public void Test_FindComponents() { Workspace workspace = new Workspace("Name", "Description"); Container container = workspace.Model.AddSoftwareSystem("Name", "Description").AddContainer("Name", "Description", "Technology"); ComponentFinder componentFinder = new ComponentFinder( container, typeof(MyApp.MyController).Namespace, new TypeBasedComponentFinderStrategy( new NameSuffixTypeMatcher("Controller", "", "ASP.NET MVC") )); ICollection <Component> components = componentFinder.FindComponents().ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, components.Count); Assert.AreEqual("MyController", components.First().Name); }
public void TestFindComponents() { string graphString = @" 0-1,2 1-0 2-0,3 3-2 4-6 5-6 6-4,5 7-8 8-7 9-"; var graph = ReadDirectedGraphFromString(graphString); ComponentFinder <string> componentFinder = new ComponentFinder <string>(new DFSRecursive <string>()); List <GraphComponent <string> > graphComponents = componentFinder.FindComponents(graph); Assert.Equal(4, graphComponents.Count); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Workspace workspace = new Workspace("Contoso University", "A software architecture model of the Contoso University sample project."); Model model = workspace.Model; ViewSet views = workspace.Views; Styles styles = views.Configuration.Styles; Person universityStaff = model.AddPerson("University Staff", "A staff member of the Contoso University."); SoftwareSystem contosoUniversity = model.AddSoftwareSystem("Contoso University", "Allows staff to view and update student, course, and instructor information."); universityStaff.Uses(contosoUniversity, "uses"); // if the client-side of this application was richer (e.g. it was a single-page app), I would include the web browser // as a container (i.e. User --uses-> Web Browser --uses-> Web Application (backend for frontend) --uses-> Database) Container webApplication = contosoUniversity.AddContainer("Web Application", "Allows staff to view and update student, course, and instructor information.", "Microsoft ASP.NET MVC"); Container database = contosoUniversity.AddContainer("Database", "Stores information about students, courses and instructors", "Microsoft SQL Server Express LocalDB"); database.AddTags("Database"); universityStaff.Uses(webApplication, "Uses", "HTTPS"); webApplication.Uses(database, "Reads from and writes to"); ComponentFinder componentFinder = new ComponentFinder( webApplication, typeof(ContosoUniversity.MvcApplication).Namespace, // doing this typeof forces the ContosoUniversity assembly to be loaded new TypeBasedComponentFinderStrategy( new InterfaceImplementationTypeMatcher(typeof(System.Web.Mvc.IController), null, "ASP.NET MVC Controller"), new ExtendsClassTypeMatcher(typeof(System.Data.Entity.DbContext), null, "Entity Framework DbContext") ) //new TypeSummaryComponentFinderStrategy(@"C:\Users\simon\ContosoUniversity\ContosoUniversity.sln", "ContosoUniversity") ); componentFinder.FindComponents(); // connect the user to the web MVC controllers webApplication.Components.ToList().FindAll(c => c.Technology == "ASP.NET MVC Controller").ForEach(c => universityStaff.Uses(c, "uses")); // connect all DbContext components to the database webApplication.Components.ToList().FindAll(c => c.Technology == "Entity Framework DbContext").ForEach(c => c.Uses(database, "Reads from and writes to")); // link the components to the source code foreach (Component component in webApplication.Components) { foreach (CodeElement codeElement in component.Code) { if (codeElement.Url != null) { codeElement.Url = codeElement.Url.Replace(new Uri(@"C:\Users\simon\ContosoUniversity\").AbsoluteUri, ""); codeElement.Url = codeElement.Url.Replace('\\', '/'); } } } // rather than creating a component model for the database, let's simply link to the DDL // (this is really just an example of linking an arbitrary element in the model to an external resource) database.Url = ""; SystemContextView contextView = views.CreateSystemContextView(contosoUniversity, "Context", "The system context view for the Contoso University system."); contextView.AddAllElements(); ContainerView containerView = views.CreateContainerView(contosoUniversity, "Containers", "The containers that make up the Contoso University system."); containerView.AddAllElements(); ComponentView componentView = views.CreateComponentView(webApplication, "Components", "The components inside the Contoso University web application."); componentView.AddAllElements(); // create an example dynamic view for a feature DynamicView dynamicView = views.CreateDynamicView(webApplication, "GetCoursesForDepartment", "A summary of the \"get courses for department\" feature."); Component courseController = webApplication.GetComponentWithName("CourseController"); Component schoolContext = webApplication.GetComponentWithName("SchoolContext"); dynamicView.Add(universityStaff, "Requests the list of courses from", courseController); dynamicView.Add(courseController, "Uses", schoolContext); dynamicView.Add(schoolContext, "Gets a list of courses from", database); // add some styling styles.Add(new ElementStyle(Tags.Person) { Background = "#0d4d4d", Color = "#ffffff", Shape = Shape.Person }); styles.Add(new ElementStyle(Tags.SoftwareSystem) { Background = "#003333", Color = "#ffffff" }); styles.Add(new ElementStyle(Tags.Container) { Background = "#226666", Color = "#ffffff" }); styles.Add(new ElementStyle("Database") { Shape = Shape.Cylinder }); styles.Add(new ElementStyle(Tags.Component) { Background = "#407f7f", Color = "#ffffff" }); StructurizrClient structurizrClient = new StructurizrClient("20e54135-adff-4bdf-b684-ff6c3ffc478f", "1c714777-3b06-4e2a-9eb4-35a3648b1592"); structurizrClient.MergeWorkspace(32431, workspace); }
static void Main() { Workspace workspace = new Workspace("Structurizr for .NET Annotations", "This is a model of my software system."); Model model = workspace.Model; Person user = model.AddPerson("User", "A user of my software system."); SoftwareSystem softwareSystem = model.AddSoftwareSystem("Software System", "My software system."); Container webApplication = softwareSystem.AddContainer("Web Application", "Provides users with information.", "C#"); Container database = softwareSystem.AddContainer("Database", "Stores information.", "Relational database schema"); database.AddTags(DatabaseTag); string assemblyPath = typeof(StructurizrAnnotations).Assembly.Location; DefaultAssemblyResolver resolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver(); resolver.AddSearchDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath)); AssemblyDefinition assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly( assemblyPath, new ReaderParameters { AssemblyResolver = resolver } ); ComponentFinder componentFinder = new ComponentFinder( webApplication, "Structurizr.Examples.Annotations", new StructurizrAnnotationsComponentFinderStrategy(assembly) ); componentFinder.FindComponents(); model.AddImplicitRelationships(); ViewSet views = workspace.Views; SystemContextView contextView = views.CreateSystemContextView(softwareSystem, "SystemContext", "An example of a System Context diagram."); contextView.AddAllElements(); ContainerView containerView = views.CreateContainerView(softwareSystem, "Containers", "The container diagram from my software system."); containerView.AddAllElements(); ComponentView componentView = views.CreateComponentView(webApplication, "Components", "The component diagram for the web application."); componentView.AddAllElements(); Styles styles = views.Configuration.Styles; styles.Add(new ElementStyle(Tags.Element) { Color = "#ffffff" }); styles.Add(new ElementStyle(Tags.SoftwareSystem) { Background = "#1168bd" }); styles.Add(new ElementStyle(Tags.Container) { Background = "#438dd5" }); styles.Add(new ElementStyle(Tags.Component) { Background = "#85bbf0", Color = "#000000" }); styles.Add(new ElementStyle(Tags.Person) { Background = "#08427b", Shape = Shape.Person }); styles.Add(new ElementStyle(DatabaseTag) { Shape = Shape.Cylinder }); StructurizrClient structurizrClient = new StructurizrClient(ApiKey, ApiSecret); structurizrClient.PutWorkspace(WorkspaceId, workspace); }