static void Main(string[] args) { using (Imap imap = new Imap()) { imap.ConnectSSL(""); imap.UseBestLogin("*****@*****.**", "password for Gmail apps"); // Recognize Trash folder List <FolderInfo> folders = imap.GetFolders(); CommonFolders common = new CommonFolders(folders); FolderInfo trash = common.Trash; // Find all emails we want to delete imap.Select(trash); List <long> uidList = imap.Search(Flag.All); foreach (long uid in uidList) { imap.DeleteMessageByUID(uid); Console.WriteLine("{0} deleted", uid); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); imap.Close(); } }
public void SendMessage() { try { XElement element = XElement.Load("MailSettings.xml"); MailBuilder builder = new MailBuilder(); //builder.Subject = String.Format("{0} - {1}", themeTxb.Text, SendMail.MailSettings.SenderName); builder.Subject = themeTxb.Text + " - " + element.Element("GeneralInformation").Element("senderName").Value; //builder.Subject = themeTxb.Text + " - " + SendMail.MailSettings.SenderName; builder.From.Add(new MailBox(element.Element("GeneralInformation").Element("email").Value, element.Element("GeneralInformation").Element("email").Value)); //builder.From.Add(new MailBox(SendMail.MailSettings.Email)); builder.To.Add(new MailBox(whomTxb.Text)); builder.Text = contentTxb.Text; if (attachBtnFlag == true) { foreach (var i in pathFileName) { builder.AddAttachment(i); } } IMail email = builder.Create(); using (Smtp smtp = new Smtp()) { smtp.ConnectSSL(element.Element("SendingMail").Element("sendingMail").Value); //smtp.ConnectSSL(SendMail.MailSettings.SendingMail); smtp.Configuration.EnableChunking = true; smtp.UseBestLogin(element.Element("SendingMail").Element("sendingLogin").Value, element.Element("SendingMail").Element("sendingPassword").Value); //smtp.UseBestLogin(SendMail.MailSettings.SendingLogin, SendMail.MailSettings.SendingPassword); smtp.SendMessage(email); MessageBox.Show("Електронний лист успішно надіслано!"); } using (Imap imap = new Imap()) { imap.ConnectSSL(element.Element("ReceivingMail").Element("receivingMail").Value); //imap.ConnectSSL(SendMail.MailSettings.ReceivingMail); imap.UseBestLogin(element.Element("ReceivingMail").Element("receivingLogin").Value, element.Element("ReceivingMail").Element("receivingPassword").Value); //imap.UseBestLogin(SendMail.MailSettings.ReceivingLogin, SendMail.MailSettings.ReceivingPassword); CommonFolders folders = new CommonFolders(imap.GetFolders()); imap.UploadMessage(folders.Sent, email); imap.Close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (Imap imap = new Imap()) { imap.ConnectSSL("imap." + client); imap.Login(login, password); CommonFolders folders = new CommonFolders(imap.GetFolders()); imap.Select(folders.Trash); MailBuilder builder = new MailBuilder(); counter = 0; foreach (long uid in imap.Search(Flag.All)) { IMail email = builder.CreateFromEml(imap.GetMessageByUID(uid)); string body = email.Subject + " " + email.Text; canonbody = new List <string>(); canonbody = myCanonize.canonize(body); for (int i = 0; i < canonlist.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < canonbody.Count; j++) { if (myCanonize.LevenshteinDistance(canonlist[i], canonbody[j]) < 3) { values.Add(percentSpam.ElementAt(i)); } } } double spam = myBayes.CBayes(values); if (spam > 0.3) { listBox2.Items.Add(body + myBayes.CBayes(values)); } else { listBox1.Items.Add(body); } values.Clear(); } } }
private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (Imap imap = new Imap()) { imap.ConnectSSL("imap." + client); imap.Login(login, password); CommonFolders folders = new CommonFolders(imap.GetFolders()); imap.Select(folders.Spam); MailBuilder builder = new MailBuilder(); counter = 0; foreach (long uid in imap.Search(Flag.All)) { counter++; IMail email = builder.CreateFromEml(imap.GetMessageByUID(uid)); string text = email.Subject + " " + email.Text; List <string> canontext = myCanonize.canonize(text); foreach (string row in canontext) { if (row == "") { continue; } if (!tokens.ContainsKey(row)) { tokens.Add(row, 1); } else { tokens[row]++; } } } tokens = tokens.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { canonlist.Add(tokens.ElementAt(i).Key); percentSpam.Add(Convert.ToDouble(tokens.ElementAt(i).Value) * 100 / Convert.ToDouble(counter)); } } }
//public void SendMessage() //{ // try // { // MailAddress fromMailAddress = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); // MailAddress toAddress = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); // using (MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(fromMailAddress, toAddress)) // using (SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("", 465)) // { // mailMessage.Subject = "Test Email"; // mailMessage.Body = "Helllllooo!!!"; // smtpClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromMailAddress.Address, "kdocument_2021"); // smtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; // smtpClient.EnableSsl = true; // smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false; // smtpClient.Send(mailMessage); // MessageBox.Show("Email sent successfully!"); // } // } // catch (IOException ex) // { // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); // } //} public void TestSendMessage() { try { MailBuilder builder = new MailBuilder(); builder.Subject = String.Format("Тестовий лист - {0}", senderNameCmb.Text); builder.From.Add(new MailBox(emailTxb.Text, emailTxb.Text)); builder.To.Add(new MailBox(emailTxb.Text)); builder.Text = "Це електронний лист із простим текстом"; IMail email = builder.Create(); using (Smtp smtp = new Smtp()) { smtp.ConnectSSL(sendingMailTxb.Text); smtp.Configuration.EnableChunking = true; smtp.UseBestLogin(sendingLoginCmb.Text, sendingPasswordTxb.Text); smtp.SendMessage(email); MessageBox.Show("Електронний лист успішно надіслано!"); } using (Imap imap = new Imap()) { imap.ConnectSSL(receivingMailTxb.Text); imap.UseBestLogin(receivingLoginCmb.Text, receivingPasswordTxb.Text); CommonFolders folders = new CommonFolders(imap.GetFolders()); imap.UploadMessage(folders.Sent, email); imap.Close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void TestingMSN() { try { using (Imap client = new Imap()) { client.ConnectSSL(""); client.UseBestLogin("*****@*****.**", "acidfreak123"); // MessageBox.Show(client.Connected.ToString()); CommonFolders folders = new CommonFolders(client.GetFolders()); client.Select(folders.Spam); foreach (long msg in client.GetAll()) { // MessageBox.Show(client.GetMessageByUID(msg)); client.FlagMessageByUID(msg, Flag.Seen); client.MoveByUID(msg, folders.Inbox); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void startprocess(string logindetails, string imapselect, bool sendmail, string smtptet) { try { int type = 0; Socket socket = null; if (proxies.Count > 0) { type = 1; ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(); string proxi = proxies[rad.Next(proxies.Count)]; string[] prox = proxi.Split(':'); IProxyClient proxy = null; if (prox.Length == 4) { proxy = factory.CreateProxy(ProxyType.Http, prox[0], Convert.ToInt32(prox[1]), prox[2], prox[3]); } else { proxy = factory.CreateProxy(ProxyType.Http, prox[0], Convert.ToInt32(prox[1])); } socket = proxy.Connect(imapselect, Imap.DefaultSSLPort); } using (Imap imap = new Imap()) { if (type == 0) { imap.ConnectSSL(imapselect); } else { imap.AttachSSL(socket, imapselect); } string[] cred = logindetails.Split(':'); imap.Login(cred[0], cred[1]); // You can also use: LoginPLAIN, LoginCRAM, LoginDIGEST, LoginOAUTH methods, CommonFolders folders = new CommonFolders(imap.GetFolders()); imap.Select(folders.Spam); foreach (long ouid in imap.GetAll()) { IMail email = new MailBuilder().CreateFromEml( imap.GetMessageByUID(ouid)); List <long> unseenReports = new List <long>(); foreach (string sub in subjects) { if (email.Subject.Contains(sub) || string.Equals(email.Subject, sub)) { unseenReports.Add(ouid); if (!checkBox1.Checked && sendmail && !radioButton4.Checked) { IMail original = email; Socket socket1 = null; if (proxies.Count > 0) { type = 1; ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(); string proxi = proxies[rad.Next(proxies.Count)]; string[] prox = proxi.Split(':'); IProxyClient proxy = null; if (prox.Length == 4) { proxy = factory.CreateProxy(ProxyType.Http, prox[0], Convert.ToInt32(prox[1]), prox[2], prox[3]); } else { proxy = factory.CreateProxy(ProxyType.Http, prox[0], Convert.ToInt32(prox[1])); } socket1 = proxy.Connect(smtptet, portsmtp); } ReplyBuilder replyBuilder = original.Reply(); // You can specify your own, custom, body and subject templates: replyBuilder.HtmlReplyTemplate = @"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"" """"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8"" /> <title>[Subject]</title> </head> <body> [Html] <br /><br /> On [Original.Date] [Original.Sender.Name] wrote: <blockquote style=""margin-left: 1em; padding-left: 1em; border-left: 1px #ccc solid;""> [QuoteHtml] </blockquote> </body> </html>"; replyBuilder.SubjectReplyTemplate = "Re: [Original.Subject]"; replyBuilder.Html = NewSpin.Spin(textBox1.Text); MailBuilder builder = replyBuilder.ReplyToAll(cred[0]); // You can add attachments to your reply //builder.AddAttachment("report.csv"); IMail reply = builder.Create(); using (Smtp smtp = new Smtp()) { if (type == 0) { if (radioButton3.Checked || radioButton4.Checked) { smtp.Connect(smtptet, portsmtp); smtp.StartTLS(); } else { smtp.ConnectSSL(smtptet, portsmtp); } } else { if (radioButton3.Checked || radioButton4.Checked) { smtp.Attach(socket1); smtp.StartTLS(); } else { smtp.AttachSSL(socket1, smtptet); } } smtp.ReceiveTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 100); //MessageBox.Show("Sending Mail"); smtp.UseBestLogin(cred[0], cred[1]); smtp.SendMessage(reply); smtp.Close(); } } } } foreach (long uid in unseenReports) // Download emails from the last result. { // MessageBox.Show(uid.ToString()); imap.MoveByUID(uid, folders.Inbox); imap.FlagMessageByUID(uid, Flag.Seen); movedcount = movedcount + 1; } } imap.Close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { //MessageBox.Show(exp.ToString()); } finally { count = count + 1; } }