/// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the VisualPopupGroup class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ribbon">Reference to owning ribbon control.</param>
        /// <param name="ribbonGroup">Reference to ribbon group for display.</param>
        /// <param name="renderer">Drawing renderer.</param>
        public VisualPopupGroup(KryptonRibbon ribbon,
                                KryptonRibbonGroup ribbonGroup,
                                IRenderer renderer)
            : base(renderer, true)
            Debug.Assert(ribbon != null);
            Debug.Assert(ribbonGroup != null);

            // Remember references needed later
            _ribbon      = ribbon;
            _ribbonGroup = ribbonGroup;

            // Create a view element for drawing the group
            ViewGroup = new ViewDrawRibbonGroup(ribbon, ribbonGroup, NeedPaintDelegate)
                Collapsed = false

            // Create the background that will contain the actual group instance
            _viewBackground = new ViewDrawRibbonGroupsBorder(ribbon, true, NeedPaintDelegate)

            // Attach the root to the view manager instance
            ViewManager = new ViewRibbonPopupGroupManager(this, ribbon, _viewBackground, ViewGroup, NeedPaintDelegate);

            // Create and add a hidden button to act as the focus target
            _hiddenFocusTarget = new Button
                TabStop = false
            _hiddenFocusTarget.Location = new Point(-_hiddenFocusTarget.Width, -_hiddenFocusTarget.Height);
            CommonHelper.AddControlToParent(this, _hiddenFocusTarget);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the ViewLayoutControl class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewControl">View control to use as child.</param>
        /// <param name="rootControl">Top level visual control.</param>
        /// <param name="viewChild">View used to size and position the child control.</param>
        public ViewLayoutControl(ViewControl viewControl,
                                 VisualControl rootControl,
                                 ViewBase viewChild)
            Debug.Assert(viewControl != null);
            Debug.Assert(rootControl != null);
            Debug.Assert(viewChild != null);

            // Default values
            _layoutOffset = Point.Empty;

            // Remember the view
            _viewChild = viewChild;

            // Ensure the child is hooked into the hierarchy of elements
            _viewChild.Parent = this;

            // Create the view control instance
            _viewControl = viewControl;

            // Back reference hookup
            _viewControl.ViewLayoutControl = this;

            // Start off invisible until first layed out
            _viewControl.Visible = false;

            // Ensure that all view elements inside here use our control
            OwningControl = _viewControl;

            // Add our new control to the provided parent collection
            CommonHelper.AddControlToParent(rootControl, _viewControl);
        private void CreateScrollBar(Control parent)
            // Do we need to create a scrollbar?
            if (_scrollBar == null)
                // Create the correct type of control
                if (Vertical)
                    _scrollBar = new VScrollBar();
                    _scrollBar = new HScrollBar();

                // Hook into scroll position changes
                _scrollBar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(OnScrollBarChange);

                // Create it hidden

                // Set the scrolling values
                _scrollBar.Minimum     = _min;
                _scrollBar.Maximum     = _max;
                _scrollBar.SmallChange = _smallChange;
                _scrollBar.LargeChange = _largeChange;
                _scrollBar.Value       = _offset;

                // Add our new control to the provided parent collection
                CommonHelper.AddControlToParent(parent, _scrollBar);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reparent the provided control as a child of ourself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">Control to reparent.</param>
        public void MakeParent(Control c)
            // Remove control from current collection

            // Add to our child control
            CommonHelper.AddControlToParent(_viewControl, c);
        /// <summary>
        /// Revert the provided control back to a different control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newParent">Control to become parent.</param>
        /// <param name="c">Control to reparent.</param>
        public void RevertParent(Control newParent, Control c)
            // Remove control from current collection

            // Add to our child control
            CommonHelper.AddControlToParent(newParent, c);
            /// <summary>
            /// Initialize a new instance of the ViewControl class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="ribbon">Top level ribbon control.</param>
            public RibbonViewControl(KryptonRibbon ribbon)
                : base(ribbon)
                Debug.Assert(ribbon != null);
                _ribbon = ribbon;

                // Create and add a hidden button to act as the focus target
                _hiddenFocusTarget          = new Button();
                _hiddenFocusTarget.TabStop  = false;
                _hiddenFocusTarget.Location = new Point(-_hiddenFocusTarget.Width, -_hiddenFocusTarget.Height);
                CommonHelper.AddControlToParent(this, _hiddenFocusTarget);
        private void UpdateParent(Control parentControl)
            // During disposal the view control will no longer exist
            if (_viewControl != null)
                // If the view control is not inside the correct parent
                if (parentControl != _viewControl.Parent)
                    // Ensure the control is not in the display area when first added
                    _viewControl.Location = new Point(-_viewControl.Width, -_viewControl.Height);

                    // Add our control to the provided parent collection
                    CommonHelper.AddControlToParent(parentControl, _viewControl);

                    // Let the actual control hook into correct parent for view manager processing