        //Constructor which sets up the whole game world scene
        public GameWorld(GameLoop Loop, ContentArchive Content)
            //Store references from the GameLoop class
            ApplicationWindow = Loop.Window;
            UserInput         = Loop.Input;

            //Assign the camera reference

            this.Content = Content;
            TimeSamples  = new SimulationTimeSamples(512, Loop.Pool);
            UserControls = Controls.Default;

            //Load font from the content archive
            var FontContent = Content.Load <FontContent>(@"Carlito-Regular.ttf");

            UIFont = new Font(Loop.Surface.Device, Loop.Surface.Context, FontContent);

            //Position the camera
            ObservationCamera.PositionCamera(new Vector3(2.7f, 6.48f, 9.76f));
            ObservationCamera.FaceCamera(0.269f, 0.15899f);

            //Setup character controller and world simulation
            BufferPool       = new BufferPool();
            ThreadDispatcher = new SimpleThreadDispatcher(Environment.ProcessorCount);
            World            = Simulation.Create(BufferPool, new CharacterNarrowphaseCallbacks(new CharacterControllers(BufferPool)), new ScenePoseIntegratorCallbacks(new Vector3(0, -10, 0)));

            //Initialize the mesh loader
            MeshManager.Initialize(Content, BufferPool);

            //Load in the numbers display the direction of the X/Z axes

            //Load in the PVP arena
            ArenaMeshHandle = MeshManager.LoadMesh(@"Arena.obj", new Vector3(1));
            //Define its starting position and location
            Vector3    ArenaPosition = new Vector3(29.82f, 3.62f, 0.94f);
            Quaternion ArenaRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Trig.DegreesToRadians(180));

            //Use those to add it into the world
            MeshManager.AddStatic(World, ArenaMeshHandle, ArenaPosition, ArenaRotation);

            //Place the jumping cubes
            World.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(1.299f, 2.3f, -31.24f), new CollidableDescription(World.Shapes.Add(new Box(5, 5, 5)), 0.1f)));
            World.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(-26.56f, 2.3f, -35.2f), new CollidableDescription(World.Shapes.Add(new Box(5, 5, 5)), 0.1f)));
            World.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(-33.12f, 2.3f, -21.65f), new CollidableDescription(World.Shapes.Add(new Box(5, 5, 5)), 0.1f)));
            World.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(-26.05f, 2.3f, -9.38f), new CollidableDescription(World.Shapes.Add(new Box(5, 5, 5)), 0.1f)));
            World.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(-10.31f, 2.3f, -5.62f), new CollidableDescription(World.Shapes.Add(new Box(5, 5, 5)), 0.1f)));
            World.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(1.94f, 2.3f, -15.88f), new CollidableDescription(World.Shapes.Add(new Box(5, 5, 5)), 0.1f)));
            World.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(-11.3f, 2.3f, -37.44f), new CollidableDescription(World.Shapes.Add(new Box(5, 5, 5)), 0.1f)));

            //Place a ground plane to walk on
            World.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(0, -0.5f, 0), new CollidableDescription(World.Shapes.Add(new Box(100, 1, 100)), 0.1f)));

            //Setup the command executor

            //Make sure the window size is correct relative to the current resolution