public DataRow viewApplyDetail(string id) { CommonClass cc = new CommonClass(); string cmdstr = "select * from ApplyList where id="+id; DataTable dt = cc.reDt(cmdstr); return dt.Rows[0]; }
public bool checkTime(string address,string date,string time ) { CommonClass cc = new CommonClass(); string cmdstr = "select count(*) from ApplyList where status='待审核' or status='审核通过' and applyAddress='" + address + "' and applyDate = '"+date+"' and applyTime = '"+time+"'"; DataTable dt = cc.reDt(cmdstr); if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0") return false; else return true; }
public DataTable viewSubmitMessage(string userName) { CommonClass cc = new CommonClass(); return cc.reDt("select * from ApplyList where applier = '"+userName+"' order by applyDate desc"); }