public PTRRecord ReverseDnsLookup(Common.IPv4Address ip) { string lookup = ip.AsString + " PTR"; string ipStr = ip.AsReverseString + "".ToLower(); // Do we already know? if (DnsCache.ContainsKey(lookup)) { return(DnsCache[lookup] as PTRRecord); } // We don't know. Send packet and wait for response. SendRecordRequest(ipStr, DnsType.Ptr); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; while ((DateTime.Now - now).TotalSeconds < TIMEOUT) { if (DnsCache.ContainsKey(lookup)) { return(DnsCache[lookup] as PTRRecord); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } if (DnsCache.ContainsKey(lookup)) { return(DnsCache[lookup] as PTRRecord); } throw new Exception("Host not found."); }
public void SendLayer3Packet(OSI.Layer3Packet packet, PacketSentHandler callback) { IpV4Layer ipV4Layer = new IpV4Layer { Source = new IpV4Address(packet.SourceIP.AsString), Ttl = packet.Ttl, // The rest of the important parameters will be set for each packet }; Common.IPv4Address ip = null; try { System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(packet.Destination); ip = new Common.IPv4Address(packet.Destination); } catch { ip = Dns.ResolveHost(packet.Destination).IPs[0]; } ipV4Layer.CurrentDestination = new IpV4Address(ip.AsString); OSI.Layer2Packet l2 = new OSI.Layer2Packet(); l2.SourceMac = Configuration.MacAddress; l2.DestinationMac = Arp.ResolveIP(ip); foreach (ILayer layer in packet.NextLayers) { l2.NextLayers.Add(layer); } l2.NextLayers.Insert(0, ipV4Layer); SendLayer2Packet(l2, callback); }
public PingResult(Packet packet, DateTime ts, PingRequest req) { Result = PingResultType.Reply; var reply = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Icmp as IcmpEchoReplyDatagram; Ttl = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Ttl; RespondingHost = new Common.IPv4Address(packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Source.ToString()); Response = (int)(ts - req.TimeStamp).TotalMilliseconds; }
public override void OnReceivePacket(Common.PacketData pdata) { var ip = pdata.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4; var tcp = ip.Tcp; var destPort = tcp.DestinationPort; var destIp = new Common.IPv4Address(ip.Destination.ToString()); Sessions[destPort].AddPacketToQueue(pdata); }
private void TryFireArpReplyReceied(Common.IPv4Address ip, Common.MacAddress mac) { try { ArpReplyReceived(ip, mac); } catch { } }
private Common.IPv4Address[] SplitIps(string ips) { string[] stuff = ips.Split(','); Common.IPv4Address[] ip = new Common.IPv4Address[stuff.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < stuff.Length; i++) { ip[i] = new Common.IPv4Address(stuff[i]); } return(ip); }
public Common.MacAddress ResolveIP(Common.IPv4Address ip) { // Do we already know? if (ArpCache.ContainsKey(ip.AsString) && (ArpCache[ip.AsString].Expiration > DateTime.Now || ArpCache[ip.AsString].Type == ArpEntryType.Static)) { Common.MacAddress mac = ArpCache[ip.AsString].Mac; if (DisableCache) { ArpCache.Clear(); } return(mac); } // Is this the broadcast IP for our network? if (ip.AsString == _client.Configuration.BroadcastAddress.AsString) { return(Common.MacAddress.Broadcast); } // Is this me? if (ip.AsString == _client.Configuration.IpAddress.AsString) { return(_client.Configuration.MacAddress); } // Is this IP in our subnet? if (!Common.IPv4Address.IsInSameSubnet(ip, _client.Configuration.IpAddress, _client.Configuration.SubnetMask)) { return(ResolveIP(_client.Configuration.DefaultGateway)); } // We don't know. Send packet and wait for response. SendArpResolutionPacket(ip); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; while ((DateTime.Now - now).TotalSeconds < TIMEOUT) { if (ArpCache.ContainsKey(ip.AsString) && (ArpCache[ip.AsString].Expiration > DateTime.Now || ArpCache[ip.AsString].Type == ArpEntryType.Static)) { Common.MacAddress mac = ArpCache[ip.AsString].Mac; if (DisableCache) { ArpCache.Clear(); } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } if (ArpCache.ContainsKey(ip.AsString)) { return(ArpCache[ip.AsString].Mac); } throw new IpResolutionFailed(ip); }
public TcpSession(TcpClient client, Common.IPv4Address myip, ushort myport) { _client = client; SequenceNumber = 0; AcknowledgementNumber = 0; Source = myip; Queue = new ConcurrentQueue <Common.PacketData>(); SourcePort = myport; State = TcpState.LISTEN; }
public ARecord ResolveHost(string dns) { dns = dns.ToLower(); string lookup = dns + " A"; string clookup = dns + " CNAME"; // Is this an IP? HavokNet.Common.IPv4Address ip = null; try { ip = new Common.IPv4Address(dns); return(new ARecord(dns, 0, ip)); } catch { } // Do we already know? if (DnsCache.ContainsKey(lookup)) { return(DnsCache[lookup] as ARecord); } if (DnsCache.ContainsKey(clookup)) { return(ResolveHost((DnsCache[clookup] as CNAMERecord).AliasTarget)); } // We don't know. Send packet and wait for response. SendRecordRequest(dns, DnsType.A); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; while ((DateTime.Now - now).TotalSeconds < TIMEOUT) { if (DnsCache.ContainsKey(lookup)) { return(DnsCache[lookup] as ARecord); } if (DnsCache.ContainsKey(clookup)) { return(ResolveHost((DnsCache[clookup] as CNAMERecord).AliasTarget)); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } throw new Exception("Host not found."); }
public void Ping(Common.IPv4Address ip, PingSettings settings, PingResultHandler callback) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)Math.Max(settings.Repeat, 1); i++) { try { SendIcmpRequestPacket(ip, settings.Ttl, settings.Bytes, 456, settings.Timeout, callback); } catch (ARP.IpResolutionFailed arp) { callback(new PingResult(PingResultType.DestinationHostUnreachable) { RespondingHost = _client.Configuration.IpAddress }); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(settings.Delay); } }
private void SendArpReplyPacket(Common.IPv4Address ip) { PcapDotNet.Packets.Arp.ArpLayer arpLayer = new PcapDotNet.Packets.Arp.ArpLayer { ProtocolType = PcapDotNet.Packets.Ethernet.EthernetType.IpV4, Operation = ArpOperation.Reply, SenderHardwareAddress = _client.Configuration.MacAddress.AsBytes.AsReadOnly(), SenderProtocolAddress = _client.Configuration.IpAddress.AsBytes.AsReadOnly(), TargetHardwareAddress = ArpCache[ip.AsString].Mac.AsBytes.AsReadOnly(), TargetProtocolAddress = ip.AsBytes.AsReadOnly(), }; OSI.Layer2Packet packet = new OSI.Layer2Packet(); packet.DestinationMac = ArpCache[ip.AsString].Mac; packet.SourceMac = _client.Configuration.MacAddress; packet.NextLayers.Add(arpLayer); SendPacket(packet); }
public void SendArpResolutionPacket(Common.IPv4Address ip) { PcapDotNet.Packets.Arp.ArpLayer arpLayer = new PcapDotNet.Packets.Arp.ArpLayer { ProtocolType = PcapDotNet.Packets.Ethernet.EthernetType.IpV4, Operation = ArpOperation.Request, SenderHardwareAddress = _client.Configuration.MacAddress.AsBytes.AsReadOnly(), SenderProtocolAddress = _client.Configuration.IpAddress.AsBytes.AsReadOnly(), TargetHardwareAddress = Common.MacAddress.Broadcast.AsBytes.AsReadOnly(), TargetProtocolAddress = ip.AsBytes.AsReadOnly(), }; OSI.Layer2Packet packet = new OSI.Layer2Packet(); packet.DestinationMac = Common.MacAddress.Broadcast; packet.SourceMac = _client.Configuration.MacAddress; packet.NextLayers.Add(arpLayer); SendPacket(packet); }
public override void OnReceivePacket(Common.PacketData pdata) { var packet = pdata.Packet; var fromIP = new Common.IPv4Address(packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Source.ToString()); var toIP = new Common.IPv4Address(packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Destination.ToString()); var ipv4 = packet.Ethernet.IpV4; var icmp = ipv4.Icmp; // Is this an echo request to our IP? if (icmp.MessageType == PcapDotNet.Packets.Icmp.IcmpMessageType.Echo && toIP.AsString == _client.Configuration.IpAddress.AsString) { SendIcmpReplyPacket(packet); } else if (icmp.MessageType == IcmpMessageType.EchoReply && CurrentPings.ContainsKey((packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Icmp as IcmpEchoReplyDatagram).Identifier)) { var reply = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Icmp as IcmpEchoReplyDatagram; var request = CurrentPings[reply.Identifier]; PingResult result = new PingResult(packet, pdata.TimeStamp, request); result.Bytes = request.Bytes; request.Callback(result); } else if (icmp.MessageType == IcmpMessageType.TimeExceeded) { var reply = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Icmp as IcmpTimeExceededDatagram; var replyEcho = reply.IpV4.Icmp as IcmpEchoDatagram; var request = CurrentPings[replyEcho.Identifier]; PingResult result = new PingResult(PingResultType.TtlExpired); result.RespondingHost = fromIP; result.Response = (int)(DateTime.Now - request.TimeStamp).TotalMilliseconds; request.Callback(result); } else if (icmp.MessageType == IcmpMessageType.DestinationUnreachable) { var reply = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Icmp as IcmpDestinationUnreachableDatagram; var replyEcho = reply.IpV4.Icmp as IcmpDestinationUnreachableDatagram; //var request = CurrentPings[replyEcho.Identifier]; //PingResult result = new PingResult(PingResultType.DestinationHostUnreachable); //result.RespondingHost = fromIP; //result.Response = (int)(DateTime.Now - request.TimeStamp).TotalMilliseconds; //request.Callback(result); } }
public void AddStaticEntry(Common.IPv4Address ip, Common.MacAddress mac) { ArpCacheEntry entry = new ArpCacheEntry() { Ip = ip, Mac = mac, Expiration = DateTime.Now, Type = ArpEntryType.Static, }; if (ArpCache.ContainsKey(ip.AsString)) { ArpCache[ip.AsString] = entry; } else { ArpCache.AddOrUpdate(ip.AsString, entry, null); } TryFireArpCacheChanged(); }
public override void OnReceivePacket(Common.PacketData pdata) { var packet = pdata.Packet; var arp = packet.Ethernet.Arp; var senderMac = new Common.MacAddress(arp.SenderHardwareAddress.ToArray()); var destMac = new Common.MacAddress(arp.TargetHardwareAddress.ToArray()); var senderIp = new Common.IPv4Address(arp.SenderProtocolAddress.ToArray()); var destIp = new Common.IPv4Address(arp.TargetProtocolAddress.ToArray()); // We can cache their MAC and IP if (AcceptGratuitousReplies || destMac.AsString != Common.MacAddress.Broadcast.AsString) { ArpCache.AddOrUpdate(senderIp.AsString, new ArpCacheEntry() { Mac = senderMac, Ip = senderIp, Type = ArpEntryType.Dynamic, Expiration = GetNextExpirationTime(), }, (str, myarp) => myarp); if (arp.Operation == ArpOperation.Reply) { TryFireArpReplyReceied(senderIp, senderMac); } // Fire the Cache Changed event TryFireArpCacheChanged(); } // If it is a request for our IP, respond if (arp.Operation == ArpOperation.Request && destIp.AsString == _client.Configuration.IpAddress.AsString) { // Send Reply Packet SendArpReplyPacket(senderIp); } }
public void Ping(Common.IPv4Address ip, PingResultHandler callback) { SendIcmpRequestPacket(ip, 225, 32, 123, 3, callback); }
public void Ping(string host, PingSettings settings, PingResultHandler callback) { Common.IPv4Address ip = _client.Dns.ResolveHost(host).IPs[0]; Ping(ip, settings, callback); }
private void SendIcmpRequestPacket(Common.IPv4Address ip, byte ttl, ushort bytes, int seqNum, int timeout, PingResultHandler callback) { OSI.Layer3Packet packet = new OSI.Layer3Packet(); packet.Destination = ip.AsString; packet.SourceIP = _client.Configuration.IpAddress; packet.Ttl = ttl; var data = new byte[bytes]; _random.NextBytes(data); var shor = new byte[2]; _random.NextBytes(shor); ushort id = BitConverter.ToUInt16(shor, 0); // Save ping if (CurrentPings.ContainsKey(id)) { CurrentPings[id] = new PingRequest(callback); } else { PingRequest req = new PingRequest(callback); req.Bytes = bytes; CurrentPings.Add(id, req); } PcapDotNet.Packets.Icmp.IcmpEchoLayer icmpLayer = new PcapDotNet.Packets.Icmp.IcmpEchoLayer { Checksum = null, Identifier = id, SequenceNumber = (ushort)(seqNum), }; PcapDotNet.Packets.PayloadLayer extra = new PcapDotNet.Packets.PayloadLayer() { Data = new PcapDotNet.Packets.Datagram(data) }; packet.NextLayers.Add(icmpLayer); packet.NextLayers.Add(extra); SendPacket(packet, () => { CurrentPings[id].TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; }); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; while ((DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds < timeout) { if (CurrentPings[id].ReplyReceived) { break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } if (!CurrentPings[id].ReplyReceived) { CurrentPings[id].Callback(new PingResult(PingResultType.RequestTimedOut)); } CurrentPings.Remove(id); }