// GET: Scores/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?CompScoreID) { if (CompScoreID == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } CompScore compScore = db.CompScores.Find(CompScoreID); ViewBag.PHcap = compScore.PlayerHcap; ViewBag.PlayerName = pStats.GetPlayerName(compScore.CompPlayerID); CourseMain courseM = db.CourseMains.Find(compScore.CourseID); ViewBag.CourseName = courseM.ClubName; CompMain cMain = db.CompMains.Find(compScore.CompID); ViewBag.CompName = cMain.CompName; // Get the Course Par ViewBag.CoursePar = cInfo.GetCoursePar(compScore.CourseID, compScore.TeeColour); // Get the NET Points (Gross Points - (CoursePar - SSS)) ViewBag.NetPoints = compScore.TotalPoints - (ViewBag.CoursePar - compScore.SSS); if (compScore == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(compScore)); }
public ActionResult DeleteRnd(int compScoreID) { CompScore compScore = db.CompScores.Find(compScoreID); int compID = compScore.CompID; int compPlayerID = compScore.CompPlayerID; db.CompScores.Remove(compScore); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { compID, compPlayerID })); }
// Get the Selected Course SSS and return via a Json call public ActionResult CourseSSS(int id, string teecolour) { CourseInfo cinfo = new CourseInfo(); CompScore compscore = new CompScore(); { compscore.CourseID = id; compscore.SSS = cinfo.GetCourseSSS(id, teecolour); }; return(Json(new { newcompScore = compscore }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
// GET: Scores/Create public ActionResult Create(int compID, int userID, int courseID, string teeColour, int SSS, DateTime rndDate, string scorecardImage, int imageID) { // Set default Values for the CompScore model initial view var scoresModel = new CompScore(); // Get compPlayerID var pStats = new PlayerStats(); int compPlayerID = pStats.GetcompPlayerID(userID, compID); // Populate the ScoresModel scoresModel.CompID = compID; scoresModel.CourseID = courseID; scoresModel.CompPlayerID = compPlayerID; scoresModel.TeeColour = teeColour; scoresModel.SSS = SSS; scoresModel.ImageID = imageID; ViewBag.RndDate = rndDate; ViewBag.cardImage = scorecardImage; // Get Competition Name CompMain compMain = db.CompMains.Find(compID); ViewBag.CompName = compMain.CompName; ViewBag.CompID = compID; // Get Player Name CompPlayer compPlayer = db.CompPlayers.Find(compPlayerID); User users = db.Users.Find(userID); ViewBag.PlayerName = users.UserName; // Get Players Current Handicap ViewBag.Hcap = pStats.CurrentHcap(compPlayerID); ViewBag.PHcap = Math.Round(ViewBag.HCap, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // Get Club Names For Drop Down List var courseInfo = new CourseInfo(); ViewBag.CourseList = courseInfo.GetCourseList(); // Populate variable to Tee Colour ddl ViewBag.TeeColourList = new SelectList(new[] { new { ID = "White", Name = "White" }, new{ ID = "Yellow", Name = "Yellow" }, new{ ID = "Red", Name = "Red" }, }, "ID", "Name"); return(View(scoresModel)); }
// GET: Scores/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } CompScore compScore = db.CompScores.Find(id); if (compScore == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(compScore)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "CompScoreID,CompID,CompPlayerID,CourseID,TeeColour,SSS,Hole1,Hole2,Hole3,Hole4,Hole5,Hole6,Hole7,Hole8,Hole9,Hole10,Hole11,Hole12,Hole13,Hole14,Hole15,Hole16,Hole17,Hole18,PlayerHcap,RndDate")] CompScore compScore) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Create the Points Score CompPoints compPoints = pScore.GetCompPoints(compScore); ViewBag.RndPoints = compPoints; // Get the points total compScore.TotalPoints = compPoints.TotalPoints; int compID = compScore.CompID; db.Entry(compScore).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); // Go to the updated league table return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Players", new { compID })); } return(View(compScore)); }
public ActionResult ScoreCardEdit(int compScoreID) { CompScore compScore = db.CompScores.Find(compScoreID); if (compScore == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } CourseInfo cInfo = new CourseInfo(); // Get Course Details depending on course and tee colour selected int courseID = compScore.CourseID; string teeColour = compScore.TeeColour; ViewBag.scoreCard = cInfo.GetCourseDetails(Convert.ToInt32(courseID), teeColour); // Get Course Totals depending on course and tee colour - Store totals in View bag variables CourseTotals cTotals = cInfo.GetCourseTotals(Convert.ToInt32(courseID), teeColour); ViewBag.TeeColour = cTotals.teeColour; ViewBag.FrontYrds = cTotals.frontYrds; ViewBag.BackYrds = cTotals.backYrds; ViewBag.TotalYrds = cTotals.totalYrds; ViewBag.FrontPar = cTotals.frontPar; ViewBag.BackPar = cTotals.backPar; ViewBag.TotalPar = cTotals.totalPar; ViewBag.PHcap = compScore.PlayerHcap; // Store the current scores in a viewbag variable. ViewBag.CurrentScore = compScore; // Store the current points in a viewbag variable CompPoints compPoints = pScore.GetCompPoints(compScore); ViewBag.RndPoints = compPoints; return(PartialView("_ScoreCard")); }
public ActionResult ScoreCard(int?id, string teeColour, int?PHcap) { CourseInfo cInfo = new CourseInfo(); // Get Course Details depending on course and tee colour selected ViewBag.scoreCard = cInfo.GetCourseDetails(Convert.ToInt32(id), teeColour); // Blank Scores var compScore = new CompScore(); ViewBag.CurrentScore = compScore; // Blank Points CompPoints compPoints = pScore.GetCompPoints(compScore); ViewBag.RndPoints = compPoints; // Get Course Totals depending on course and tee colour - Store totals in View bag variables CourseTotals cTotals = cInfo.GetCourseTotals(Convert.ToInt32(id), teeColour); ViewBag.TeeColour = cTotals.teeColour; ViewBag.FrontYrds = cTotals.frontYrds; ViewBag.BackYrds = cTotals.backYrds; ViewBag.TotalYrds = cTotals.totalYrds; ViewBag.FrontPar = cTotals.frontPar; ViewBag.BackPar = cTotals.backPar; ViewBag.TotalPar = cTotals.totalPar; // Store the playing handicap in the ViewBag var playingHCap = 0; if (PHcap != null) { playingHCap = Convert.ToInt32(PHcap); } ViewBag.PHcap = playingHCap; return(PartialView("_ScoreCard")); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "CompScoreID,CompID,CompPlayerID,CourseID,TeeColour,SSS,Hole1,Hole2,Hole3,Hole4,Hole5,Hole6,Hole7,Hole8,Hole9,Hole10,Hole11,Hole12,Hole13,Hole14,Hole15,Hole16,Hole17,Hole18,PlayerHcap,RndDate,ImageID")] CompScore compScore) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Create the points model for this rounds score CompPoints compPoints = pScore.GetCompPoints(compScore); ViewBag.RndPoints = compPoints; // Get the points total compScore.TotalPoints = compPoints.TotalPoints; db.CompScores.Add(compScore); db.SaveChanges(); int compScoreID = compScore.CompScoreID; int compID = compScore.CompID; int imageID = Convert.ToInt32(compScore.ImageID); // Uploaded score card processed ScoreCardImage scImage = db.ScoreCardImages.Find(imageID); scImage.Processed = true; // move score card image to Score Cards/Completed folder string sourceFile = Server.MapPath(@scImage.CardImage); string destinationFile = Server.MapPath(@scImage.CardImage.Replace("Pending", "Completed")); System.IO.File.Move(sourceFile, destinationFile); scImage.CardImage = scImage.CardImage.Replace("Pending", "Completed"); db.Entry(scImage).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); // Go to the updated league table return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Players", new { compID })); } return(Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery)); }
public ActionResult PlayerScoreCard(int?compScoreID, int rndNumber) { ScoreInfo scoreInfo = new ScoreInfo(); if (compScoreID == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } CompScore compScore = db.CompScores.Find(compScoreID); int NumberofRnds = pStats.NumberRndsPlayed(Convert.ToInt32(compScore.CompID), compScore.CompPlayerID); if (NumberofRnds < rndNumber) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } // Get Course Logo using a stored procedure using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(Helper.CnnValue("TigerLineScoresDB"))) { List <String> courseLogo = connection.Query <string>("dbo.spGetLogoImagePath @CourseID", new { CourseID = compScore.CourseID }).ToList(); ViewBag.CourseLogo = courseLogo[0]; } ViewBag.PHcap = compScore.PlayerHcap; ViewBag.PlayerName = pStats.GetPlayerName(compScore.CompPlayerID); ViewBag.PlayerPhoto = pStats.GetPlayerPhoto(compScore.CompPlayerID); ViewBag.PlayerHomeID = pStats.HomeClubID(compScore.CompPlayerID); ViewBag.RndDate = compScore.RndDate; ViewBag.RndNumber = rndNumber; // Score Card Image ViewBag.CardImage = compInfo.GetScoreCardImage(compScore.CompScoreID); CourseMain courseM = db.CourseMains.Find(compScore.CourseID); ViewBag.CourseName = courseM.ClubName; CompMain cMain = db.CompMains.Find(compScore.CompID); ViewBag.CompName = cMain.CompName; // Get the Course Par ViewBag.CoursePar = cInfo.GetCoursePar(compScore.CourseID, compScore.TeeColour); // Get the NET Points (Gross Points - (CoursePar - SSS)) ViewBag.NetPoints = compScore.TotalPoints - (ViewBag.CoursePar - compScore.SSS); if (compScore == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } // Get Course Details depending on course and tee colour selected int courseID = compScore.CourseID; string teeColour = compScore.TeeColour; decimal?PHcap = compScore.PlayerHcap; ViewBag.scoreCard = cInfo.GetCourseDetails(Convert.ToInt32(courseID), teeColour); // Get Hole Scores ViewBag.CurrentScore = compScore; // Front 9 Total Score ViewBag.FrontScore = scoreInfo.FrontScore(compScore.CompScoreID); // Back 9 Total Score ViewBag.BackScore = scoreInfo.BackScore(compScore.CompScoreID); // Total Score ViewBag.TotalScore = ViewBag.FrontScore + ViewBag.BackScore; // Blank Points CompPoints compPoints = pScore.GetCompPoints(compScore); ViewBag.RndPoints = compPoints; // Get Course Totals depending on course and tee colour - Store totals in View bag variables CourseTotals cTotals = cInfo.GetCourseTotals(Convert.ToInt32(courseID), teeColour); ViewBag.TeeColour = cTotals.teeColour; ViewBag.FrontYrds = cTotals.frontYrds; ViewBag.BackYrds = cTotals.backYrds; ViewBag.TotalYrds = cTotals.totalYrds; ViewBag.FrontPar = cTotals.frontPar; ViewBag.BackPar = cTotals.backPar; ViewBag.TotalPar = cTotals.totalPar; // Store the playing handicap in the ViewBag var playingHCap = 0; if (PHcap != null) { playingHCap = Convert.ToInt32(PHcap); } ViewBag.PHcap = playingHCap; return(PartialView("_ScoreCard", compScore)); }