public string PostCommand(CommandPostViewModel model)
     return(new HttpRequestClient().StartRequestAsync($"{ServerAddress}/api/Command", HttpRequestClient.HttpMethodPost, new XHttpRequestParamters
         BodyParamters = model
     }, 1 != 0).Result);
        /// <summary>
        /// 通知设备开始充电
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TargetIdentity">充电枪标识 </param>
        /// <param name="ShotIndentity">充电桩标识</param>
        /// <param name="customId">用户id</param>
        /// <param name="orderid">订单id</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string opens(string TargetIdentity, string ShotIndentity, string customId, string orderid)
            string info = "";

            var manager = new ApiManager();

            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic.Add("ShotIndentity", ShotIndentity);
            var parsStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dic);
            var chargingModel = new CommandPostViewModel();

            chargingModel.CommandName    = "StartCharging";
            chargingModel.TargetIdentity = TargetIdentity;
            chargingModel.Pars           = parsStr;
            info = manager.PostCommand(new CommandPostViewModel
                CommandName    = "StartCharging",
                TargetIdentity = TargetIdentity,
                Pars           = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "ShotIndentity", ShotIndentity }

            checkStatus sd = new checkStatus();

            sd.customId = customId; //用户名
            sd.orderid  = orderid;  //订单号
            sd.types    = 1;        //检查充电支付开始


        //public static bool IsGood = false;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region  招租题目

            //int[] arr = new int[] { 8, 2, 1, 0, 3 };
            //int[] index = new int[] { 2, 0, 3, 2, 4, 0, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3 };
            //string tel = "";
            ////for(int i:index)
            //for (int j = 0; j < index.Count(); j++)
            //    tel += arr[index[j]];
            //string jieguo = tel;

            #region 推送(个推)
            //_bll.addpust("1032", "标题", "略略略");

            #region 获取响应头信息
            //Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            //int headcount = Request.Headers.Count;
            //for (int i = 0; i < headcount; i++)
            //    dic.Add(Request.Headers.Get(i), Request.Headers.Keys[i]);

            #region 模拟请求
            //HttpPost("", "");

            #region 请求充电桩状态 获取返回值
            //var manager = new ApiManager();
            //Response.Write(manager.GetServerInfo() + " " + manager.GetChargingPileInfo("0044151300001"));
            var manager = new ApiManager();

            string strinfo = "";
            strinfo += "<br/>" + manager.GetServerInfo();

            strinfo += "<br/>" + manager.GetChargingPileInfo("0044151300001");

            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            dic.Add("ShotIndentity", "0044151300001");
            var parsStr       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dic);
            var selfTestModel = new CommandPostViewModel();
            selfTestModel.CommandName    = "SelfTest";
            selfTestModel.TargetIdentity = "0044151300001";
            selfTestModel.Pars           = parsStr;
            strinfo += "<br/>" + manager.PostCommand(selfTestModel);

            var chargingModel = new CommandPostViewModel();
            chargingModel.CommandName    = "StartCharging";
            chargingModel.TargetIdentity = "0044151300001";
            chargingModel.Pars           = parsStr;
            strinfo += "<br/>" + manager.PostCommand(new CommandPostViewModel
                CommandName    = "StartCharging",
                TargetIdentity = "0044151300001",
                Pars           = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "ShotIndentity", "0044151300001" }

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //string stippleid = Request["stippleid"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["stippleid"]) : "";
            //string facilityid = Request["facilityid"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["stippleid"]) : "";

            //string stippleno = Request["stippleno"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["stippleno"]) : "";
            //string facilityno = Request["facilityno"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["facilityno"]) : "";
            //string portno = Request["portno"] != null ? Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["portno"]) : "";

            if (!IsPostBack)
                string   res        = "";
                JsonData jsonResult = new JsonData();
                    string portid = Request["portid"] != null?Utility.Helper.Checkstr(Request["portid"]) : "";

                    string customId = _bll.getUserToke(Utility.Helper.gerString(Request["memberid"]));

                    #region 扫一扫
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customId))
                        //充电中的 3天以内的订单
                        string strwhere = " customid='" + customId + "' and statuses=2  and pudate >DATEADD( DAY,-1,GETDATE()) ";
                        List <System.Model.order_info> orlist = _bll.oibll.GetModelList(strwhere);
                        if (orlist.Count == 0)
                            System.Model.facility_port fp = new System.Model.facility_port();
                            System.Model.facility fa = new System.Model.facility();
                            System.Model.facility_stipple fs = new System.Model.facility_stipple();

                            strwhere = " toid='" + portid + "' and isdel=0  ";
                            List <System.Model.facility_port> fplist = _bll.fpbll.GetModelList(strwhere);

                            if (fplist.Count > 0)
                                fp = fplist[0];

                                #region 获取充电桩设备数据信息,验证
                                //正常  充电设备正常并且设备没有被使用
                                if (fp != null && fp.isEmploy == 0)
                                    fa = _bll.fbll.GetModel(fp.fid);
                                    if (fa != null)
                                        #region 检测设备是否正常
                                        bool isUsable = false;

                                        var    manager = new ApiManager();
                                        string jsonstr = manager.GetChargingPileInfo(fa.identitycode);

                                        ChargingPileStatusResult jsond = JsonMapper.ToObject <ChargingPileStatusResult>(jsonstr);
                                        if (jsond != null)
                                            List <RechargShotStatusResult> statuslist = jsond.RechargeShotStatus;

                                            statuslist = (from s in statuslist
                                                          where s.Identity == fp.identitycode
                                                          select s).ToList();

                                            if (statuslist.Count > 0 && Convert.ToInt32(statuslist[0].Status) == Convert.ToInt32(RunningStatus.OnLine))
                                                #region 发送设备自检
                                                var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                                dic.Add("ShotIndentity", fp.identitycode);
                                                var parsStr       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dic);
                                                var selfTestModel = new CommandPostViewModel();
                                                selfTestModel.CommandName    = "SelfTest";
                                                selfTestModel.TargetIdentity = fa.identitycode;
                                                selfTestModel.Pars           = parsStr;

                                                checkStatus cs = new checkStatus();
                                                cs.identifying = manager.PostCommand(selfTestModel).Replace("\"", "");
                                                cs.status = false;
                                                cs.types = 0;
                                                cs.orderid  = "";
                                                cs.datetime = System.DateTime.Now;

                                                cs.portid     =;
                                                cs.porttoid   = fp.toid;
                                                cs.facilityid = fp.fid;
                                                cs.customId   = customId;
                                                //log.setlog("设备自检", cs.identifying);

                                                isUsable = true;



                                                jsonResult["res"]         = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.成功;
                                                jsonResult["identifying"] = cs.identifying;
                                                jsonResult["msg"]         = "发送自检成功";
                                                jsonResult["code"]        = "发送自检成功";
                                                jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                                jsonResult["msg"]  = "错误";
                                                jsonResult["code"] = "自检失败";
                                            jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                            jsonResult["msg"]  = "错误";
                                            jsonResult["code"] = "自检失败";



                                        #region 注释
                                        //if (isUsable)
                                        //    //查询网点
                                        //    fs = _bll.fsbll.GetModel(fa.fid);
                                        //    //查询设备 折扣
                                        //    System.Model.facility_type ftype = _bll.ftbll.GetModel(fa.types);
                                        //    //生成订单
                                        //    string serialNumber = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + Utility.Helper.rnds(8);
                                        //    //折后价
                                        //    decimal prices = ftype.price *;
                                        //    System.Model.order_info oi = new System.Model.order_info();
                                        //    oi.customid = customId;
                                        //    oi.serialNumber = serialNumber;
                                        // =;
                                        //    oi.price = prices;
                                        //    oi.port =;
                                        //    oi.pudate = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        //    oi.statuses = 1;
                                        //    oi.facility = Utility.Helper.gerInt(;
                                        //    oi.duration = ftype.time;
                                        //    oi.stippleid =;
                                        //    oi.types = 1;//1快充
                                        //    if (_bll.oibll.Add(oi) > 0)
                                        //    {
                                        //        //生成支付信息
                                        //        System.Model.Member_Charge_Withdraw mcw = new System.Model.Member_Charge_Withdraw();
                                        //        mcw.memberid = customId;
                                        //        mcw.moneyes = prices;
                                        //        mcw.serialNumber = serialNumber;
                                        //        mcw.paystatus = 1;
                                        //        mcw.statusname = "未支付";
                                        //        //mcw.paytype = "";//支付方式 支付宝 微信 钱包
                                        //        //paystatus 1 未支付 2已支付
                                        //        //types  1订单 2充值 3......
                                        //        mcw.types = 1;
                                        //        mcw.pudate = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        //        if (_bll.mcwbll.Add(mcw) > 0)
                                        //        {
                                        //            jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.成功;
                                        //            jsonResult["msg"] = "下单成功";
                                        //            jsonResult["code"] = "";
                                        //            jsonResult["stipplename"] =;
                                        //            jsonResult["servertype"] = "快充";
                                        //            jsonResult["price"] = Math.Round(prices, 2).ToString();
                                        //            jsonResult["serialnumber"] = serialNumber;//订单号
                                        //        }
                                        //        else
                                        //        {
                                        //            jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                        //            jsonResult["msg"] = "错误";
                                        //            jsonResult["code"] = "下单失败";
                                        //        }
                                        //    }
                                        //    else
                                        //    {
                                        //        jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                        //        jsonResult["msg"] = "错误";
                                        //        jsonResult["code"] = "下单失败";
                                        //    }
                                        //    //错误
                                        //    //添加自检错误记录
                                        //    //
                                        //    System.Model.self_test st = new System.Model.self_test();
                                        //    st.ername = "";
                                        //    st.errortype = "";
                                        //    st.facility = Utility.Helper.gerInt(;
                                        //    st.isdispose = 0;
                                        //    st.port = Utility.Helper.gerInt(portid);
                                        //    st.errortype = "1";
                                        //    st.stipple = Utility.Helper.gerInt(;
                                        //    st.pudate = System.DateTime.Now;
                                        //    _bll.stbll.Add(st);
                                        //    jsonResult["res"] = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                        //    jsonResult["msg"] = "设备故障";
                                        //    jsonResult["code"] = "设备故障";
                                        jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                        jsonResult["msg"]  = "错误";
                                        jsonResult["code"] = "自检失败";
                                    jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                    jsonResult["msg"]  = "设备故障或设备已被使用";
                                    jsonResult["code"] = "设备故障或设备已被使用";

                                jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                                jsonResult["msg"]  = "设备已不可用";
                                jsonResult["code"] = "未找到该设备信息";
                            jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                            jsonResult["msg"]  = "用户有订单未完成";
                            jsonResult["code"] = "";
                        jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.失败;
                        jsonResult["msg"]  = "错误";
                        jsonResult["code"] = "参数有误";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    jsonResult["res"]  = (int)MyEnum.ResultEnum.系统错误;
                    jsonResult["msg"]  = "服务器繁忙,请稍后再试";
                    jsonResult["code"] = ex.Message;
                res = JsonMapper.ToJson(jsonResult);
                res = MyString.UnicodeToString(res);