private async void btnCheckValid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this.ParentForm); isClickCheckFile = await CheckValidTemplate(); CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); }
public uc_StoreDetail(uc_Store _parent_form, PRO_tblStoreDTO item = null) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); InitializeComponent(); Initialize(); parent_form = _parent_form; if (item != null) { LoadDataToEdit(item); } CommonEngine.LoadUserPermission("13", txtStoreID, btnSaveClose, btnSaveInsert); }
public uc_GroupUserDetail(uc_GroupUser _parent_form, SYS_tblGroupUserDTO item = null) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); InitializeComponent(); Initialize(); parent_form = _parent_form; if (item != null) { LoadDataToEdit(item); } CommonEngine.LoadUserPermission("9", txtGroupID, btnSaveClose, btnSaveInsert); }
public uc_UserDetail(uc_User _parent_form, SYS_tblUserDTO item = null, bool _isDuplicate = false) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); InitializeComponent(); Initialize(item); parent_form = _parent_form; isDuplicate = _isDuplicate; if (item != null) { LoadDataToEdit(item); } CommonEngine.LoadUserPermission("10", txtUsername, btnSaveClose, btnSaveInsert, isDuplicate); }
private async void btnImportSelectedFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this.ParentForm); SYS_tblReportCaptionDRO captionList = await iPOS.BUS.Systems.SYS_tblReportCaptionBUS.GetReportCaption(CommonEngine.userInfo.Username, ConfigEngine.Language, strFunctionID, true); if (captionList != null && captionList.ReportCaptionList.Count > 0) { DataTable dt = dsMainData.Tables[gluSeletedFiles.EditValue + ""]; var file = (from _file in fileList where _file.TableName.Equals(gluSeletedFiles.EditValue) select _file).ToList(); if (file != null && file.Count > 0) { string tmp = file[0].CollumArray; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp)) { SYS_tblImportFileConfigDRO result; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { result = await iPOS.BUS.Systems.SYS_tblImportFileConfigBUS.ImportDataRow(CommonEngine.userInfo.Username, ConfigEngine.Language, strStoreProcedure, dt.Rows[i], tmp); if (!CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(result.ResponseItem)) { continue; } dt.Rows[i]["Return Message"] = result.ResponseItem.Message; } } grvMainData.BestFitColumns(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); } finally { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } isImportAnyFile = true; wwpStepTwo.AllowNext = isImportAnyFile; }
private async void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CheckValidate()) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); SYS_tblUserDRO result = new SYS_tblUserDRO(); try { result = await SYS_tblUserBUS.ChangeUserPassword(txtUsername.Text, ConfigEngine.Language, EncryptEngine.Encrypt(txtNewPassword.Text), new DTO.Systems.SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = txtUsername.Text, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionVN = "Đổi Mật Khẩu", ActionEN = "Change Password", FunctionID = "", FunctionNameVN = "Đổi Mật Khẩu", FunctionNameEN = "Change Password", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa đổi mật khẩu thành công vào lúc {1}.", txtUsername.Text, DateTime.Now), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has change password successfully at {1}.", txtUsername.Text, DateTime.Now) }); CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { CommonEngine.userInfo.Password = EncryptEngine.Encrypt(txtNewPassword.Text); txtOldPassword.EditValue = txtNewPassword.EditValue = txtConfirmPassword.EditValue = null; depError.ClearErrors(); CommonEngine.ShowMessage(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? "Đổi mật khẩu người dùng thành công." : "Change user password successfully.", MessageType.Success); this.ParentForm.Close(); } else { CommonEngine.ShowMessage(result.ResponseItem.Message, 0); txtOldPassword.Focus(); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); txtOldPassword.Focus(); } } }
private async Task LoadPermission(string id, TreeListNode parent_node, bool is_user) { try { if (isSecondLoad) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); } trlPermission.BeginUnboundLoad(); trlPermission.ClearNodes(); SYS_tblPermissionDRO permissionList = await SYS_tblPermissionBUS.GetPermissionList(CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, ConfigEngine.Language, id, is_user); if (CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(permissionList.ResponseItem)) { oldPermissionList = new List <SYS_tblPermissionDTO>(); foreach (var item in permissionList.PermissionList) { oldPermissionList.Add(item); } LoadPermission(permissionList.PermissionList, "", parent_node); } trlPermission.EndUnboundLoad(); trlPermission.ExpandAll(); if (isSecondLoad) { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); } if (!isSecondLoad) { isSecondLoad = true; } }
private async Task <bool> SaveUser(bool isEdit) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); SYS_tblUserDRO result = new SYS_tblUserDRO(); try { result = await SYS_tblUserBUS.InsertUpdateUser(new SYS_tblUserDTO { Username = txtUsername.Text, Password = EncryptEngine.Encrypt(txtPassword.Text.Trim()), GroupID = gluGroupUser.EditValue + "", EmpID = chkIsEmployee.Checked ? gluEmployee.EditValue + "" : "", FullName = txtFullName.Text, EffectiveDate = dteEffectiveDate.DateTime, ToDate = dteToDate.EditValue == null ? (DateTime?)null : dteToDate.DateTime, Locked = chkLocked.Checked, LockDate = (chkLocked.Checked && dteLockDate.EditValue != null) ? dteLockDate.DateTime : (DateTime?)null, UnlockDate = (chkLocked.Checked && dteUnlockDate.EditValue != null) ? dteUnlockDate.DateTime : (DateTime?)null, CanNotChangePassword = chkCanNotChangePassword.Checked, ChangePassNextTime = chkChangePassNextTime.Checked, PassNeverExpired = chkPasswordNeverExpired.Checked, Email = txtEmail.Text, Note = mmoNote.Text, Activity = (isEdit) ? BaseConstant.UPDATE_COMMAND : BaseConstant.INSERT_COMMAND, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language }, new SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = txtUsername.Text, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionEN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN, ActionVN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_VI, FunctionID = "10", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa cập nhật thành công người dùng có tên tài khoản '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, txtUsername.Text.Trim()), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has updated user successfully with username is '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, txtUsername.Text.Trim()) }); if (CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(result.ResponseItem)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); CommonEngine.ShowMessage(result.ResponseItem.Message, 0); txtUsername.Focus(); return(false); } else { parent_form.GetAllUsers(); } } else { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); return(false); } finally { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } return(true); }
private async Task DeleteStall() { stall_code_list = ""; stall_id_list = ""; foreach (int index in grvStall.GetSelectedRows()) { stall_code_list = string.Join("$", stall_code_list, grvStall.GetRowCellDisplayText(index, gcolStallCode)); stall_id_list = string.Join("$", stall_id_list, grvStall.GetRowCellDisplayText(index, gcolStallID)); } if (stall_code_list.Length > 0) { stall_code_list = stall_code_list.Substring(1); } if (stall_id_list.Length > 0) { stall_id_list = stall_id_list.Substring(1); } PRO_tblStallDRO result = new PRO_tblStallDRO(); result.ResponseItem.Message = "ready"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stall_id_list)) { try { if (stall_id_list.Contains("$")) { if (CommonEngine.ShowConfirmMessageAlert(LanguageEngine.GetMessageCaption("000012", ConfigEngine.Language).Replace("$Count$", stall_id_list.Split('$').Length.ToString()))) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); result = await PRO_tblStallBUS.DeleteStall(stall_id_list, CommonEngine.userInfo.Username, ConfigEngine.Language, new SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionVN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_DELETE_VI, ActionEN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_DELETE_EN, FunctionID = "19", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa xóa thành công những quầy bán có mã '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, stall_code_list.Replace("$", ", ")), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has deleted stalls successfully with stall codes are '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, stall_code_list.Replace("$", ", ")) }); } } else { if (CommonEngine.ShowConfirmMessageAlert(LanguageEngine.GetMessageCaption("000005", ConfigEngine.Language))) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); result = await PRO_tblStallBUS.DeleteStall(stall_id_list, CommonEngine.userInfo.Username, ConfigEngine.Language, new SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionVN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_DELETE_VI, ActionEN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_DELETE_EN, FunctionID = "19", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa xóa thành công quầy bán có mã '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, stall_code_list), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has deleted stall successfully with stall code is '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, stall_code_list) }); } } if (!CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(result.ResponseItem)) { return; } if (!result.ResponseItem.Message.Equals("ready")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { GetAllStall("", ""); } else { CommonEngine.ShowMessage(result.ResponseItem.Message, 0); } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); } finally { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } } else { CommonEngine.ShowMessage("000027", IMC.Helper.MessageType.Warning, true); } }
private async void wzcMain_SelectedPageChanging(object sender, DevExpress.XtraWizard.WizardPageChangingEventArgs e) { if (e.Page == wwpStepTwo && e.Direction == DevExpress.XtraWizard.Direction.Forward) { if (!isClickCheckFile) { CommonEngine.ShowMessage(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? "Hệ thống sẽ tự động kiểm tra tệp dữ liệu." : "System will auto check valid all data files.", MessageType.Success); e.Cancel = true; CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this.ParentForm); isClickCheckFile = await CheckValidTemplate(); CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } if (isClickCheckFile && !isGetFileData) { var errorFiles = (from file in fileList where file.IsValid == false select file).ToList(); if (errorFiles != null && errorFiles.Count > 0) { if (CommonEngine.ShowConfirmMessageAlert(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? "Có tập tin bị lỗi, bạn có muốn tiếp tục không?" : "Having corrupted file(s), do you want to continue?")) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this.ParentForm); await GetDataToImport(); CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); e.Cancel = false; } else { e.Cancel = true; return; } } else { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this.ParentForm); await GetDataToImport(); CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } wzcMain.SelectedPage = wwpStepTwo; } wwpStepTwo.AllowNext = isImportAnyFile; } else if (e.Page == wwpStepOne && e.Direction == DevExpress.XtraWizard.Direction.Backward) { if (CommonEngine.ShowConfirmMessageAlert(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? "Tất cả dữ liệu sẽ bị mất, bạn có muốn tiếp tục không?" : "All data will be lost, do you want to continue?")) { dsMainData.Clear(); dsMainData.Tables.Clear(); e.Cancel = false; isImportAnyFile = false; isGetFileData = false; } else { e.Cancel = true; } } else if (e.Page == wwpStepThree && e.Direction == DevExpress.XtraWizard.Direction.Forward) { lblResult1.Text = string.Format(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? @"Tổng số tập tin đã chọn: <b>{0}</b> tệp, trong đó có <b><color=RED>{1}</color></b> tệp tin lỗi, <b><color=GREEN>{2}</color></b> tệp tin hợp lệ." : @"Total selected file: <b>{0}</b> file(s), including <b><color=RED>{1}</color></b> invalid file(s), <b><color=GREEN>{2}</color></b> valid file(s).", total_file, invalid_file, correct_file); total_row = inserted_row = updated_row = normal_row = invalid_row = 0; foreach (DataTable dt in dsMainData.Tables) { total_row += dt.Rows.Count; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { switch ((dr["Return Message"] + "").Trim()) { case "Inserted": case "Đã thêm mới": inserted_row += 1; break; case "Updated": case "Đã cập nhật": updated_row += 1; break; case "": normal_row += 1; break; default: invalid_row += 1; break; } } } lblResult2.Text = string.Format(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? @"Tổng số dòng dữ liệu cần nhập: <b>{0}</b> dòng, trong đó:" : @"Total row of data need to import: <b>{0}</b> rows, in which:", total_row); lblSummary3.Text = string.Format(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? @"<b><color=GREEN>{0}</color></b> dòng." : @"<b><color=GREEN>{0}</color></b> row(s).", inserted_row); lblSummary4.Text = string.Format(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? @"<b><color=BLUE>{0}</color></b> dòng." : @"<b><color=BLUE>{0}</color></b> row(s).", updated_row); lblSummary5.Text = string.Format(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? @"<b><color=RED>{0}</color></b> dòng." : @"<b><color=RED>{0}</color></b> row(s).", invalid_row); lblSummary6.Text = string.Format(ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? @"<b>{0}</b> dòng." : @"<b>{0}</b> row(s).", normal_row); wwpStepThree.AllowBack = false; } }
public uc_UserPermission(string language) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); InitializeComponent(); ChangeLanguage(language); }
public uc_ChangePassword() { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); InitializeComponent(); Initialize(); }
private void btnDownloadTemplate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this.ParentForm); ReportEngine.GetFileWithReportCaption(CommonEngine.userInfo.Username, ConfigEngine.Language, strTemplate, strFunctionID, strModuleID); CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); }
private async Task <bool> SaveStore(bool isEdit) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this.ParentForm); string file_name = ""; PRO_tblStoreDRO result = new PRO_tblStoreDRO(); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_file_path)) { Bitmap image = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(new_file_path); file_name = await iPOS.BUS.Tools.OBJ_FileBUS.UploadImageFile(image, "Stores"); } result = await PRO_tblStoreBUS.InsertUpdateStore(new PRO_tblStoreDTO { StoreID = isEdit ? txtStoreID.Text : "0", StoreCode = txtStoreCode.Text, ShortCode = txtShortCode.Text, VNName = txtVNName.Text, ENName = txtENName.Text, BuildDate = dteBuildDate.EditValue != null ? dteBuildDate.DateTime : (DateTime?)null, EndDate = dteEndDate.EditValue != null ? dteEndDate.DateTime : (DateTime?)null, AddressEN = txtAddressEN.Text, AddressVN = txtAddressVN.Text, ProvinceID = gluProvince.EditValue + "", DistrictID = gluDistrict.EditValue + "", Phone = txtPhone.Text, Fax = txtFax.Text, TaxCode = txtTaxCode.Text, Rank = speRank.EditValue != null ? Convert.ToInt32(speRank.EditValue) : (Int32?)null, Representatives = txtRepresentives.Text, IsRoot = chkIsRoot.Checked, Used = chkUsed.Checked, Note = mmoNote.Text, Photo = file_name, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, Activity = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN }, new DTO.Systems.SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionEN = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, ActionVN = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_VI : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_VI, FunctionID = "13", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa {1} thành công cửa hàng có mã cửa hàng là '{2}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, isEdit ? "cập nhật" : "thêm mới", txtStoreCode.Text), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has {1} store successfully with store code is '{2}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, isEdit ? "updated" : "inserted", txtStoreCode.Text) }); if (CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(result.ResponseItem)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); CommonEngine.ShowMessage(result.ResponseItem.Message, 0); txtStoreCode.Focus(); return(false); } else if (parent_form != null) { parent_form.GetAllStore(); } } else { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); return(false); } finally { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } return(true); }
private async Task <bool> SaveLevel1(bool isEdit) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); PRO_tblLevel1DRO result = new PRO_tblLevel1DRO(); try { result = await PRO_tblLevel1BUS.InsertUpdateLevel1(new PRO_tblLevel1DTO { Level1ID = isEdit ? txtLevel1ID.Text : "0", Level1Code = txtLevel1Code.Text.Trim(), Level1ShortCode = txtLevel1ShortCode.Text.Trim(), VNName = txtVNName.Text.Trim(), ENName = txtENName.Text.Trim(), Rank = speRank.Text.Trim(), Used = chkUsed.Checked, Note = mmoNote.Text.Trim(), Description = mmoDescription.Text.Trim(), Activity = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language }, new DTO.Systems.SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionEN = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, ActionVN = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_VI : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_VI, FunctionID = "20", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa {1} thành công ngành hàng có mã ngành hàng là '{2}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, isEdit ? "cập nhật" : "thêm mới", txtLevel1Code.Text), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has {1} product sector successfully with sector code is '{2}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, isEdit ? "updated" : "inserted", txtLevel1Code.Text) }); if (CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(result.ResponseItem)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); CommonEngine.ShowMessage(result.ResponseItem.Message, 0); txtLevel1Code.Focus(); return(false); } else if (parent_form != null) { parent_form.GetAllLevel1(); } } else { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); return(false); } finally { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } return(true); }
private async Task SavePermission(TreeListNodes nodes, bool is_user) { List <SYS_tblPermissionDTO> permissionList = new List <SYS_tblPermissionDTO>(); try { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); SYS_tblPermissionDRO result = new SYS_tblPermissionDRO(); permissionList = GetAllPermission(nodes); foreach (var item in oldPermissionList) { var _item = (from per in permissionList where per.ID == item.ID && per.FunctionID == item.FunctionID select per).FirstOrDefault(); if (_item != null) { if (_item.AllowInsert == item.AllowInsert && _item.AllowUpdate == item.AllowUpdate && _item.AllowDelete == item.AllowDelete && _item.AllowPrint == item.AllowPrint && _item.AllowImport == item.AllowImport && _item.AllowExport == item.AllowExport && _item.AllowAll == item.AllowAll && _item.AllowAccess == item.AllowAccess && _item.UserLevelID == item.UserLevelID && _item.Note == item.Note) { permissionList.Remove(_item); } } } string strMessage = LanguageEngine.GetMessageCaption("000024", ConfigEngine.Language).Replace("$Type$", is_user ? (ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? "người dùng" : "user") : (ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? "nhóm người dùng" : "group user")).Replace("$Name$", trlUser.FocusedNode.GetDisplayText(tlcName)); result = await SYS_tblPermissionBUS.UpdatePermission(CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, ConfigEngine.Language, permissionList, is_user, new SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionEN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN, ActionVN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_VI, FunctionID = "24", DescriptionVN = strMessage.Replace("$IsError$", "thành công"), DescriptionEN = strMessage.Replace("$IsError$", "successfully") }); CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); if (CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(result.ResponseItem)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { CommonEngine.ShowMessage(strMessage.Replace("$IsError$", ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? "thành công" : "successfully").Trim(), MessageType.Success); } else { CommonEngine.ShowMessage(strMessage.Replace("$IsError$", ConfigEngine.Language.Equals("vi") ? "thất bại" : "failed").Trim(), MessageType.Error); } await LoadPermission(trlUser.FocusedNode.GetDisplayText(tlcCode) + "", rootNode, trlUser.FocusedNode.Level == 0?false : true); } else { return; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); } }
private void btnReload_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); GetAllLevel2(); CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); }
public uc_Stall(string language) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); InitializeComponent(); ChangeLanguage(language); }
private async Task <bool> SaveStall(bool isEdit) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); PRO_tblStallDRO result = new PRO_tblStallDRO(); try { result = await iPOS.BUS.Products.PRO_tblStallBUS.InsertUpdateStall(new PRO_tblStallDTO { StallID = isEdit ? txtStallID.Text : "0", StallCode = txtStallCode.Text.Trim(), VNName = txtVNName.Text.Trim(), ENName = txtENName.Text.Trim(), StoreID = gluStore.EditValue + "", WarehouseID = gluWarehouse.EditValue + "", Rank = speRank.EditValue + "", Used = chkUsed.Checked, Note = mmoNote.Text.Trim(), UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, Activity = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language }, new DTO.Systems.SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionEN = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, ActionVN = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_VI : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_VI, FunctionID = "19", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa {1} thành công quầy bán có mã quầy là '{2}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, isEdit ? "cập nhật" : "thêm mới", txtStallCode.Text), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has {1} stall successfully with stall code is '{2}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, isEdit ? "updated" : "inserted", txtStallCode.Text) }); if (CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(result.ResponseItem)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); CommonEngine.ShowMessage(result.ResponseItem.Message, 0); txtStallCode.Focus(); return(false); } else if (parent_form != null) { parent_form.GetAllStall("", ""); } } else { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); return(false); } finally { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } return(true); }
private async Task DeleteLevel2() { level2_code_list = ""; level2_id_list = ""; foreach (int index in grvLevel2.GetSelectedRows()) { if (index >= 0) { level2_code_list = string.Join("$", level2_code_list, grvLevel2.GetRowCellDisplayText(index, gcolLevel2Code)); level2_id_list = string.Join("$", level2_id_list, grvLevel2.GetRowCellDisplayText(index, gcolLevel2ID)); } } if (level2_code_list.Length > 0) { level2_code_list = level2_code_list.Substring(1); } if (level2_id_list.Length > 0) { level2_id_list = level2_id_list.Substring(1); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(level2_id_list)) { PRO_tblLevel2DRO result = new PRO_tblLevel2DRO(); result.ResponseItem.Message = "ready"; try { if (level2_id_list.Contains("$")) { if (CommonEngine.ShowConfirmMessageAlert(LanguageEngine.GetMessageCaption("000012", ConfigEngine.Language).Replace("$Count$", level2_id_list.Split('$').Length.ToString()))) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); result = await PRO_tblLevel2BUS.DeleteLevel2(CommonEngine.userInfo.Username, ConfigEngine.Language, level2_id_list, new SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionVN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_DELETE_VI, ActionEN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_DELETE_EN, FunctionID = "21", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa xóa thành công những nhóm hàng có mã '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, level2_code_list.Replace("$", ", ")), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has deleted product groups successfully with group codes are '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, level2_code_list.Replace("$", ", ")) }); } } else { if (CommonEngine.ShowConfirmMessageAlert(LanguageEngine.GetMessageCaption("000005", ConfigEngine.Language))) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); result = await PRO_tblLevel2BUS.DeleteLevel2(CommonEngine.userInfo.Username, ConfigEngine.Language, level2_id_list, new SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionVN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_DELETE_VI, ActionEN = BaseConstant.COMMAND_DELETE_EN, FunctionID = "21", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa xóa thành công nhóm hàng có mã '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, level2_code_list), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has deleted product group successfully with group code is '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, level2_code_list) }); } } if (!CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(result.ResponseItem)) { return; } if (!result.ResponseItem.Message.Equals("ready")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { GetAllLevel2(); } else { CommonEngine.ShowMessage(result.ResponseItem.Message, 0); } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); } finally { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } } else { CommonEngine.ShowMessage(LanguageEngine.GetMessageCaption("000027", ConfigEngine.Language), MessageType.Error); } }
private async Task <bool> SaveGroupUser(bool isEdit) { CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this.ParentForm); try { SYS_tblGroupUserDRO result = await SYS_tblGroupUserBUS.InsertUpdateGroupUser(new SYS_tblGroupUserDTO { GroupID = txtGroupID.Text, GroupCode = txtGroupCode.Text, VNName = txtVNName.Text, ENName = txtENName.Text, Note = mmoNote.Text, IsDefault = chkIsDefault.Checked, Active = chkActive.Checked, Activity = (isEdit) ? BaseConstant.UPDATE_COMMAND : BaseConstant.INSERT_COMMAND, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language }, new SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionEN = (isEdit) ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, ActionVN = (isEdit) ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_VI : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_VI, FunctionID = "9", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa thêm mới thành công nhóm người dùng có mã '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, txtGroupCode.Text), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has inserted new group user successfully with group code is '{1}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, txtGroupCode.Text) }); if (CommonEngine.CheckValidResponseItem(result.ResponseItem)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); CommonEngine.ShowMessage(result.ResponseItem.Message, 0); txtGroupCode.Focus(); return(false); } else if (parent_form != null) { await parent_form.GetAllGroupUsers(); } } else { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); return(false); } finally { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } return(true); }
private async Task <bool> SaveDistrict(bool isEdit) { PRO_tblDistrictDRO result = new PRO_tblDistrictDRO(); CommonEngine.ShowWaitForm(this); try { result = await iPOS.BUS.Products.PRO_tblDistrictBUS.InsertUpdateDistrict(new PRO_tblDistrictDTO { DistrictID = isEdit ? txtDistrictID.Text : "0", DistrictCode = txtDistrictCode.Text, VNName = txtVNName.Text, ENName = txtENName.Text, ProvinceID = gluProvince.EditValue + "", Rank = speRank.EditValue != null ? Convert.ToInt32(speRank.Value) : (Int32?)null, Used = chkUsed.Checked, Note = mmoNote.Text, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, Activity = (isEdit) ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language }, new DTO.Systems.SYS_tblActionLogDTO { Activity = BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, UserID = CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, LanguageID = ConfigEngine.Language, ActionEN = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_EN : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_EN, ActionVN = isEdit ? BaseConstant.COMMAND_UPDATE_VI : BaseConstant.COMMAND_INSERT_VI, FunctionID = "12", DescriptionVN = string.Format("Tài khoản '{0}' vừa {1} thành công quận huyện có mã quận huyện là '{2}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, isEdit ? "cập nhật" : "thêm mới", txtDistrictCode.Text), DescriptionEN = string.Format("Account '{0}' has {1} district successfully with district code is '{2}'.", CommonEngine.userInfo.UserID, isEdit ? "updated" : "inserted", txtDistrictCode.Text) }); if (result.ResponseItem.IsError) { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); CommonEngine.ShowHTTPErrorMessage(result.ResponseItem); txtDistrictCode.Focus(); return(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseItem.Message)) { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); CommonEngine.ShowMessage(result.ResponseItem.Message, 0); txtDistrictCode.Focus(); return(false); } else if (parent_form != null) { parent_form.GetAllDistrict(); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonEngine.ShowExceptionMessage(ex); return(false); } finally { CommonEngine.CloseWaitForm(); } return(true); }