private void LoadDriversLicenseDistribution()
            DriversLicenseRates = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTwinIndex <float> >();
            if (!DriversLicenseRateFile.ContainsFileName())
            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(DriversLicenseRateFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells >= 4)
                        reader.Get(out int pd, 0);
                        reader.Get(out int ageCat, 1);
                        reader.Get(out int empStat, 2);
                        reader.Get(out float chance, 3);
                        foreach (var zone in PDZoneMap[pd])
                            var zoneData = DriversLicenseRates[zone];
                            if (zoneData == null)
                                zoneData = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateSimilarArray(AgeCategories, EmploymentStatus);

                                DriversLicenseRates[zone] = zoneData;
                            zoneData[ageCat, empStat] = chance;
        private void LoadJobOccupationDistribution()
            JobOccupationRates = SparseTriIndex <float> .CreateSimilarArray(Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray, EmploymentStatus, OccupationCategories);

            var occupationIndexes = OccupationCategories.ValidIndexies().ToArray();

            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(JobOccupationRateFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells >= 5)
                        reader.Get(out int pd, 0);
                        reader.Get(out int employmentStatus, 1);
                        reader.Get(out float professional, 2);
                        reader.Get(out float general, 3);
                        reader.Get(out float sales, 4);
                        reader.Get(out float manufacturing, 5);
                        foreach (var zone in PDZoneMap[pd])
                            JobOccupationRates[zone, employmentStatus, occupationIndexes[0]] = 0;
                            JobOccupationRates[zone, employmentStatus, occupationIndexes[1]] = professional;
                            JobOccupationRates[zone, employmentStatus, occupationIndexes[2]] = general;
                            JobOccupationRates[zone, employmentStatus, occupationIndexes[3]] = sales;
                            JobOccupationRates[zone, employmentStatus, occupationIndexes[4]] = manufacturing;
        private void LoadJobTypeDisribution()
            this.JobTypeRates = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateSimilarArray(this.Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray, this.EmploymentStatus);

            var employmentIndexes = this.EmploymentStatus.ValidIndexies().ToArray();

            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(this.JobEmploymentRateFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                int   pd;
                float fulltime;
                float parttime;

                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells >= 3)
                        reader.Get(out pd, 0);
                        reader.Get(out fulltime, 1);
                        reader.Get(out parttime, 2);
                        foreach (var zone in this.PDZoneMap[pd])
                            this.JobTypeRates[zone, employmentIndexes[1]] = fulltime;
                            this.JobTypeRates[zone, employmentIndexes[2]] = parttime;
        private void LoadWorkerCarDistribution()
            this.WorkerVehicleRates = this.Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTriIndex <float> >();
            SparseArray <float> NumberOfVehicles =
                new SparseArray <float>(new SparseIndexing()
                Indexes = new SparseSet[] { new SparseSet()
                                                Start = 0, Stop = 2
                                            } }
            SparseArray <float> DriversLicense =
                new SparseArray <float>(new SparseIndexing()
                Indexes = new SparseSet[] { new SparseSet()
                                                Start = 0, Stop = 1
                                            } }

            if (!this.WorkerVehicleRateFile.ContainsFileName())
            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(this.WorkerVehicleRateFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                int   pd;
                int   driversLic;
                int   occ;
                float chanceZero;
                float chanceOne;
                float chanceTwo;
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells >= 6)   //Only read if the number of columns in the row matches.
                        reader.Get(out pd, 0);
                        reader.Get(out driversLic, 1);
                        reader.Get(out occ, 2);
                        reader.Get(out chanceZero, 3);
                        reader.Get(out chanceOne, 4);
                        reader.Get(out chanceTwo, 5);
                        foreach (var zone in this.PDZoneMap[pd])
                            var zoneData = this.WorkerVehicleRates[zone];
                            if (zoneData == null)
                                zoneData = SparseTriIndex <float> .CreateSimilarArray(DriversLicense, this.OccupationCategories, NumberOfVehicles);

                                this.WorkerVehicleRates[zone] = zoneData;
                            zoneData[driversLic, occ, 0] = chanceZero;
                            zoneData[driversLic, occ, 1] = chanceOne;
                            zoneData[driversLic, occ, 2] = chanceTwo;
        private void LoadAgeDist()
            List <AgeDist> ageDistributions = new List <AgeDist>();
            var            ageCategories    = AgeCategories.Count;

            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(AgeDistributionFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells >= ageCategories + 1)
                        float[] ageD = new float[ageCategories];
                        reader.Get(out int zone, 0);
                        for (int i = 1; i < reader.NumberOfCurrentCells; i++)
                            reader.Get(out ageD[i - 1], i);
                        ageDistributions.Add(new AgeDist {
                            Zone = zone, Percentages = ageD
            int numberOfSetZones = 0;

            foreach (var ageDist in ageDistributions)
                if (!PDZoneMap.TryGetValue(ageDist.Zone, out List <int> pd))
                    throw new XTMFRuntimeException(this, "In " + Name + " we were unable to find a planning district for the zone number '" + ageDist.Zone + "' while loading the age distribution.");
                numberOfSetZones += pd.Count;

            var elements         = ageDistributions.Count;
            var first            = new int[numberOfSetZones * ageCategories];
            var second           = new int[numberOfSetZones * ageCategories];
            var d                = new float[numberOfSetZones * ageCategories];
            var validAgeCategory = AgeCategories.ValidIndexies().ToArray();
            int soFar            = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++)
                var zones = PDZoneMap[ageDistributions[i].Zone];
                foreach (var zone in zones)
                    for (int j = 0; j < ageCategories; j++)
                        first[soFar]  = zone;
                        second[soFar] = validAgeCategory[j];
                        d[soFar]      = ageDistributions[i].Percentages[j];
            AgeRates = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(first, second, d);
        public void TestLoad()
            using ( var reader = new CommentedCsvReader( "CommentedCSVReaderTest.csv" ) )
                string[] truth = new string[] {"Zone", "Age", "EmpStat", "OccGroup", "Value"};
                for (int i = 0; i < reader.Headers.Length; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(truth[i] == reader.Headers[i]);
                int lines = 0;
                while ( reader.NextLine() )
                    if ( reader.NumberOfCurrentCells > 0 )
                        Assert.AreEqual<int>( 5, reader.NumberOfCurrentCells );
                        float val = 0.0f;
                        reader.Get( out val, 5 );
                Assert.AreEqual<int>( EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_LINES, lines );
            using ( var reader = new CommentedCsvReader( "CommentedCSVReaderTestFail.csv" ) )
                for ( int i = 0; i < FAIL_NUMBER_OF_LINES; i++ )

                bool failed = false;
                catch ( IOException )
                    failed = true;

                Assert.IsTrue( failed );
        public void TestLoad()
            using (var reader = new CommentedCsvReader("CommentedCSVReaderTest.csv"))
                 * string[] truth = new string[] {"Zone", "Age", "EmpStat", "OccGroup", "Value"};
                 * for (int i = 0; i < reader.Headers.Length; i++)
                 * {
                 *  Assert.IsTrue(truth[i] == reader.Headers[i]);
                 * }*/
                int lines = 0;
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells > 0)
                        Assert.AreEqual(5, reader.NumberOfCurrentCells);
                        reader.Get(out float val, 5);
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedNumberOfLines, lines);
            using (var reader = new CommentedCsvReader("CommentedCSVReaderTestFail.csv"))
                for (int i = 0; i < FailNumberOfLines; i++)

                bool failed = false;
                catch (IOException)
                    failed = true;

        private void LoadNonWorkerCarDistribution()
            NonWorkerVehicleRates = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTriIndex <float> >();
            SparseArray <float> numberOfVehicles =
                new SparseArray <float>(new SparseIndexing {
                Indexes = new[] { new SparseSet {
                                      Start = 0, Stop = 2
                                  } }
            SparseArray <float> driversLicense =
                new SparseArray <float>(new SparseIndexing {
                Indexes = new[] { new SparseSet {
                                      Start = 0, Stop = 1
                                  } }

            if (!NonWorkerVehicleRateFile.ContainsFileName())
            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(NonWorkerVehicleRateFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells >= 6)
                        reader.Get(out int pd, 0);
                        reader.Get(out int driversLic, 1);
                        reader.Get(out int ageCat, 2);
                        reader.Get(out float chanceZero, 3);
                        reader.Get(out float chanceOne, 4);
                        reader.Get(out float chanceTwo, 5);
                        foreach (var zone in PDZoneMap[pd])
                            var zoneData = NonWorkerVehicleRates[zone];
                            if (zoneData == null)
                                zoneData = SparseTriIndex <float> .CreateSimilarArray(driversLicense, AgeCategories, numberOfVehicles);

                                NonWorkerVehicleRates[zone] = zoneData;
                            zoneData[driversLic, ageCat, 0] = chanceZero;
                            zoneData[driversLic, ageCat, 1] = chanceOne;
                            zoneData[driversLic, ageCat, 2] = chanceTwo;
        private void LoadAttributes(SparseArray <IZone> zones)
            // optional
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ZoneAttributesFile))
                using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(GetFullPath(ZoneAttributesFile)))
                    while (reader.NextLine())
                        var colRead = reader.NumberOfCurrentCells;
                        if (colRead < 5)
                        int   zoneNumber;
                        float parkingCost, parkingCap, intraZoneDistance, area;

                        reader.Get(out zoneNumber, 0);
                        reader.Get(out parkingCost, 1);
                        reader.Get(out parkingCap, 2);
                        reader.Get(out intraZoneDistance, 3);
                        reader.Get(out area, 4);
                        var zone = zones[zoneNumber];
                        if (zone == null)
                            if (GeneratePDErrors)
                                throw new XTMFRuntimeException("The planning district file contained a zone " + zoneNumber + " however the zone file did not contain this zone.");
                            zone.ParkingCost      = parkingCost;
                            zone.InternalDistance = intraZoneDistance;
                            zone.InternalArea     = area;
            catch (IOException)
                throw new XTMFRuntimeException("Please make sure that the file " + GetFullPath(ZoneAttributesFile) + " exists and is not being used by any other program.");
        private void LoadPopulation(SparseArray <IZone> zones)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PopulationFile))
                using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(GetFullPath(PopulationFile)))
                    while (reader.NextLine())
                        var colRead = reader.NumberOfCurrentCells;
                        if (colRead < 2)
                        int zoneNumber;
                        int population;
                        reader.Get(out zoneNumber, 0);
                        reader.Get(out population, 1);
                        var zone = zones[zoneNumber];

                        if (zone == null)
                            if (GeneratePDErrors)
                                throw new XTMFRuntimeException("When loading the population we found a distribution for a zone "
                                                               + zoneNumber + " however that zone does not exist!");
                            zone.Population = population;
            catch (IOException)
                throw new XTMFRuntimeException("Please make sure that the file " + GetFullPath(PopulationFile) + " exists and is not being used by any other program.");
        public IEnumerable <float[]> Read()
            if (!InputFile.ContainsFileName())
                yield break;
            int maxColumn             = ColumnNumbers.Max();
            var numberOfColumnNumbers = ColumnNumbers.Count;

            float[]            data = new float[numberOfColumnNumbers];
            CommentedCsvReader reader;
            var fileName = InputFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory);

                reader = new CommentedCsvReader(fileName);
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new XTMFRuntimeException(null, "In module '" + Name + "' we were unable to load the file '" + fileName + "', an error was reported\r\n'" + e.Message + "'");
            using ( reader )
                // process the data
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    // if the line is long enough
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells >= maxColumn)
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumnNumbers; i++)
                            reader.Get(out data[i], ColumnNumbers[i]);
                        yield return(data);

                        if (!DataIsCopied)
                            data = new float[numberOfColumnNumbers];
 private void LoadPDs(SparseArray <IZone> zones)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PlanningDistrictFile))
         using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(GetFullPath(PlanningDistrictFile)))
             while (reader.NextLine())
                 var colRead = reader.NumberOfCurrentCells;
                 if (colRead < 2)
                 int zoneNumber;
                 int pd;
                 reader.Get(out zoneNumber, 0);
                 reader.Get(out pd, 1);
                 var zone = zones[zoneNumber];
                 if (zone == null)
                     if (GeneratePDErrors)
                         throw new XTMFRuntimeException("The planning district file contained a zone " + zoneNumber + " however the zone file did not contain this zone.");
                     zone.PlanningDistrict = pd;
     catch (IOException)
         throw new XTMFRuntimeException("Please make sure that the file " + GetFullPath(PlanningDistrictFile) + " exists and is not being used by any other program.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Override this method in order to provide the ability to load different formats
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="first">The first dimension sparse address</param>
 /// <param name="second">The second dimension sparse address</param>
 /// <param name="third">The third dimension sparse address</param>
 /// <param name="data">The data to be stored at the address</param>
 protected virtual void StoreData(List <int> first, List <int> second, List <int> third, List <float> data)
     using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(FileName.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
         while (reader.NextLine())
             // skip blank lines
             if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells < 4)
             reader.Get(out int f, 0);
             reader.Get(out int s, 1);
             reader.Get(out int t, 2);
             reader.Get(out float d, 3);
        /// <summary>
        /// Override this method in order to provide the ability to load different formats
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="first">The first dimension sparse address</param>
        /// <param name="second">The second dimension sparse address</param>
        /// <param name="third">The third dimension sparse address</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be stored at the address</param>
        protected virtual void StoreData(List <int> first, List <int> second, List <int> third, List <float> data)
                using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(this.GetFileLocation(this.FileName)))
                    var numberOfDataColumns = DataColumnToSparseSpace.Count;
                    var dataSpace           = this.DataColumnToSparseSpace.ToArray();
                    int max = dataSpace.Max();
                    while (reader.NextLine())
                        // skip blank lines
                        if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells < max)
                        int   f, s, t;
                        float d;

                        reader.Get(out f, this.FirstDimensionColumn);
                        reader.Get(out s, this.SecondDimensionColumn);
                        for (int dataCol = 0; dataCol < numberOfDataColumns; dataCol++)
                            t = dataSpace[dataCol];
                            reader.Get(out d, dataCol + this.DataStartIndex);
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new XTMFRuntimeException(e.Message);
        private void LoadStudentDist()
            List <StudentDist> studentData = new List <StudentDist>();

            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(StudentDistributionFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                float[] data = new float[4];

                while (reader.NextLine())
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length && i < reader.NumberOfCurrentCells; i++)
                        reader.Get(out data[i], i);
                    studentData.Add(new StudentDist
                        Zone             = (int)data[0],
                        AgeCat           = (int)data[1],
                        EmploymentStatus = (int)data[2],
                        Chance           = data[3]
            studentData.Sort(delegate(StudentDist first, StudentDist second)
                if (first.Zone > second.Zone)
                if (first.Zone == second.Zone)
                    if (first.AgeCat > second.AgeCat)
                    if (first.AgeCat == second.AgeCat)
                        if (first.EmploymentStatus > second.EmploymentStatus)
                        if (first.EmploymentStatus == second.EmploymentStatus)
            // Employment is now sorted Zone,Age,EmploymentStatus
            SchoolRates = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTwinIndex <float> >();
            var start             = 0;
            var stop              = 0;
            var studentDataLength = studentData.Count;

            int[]   firstIndex;
            int[]   secondIndex;
            float[] d;
            int     numberOfElements;

            for (int i = 1; i < studentDataLength; i++)
                if (studentData[i].Zone == studentData[i - 1].Zone)
                    stop = i;
                    numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
                    firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements];
                    secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements];
                    d = new float[numberOfElements];
                    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                        var data = studentData[start + j];
                        firstIndex[j]  = data.AgeCat;
                        secondIndex[j] = data.EmploymentStatus;
                        d[j]           = data.Chance;
                    foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[studentData[i - 1].Zone])
                        SchoolRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
                    start = i;
            numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
            firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements];
            secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements];
            d = new float[numberOfElements];
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                firstIndex[j]  = studentData[start + j].AgeCat;
                secondIndex[j] = studentData[start + j].EmploymentStatus;
                d[j]           = studentData[start + j].Chance;
            foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[studentData[studentDataLength - 1].Zone])
                SchoolRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
        private void LoadOccupationDist()
            List <OccupationDist> occupation = new List <OccupationDist>();

            if (SaveDataIntoZones)
                foreach (var zone in Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.ValidIndexies())
                    var z = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray[zone];
                    z.WorkGeneral       = 0;
                    z.WorkManufacturing = 0;
                    z.WorkProfessional  = 0;
                    z.WorkRetail        = 0;
            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(OccupationDistributionFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                float[] data = new float[7];

                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells < 7)
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length && i < reader.NumberOfCurrentCells; i++)
                        reader.Get(out data[i], i);
                    occupation.Add(new OccupationDist
                        AgeCat           = (int)data[1],
                        Zone             = (int)data[0],
                        EmploymentStatus = (int)data[2],
                        Professional     = data[3],
                        General          = data[4],
                        Sales            = data[5],
                        Manufacturing    = data[6]
            occupation.Sort(delegate(OccupationDist first, OccupationDist second)
                if (first.Zone > second.Zone)
                if (first.Zone == second.Zone)
                    if (first.AgeCat > second.AgeCat)
                    if (first.AgeCat == second.AgeCat)
                        if (first.EmploymentStatus > second.EmploymentStatus)
                        if (first.EmploymentStatus == second.EmploymentStatus)
            OccupationRates = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTriIndex <float> >();
            var start            = 0;
            var stop             = 0;
            var employmentLength = occupation.Count;

            int[]   firstIndex;
            int[]   secondIndex;
            int[]   thirdIndex;
            float[] d;
            int     numberOfElements;

            for (int i = 1; i < employmentLength; i++)
                if (occupation[i].Zone == occupation[i - 1].Zone)
                    stop = i;
                    numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
                    firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 5];
                    secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements * 5];
                    thirdIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 5];
                    d = new float[numberOfElements * 5];
                    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                            firstIndex[j * 5 + k]  = occupation[start + j].AgeCat;
                            secondIndex[j * 5 + k] = occupation[start + j].EmploymentStatus;
                            thirdIndex[j * 5 + k]  = k;
                        d[j * 5 + 1] = occupation[start + j].Professional;
                        d[j * 5 + 2] = occupation[start + j].General;
                        d[j * 5 + 3] = occupation[start + j].Sales;
                        d[j * 5 + 4] = occupation[start + j].Manufacturing;
                    if (OccupationByPD)
                        foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[occupation[i - 1].Zone])
                            OccupationRates[z] = SparseTriIndex <float> .CreateSparseTriIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, thirdIndex, d);
                        OccupationRates[occupation[i - 1].Zone] = SparseTriIndex <float> .CreateSparseTriIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, thirdIndex, d);
                    start = i;
            numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
            firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 5];
            secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements * 5];
            thirdIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 5];
            d = new float[numberOfElements * 5];
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                    firstIndex[j * 5 + k]  = occupation[start + j].AgeCat;
                    secondIndex[j * 5 + k] = occupation[start + j].EmploymentStatus;
                    thirdIndex[j * 5 + k]  = k;

                d[j * 5 + 1] = occupation[start + j].Professional;
                d[j * 5 + 2] = occupation[start + j].General;
                d[j * 5 + 3] = occupation[start + j].Sales;
                d[j * 5 + 4] = occupation[start + j].Manufacturing;
            if (OccupationByPD)
                foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[occupation[employmentLength - 1].Zone])
                    OccupationRates[z] = SparseTriIndex <float> .CreateSparseTriIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, thirdIndex, d);
                OccupationRates[occupation[employmentLength - 1].Zone] = SparseTriIndex <float> .CreateSparseTriIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, thirdIndex, d);
        public void Load()
            Progress = 0;
            var fileName = GetFileName(FileName);

            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                throw new XTMFRuntimeException(this, String.Format("The file {0} was not found when trying to load the population!", fileName));
            SparseArray <IPerson[]>   pop        = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <IPerson[]>();
            SparseArray <Household[]> households = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <Household[]>();
            var flatHouseholds = households.GetFlatData();
            var flatZones      = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.GetFlatData();
            Dictionary <int, List <IPerson> > tempPop = new Dictionary <int, List <IPerson> >(flatZones.Length);

            Parallel.For(0, flatZones.Length, delegate(int i)
                IZone zone        = flatZones[i];
                flatHouseholds[i] = new[]
                { new Household {
                      Cars = 0, Zone = zone
                  new Household {
                      Cars = 1, Zone = zone
                  new Household {
                      Cars = 2, Zone = zone
                  } };
            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(fileName))
                int i          = 0;
                var baseStream = reader.BaseStream;
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells > 9)
                        reader.Get(out int zone, 0);
                        reader.Get(out int age, 1);
                        reader.Get(out int cars, 2);
                        reader.Get(out int employmentStatus, 5);
                        reader.Get(out int studentStatus, 6);
                        reader.Get(out int occupation, 7);
                        reader.Get(out int driversLicense, 8);
                        reader.Get(out float expansionFactor, 9);
                        if (!tempPop.TryGetValue(zone, out List <IPerson> zoneData))
                            zoneData = tempPop[zone] = new List <IPerson>(10);
                        zoneData.Add(new Person
                            Age              = age,
                            DriversLicense   = driversLicense > 0,
                            EmploymentStatus = employmentStatus,
                            ExpansionFactor  = expansionFactor,
                            Household        = households[zone][cars],
                            Occupation       = occupation,
                            StudentStatus    = studentStatus
                        if (i >= 4000)
                            i        = 0;
                            Progress = (float)baseStream.Position / baseStream.Length;
                Progress = 1;
            SetupPopulation(pop, tempPop, flatZones);
        private void LoadEmploymentDist()
            List <EmploymentDist> employment = new List <EmploymentDist>();

            using (CommentedCsvReader reader = new CommentedCsvReader(EmploymentDistributionFile.GetFileName(Root.InputBaseDirectory)))
                float[] data = new float[5];
                while (reader.NextLine())
                    if (reader.NumberOfCurrentCells < 5)
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length && i < reader.NumberOfCurrentCells; i++)
                        reader.Get(out data[i], i);
                    employment.Add(new EmploymentDist {
                        AgeCat = (int)data[1], Zone = (int)data[0], NonWork = data[2], FullTime = data[3], PartTime = data[4]
            employment.Sort(delegate(EmploymentDist first, EmploymentDist second)
                if (first.Zone > second.Zone)
                if (first.Zone == second.Zone)
                    if (first.AgeCat > second.AgeCat)
                    if (first.AgeCat == second.AgeCat)
            EmploymentStatusRates = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray.CreateSimilarArray <SparseTwinIndex <float> >();
            int start            = 0;
            int stop             = 0;
            var employmentLength = employment.Count;

            int[]   firstIndex;
            int[]   secondIndex;
            float[] d;
            int     numberOfElements;

            for (var i = 1; i < employmentLength; i++)
                if (employment[i].Zone == employment[i - 1].Zone)
                    stop = i;
                    numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
                    firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
                    secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
                    d = new float[numberOfElements * 3];
                    for (var j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                        var ageCat = employment[start + j].AgeCat;
                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            firstIndex[j * 3 + k]  = ageCat;
                            secondIndex[j * 3 + k] = k;
                        d[j * 3]     = employment[start + j].NonWork;
                        d[j * 3 + 1] = employment[start + j].FullTime;
                        d[j * 3 + 2] = employment[start + j].PartTime;
                    foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[employment[i - 1].Zone])
                        EmploymentStatusRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);
                    start = i;
            numberOfElements = stop - start + 1;
            firstIndex       = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
            secondIndex      = new int[numberOfElements * 3];
            d = new float[numberOfElements * 3];
            for (var j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++)
                for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    firstIndex[j * 3 + k]  = employment[start + j].AgeCat;
                    secondIndex[j * 3 + k] = k;
                d[j * 3]     = employment[start + j].NonWork;
                d[j * 3 + 1] = employment[start + j].FullTime;
                d[j * 3 + 2] = employment[start + j].PartTime;
            foreach (var z in PDZoneMap[employment[employmentLength - 1].Zone])
                EmploymentStatusRates[z] = SparseTwinIndex <float> .CreateTwinIndex(firstIndex, secondIndex, d);