/routes...


            var packageFolder = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Common.CurrentAssemblyDirectory, "App_Plugins", PluginManager.PackagesFolderName, "TestPackage"));

            Components = new ComponentRegistrations(new List <Lazy <MenuItem, MenuItemMetadata> >(),
                                                    new List <Lazy <AbstractTask, TaskMetadata> >(),
                                                    new List <Lazy <PropertyEditor, PropertyEditorMetadata> >(),
                                                    new List <Lazy <AbstractParameterEditor, ParameterEditorMetadata> >(),
                                                    new List <Lazy <DashboardMatchRule, DashboardRuleMetadata> >(),
                                                    new List <Lazy <DashboardFilter, DashboardRuleMetadata> >(),
                                                    new List <Lazy <Permission, PermissionMetadata> >(),
                                                    new List <Lazy <AbstractMacroEngine, MacroEngineMetadata> >());

            var componentRegistration = new PackageAreaRegistration(packageFolder, UmbracoApplicationContext, Components);
            var areaRegistration      = new UmbracoAreaRegistration(UmbracoApplicationContext, Components);
            var installRegistration   = new InstallAreaRegistration(UmbracoApplicationContext.Settings);

            var cmsBootstrapper    = new CmsBootstrapper(UmbracoApplicationContext.Settings, areaRegistration, installRegistration, new[] { componentRegistration }, new DefaultAttributeTypeRegistry());
            var renderBootstrapper = new RenderBootstrapper(UmbracoApplicationContext, frontEndRouteHandler, RenderModelFactory);

            //bootstrappers setup the routes

            new UmbracoWebApplication(null, null, null).RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes);
        public static Lazy <AbstractEditorController, EditorMetadata> GetEditorDashboardAction(
            this DashboardItemModel dashboard,
            ComponentRegistrations components,
            out MethodInfo action)
            //we need to get the surface controller by name
            var parts = dashboard.ViewName.Split('.');

            if (parts.Length != 2)
                throw new FormatException("The string format for dashboard.ViewName for child actions must be: ControllerName.ActionName");
            var controllerName   = parts[0];
            var controllerAction = parts[1];
            var editorController = components.EditorControllers
                                   .Where(x => x.Metadata.ControllerName == controllerName).SingleOrDefault();

            if (editorController == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not find the Editor controller '" + controllerName);
            if (!editorController.Metadata.HasChildActionDashboards)
                throw new ApplicationException("The Editor controller '" + controllerName + "' is not advertising that it HasChildActionDashboards");
            //now we need to get the controller's referenced child action
            var childAction = editorController.Metadata.ComponentType.GetMethods()
                              .Where(x => x.Name == controllerAction && x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ChildActionOnlyAttribute), false).Any())

            if (childAction == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The Editor controller '" + controllerName + "' with Action: '" + controllerAction + "' could not be found or was not attributed with a ChildActionOnlyAttribute");

            action = childAction;
        public static string GetEditorUrl(this UrlHelper url, string action, Guid editorId, object actionParams, ComponentRegistrations preResolvedComponentRegistrations, RebelSettings preResovledSettings)
            var editorMetaData = preResolvedComponentRegistrations
                                 .Where(x => x.Metadata.Id == editorId)

            if (editorMetaData == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find the editor controller with id " + editorId);

            var routeValDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary(actionParams);

            routeValDictionary["editorId"] = editorId.ToString("N");

            var area = preResovledSettings.RebelPaths.BackOfficePath;

            //now, need to figure out what area this editor belongs too...
            var pluginDefinition = editorMetaData.Metadata.PluginDefinition;

            if (pluginDefinition.HasRoutablePackageArea())
                area = pluginDefinition.PackageName;

            //add the plugin area to our collection
            routeValDictionary["area"] = area;

            var resolvedUrl = url.Action(action, editorMetaData.Metadata.ControllerName, routeValDictionary);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the full unique url for an Editor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="id">A HiveId object or null if no id is required</param>
        /// <param name="editorId">The editor id.</param>
        /// <param name="preResolvedComponentRegistrations">The pre resolved component registrations.</param>
        /// <param name="preResovledSettings"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetEditorUrl(this UrlHelper url, string action, HiveId?id, Guid editorId, ComponentRegistrations preResolvedComponentRegistrations, RebelSettings preResovledSettings)
            var idVal = GetIdVal(id);

            return(url.GetEditorUrl(action, editorId, new { id = idVal }, preResolvedComponentRegistrations, preResovledSettings));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the editor url using the default action
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="url">The URL.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The id.</param>
 /// <param name="editorId">The editor id.</param>
 /// <param name="preResolvedComponentRegistrations">The pre resolved component registrations.</param>
 /// <param name="preResovledSettings"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetEditorUrl(this UrlHelper url, HiveId id, Guid editorId, ComponentRegistrations preResolvedComponentRegistrations, RebelSettings preResovledSettings)
     return(url.GetEditorUrl("Edit", id, editorId, preResolvedComponentRegistrations, preResovledSettings));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the MacroRender class that provides utility methods for compiling and rendering macros.
 /// </summary>
 public MacroRenderer(ComponentRegistrations componentRegistrations, IRoutableRequestContext routableRequestContext)
     _componentRegistrations = componentRegistrations;
     _routableRequestContext = routableRequestContext;
     _applicationContext     = routableRequestContext.Application;
 public ComponentRegistrationsFixture()