public ComplexImageComponent(Texture tex, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int u, int v, int texWidth, int texHeight, ComplexImageFlags flags)
            ComplexImageFlags f;

            f = flags & (ComplexImageFlags.UsingLeft | ComplexImageFlags.UsingRight | ComplexImageFlags.UsingWidth);
            if (f == (ComplexImageFlags.UsingLeft | ComplexImageFlags.UsingRight | ComplexImageFlags.UsingWidth))
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent may not have 'left', 'right' and 'width' attributes at the same time");
            if (f == ComplexImageFlags.None)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent must have a combination of 'left'-'right', 'left'-'width' or 'right'-'width' attributes to define it's positioning");
            if (f == ComplexImageFlags.UsingLeft)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent 'right' or 'width' attribute is missing");
            if (f == ComplexImageFlags.UsingRight)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent 'left' or 'width' attribute is missing");
            if (f == ComplexImageFlags.UsingWidth)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent 'left' or 'right' attribute is missing");

            f = flags & (ComplexImageFlags.UsingBottom | ComplexImageFlags.UsingTop | ComplexImageFlags.UsingHeight);
            if (f == (ComplexImageFlags.UsingBottom | ComplexImageFlags.UsingTop | ComplexImageFlags.UsingHeight))
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent may not have 'bottom', 'top' and 'height' attributes at the same time");
            if (f == ComplexImageFlags.None)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent must have a combination of 'bottom'-'top', 'bottom'-'height' or 'top'-'height' attributes to define it's positioning");
            if (f == ComplexImageFlags.UsingBottom)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent 'top' or 'height' attribute is missing");
            if (f == ComplexImageFlags.UsingTop)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent 'bottom' or 'height' attribute is missing");
            if (f == ComplexImageFlags.UsingHeight)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent 'top' or 'bottom' attribute is missing");

            if (tex == null)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("ComplexImageComponent is useless without a texture");

            m_X1    = x1;
            m_Y1    = y1;
            m_X2    = x2;
            m_Y2    = y2;
            m_Flags = flags;

            m_U1 = u;
            m_V1 = v;
            m_U2 = texWidth;
            m_V2 = texHeight;

            m_Texture = tex;

            // GameDebugger.Log("{0},{1}-{2},{3} [{4}]", m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2, m_Flags);
        public static ComplexImageComponent Load(string fileName, DomNode node, string defaultTex)
            Texture           tex = null;
            int               x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, u, v, texWidth, texHeight;
            ComplexImageFlags flags = ComplexImageFlags.None;

            if (!node["relTex"].Equals(""))
                tex = Texture.Cache(node["relTex"].RelativeTo(fileName));
                if (tex == null)
                    throw new UserFriendlyException(String.Format("Could not load the texture '{0}' for ComplexImageComponent", node["relTex"].RelativeTo(fileName)));
            else if (!node["tex"].Equals(""))
                tex = Texture.Cache(node["tex"].ToPath());
                if (tex == null)
                    throw new UserFriendlyException(String.Format("Could not load the texture '{0}' for ComplexImageComponent", node["tex"].ToPath()));
                tex = Texture.Cache(defaultTex);
                if (tex == null)
                    throw new UserFriendlyException(String.Format("Could not load the texture '{0}' for ComplexImageComponent", defaultTex));

            tex.SetFilter(TextureMinFilter.Nearest, TextureMagFilter.Nearest);

            if (!node["width"].Equals(""))
                flags |= ComplexImageFlags.UsingWidth;
                x2     = node["width"].ToInt32(0);
            if (!node["left"].Equals(""))
                flags |= ComplexImageFlags.UsingLeft;
                x1     = node["left"].ToInt32(0);
            if (!node["right"].Equals(""))
                flags |= ComplexImageFlags.UsingRight;
                if ((flags & ComplexImageFlags.UsingWidth) == ComplexImageFlags.UsingWidth)
                    x1 = node["right"].ToInt32(0);
                    x2 = node["right"].ToInt32(0);
            if (node["tilex"].Equals("true") ||
                node["tilex"].Equals("yes") ||
                node["tilex"].Equals("on") ||
                flags |= ComplexImageFlags.TileHorizontal;

            if (!node["height"].Equals(""))
                flags |= ComplexImageFlags.UsingHeight;
                y2     = node["height"].ToInt32(0);
            if (!node["bottom"].Equals(""))
                flags |= ComplexImageFlags.UsingBottom;
                y1     = node["bottom"].ToInt32(0);
            if (!node["top"].Equals(""))
                flags |= ComplexImageFlags.UsingTop;
                if ((flags & ComplexImageFlags.UsingHeight) == ComplexImageFlags.UsingHeight)
                    y1 = node["top"].ToInt32(0);
                    y2 = node["top"].ToInt32(0);
            if (node["tiley"].Equals("true") ||
                node["tiley"].Equals("yes") ||
                node["tiley"].Equals("on") ||
                flags |= ComplexImageFlags.TileVertical;

            u         = node["u"].ToInt32(0);
            v         = node["v"].ToInt32(0);
            texWidth  = node["texwidth"].ToInt32(tex.Width);
            texHeight = node["texheight"].ToInt32(tex.Height);

            return(new ComplexImageComponent(tex, x1, y1, x2, y2, u, v, texWidth, texHeight, flags));