        private Element createElementFromTemplateNoChildren(Template template, Template parentTemplate, AttributeCollection attributes, Element parent, params object[] inputs)
            // If the parent template exists and defines a template with the same name as the new element, use that template instead of the given one.
            string identifierName = attributes?.GetAttributeOrDefault(nameAttributeName, (string)null);

            if (parentTemplate == null || identifierName == null || !parentTemplate.ChildrenByIdentifierName.TryGetValue(identifierName, out Template baseTemplate))
                baseTemplate = template;

            // If attributes were given, combine them with the base template to make a unique template for this element.
            Template elementTemplate = attributes == null || attributes.Count == 0 ? baseTemplate.CreateCopy() : baseTemplate.CombineOver(attributes);

            // Get the style name from the element template attributes, if the style is missing, use the default.
            string styleName = elementTemplate.Attributes.GetAttributeOrDefault(styleAttributeName, string.Empty);
            Style  style     = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(styleName) ? styleManager.DefaultStyle.CreateCopy() : styleManager.GetStyleFromName(styleName);

            // Create the element.
            Element element = elementCache.CreateInstance(elementTemplate.ControllerName, serviceProvider, inputs);

            // Create the components, which internally initialises each one.
            Dictionary <Type, Component> components = componentManager.CreateComponents(elementTemplate.ComponentNames, element, inputs);

            // Initialise the element internally.
            element.internalOnCreated(root, this, styleManager, elementTemplate, parent == null ? ElementContainer : parent.ElementContainer, style, components);

            // Handle adding the element as tagged.

            // Initialise the element publicly.