public void MakeXMLTest() { ConfigLoader _testloader = new ConfigLoader(); _testloader.Load(); OSMXMLMaker _testMaker = new OSMXMLMaker(); #region Make Mock Data CommonAttributes _tAttr = new CommonAttributes(); List<Tag> _tTags = new List<Tag>(); for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Tag _t = new Tag("key" + i.ToString(), "value" + i.ToString()); _tTags.Add(_t); } Node _tNode = new Node(_tAttr,"0.1","0.2",_tTags); List<Node> _tNodes = new List<Node>(); _tNodes.Add(_tNode); Way _tWay = new Way(_tAttr, _tNodes, _tTags); #endregion _testMaker.MakeXMLFile(_tWay , _testloader.classConfigResult); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (5 != args.Length) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: {System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().ManifestModule.Name} <apidomain> <httpbasicauthstring> <servicetype> <realm> <advancedsearchdescriptionfilename>"); } else { string apiDomain = args[0]; string httpBasicAuthString = args[1]; string serviceType = args[2]; string realm = args[3]; string advancedSearchDescriptionFileName = args[4]; if (File.Exists(advancedSearchDescriptionFileName)) { Uri upstreamServerUrl = new Uri($"https://{apiDomain}"); using (CtmsRegistryClient registryClient = new CtmsRegistryClient(new OAuth2AuthorizationConnection(upstreamServerUrl, httpBasicAuthString))) { const string registeredLinkRelSearches = "search:searches"; Searches searchesResource = PlatformTools.PlatformToolsSDK.FindInRegistry <Searches>(registryClient, serviceType, realm, registeredLinkRelSearches); if (null != searchesResource) { const string registeredLinkRelAdvancedSearch = "search:advanced-search"; Link advancedSearchLink = searchesResource.DiscoverLink(registeredLinkRelAdvancedSearch); /// Check, whether simple search is supported: if (null != advancedSearchLink) { UriTemplate advancedSearchUriTemplate = new UriTemplate(advancedSearchLink.Href); advancedSearchUriTemplate.SetParameter("offset", 0); advancedSearchUriTemplate.SetParameter("limit", 50); string advancedSearchUri = advancedSearchUriTemplate.Resolve(); string advancedSearchDescription = File.ReadAllText(advancedSearchDescriptionFileName); /// Doing the search and write the results to stdout: // The search description must be passed as content type "application/json": using (HttpContent content = new StringContent(advancedSearchDescription, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")) { using (HttpResponseMessage response = registryClient.HttpClient.PostAsync(advancedSearchUri, content).Result) { AdvancedSearch searchResult = response.Content.ReadAsAsyncHal <AdvancedSearch>().Result; int assetNo = 0; int pageNo = 0; // Page through the result: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(DateTime.Now.ToString()); do { if (searchResult.AssetList.Any()) { sb.AppendLine($"Page#: {++pageNo}, search description from file '{advancedSearchDescriptionFileName}'"); foreach (Asset asset in searchResult.AssetList) { BaseInfo baseInfo = asset.Base; CommonAttributes commonAttributes = asset.Common; sb.AppendLine($"Asset#: {++assetNo}, id: {asset.Base.Id}, name: '{asset.Common.Name}'"); } } // If we have more results, follow the next link and get the next page: searchResult = registryClient.GetHalResource <SimpleSearch>(searchResult.GetUri("next", Enumerable.Empty <EmbedResource>())); }while (searchResult != null); Console.WriteLine(sb); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Advanced search not supported."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Advanced search not supported."); } Console.WriteLine("End"); } } } }
public DocumentAttribute GetCommonAttribute(string name) => CommonAttributes.TryGetValue(name, out DocumentAttribute val) ? val : null;
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (5 != args.Length || "'".Equals(args[4]) || !args[4].StartsWith("'") || !args[4].EndsWith("'")) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: {System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().ManifestModule.Name} <apidomain> <httpBasicAuthString> <servicetype> <realm> '<simplesearchexpression>'"); } else { string apiDomain = args[0]; string httpBasicAuthString = args[1]; string serviceType = args[2]; string realm = args[3]; string rawSearchExpression = args[4].Trim('\''); Uri upstreamServerUrl = new Uri($"https://{apiDomain}"); using (CtmsRegistryClient registryClient = new CtmsRegistryClient(new OAuth2AuthorizationConnection(upstreamServerUrl, httpBasicAuthString))) { const string registeredLinkRelSearches = "search:searches"; Searches searchesResource = PlatformTools.PlatformToolsSDK.FindInRegistry <Searches>(registryClient, serviceType, realm, registeredLinkRelSearches); if (null != searchesResource) { const string registeredLinkRelSimpleSearch = "search:simple-search"; Link simpleSearchLink = searchesResource.DiscoverLink(registeredLinkRelSimpleSearch); /// Check, whether simple search is supported: if (null != simpleSearchLink) { UriTemplate simpleSearchUrlTemplate = new UriTemplate(simpleSearchLink.Href); simpleSearchUrlTemplate.SetParameter("search", rawSearchExpression); Uri simpleSearchResultPageUrl = new Uri(simpleSearchUrlTemplate.Resolve()); /// Doing the search and write the results to stdout: SimpleSearch searchResult = registryClient.GetHalResource <SimpleSearch>(simpleSearchResultPageUrl); int assetNo = 0; int pageNo = 0; // Page through the result: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); do { if (searchResult.AssetList.Any()) { sb.AppendLine($"Page#: {++pageNo}, search expression: '{rawSearchExpression}'"); foreach (Asset asset in searchResult.AssetList) { BaseInfo baseInfo = asset.Base; CommonAttributes commonAttributes = asset.Common; sb.AppendLine($"Asset#: {++assetNo}, id: {asset.Base.Id}, name: '{asset.Common.Name}'"); } } // If we have more results, follow the next link and get the next page: searchResult = registryClient.GetHalResource <SimpleSearch>(searchResult.GetUri("next", Enumerable.Empty <EmbedResource>())); }while (searchResult != null); Console.WriteLine(sb); } } } Console.WriteLine("End"); } }