 public static string BuiltInConstVal(CompValu rVal)
     if (rVal is CompValuInteger)
         int x = ((CompValuInteger)rVal).x;
         return("0x" + x.ToString("X8") + " = " + x.ToString().PadLeft(11));
     if (rVal is CompValuFloat)
     if (rVal is CompValuString)
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         PrintParam(sb, ((CompValuString)rVal).x);
     if (rVal is CompValuSField)
         FieldInfo     fi = ((CompValuSField)rVal).field;
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         PrintParam(sb, fi.GetValue(null));
     return(rVal.ToString());  // just prints the type
 private ScriptConst(Dictionary <string, ScriptConst> lc, string name, CompValu rVal)
     lc.Add(name, this);
     this.name = name;
     this.rVal = rVal;
         * @brief Add arbitrary constant available to script compilation.
         * CAUTION: These values get compiled-in to a script and must not
         *          change over time as previously compiled scripts will
         *          still have the old values.
        public static ScriptConst AddConstant(string name, object value)
            CompValu cv = null;

            if (value is char)
                cv = new CompValuChar(new TokenTypeChar(null), (char)value);
            else if (value is double)
                cv = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), (double)(double)value);
            else if (value is float)
                cv = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), (double)(float)value);
            else if (value is int)
                cv = new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(null), (int)value);
            else if (value is string)
                cv = new CompValuString(new TokenTypeStr(null), (string)value);

            else if (value is LSL_Float)
                cv = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), (double)((LSL_Float)value).value);
            else if (value is LSL_Integer)
                cv = new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(null), ((LSL_Integer)value).value);
            else if (value is LSL_Rotation)
                LSL_Rotation r = (LSL_Rotation)value;
                CompValu     x = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), r.x);
                CompValu     y = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), r.y);
                CompValu     z = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), r.z);
                CompValu     s = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), r.s);
                cv = new CompValuRot(new TokenTypeRot(null), x, y, z, s);
            else if (value is LSL_String)
                cv = new CompValuString(new TokenTypeStr(null), (string)(LSL_String)value);
            else if (value is LSL_Vector)
                LSL_Vector v = (LSL_Vector)value;
                CompValu   x = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), v.x);
                CompValu   y = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), v.y);
                CompValu   z = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), v.z);
                cv = new CompValuVec(new TokenTypeVec(null), x, y, z);

            else if (value is OpenMetaverse.Quaternion)
                OpenMetaverse.Quaternion r = (OpenMetaverse.Quaternion)value;
                CompValu x = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), r.X);
                CompValu y = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), r.Y);
                CompValu z = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), r.Z);
                CompValu s = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), r.W);
                cv = new CompValuRot(new TokenTypeRot(null), x, y, z, s);
            else if (value is OpenMetaverse.UUID)
                cv = new CompValuString(new TokenTypeKey(null), value.ToString());
            else if (value is OpenMetaverse.Vector3)
                OpenMetaverse.Vector3 v = (OpenMetaverse.Vector3)value;
                CompValu x = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), v.X);
                CompValu y = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), v.Y);
                CompValu z = new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(null), v.Z);
                cv = new CompValuVec(new TokenTypeVec(null), x, y, z);

            if (cv == null)
                throw new Exception("bad type " + value.GetType().Name);
            return(new ScriptConst(scriptConstants, name, cv));