        //void saveRating(SecurityInfo SecurityInfo, Service.V2.Model.IRatingable ratingable, Profile profile, BodyArchitect.Model.IRatingable globalObject)
        //    var session = Session;
        //    var ratingObject = (from rating in session.Query<RatingUserValue>()
        //                        where rating.ProfileId == profile.Id && rating.RatedObjectId == globalObject.GlobalId
        //                        select rating).SingleOrDefault();

        //    if (ratingable.UserRating != null)// && (ratingObject == null || ratingObject != null && ratingObject.Rating != ratingable.UserRating.Value))
        //    {
        //        if (ratingObject == null)
        //        {
        //            ratingObject = new RatingUserValue();
        //            ratingObject.ProfileId = profile.Id;
        //            ratingObject.RatedObjectId = globalObject.GlobalId;
        //        }
        //        ratingObject.LoginData = SecurityInfo.LoginData;
        //        ratingObject.Rating = ratingable.UserRating.Value;
        //        ratingObject.ShortComment = ratingable.UserShortComment;
        //        ratingObject.VotedDate = Configuration.TimerService.UtcNow;
        //        session.SaveOrUpdate(ratingObject);
        //        ProfileStatisticsUpdater.UpdateVotings(session, profile);
        //        //session.SaveOrUpdate(globalObject);
        //        //var res = (from t in session.Query<RatingUserValue>() where t.RatedObjectId == globalObject.GlobalId select t).Average(t => t.Rating);
        //        var res = session.QueryOver<RatingUserValue>().Where(t => t.RatedObjectId == globalObject.GlobalId).
        //            SelectList(t => t.SelectAvg(r => r.Rating)).SingleOrDefault<double>();
        //        globalObject.Rating = (float)res;
        //        ratingable.Rating = (float)res;
        //        session.SaveOrUpdate(globalObject);
        //    }

        //public SuplementDTO VoteSupplement(SuplementDTO supplement)
        //    Log.WriteWarning("VoteSupplement: Username={0},globalId={1}", SecurityInfo.SessionData.Profile.UserName, supplement.GlobalId);

        //    var session = Session;
        //    using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
        //    {
        //        var dbProfile = session.Load<Profile>(SecurityInfo.SessionData.Profile.Id);
        //        var planFromDb = session.Get<Suplement>(supplement.GlobalId);
        //        saveRating(SecurityInfo, supplement, dbProfile, planFromDb);

        //        tx.Commit();

        //        try
        //        {
        //            //send message only when someone else vote
        //            //if (planFromDb.Profile != null && planFromDb.Profile != dbProfile)
        //            //{
        //            //    if (planFromDb.Profile.Settings.NotificationExerciseVoted)
        //            //    {
        //            //        string param = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", planFromDb.Name, dbProfile.UserName, DateTime.Now, exercise.UserRating);
        //            //        MessageService messageService = new MessageService(Session, SecurityInfo, Configuration, pushNotification);
        //            //        messageService.SendSystemMessage(param, dbProfile, planFromDb.Profile, BodyArchitect.Model.MessageType.ExerciseVoted);
        //            //    }
        //            //}
        //        }
        //        catch (Exception ex)
        //        {
        //            ExceptionHandler.Default.Process(ex);
        //        }

        //        session.Refresh(planFromDb);
        //        Mapper.Map(planFromDb, supplement);
        //        return supplement;
        //    }

        //public SupplementCycleDefinitionDTO VoteSupplementCycleDefinition(SupplementCycleDefinitionDTO definition)
        //    Log.WriteWarning("VoteSupplementCycleDefinition: Username={0},globalId={1}", SecurityInfo.SessionData.Profile.UserName, definition.GlobalId);

        //    var session = Session;
        //    using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
        //    {
        //        var dbProfile = session.Load<Profile>(SecurityInfo.SessionData.Profile.Id);
        //        var planFromDb = session.Get<SupplementCycleDefinition>(definition.GlobalId);
        //        saveRating(SecurityInfo, definition, dbProfile, planFromDb);

        //        tx.Commit();

        //        try
        //        {
        //            //send message only when someone else vote
        //            if (planFromDb.Profile != null && planFromDb.Profile != dbProfile)
        //            {
        //                if (planFromDb.Profile.Settings.NotificationWorkoutPlanVoted)
        //                {
        //                    string param = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", planFromDb.Name, dbProfile.UserName, DateTime.Now, definition.UserRating);
        //                    MessageService messageService = new MessageService(Session, SecurityInfo, Configuration, pushNotification);
        //                    messageService.SendSystemMessage(param, dbProfile, planFromDb.Profile, BodyArchitect.Model.MessageType.SupplementCycleDefinitionVoted);
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        catch (Exception ex)
        //        {
        //            ExceptionHandler.Default.Process(ex);
        //        }

        //        session.Refresh(planFromDb);
        //        Mapper.Map(planFromDb, definition);
        //        return definition;
        //    }

        public PagedResult <CommentEntryDTO> GetComments(Guid globalId, PartialRetrievingInfo retrievingInfo)
            Log.WriteWarning("GetComments: Username={0},globalId={1}", SecurityInfo.SessionData.Profile.UserName, globalId);
            var session = Session;

            //var res = (from rv in session.Query<RatingUserValue>()
            //          from user in session.Query<Profile>()
            //          where rv.RatedObjectId == globalId && rv.ProfileId == user.Id
            //          orderby rv.VotedDate descending
            //          select new { RatingValue = rv, Profile = user });

            //int count = res.Count();

            //TODO: I split this on two queries because of Fetch and Count problem.
            var resCount = (from rv in session.Query <RatingUserValue>()
                            from user in session.Query <Profile>()
                            where rv.RatedObjectId == globalId && rv.ProfileId == user.GlobalId
                            orderby rv.VotedDate descending
                            select new { RatingValue = rv });

            int count = resCount.Count();

            var res = (from rv in session.Query <RatingUserValue>().Fetch(x => x.LoginData).ThenFetch(x => x.ApiKey)
                       from user in session.Query <Profile>()
                       where rv.RatedObjectId == globalId && rv.ProfileId == user.GlobalId
                       orderby rv.VotedDate descending
                       select new { RatingValue = rv, Profile = user });

            res = res.Skip(retrievingInfo.PageIndex * retrievingInfo.PageSize).Take(retrievingInfo.PageSize);
            List <CommentEntryDTO> comments = new List <CommentEntryDTO>();

            foreach (var item in res.ToList())
                CommentEntryDTO comment = new CommentEntryDTO();
                comment.User         = Mapper.Map <Profile, UserDTO>(item.Profile);
                comment.Rating       = item.RatingValue.Rating;
                comment.ShortComment = item.RatingValue.ShortComment;
                comment.VotedDate    = item.RatingValue.VotedDate;
                if (item.RatingValue.LoginData != null && item.RatingValue.LoginData.ApiKey != null)
                    comment.ApplicationName = item.RatingValue.LoginData.ApiKey.ApplicationName;

            PagedResult <CommentEntryDTO> result = new PagedResult <CommentEntryDTO>(comments, count, retrievingInfo.PageIndex);

 public VoteViewModel(CommentEntryDTO entry)
     this.Entry = entry;