public void AddTeamButton()
            CompetitionObject competition = new CompetitionObject(this.NumberOfContestants, this.NumberOfTeams,
                                                                  this.ContestDuration, this.StartValue);

            this.AllTeams = new BindableCollection <Team>(competition.AllTeams);

            this.Competition = competition;
        void Reset()
            var dialog = new ConfirmChangeDialogViewModel();

            var result = _winMan.ShowDialog(dialog);

            if (result != null)
                if (result == true)
                    #region attempt that saves event and stuff

                    ////Save the current event, with a different ending
                    ////if it was named bingo2017, save a file called bingo2017RESET[TIMESTAMP]
                    //_log.Info("Saving event before reset...");
                    //_events.PublishOnBackgroundThread(new CommunicationObject(ApplicationWideEnums.MessageTypes.Save,
                    //  ApplicationWideEnums.SenderTypes.ControlPanelView));
                    //BingoEvent resetEv = new BingoEvent();
                    ////The following block is almost excatly like the method CopyTo in MainWindowVM, different in the fact that it does not copy over number positions or queues or anything.
                    //resetEv.Initialize(Event.SInfo.Seed, Event.EventTitle, Event.PInfo.PlatesGenerated, DateTime.Now);
                    //resetEv.WindowSettings = Event.WindowSettings;
                    //resetEv.PInfo = Event.PInfo;
                    //resetEv.SInfo = Event.SInfo;
                    ////create a new object, that is the same except for the following:
                    ////empty competitionlist
                    ////empty numberqueue, reset numberboard
                    ////reset singlerow/doublerow/plate to singlerow
                    //CopyEvent(resetEv, Event);
                    //_log.Info("Reset Done");
                    ////TODO: Somebody else needs to check up on if this actually copies it all over correctly and resets the correct thingies
                    ////ask kris if summin is missin, maybe theres a stupid ass reason for it


                    foreach (BingoNumber bnum in Event.NumberBoard.Board)
                        bnum.IsPicked  = false;
                        bnum.IsChecked = false;

                    Event.BingoNumberQueue      = new BindableCollection <BingoNumber>();
                    Event.AvailableNumbersQueue = new BindableCollection <BingoNumber>();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                        BingoNumber j = new BingoNumber();
                        j.Value = i;

                    CompetitionObject competition = new CompetitionObject(0, 0,
                                                                          0, 1);
                    this.AllTeams = new BindableCollection <Team>(competition.AllTeams);