protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = this.launcher.Map; Pawn pawn = this.launcher as Pawn; CompAbilityUserMagic comp = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); MagicPowerSkill pwr = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_TechnoTurret.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_TechnoTurret_pwr"); MagicPowerSkill ver = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_TechnoTurret.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_TechnoTurret_ver"); effVal = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_TechnoTurret.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_TechnoTurret_eff").level; verVal = ver.level; pwrVal = pwr.level; if (pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TorannMagicDefOf.Faceless)) { MightPowerSkill mpwr = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_pwr"); MightPowerSkill mver = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_ver"); pwrVal = mpwr.level; verVal = mver.level; } if ((pawn.Position.IsValid && pawn.Position.Standable(map))) { AbilityUser.SpawnThings tempPod = new SpawnThings(); IntVec3 shiftPos = pawn.Position; tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_TechnoTurret_Base"); Thing turretGun = new Thing(); turretGun.def = ThingDef.Named("Gun_Mark-IV"); if (this.verVal >= 5) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_TechnoTurret_Base_RL"); turretGun.def = ThingDef.Named("Gun_Mark-IV_RL"); } if (this.verVal >= 10) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_TechnoTurret_Base_RL_MTR"); turretGun.def = ThingDef.Named("Gun_Mark-IV_RL_MTR"); } turretGun.def.SetStatBaseValue(StatDefOf.AccuracyTouch, 0.8f + (.01f * pwrVal)); turretGun.def.SetStatBaseValue(StatDefOf.AccuracyShort, 0.75f + (.01f * pwrVal)); turretGun.def.SetStatBaseValue(StatDefOf.AccuracyMedium, 0.65f + (.01f * pwrVal)); turretGun.def.SetStatBaseValue(StatDefOf.AccuracyLong, 0.35f + (.01f * pwrVal)); turretGun.def.Verbs.FirstOrDefault().burstShotCount = Mathf.RoundToInt(6 + (.4f * pwrVal)); turretGun.def.Verbs.FirstOrDefault().warmupTime = 1.5f - (.03f * pwrVal); turretGun.def.Verbs.FirstOrDefault().range = 35 + verVal; tempPod.def.building.turretGunDef = turretGun.def; tempPod.def.SetStatBaseValue(StatDefOf.MaxHitPoints, 200 + (10 * effVal)); tempPod.spawnCount = 1; try { this.turret = TM_Action.SingleSpawnLoop(pawn, tempPod, base.Position, map, 6000, true); this.turret.def.building.turretBurstCooldownTime = 4.5f - (.1f * pwrVal); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Vector3 rndPos = this.DrawPos; rndPos.x += Rand.Range(-.5f, .5f); rndPos.z += Rand.Range(-.5f, .5f); TM_MoteMaker.ThrowGenericMote(ThingDef.Named("Mote_SparkFlash"), rndPos, this.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, .8f), .1f, .05f, .05f, 0, 0, 0, Rand.Range(0, 360)); MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(rndPos, this.Map, Rand.Range(.8f, 1.2f)); rndPos = this.DrawPos; rndPos.x += Rand.Range(-.5f, .5f); rndPos.z += Rand.Range(-.5f, .5f); TM_MoteMaker.ThrowGenericMote(ThingDef.Named("Mote_ElectricalSpark"), rndPos, this.Map, Rand.Range(.4f, .7f), .2f, .05f, .1f, 0, 0, 0, Rand.Range(0, 360)); } } catch { comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonPylon); Log.Message("TM_Exception".Translate( pawn.LabelShort, "techno turret" )); } } else { Messages.Message("InvalidSummon".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); comp.Mana.GainNeed(comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_TechnoTurret)); } if ((turret != null && turret.Spawned && turret.Position.IsValid)) { turret.def.interactionCellOffset = (this.launcher.Position - base.Position); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.ManTurret, turret);, JobTag.Misc); //this.Ability.PostAbilityAttempt(); } else { Log.Message("turret was null"); } base.Impact(hitThing); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = base.Map; base.Impact(hitThing); ThingDef def = this.def; Pawn victim = hitThing as Pawn; Thing item = hitThing as Thing; IntVec3 arg_pos_1; Pawn pawn = this.launcher as Pawn; CompAbilityUserMagic comp = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); MagicPowerSkill pwr = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_SummonPylon.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_SummonPylon_pwr"); MagicPowerSkill ver = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_SummonPylon.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_SummonPylon_ver"); verVal = ver.level; pwrVal = pwr.level; if (pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TorannMagicDefOf.Faceless)) { MightPowerSkill mpwr = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_pwr"); MightPowerSkill mver = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_ver"); pwrVal = mpwr.level; verVal = mver.level; } CellRect cellRect = CellRect.CenteredOn(base.Position, 1); cellRect.ClipInsideMap(map); IntVec3 centerCell = cellRect.CenterCell; if (!this.primed) { duration += (verVal * 7200); duration = (int)(duration * comp.arcaneDmg); arg_pos_1 = centerCell; if ((arg_pos_1.IsValid && arg_pos_1.Standable(map))) { AbilityUser.SpawnThings tempPod = new SpawnThings(); IntVec3 shiftPos = centerCell; centerCell.x++; if (pwrVal == 1) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("DefensePylon_I"); } else if (pwrVal == 2) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("DefensePylon_II"); } else if (pwrVal == 3) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("DefensePylon_III"); } else { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("DefensePylon"); } tempPod.spawnCount = 1; try { this.SingleSpawnLoop(tempPod, shiftPos, map); } catch { comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonPylon); this.age = this.duration; Log.Message("TM_Exception".Translate( pawn.LabelShort, this.def.defName )); } this.primed = true; } else { Messages.Message("InvalidSummon".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); comp.Mana.GainNeed(comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonExplosive)); this.duration = 0; } } this.age = this.duration; }
public static void Evaluate(CompAbilityUserMagic casterComp, TMAbilityDef abilitydef, PawnAbility ability, MagicPower power, float minDistance, out bool success) { success = false; Pawn caster = casterComp.Pawn; LocalTargetInfo jobTarget = caster.CurJob.targetA; Thing carriedThing = null; if (caster.CurJob.targetA.Thing != null) //&& caster.CurJob.def.defName != "Sow") { if (caster.CurJob.targetA.Thing.Map != caster.Map) //carrying thing { jobTarget = caster.CurJob.targetB; carriedThing = caster.CurJob.targetA.Thing; } else if (caster.CurJob.targetB != null && caster.CurJob.targetB.Thing != null && caster.CurJob.def != JobDefOf.Rescue) //targetA using targetB for job { if (caster.CurJob.targetB.Thing.Map != caster.Map) //carrying targetB to targetA { jobTarget = caster.CurJob.targetA; carriedThing = caster.CurJob.targetB.Thing; } else if (caster.CurJob.def == JobDefOf.TendPatient) { jobTarget = caster.CurJob.targetB; } else //Getting targetA to carry to TargetB { jobTarget = caster.CurJob.targetA; } } else { jobTarget = caster.CurJob.targetA; } } float distanceToTarget = (jobTarget.Cell - caster.Position).LengthHorizontal; Vector3 directionToTarget = TM_Calc.GetVector(caster.Position, jobTarget.Cell); //Log.Message("" + caster.LabelShort + " job def is " + caster.CurJob.def.defName + " targetA " + caster.CurJob.targetA + " targetB " + caster.CurJob.targetB + " jobTarget " + jobTarget + " at distance " + distanceToTarget + " min distance " + minDistance + " at vector " + directionToTarget); if (casterComp.Mana.CurLevel >= casterComp.ActualManaCost(abilitydef) && ability.CooldownTicksLeft <= 0 && distanceToTarget < 200) { if (distanceToTarget > minDistance && caster.CurJob.locomotionUrgency >= LocomotionUrgency.Jog && caster.CurJob.bill == null) { if (distanceToTarget <= abilitydef.MainVerb.range && jobTarget.Cell != default(IntVec3)) { //Log.Message("doing blink to thing"); DoBlink(caster, jobTarget.Cell, ability, carriedThing); success = true; } else { IntVec3 blinkToCell = caster.Position + (directionToTarget * abilitydef.MainVerb.range).ToIntVec3(); //Log.Message("doing partial blink to cell " + blinkToCell); //MoteMaker.ThrowHeatGlow(blinkToCell, caster.Map, 1f); if (blinkToCell.IsValid && blinkToCell.InBounds(caster.Map) && blinkToCell.Walkable(caster.Map) && !blinkToCell.Fogged(caster.Map) && ((blinkToCell - caster.Position).LengthHorizontal < distanceToTarget)) { DoBlink(caster, blinkToCell, ability, carriedThing); success = true; } } } } }
protected override bool TryCastShot() { Pawn caster = base.CasterPawn; Map map = caster.Map; IntVec3 cell = currentTarget.Cell; CompAbilityUserMagic comp = caster.TryGetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); pwrVal = TM_Calc.GetMagicSkillLevel(caster, comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_GuardianSpirit, "TM_GuardianSpirit", "_pwr", true); verVal = TM_Calc.GetMagicSkillLevel(caster, comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_GuardianSpirit, "TM_GuardianSpirit", "_ver", true); effVal = TM_Calc.GetMagicSkillLevel(caster, comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_GuardianSpirit, "TM_GuardianSpirit", "_eff", true); if (cell != null && cell.IsValid && cell.Walkable(map)) { AbilityUser.SpawnThings tempPod = new SpawnThings(); IntVec3 shiftPos = cell; tempPod.def = comp.GuardianSpiritType; if (comp.GuardianSpiritType == TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SpiritBearR) { tempPod.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_SpiritBear"); } else if (comp.GuardianSpiritType == TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SpiritMongooseR) { tempPod.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_SpiritMongoose"); } else { tempPod.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_SpiritCrow"); } tempPod.spawnCount = 1; if (shiftPos != default(IntVec3)) { try { if (comp.bondedSpirit != null) { if (comp.bondedSpirit.Map != null) { MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(comp.bondedSpirit.DrawPos, comp.bondedSpirit.Map, 1f); TM_MoteMaker.ThrowGenericMote(TorannMagicDefOf.Mote_Ghost, comp.bondedSpirit.DrawPos, comp.bondedSpirit.Map, 1.3f, .25f, .1f, .45f, 0, Rand.Range(1f, 2f), 0, 0); } comp.bondedSpirit.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } this.spirit = TM_Action.SingleSpawnLoop(caster, tempPod, shiftPos, map, 5, false, false, caster.Faction, false); Pawn animal = this.spirit as Pawn; TM_Action.TrainAnimalFull(animal, caster); HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(animal, TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SpiritBondHD, -4f); HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(animal, TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SpiritBondHD, .5f + verVal); if (animal.def == TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SpiritCrowR) { HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(animal, TorannMagicDefOf.TM_BirdflightHD, .5f); } comp.bondedSpirit = animal; CompAnimalController animalComp = animal.TryGetComp <CompAnimalController>(); if (animalComp != null) { animalComp.summonerPawn = caster; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Vector3 rndPos = this.spirit.DrawPos; rndPos.x += Rand.Range(-.5f, .5f); rndPos.z += Rand.Range(-.5f, .5f); TM_MoteMaker.ThrowGenericMote(TorannMagicDefOf.Mote_Healing_Small, rndPos, map, Rand.Range(.6f, .8f), .1f, .05f, .05f, 0, 0, 0, Rand.Range(0, 360)); MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(rndPos, map, Rand.Range(.8f, 1.2f)); } } catch { comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GuardianSpirit); Log.Message("TM_Exception".Translate( caster.LabelShort, "Guardian Spirit" )); } } else { Messages.Message("InvalidSummon".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); comp.Mana.GainNeed(comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GuardianSpirit)); } } else { Messages.Message("InvalidSummon".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); comp.Mana.GainNeed(comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GuardianSpirit)); } return(false); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = base.Map; GenClamor.DoClamor(this, 2.1f, ClamorDefOf.Impact); //base.Impact(hitThing); string msg; ThingDef def = this.def; Pawn victim = hitThing as Pawn; Thing item = hitThing as Thing; IntVec3 arg_pos_1; IntVec3 arg_pos_2; IntVec3 arg_pos_3; Pawn pawn = this.launcher as Pawn; CompAbilityUserMagic comp = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); MagicPowerSkill pwr = comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Teleport.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Teleport_pwr"); MagicPowerSkill ver = comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Teleport.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Teleport_ver"); pwrVal = pwr.level; verVal = ver.level; CellRect cellRect = CellRect.CenteredOn(base.Position, 1); cellRect.ClipInsideMap(map); IntVec3 centerCell = cellRect.CenterCell; if (pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Wanderer) || (comp.customClass != null && comp.customClass.classMageAbilities.Contains(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Cantrips))) { int tmpPwrVal = (int)((pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Cantrips.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Cantrips_pwr").level) / 5); int tmpVerVal = (int)((pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Cantrips.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Cantrips_ver").level) / 5); pwrVal = (tmpPwrVal > pwrVal) ? tmpPwrVal : pwrVal; verVal = (tmpVerVal > verVal) ? tmpVerVal : verVal; } if (this.primed != false) { destructTimer = Mathf.RoundToInt((4800 + (pwrVal * 1200) + (pwrVal * 1200)) * comp.arcaneDmg); arg_pos_1 = centerCell; centerCell.x++; arg_pos_2 = centerCell; centerCell.z++; arg_pos_3 = centerCell; centerCell = cellRect.CenterCell; if ((arg_pos_1.IsValid && arg_pos_1.Standable(map)) && (arg_pos_2.IsValid && arg_pos_2.Standable(map)) && (arg_pos_3.IsValid && arg_pos_3.Standable(map))) { AbilityUser.SpawnThings tempPod = new SpawnThings(); IntVec3 shiftPos = centerCell; centerCell.x++; if (pwrVal == 1) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_Teleporter_I"); } else if (pwrVal == 2) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_Teleporter_II"); } else if (pwrVal == 3) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_Teleporter_III"); } else { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_Teleporter"); } tempPod.spawnCount = 1; try { this.SingleSpawnLoop(tempPod, shiftPos, map); Building teleporter = shiftPos.GetFirstBuilding(map); int num = teleporter.TryGetComp <CompRefuelable>().GetFuelCountToFullyRefuel(); teleporter.TryGetComp <CompRefuelable>().Refuel(num); } catch { Log.Message("Attempted to create a portal but threw an unknown exception - recovering and ending attempt"); PortalCollapse(shiftPos, map, 3); if (pawn != null) { comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Teleport); } this.age = this.destructTimer; return; } if (verVal == 1) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_TeleportPod_I"); } else if (verVal == 2) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_TeleportPod_II"); } else if (verVal == 3) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_TeleportPod_III"); } else { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_TeleportPod"); } tempPod.spawnCount = 1; shiftPos = centerCell; centerCell.z++; try { this.SingleSpawnLoop(tempPod, shiftPos, map); } catch { Log.Message("Attempted to create a portal but threw an unknown exception - recovering and ending attempt"); PortalCollapse(shiftPos, map, 3); if (pawn != null) { comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Teleport); } this.age = this.destructTimer; return; } //tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("Portfuel"); //tempPod.spawnCount = 45 + (pwr.level * 15); //tempPod.factionDef = null; //shiftPos = centerCell; //for (int i = 0; i < tempPod.spawnCount; i++) //{ // try // { // this.SingleSpawnLoop(tempPod, shiftPos, map); // } // catch // { // Log.Message("Attempted to create a portal but threw an unknown exception - recovering and ending attempt"); // PortalCollapse(shiftPos, map, 3); // if (pawn != null) // { // comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Teleport); // } // this.age = this.destructTimer; // i = tempPod.spawnCount; // return; // } //} msg = "PortalCollapseIn".Translate(((destructTimer - this.age) / 60).ToString() ); Messages.Message(msg, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); this.primed = false; } else { Messages.Message("InvalidPortal".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); comp.Mana.GainNeed(comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Teleport)); this.destructTimer = 0; } } //foreach (SpawnThings current in this.localSpawnThings) //{ // string msg = "spawned thing is " + current.def; // Messages.Message(msg, MessageSound.Standard); //} if (this.age < this.destructTimer) { if (this.age == (destructTimer * 0.5)) { msg = "PortalCollapseIn".Translate( ((destructTimer - this.age) / 60).ToString() ); Messages.Message(msg, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } if (this.age == (destructTimer * 0.75)) { msg = "PortalCollapseIn".Translate( ((destructTimer - this.age) / 60).ToString() ); Messages.Message(msg, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } if (this.age == (destructTimer * 0.95)) { //msg = "Portal collapses in " + ((destructTimer - this.age) / 60) + " seconds!!"; //Messages.Message(msg, MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); msg = "PortalCollapseIn".Translate( ((destructTimer - this.age) / 60).ToString() ); Messages.Message(msg, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } } else { //age expired, destroy teleport this.PortalCollapse(centerCell, map, 3); } Destroy(); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = base.Map; //base.Impact(hitThing); ThingDef def = this.def; Pawn victim = hitThing as Pawn; Thing item = hitThing as Thing; IntVec3 arg_pos_1; GenClamor.DoClamor(this, 2.1f, ClamorDefOf.Impact); Pawn pawn = this.launcher as Pawn; CompAbilityUserMagic comp = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); MagicPowerSkill pwr = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_SummonExplosive.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_SummonExplosive_pwr"); MagicPowerSkill ver = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_SummonExplosive.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_SummonExplosive_ver"); ModOptions.SettingsRef settingsRef = new ModOptions.SettingsRef(); pwrVal = pwr.level; verVal = ver.level; if (pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TorannMagicDefOf.Faceless)) { MightPowerSkill mpwr = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_pwr"); MightPowerSkill mver = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_ver"); pwrVal = mpwr.level; verVal = mver.level; } if (settingsRef.AIHardMode && !pawn.IsColonist) { pwrVal = 3; verVal = 3; } CellRect cellRect = CellRect.CenteredOn(base.Position, 1); cellRect.ClipInsideMap(map); IntVec3 centerCell = cellRect.CenterCell; if (!this.primed) { duration += (verVal * 7200); duration = (int)(duration * comp.arcaneDmg); arg_pos_1 = centerCell; if ((arg_pos_1.IsValid && arg_pos_1.Standable(map))) { AbilityUser.SpawnThings tempPod = new SpawnThings(); IntVec3 shiftPos = centerCell; centerCell.x++; if (pwrVal == 1) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_ManaMine_I"); } else if (pwrVal == 2) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_ManaMine_II"); } else if (pwrVal == 3) { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_ManaMine_III"); } else { tempPod.def = ThingDef.Named("TM_ManaMine"); } tempPod.spawnCount = 1; try { Projectile_SummonExplosive.SingleSpawnLoop(tempPod, shiftPos, map, this.launcher, this.duration); } catch { Log.Message("Attempted to create an explosive but threw an unknown exception - recovering and ending attempt"); if (pawn != null) { comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonExplosive); } this.age = this.duration; return; } this.primed = true; } else { Messages.Message("InvalidSummon".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); if (comp.Mana != null) { comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonExplosive); } this.duration = 0; } } this.age = this.duration; Destroy(); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = base.Map; base.Impact(hitThing); if (!initialized) { SpawnThings spawnThing = new SpawnThings(); Pawn pawn = this.launcher as Pawn; comp = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); MagicPowerSkill pwr = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_SummonMinion.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_SummonMinion_pwr"); MagicPowerSkill ver = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_SummonMinion.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_SummonMinion_ver"); ModOptions.SettingsRef settingsRef = new ModOptions.SettingsRef(); pwrVal = pwr.level; verVal = ver.level; if (settingsRef.AIHardMode && !pawn.IsColonistPlayerControlled) { pwrVal = 3; verVal = 3; } CellRect cellRect = CellRect.CenteredOn(this.Position, 1); cellRect.ClipInsideMap(map); IntVec3 centerCell = cellRect.CenterCell; System.Random random = new System.Random(); random = new System.Random(); duration += (verVal * durationMultiplier); spawnThing.factionDef = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonedFaction; spawnThing.spawnCount = 1; spawnThing.temporary = false; if (pwrVal >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < pwrVal - 1; i++) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GreaterMinionR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_GreaterMinion"); try { SingleSpawnLoop(spawnThing, centerCell, map); } catch { this.age = this.duration; comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonMinion); Log.Message("TM_Exception".Translate(new object[] { pawn.LabelShort, this.def.defName })); } } MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, 2 + pwrVal); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(centerCell.ToVector3(), map); MoteMaker.ThrowHeatGlow(centerCell, map, 2 + pwrVal); } else { for (int i = 0; i < pwrVal + 1; i++) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_MinionR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_Minion"); try { SingleSpawnLoop(spawnThing, centerCell, map); } catch { this.age = this.duration; comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonMinion); Log.Message("TM_Exception".Translate(new object[] { pawn.LabelShort, this.def.defName })); } } MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, 1 + pwrVal); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(centerCell.ToVector3(), map); MoteMaker.ThrowHeatGlow(centerCell, map, 1 + pwrVal); } SoundDefOf.AmbientAltitudeWind.sustainFadeoutTime.Equals(30.0f); this.initialized = true; } else { this.age = this.duration; } }
public void SingleSpawnLoop(SpawnThings spawnables, IntVec3 position, Map map) { bool flag = spawnables.def != null; if (flag) { Faction faction = pawn.Faction; bool flag2 = spawnables.def.race != null; if (flag2) { bool flag3 = spawnables.kindDef == null; if (flag3) { Log.Error("Missing kinddef"); } else { newPawn = (TMPawnSummoned)PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(spawnables.kindDef, faction); newPawn.validSummoning = true; newPawn.Spawner = this.Caster; newPawn.Temporary = true; newPawn.TicksToDestroy = this.duration; //if (newPawn.Faction != Faction.OfPlayerSilentFail) //{ // newPawn.SetFaction(this.Caster.Faction, null); //} //newPawn.playerSettings.master = this.Caster; if (comp.summonedMinions.Count >= 4) { Thing dismissMinion = comp.summonedMinions[0]; if (dismissMinion != null && dismissMinion.Position.IsValid) { MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(dismissMinion.Position.ToVector3(), base.Map, 1); MoteMaker.ThrowHeatGlow(dismissMinion.Position, base.Map, 1); } comp.summonedMinions.Remove(comp.summonedMinions[0]); if (!dismissMinion.Destroyed) { dismissMinion.Destroy(); Messages.Message("TM_SummonedCreatureLimitExceeded".Translate( this.launcher.LabelShort ), MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } if (comp.summonedMinions.Count > 4) { while (comp.summonedMinions.Count > 4) { Pawn excessMinion = comp.summonedMinions[comp.summonedMinions.Count - 1] as Pawn; comp.summonedMinions.Remove(excessMinion); if (excessMinion != null && !excessMinion.Dead && !excessMinion.Destroyed) { excessMinion.Destroy(); } } } } try { GenSpawn.Spawn(newPawn, position, this.Map); } catch { this.age = this.duration; comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonMinion); Log.Message("TM_Exception".Translate( pawn.LabelShort, this.def.defName )); this.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } comp.summonedMinions.Add(newPawn); if (newPawn.Faction != null && newPawn.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { Lord lord = null; if (newPawn.Map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(faction).Any((Pawn p) => p != newPawn)) { Predicate <Thing> validator = (Thing p) => p != newPawn && ((Pawn)p).GetLord() != null; Pawn p2 = (Pawn)GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(newPawn.Position, newPawn.Map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(faction), 99999f, validator, null); lord = p2.GetLord(); } bool flag4 = lord == null; if (flag4) { LordJob_DefendPoint lordJob = new LordJob_DefendPoint(newPawn.Position); lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(faction, lordJob, this.Map, null); } else { try { //PawnDuty duty = this.pawn.mindState.duty; //newPawn.mindState.duty = duty; newPawn.mindState.duty = new PawnDuty(DutyDefOf.Defend); } catch { Log.Message("error attempting to assign a duty to minion"); } } lord.AddPawn(newPawn); } } } else { Log.Message("Missing race"); } } }
private bool ChoseWorldTarget(GlobalTargetInfo target) { if (!target.IsValid) { Messages.Message("TM_InvalidGatewaySelection".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return(false); } int num = Find.WorldGrid.TraversalDistanceBetween(base.CasterPawn.Map.Tile, target.Tile); if (num > this.MaxLaunchDistance) { Messages.Message("TM_GatewayBeyondMaximumRange".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return(false); } MapParent mapParent = target.WorldObject as MapParent; if (mapParent != null && mapParent.HasMap) { Map myMap = base.CasterPawn.Map; Map map = mapParent.Map; Current.Game.CurrentMap = map; TargetingParameters portalTarget = new TargetingParameters(); portalTarget.canTargetLocations = true; portalTarget.canTargetSelf = false; portalTarget.canTargetPawns = false; portalTarget.canTargetFires = false; portalTarget.canTargetBuildings = false; portalTarget.canTargetItems = false; portalTarget.validator = ((TargetInfo x) => x.IsValid && !x.Cell.Fogged(map) && x.Cell.InBounds(map) && x.Cell.Walkable(map)); Find.Targeter.BeginTargeting(portalTarget, delegate(LocalTargetInfo x) { InitiateMassSummon(map, x); }, null, delegate { if (Find.Maps.Contains(myMap)) { Current.Game.CurrentMap = myMap; } }, Verb_FoldReality.TargeterMouseAttachment); return(true); } bool flag; if (mapParent != null) { Settlement settlement = mapParent as Settlement; List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); if (settlement != null && settlement.Visitable) { Messages.Message("TM_InvalidGatewayNotOccupied".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return(false); } //if (mapParent.TransportPodsCanLandAndGenerateMap) //{ // Messages.Message("TM_InvalidGatewayNotOccupied".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); // return false; //} if (list.Any <FloatMenuOption>()) { Find.WorldTargeter.closeWorldTabWhenFinished = false; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); return(true); } flag = true; } else { flag = true; } if (!flag) { return(false); } if (Find.World.Impassable(target.Tile)) { Messages.Message("TM_InvalidGatewaySelection".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return(false); } comp.Mana.CurLevel += comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_FoldReality); Messages.Message("TM_InvalidGatewayNotOccupied".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return(false); }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { CompAbilityUserMagic comp = this.pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); Toil discordance = new Toil(); Pawn target = this.TargetThingA as Pawn; discordance.initAction = delegate { if (age > duration) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } if (target.DestroyedOrNull()) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Errored); } if (target.Map == null) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Errored); } if (target.Dead) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } Map map = this.pawn.Map; ticksLeftThisToil = 10; headDamageCount = 0; }; discordance.tickAction = delegate { if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % this.moteFrequency == 0) { TM_MoteMaker.ThrowCastingMote(pawn.DrawPos, pawn.Map, Rand.Range(1.2f, 2f)); float angle = Rand.Range(0, 360); ThingDef mote = TorannMagicDefOf.Mote_Psi_Grayscale; TM_MoteMaker.ThrowGenericMote(TorannMagicDefOf.Mote_Psi_Grayscale, this.pawn.DrawPos, this.pawn.Map, Rand.Range(.25f, .6f), .1f, .05f, .05f, 0, Rand.Range(4f, 6f), angle, angle); } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % this.discordFrequency == 0) { Vector3 headPos = target.DrawPos; headPos.z += .3f; TM_MoteMaker.ThrowGenericMote(TorannMagicDefOf.Mote_Bolt, headPos, target.Map, .6f, .5f, .1f, .5f, Rand.Range(-10, 10), Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), Rand.Range(-90, 90), Rand.Range(0, 360)); float manaCost = comp.ActualManaCost(TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Discord); if (comp.Mana.CurLevel >= manaCost && !target.DestroyedOrNull() && !target.Dead && target.Map != null) { comp.Mana.CurLevel -= manaCost; float ch = TM_Calc.GetSpellSuccessChance(this.pawn, target, true); if (target.Faction == this.pawn.Faction) { HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(target, TorannMagicDefOf.TM_DiscordSafeHD, .4f * ch); Hediff hd =; if (hd != null && hd.Severity > 5) { if (Rand.Chance(.2f)) { TM_Action.DamageEntities(target, null, 6, DamageDefOf.Stun, this.pawn); } } } else { HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(target, TorannMagicDefOf.TM_DiscordHD, .4f * ch); Hediff hd =; if (hd != null && hd.Severity > 5) { BodyPartRecord bpr =; BodyPartRecord head = x) => x.def == BodyPartDefOf.Head); if (bpr != null) { if (Rand.Chance(.22f * ch)) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { TM_MoteMaker.ThrowBloodSquirt(headPos, target.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, 1f)); } TM_Action.DamageEntities(target, bpr, Rand.Range(1, 3), 2f, TMDamageDefOf.DamageDefOf.TM_DistortionDD, this.pawn); headDamageCount++; } else if (Rand.Chance((.07f * ch) + (headDamageCount * .3f)) && head != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { TM_MoteMaker.ThrowBloodSquirt(headPos, target.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, 1f)); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float moteSize = Rand.Range(.5f, .8f); float solidTime = Rand.Range(.6f, .8f); float fadeOutTime = Rand.Range(.2f, .4f); float velocity = Rand.Range(1.5f, 2.5f); float velocityAngle = Rand.Range(0f, 360f); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { TM_MoteMaker.ThrowGenericMote(TorannMagicDefOf.Mote_BloodSquirt, headPos, target.Map, moteSize - (.1f * j), solidTime + (.1f * j), 0f, fadeOutTime + (.05f * j), Rand.Range(-50, 50), velocity + (.5f * j), velocityAngle, Rand.Range(0, 360)); } } TM_Action.DamageEntities(target, head, Rand.Range(50, 80), 2f, TMDamageDefOf.DamageDefOf.TM_DistortionDD, this.pawn); } } } } if (target.Dead) { this.age = this.duration; } } else { this.age = this.duration; } } age++; ticksLeftThisToil = Mathf.RoundToInt(((float)(duration - age) / (float)duration) * 100f); if (age > duration) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } }; discordance.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay; discordance.defaultDuration = this.duration; discordance.WithProgressBar(TargetIndex.A, delegate { if (this.pawn.DestroyedOrNull() || this.pawn.Dead || this.pawn.Downed) { return(1f); } return(1f - (float) / 100); }, false, 0f); discordance.AddFinishAction(delegate { }); yield return(discordance); }