protected void btExportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Export the GridView to Excel Common.ICommonDBHandler cdb = new Common.CommonDBHandler(); //GridView whichgrid = new GridView(); RadGrid whichgrid = new RadGrid(); whichgrid.AllowPaging = false; string sort = ViewState["SearchResultSortExpression"].ToString() + ' ' + ViewState["SearchResultSortDirection"].ToString(); gvSearchResults.Columns[13].Visible = true; whichgrid = gvSearchResults; Common.ExportToExcel.PrepareGridViewForExport(whichgrid); whichgrid.Columns[0].Visible = false; whichgrid.Columns[13].Visible = true; whichgrid.Columns[14].Visible = false; whichgrid.Columns[20].Visible = false; whichgrid.Columns[21].Visible = false; whichgrid.Columns[22].Visible = false; whichgrid.Columns[23].Visible = false; whichgrid.Columns[24].Visible = false; whichgrid.MasterTableView.ExportToExcel(); }
protected void btnSendToRoute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int fullcounter = 0; //move the job card routes into the meter reading routes tables and then redirect to Management console //first we need to check if all the instructions were filled in foreach (GridDataItem row in gvSearchResults.Items) { CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)row["MarkCHK"].Controls[0]; //CheckBox tempbox = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("CheckBox1"); Classes.IDBHandler db = new Classes.DBHandler(); Common.ReadingsDetailDBHandler rddb = new Common.ReadingsDetailDBHandler(); if (chk.Checked) { //string statusdescr = gvSearchResults.SelectedItems[row.RowIndex].OwnerTableView.DataKeyValues[3].ToString(); int jobHeaderID = Convert.ToInt32(row.GetDataKeyValue("JobCardHeaderID").ToString()); //check instructions int counter = 0; counter = rddb.CheckInstructions(jobHeaderID); if (counter == 0) { //all instructions have been inserted. move the routes. Boolean correct = rddb.MoveJobCardsToRoutes(jobHeaderID); //change contractID int ContractID = rddb.GetWorkOrderContract(); Users_UserDetail uud = (Users_UserDetail)Session["userDetails"]; Common.ICommonDBHandler cdb = new Common.CommonDBHandler(); UserContract uclst = cdb.GetUserContractList(uud).Where(x => x.EnableContract == true && x.ClientContract.ContractActive == true && x.ContractID == ContractID).FirstOrDefault(); Common.CommonTasks.UserContractDet ucd = cdb.LoadUserContractDetByUserContractID(uclst.UserContractID); Session["UserContractDet"] = ucd; //Redirect to Management Console Response.Redirect("RouteManagementConsole.aspx"); } else { //there are missing instructions - dont allow. lblError.Text = "Cannot transfer routes, please ensure you have added instructions to each meter."; lblError.Visible = true; } fullcounter++; } } if (fullcounter > 0) { gvSearchResults.Rebind(); } else { lblError.Text = "Please select at least one item to send."; lblError.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; lblError.Visible = true; } //Response.Redirect("RouteManagementConsole.aspx"); }