private bool ConfirmModelSaved() { bool cont = true; if (_model != null && _model.IsModified) { string text = "The current model has some unsaved changes." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Do you wish to save the model before continuing ?"; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(text, "Unsaved changes", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr.Equals(DialogResult.Yes)) { ICommand cmd = new CommandSave(_model); cmd.Execute(null); } else if (dr.Equals(DialogResult.Cancel)) { cont = false; } // else No - cont true; } return(cont); }
private static void SelectOwnerImpl(FlatDecoratorViewModel flatDecorator) { Window window = Extensions.WindowExtensions.CreateEmptyVerticalWindow(); window.MakeSticky(); AborigenDecoratorViewModel selectedDecorator = null; void SelectView_OntAborigenSelected(AborigenDecoratorViewModel decorator) { selectedDecorator = decorator; window.DialogResult = true; } var selectView = new SelectAborigenView(); selectView.EventAborigenSelected += SelectView_OntAborigenSelected; window.Title = Resources.AborigensSelection; window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner; window.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow; window.Content = selectView; window.ShowDialog(); selectView.EventAborigenSelected -= SelectView_OntAborigenSelected; if (selectedDecorator != null) { flatDecorator.SetOwner(selectedDecorator); CommandSave.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); } }
private void LoadCommands() { CommandOpen = ReactiveCommand.Create(Observable.Return(true)); CommandOpen.Subscribe(_ => ExecuteOpen()); CommandSave = ReactiveCommand.Create(Observable.Return(true)); CommandSave.Subscribe(_ => ExecuteSave()); CommandSaveAs = ReactiveCommand.Create(Observable.Return(true)); CommandSaveAs.Subscribe(_ => ExecuteSaveAs()); CommandExit = ReactiveCommand.Create(Observable.Return(true)); CommandExit.Subscribe(_ => ExecuteExit()); }
private void MainView_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { if (_model != null && _model.IsModified) { string text = "The current model has some unsaved changes." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Do you wish to save your changes now ? " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "They will be lost if you click No"; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(text, "DSM - Saved changes ?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr.Equals(DialogResult.Yes)) { ICommand cmd = new CommandSave(_model); cmd.Execute(null); } } }
private void DoProjectSave() { ICommand cmd = new CommandSave(_model); CursorStateHelper csh = new CursorStateHelper(this, Cursors.WaitCursor); Refresh(); try { cmd.Execute(null); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorDialog.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { csh.Reset(); } }
public void Save() { var cmd = new CommandSave(); cmd.Execute(); }