/// <summary> /// Title screen constructor. /// </summary> public SaveScreen(GameMain parent) { List <Base.GameState> allStates = GameStateManager.LoadData(); int i = 0; _window = Rectangle.Empty; _parent = parent; _list = new ComponentList(); _list.ComponentHeight = 80; if (allStates.Count < 5) { _list.AddComponent(new Button("New Save", new SelectDelegate(() => { GameStateManager.SaveData(-1); _parent.ChangeState(GameState.Playing); }))); } foreach (Base.GameState state in allStates) { _list.AddComponent(new SaveDataButton("saveButton" + (i++), state, new SelectDelegate(() => { GameStateManager.SaveDataOverwriting(state); _parent.ChangeState(GameState.Playing); }))); } _list.AddComponent(new Button("Cancel", new SelectDelegate(() => { OptionsManager.LoadOptions(); _parent.ChangeState(GameState.Playing); }))); }
private void FindIgnoreComponents() { var ignore = _type.GetCustomAttribute <Ignore>(); if (ignore != null) { for (var i = 0; i < ignore.Types.Length; i++) { if (!_components.IsValid(_fields[i].DeclaringType)) { IsValid = false; return; } var componentType = _components.AddComponent(_fields[i].DeclaringType); if (!_allComponents.Add(componentType)) { IsValid = false; return; } _ignoreComponents.Add(componentType); } } }
/// <summary> /// Title screen constructor. /// </summary> public LoadScreen(GameMain parent) { _window = Rectangle.Empty; _parent = parent; int x = 0; _list = new ComponentList(); _list.ComponentHeight = 80; foreach (Base.GameState state in GameStateManager.LoadData()) { //TODO: Create specific component. _list.AddComponent(new SaveDataButton("saveButton" + (x++), state, new SelectDelegate(() => { GameStateManager.SelectSaveData(state); _parent.ChangeState(GameState.LoadingGame); }))); } _list.AddComponent(new Button("Cancel", new SelectDelegate(() => { OptionsManager.LoadOptions(); _parent.ChangeState(GameState.MainMenu); }))); }
private void OnEnable() { if (TargetList != null && SubjectComponent != null) { TargetList.AddComponent(SubjectComponent); } }
/// <summary> /// Title screen constructor. /// </summary> public OptionsScreen(GameMain parent) { _list = new ComponentList(); SelectionBox resolution = new SelectionBox("Resolution"); resolution.AddOption("800x600"); resolution.AddOption("1280x720"); resolution.AddOption("1920x1080"); resolution.SelectOption(OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.ResolutionWidth + "x" + OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.ResolutionHeight); _list.AddComponent(resolution); SelectionBox fullscreen = new SelectionBox("Fullscreen"); fullscreen.AddOption("On"); fullscreen.AddOption("Off"); fullscreen.SelectOption(OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.Fullscreen ? "On" : "Off"); _list.AddComponent(fullscreen); SelectionBox inverted = new SelectionBox("Inverted Aim"); inverted.AddOption("On"); inverted.AddOption("Off"); inverted.SelectOption(OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.InvertAim ? "On" : "Off"); _list.AddComponent(inverted); _list.ValueChanged += new ValueChangeDelegate(() => { string res = _list.GetValue("Resolution"); string ful = _list.GetValue("Fullscreen"); string aim = _list.GetValue("Inverted Aim"); OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.ResolutionWidth = Convert.ToInt32(res.Split('x')[0]); OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.ResolutionHeight = Convert.ToInt32(res.Split('x')[1]); OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.Fullscreen = (ful == "On"); OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.InvertAim = (aim == "On"); }); _list.AddComponent(new Button("Delete All Save Data", new SelectDelegate(() => { GameStateManager.DeleteAllSaves(); }))); _list.AddComponent(new Button("Save", new SelectDelegate(() => { OptionsManager.SaveOptions(); _parent.ChangeState(GameState.MainMenu); }))); _list.AddComponent(new Button("Cancel", new SelectDelegate(() => { OptionsManager.LoadOptions(); _parent.ChangeState(GameState.MainMenu); }))); _window = Rectangle.Empty; _parent = parent; }
/// <summary> /// Title screen constructor. /// </summary> public IntroScreen(GameMain parent) { _font = GameContent.LoadContent <SpriteFont>("fonts/DefaultFont"); _parent = parent; _input = new Input(); _credits = new List <string>(); _credits.Add("A long time ago, an distant kingdom lived in peace"); _credits.Add("thanks to a magic crown. The peace was kept until "); _credits.Add("one day, when a Evil Wizard stole the crown."); _credits.Add("The Prince couldn't let the worst happen,"); _credits.Add("and saved the day, killing the villain."); _credits.Add(""); _credits.Add("Two hundred years have passed since then."); _credits.Add("A group of cultists stole the crown and"); _credits.Add("captured the king, so they could"); _credits.Add("get enough power to ressurrect the wizard."); _credits.Add(""); _credits.Add("Now, all of the kingdom's hopes rest on"); _credits.Add("the shoulders of the king's bodyguard."); _credits.Add("He needs to get the sacred weapons to"); _credits.Add("destroy the evil cult, saving the king,"); _credits.Add("the kingdom and the crown."); _credits.Add(""); _credits.Add("But first... he would need a sword."); _titleList = new ComponentList(); _titleList.AddComponent(new Label("Diogo Muller & João Vitor present...")); _titleList.Position = new Rectangle(20, 20, parent.Window.ClientBounds.Width - 40, parent.Window.ClientBounds.Height - 40); _list = new ScrollingList(); _list.ComponentHeight = 50; foreach (string st in _credits) { _list.AddComponent(new Label(st)); } _list.Position = new Rectangle(20, 20, parent.Window.ClientBounds.Width - 40, parent.Window.ClientBounds.Height - 40); _list.ResetPosition(); _showningTime = ShowTime; _fadingTime = FadeTime; }
/// <summary> /// Title screen constructor. /// </summary> public TitleScreen(GameMain parent) { _logo = GameContent.LoadContent <Texture2D>("images/title.png"); _list = new ComponentList(); _list.ComponentHeight = 50; _list.AddComponent(new Button("New Game", () => _parent.ChangeState(GameState.NewGame))); _list.AddComponent(new Button("Load Game", () => _parent.ChangeState(GameState.LoadGame))); _list.AddComponent(new Button("Demo Mode", () => _parent.ChangeState(GameState.DemoMode))); _list.AddComponent(new Button("Options", () => _parent.ChangeState(GameState.Options))); _list.AddComponent(new Button("How to Play", () => _parent.ChangeState(GameState.HowToPlay))); _list.AddComponent(new Button("Credits", () => _parent.ChangeState(GameState.Credits))); _list.AddComponent(new Button("Quit Game", () => _parent.ChangeState(GameState.Quiting))); _window = Rectangle.Empty; _parent = parent; }
public void AddComponenet(Component component) { List.AddComponent(component); }
public TitleScreen(string background, int width, int height) { #region Title Screen Assets initialization _bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); _background = GameContent.LoadContent <Texture2D>(background); _logo = GameContent.LoadContent <Texture2D>("Images/Logo"); _font = GameContent.LoadContent <SpriteFont>("Fonts/SmallFont"); Vector2 bg_center = new Vector2(_logo.Width / 2.0f, _logo.Height / 2.0f); Vector2 screen_center = new Vector2(width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f); _titlePosition = new Rectangle((int)(screen_center.X - bg_center.X), (int)(screen_center.Y * 0.5 - bg_center.Y), (int)(_logo.Width), (int)(_logo.Height)); _startMessage = "Press START or ENTER to start the game"; Vector2 startSize = _font.MeasureString(_startMessage); _startOrigin = new Vector2(startSize.X / 2, startSize.Y / 2); _startPosition = new Vector2(screen_center.X, screen_center.Y * 1.7f); _transparency = 0.9f; _transparencyDiff = 0.001f; #endregion Title Screen Assets initialization #region Options Initialization _options = new ComponentList(); SelectionBox controller = new SelectionBox("Use Keyboard?"); controller.AddOption("Yes"); controller.AddOption("No"); controller.SelectOption(GameMain.UseKeyboard ? "Yes" : "No"); _options.AddComponent(controller); SelectionBox players = new SelectionBox("Players"); players.AddOption("2"); players.AddOption("3"); players.AddOption("4"); /*players.AddOption("5"); * players.AddOption("6"); * players.AddOption("7"); * players.AddOption("8");*/ players.SelectOption(GameMain.PlayerCount.ToString()); _options.AddComponent(players); _options.ValueChanged += () => { string useKeyboard = _options.GetValue("Use Keyboard?"); string playersCount = _options.GetValue("Players"); GameMain.UseKeyboard = (useKeyboard == "Yes"); GameMain.PlayerCount = int.Parse(playersCount.Replace('*', '\0')); if (GameMain.PlayerCount > 2) { _options.GetComponent <Button>("Search For Game").Visible = false; _options.GetComponent <Button>("Host Game").Visible = false; } else { _options.GetComponent <Button>("Search For Game").Visible = true; _options.GetComponent <Button>("Host Game").Visible = true; } }; _options.AddComponent(new Button("Play Local", () => { _showOptions = false; GameMain.ChangeState(GameState.PlayingLocal); })); _options.AddComponent(new Button("Search For Game", () => { // TODO: Add network logic. _showOptions = false; GameMain.ChangeState(GameState.SearchingGame); })); _options.AddComponent(new Button("Host Game", () => { if (GameMain.CurrentState != GameState.TitleScreen) { return; } // TODO: Add network logic. _showOptions = false; GameMain.ChangeState(GameState.CreatingHost); })); _options.Position = new Rectangle(30, 200, width - 60, height - 220); _showOptions = false; #endregion Options Initialization _firstKeyUp = false; }