protected void LinkButton1_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { string id = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); rolebll.deleteRole(id); rolebll.updataUserRole(id, ""); bindData(pageIndex, pageSize); }
protected virtual void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { if (this.OnExecuting != null) { this.OnExecuting(this, e); } }
void Quake_OnStringCmd(Quake sender, CommandEventArgs<StringCmd> e) { if (e.Command.Message.StartsWith("show")) { string[] cmd = e.Command.Message.Split(' '); if (cmd.Length == 1) Quake.SendToClient(new Print(Print.PrintLevel.High, GetPlayerList())); else if (cmd.Length > 3) Quake.SendToClient(new Print(Print.PrintLevel.High, "Usage: show [# [skin] ]\n")); else { string showSkin = "nut"; if (cmd.Length == 3) showSkin = cmd[2]; int playerId = int.Parse(cmd[1]); if (!GetPlugin<PAction>().PlayersById.ContainsKey(playerId)) Quake.SendToClient(new Print(Print.PrintLevel.High, "Bad player number\n")); else { var player = GetPlugin<PAction>().PlayersById[playerId]; Quake.SendToClient(new PlayerInfo(player.Id, player.Name, "male", showSkin)); if (!_skins.ContainsKey(player.Name)) _skins.Add(player.Name, showSkin); else _skins[player.Name] = showSkin; Client.SendMessage(GetPlugin<PAction>().CurrentPlayer.Name + "\\" + player.Name); } } e.Command.Message = string.Empty; } }
private static void Season_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { Mobile m = e.Mobile; if( e.Length == 1 ) { string seasonType = e.GetString( 0 ).ToLower(); SeasonList season; try { season = (SeasonList)Enum.Parse( typeof( SeasonList ), seasonType, true ); } catch { m.SendMessage( "Usage: Season spring | summer | fall | winter | desolation" ); return; } m.SendMessage( "Setting season to: " + seasonType + "." ); SetSeason( m, season ); } else m.SendMessage( "Usage: Season spring | summer | fall | winter | desolation" ); }
public static void OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { if (s_Commands[e.Command.ToLower()] == null) return; ((TownHouseCommandHandler)s_Commands[e.Command.ToLower()])(new CommandInfo(e.Mobile, e.Command, e.ArgString, e.Arguments)); }
protected void HeaderActions_ActionPerformed(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { // Check the permissions if (!MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.abtest", "Manage")) { ShowError(GetString("om.abtest.nomanagepermission")); return; } bool createAnother = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(e.CommandArgument, false); // Create document int newNodeID = ucNewPage.Save(); if (newNodeID != 0) { // Refresh tree string script = null; if (createAnother) { int parentNodeID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("parentnodeid", 0); if (parentNodeID != 0) { string param = (QueryHelper.GetInteger("saved", 0) == 0) ? "&saved=1" : String.Empty; script = ScriptHelper.GetScript("RefreshTree(" + newNodeID + ", " + parentNodeID + ");CreateAnotherWithParam('" + param + "');"); } } else { script = ScriptHelper.GetScript("RefreshTree(" + newNodeID + ", " + newNodeID + ");SelectNode(" + newNodeID + ");"); } ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof (string), "Refresh", script); } }
private static void OnErrors( CommandEventArgs e ) { if ( e.ArgString == null || e.ArgString == "" ) ErrorsGump.SendTo( e.Mobile ); else Report( e.ArgString + " - " + e.Mobile.Name ); }
public static void WriteProfiles_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { try { using ( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( "profiles.log", true ) ) { sw.WriteLine( "# Dump on {0:f}", DateTime.UtcNow ); sw.WriteLine( "# Core profiling for " + Core.ProfileTime ); sw.WriteLine( "# Packet send" ); BaseProfile.WriteAll( sw, PacketSendProfile.Profiles ); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine( "# Packet receive" ); BaseProfile.WriteAll( sw, PacketReceiveProfile.Profiles ); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine( "# Timer" ); BaseProfile.WriteAll( sw, TimerProfile.Profiles ); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine( "# Gump response" ); BaseProfile.WriteAll( sw, GumpProfile.Profiles ); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine( "# Target response" ); BaseProfile.WriteAll( sw, TargetProfile.Profiles ); sw.WriteLine(); } } catch { } }
public static void OnCommand(CommandEventArgs arg) { Mobile m = arg.Mobile; string skillNames = string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(SkillName))); if (arg.Length != 1) { m.SendMessage("Usage: SetSkill <skill name>. List of skill names: {0}.", skillNames); } else { SkillName skillName; if (Enum.TryParse(arg.GetString(0), true, out skillName)) { Skill skill = m.Skills[skillName]; if (skill != null) { skill.Base = 0; m.SendMessage("You've successfully reset your {0}.", skill.Name); } } else { m.SendMessage("You have specified an invalid skill to set. List of skill names: {0}.", skillNames); } } }
//删除区间 protected void Button2_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { int regionId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); bool success = false; using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { DataTable lists = item_bll.GetItemListByRegionId(userId, regionId); foreach (DataRow dr in lists.Rows) { int itemId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemID"]); int itemAppId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemAppID"]); success = item_bll.DeleteItem(userId, itemId, itemAppId); if (!success) { break; } } ts.Complete(); } if (success) { Utility.Alert(this, "删除成功。", "QuJianTongJi.aspx"); } else { Utility.Alert(this, "删除失败!"); } }
public static void ClaimDonations_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { if (ms_ClaimDonationsBlocked) e.Mobile.SendMessage("[claimdonations deactivated. Please contact an Administrator."); else CheckDonations(e.Mobile); }
protected void button1_command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { // string albumid = Session["albumid"].ToString(); Session["status"] = "No change"; Session["albumid"] = e.CommandName; Response.Redirect("upload.aspx?albumid=" + e.CommandName + ""); }
public static void Restart_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { if ( m_Restarting ) { if ( e.Mobile != null ) e.Mobile.SendMessage( "The server is already restarting." ); return; } else { if ( e.Mobile != null ) e.Mobile.SendMessage( "You have initiated server restart." ); int minutes = (int)m_Delay.TotalMinutes; try { minutes = int.Parse( e.Arguments[ 0 ] ); m_Delay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( minutes ); } catch {} if ( e.Mobile != null && ShowAdmin ) World.Broadcast( 0x22, true, "A restart has been issued by {0}.", e.Mobile.Name ); if ( e.Mobile != null ) Console.WriteLine( "Server Restart command issued by {0}", e.Mobile.Name ); count = 0; //set how many times we warned the players to none Enabled = true; //if auto restarts disabled bypass safeguard m_RestartTime = DateTime.Now; //restart now } }
private void HeaderActions_ActionPerformed(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "save") { queryEdit.Save(false); } }
public static void ValidateName_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { if ( Validate( e.ArgString, 2, 16, true, true, true, 1, SpaceDashPeriodQuote ) ) e.Mobile.SendMessage( 0x59, "That name is considered valid." ); else e.Mobile.SendMessage( 0x22, "That name is considered invalid." ); }
public void HandlePositionCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { PlayerMobile user = e.Mobile as PlayerMobile; if (user == null || user.Deleted || user.NetState == null || !ModuleEnabled) { return; } if (user.AccessLevel < Access) { if (user.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) { user.SendMessage("You do not have access to that command."); } return; } SuperGump tb = Toolbars.EnsureState(user).GetToolbarGump(); SuperGump.Send( new OffsetSelectorGump( user, tb.Refresh(true), Toolbars.GetOffset(user), (self, oldValue) => { Toolbars.SetOffset(self.User, self.Value); tb.X = self.Value.X; tb.Y = self.Value.Y; tb.Refresh(true); })); }
public static void Forum_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { string url = ""; Mobile m = e.Mobile; m.LaunchBrowser( url ); }
public static void FreezeMap_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { Map map = e.Mobile.Map; if ( map != null && map != Map.Internal ) SendWarning( e.Mobile, "You are about to freeze <u>all items in {0}</u>.", BaseFreezeWarning, map, NullP3D, NullP3D, new WarningGumpCallback( FreezeWarning_Callback ) ); }
public static void RepeatSoundCommand_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs args ) { if( args.Length == 2 ) { Timer timer = null; bool foundValue = false; int soundID = args.GetInt32( 0 ); double interval = args.GetDouble( 1 ); if( m_Table.ContainsKey( soundID ) ) foundValue = m_Table.TryGetValue( soundID, out timer ); if( foundValue || timer != null ) { if( timer != null ) timer.Stop(); if( m_Table.Remove( soundID ) ) args.Mobile.SendMessage( "RepeatSound process with sound index {0} halted.", soundID ); } else { timer = new InternalTimer( args.Mobile, soundID, interval ); timer.Start(); m_Table.Add( soundID, timer ); } } else { args.Mobile.SendMessage( "Usage: RepeatSound <int soundID> <double intervalDelay>" ); } }
private static void HelpInfo_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { if( e.Length > 0 ) { string arg = e.GetString( 0 ).ToLower(); CommandInfo c; if( m_HelpInfos.TryGetValue( arg, out c ) ) { Mobile m = e.Mobile; if( m.AccessLevel >= c.AccessLevel ) m.SendGump( new CommandInfoGump( c ) ); else m.SendMessage( "You don't have access to that command." ); return; } else e.Mobile.SendMessage( String.Format( "Command '{0}' not found!", arg ) ); } e.Mobile.SendGump( new CommandListGump( 0, e.Mobile, null ) ); }
protected void btn_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { // 线程1 var thread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Do)); thread1.Start(e.CommandName); // 线程2 var thread2 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Do)); thread2.Start(e.CommandName); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Thread.Sleep(100); if (thread1.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped && thread2.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped) { // 返回服务端的技术器的调用结果 var proxy = new ConcurrencyLockSvc.HelloClient(); txtResult.Text = proxy.GetResult(); proxy.Close(); break; } } }
public static void GetSkill_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs arg ) { if( arg.Length != 1 ) { arg.Mobile.SendMessage( "GetSkill <skill name>" ); } else { SkillName skill; #if Framework_4_0 if( Enum.TryParse( arg.GetString( 0 ), true, out skill ) ) { arg.Mobile.Target = new SkillTarget( skill ); } else { arg.Mobile.SendMessage( "You have specified an invalid skill to get." ); } #else try { skill = (SkillName)Enum.Parse( typeof( SkillName ), arg.GetString( 0 ), true ); } catch { arg.Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005631 ); // You have specified an invalid skill to set. return; } arg.Mobile.Target = new SkillTarget( skill ); #endif } }
void HeaderActions_ActionPerformed(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { // Check the permissions if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.abtest", "Manage")) { ShowError(GetString("om.abtest.nomanagepermission")); return; } bool createAnother = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(e.CommandArgument, false); // Create document int newNodeID = ucNewPage.Save(createAnother); if (newNodeID != 0) { // Refresh tree string script = null; if (createAnother) { int parentID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeID", 0); if (parentID != 0) { script = ScriptHelper.GetScript("RefreshTree(" + parentID + ", " + parentID + ");CreateAnother();"); } } else { script = ScriptHelper.GetScript("RefreshTree(" + newNodeID + ", " + newNodeID + ");SelectNode(" + newNodeID + ");"); } ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(string), "Refresh", script); } }
protected void btnChangeStatus_OnCommand(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { Database db=new Database(); db.AddParameter("@id", e.CommandArgument.ToString()); db.ExecuteNonQuery("update FileComment set Status=1-Status where id=@id"); LoadData(); }
public override void Execute(CommandEventArgs e, object obj) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; PlayerMobile target = obj as PlayerMobile; if (target != null) { if (e.Length != 1) { e.Mobile.SendAsciiMessage("Format:"); e.Mobile.SendAsciiMessage("Squelch int minutes"); return; } if (target.CurrentSquelchTimer != null) { target.CurrentSquelchTimer.Stop(); target.CurrentSquelchTimer = null; } target.Squelched = true; int index = e.GetInt32(0); from.SendAsciiMessage("You squelched {0} for {1} minute{2}", target.Name, index, index == 1 ? "" : "s"); target.SendAsciiMessage("You have been squelched for {0} minute{1}", index, index == 1 ? "" : "s"); new SquelchDelayTimer(target, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(index)).Start(); } else from.SendAsciiMessage("This only works on players!"); }
private static void SetGuarded_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; if ( e.Length == 1 ) { GuardedRegion reg = (GuardedRegion) from.Region.GetRegion( typeof( GuardedRegion ) ); if ( reg == null ) { from.SendMessage( "You are not in a guardable region." ); } else { reg.Disabled = !e.GetBoolean( 0 ); if ( reg.Disabled ) from.SendMessage( "The guards in this region have been disabled." ); else from.SendMessage( "The guards in this region have been enabled." ); } } else { from.SendMessage( "Format: SetGuarded <true|false>" ); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles delete button action - deletes user favorite. /// </summary> protected void btnDelete_OnCommand(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { // Check permissions if (!IsAvailable(ForumContext.CurrentForum, ForumActionType.Attachment)) { ShowError(GetString("ForumNewPost.PermissionDenied")); return; } if (e.CommandName == "delete") { int attachmentId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(e.CommandArgument, 0); // Get forum attachment info ForumAttachmentInfo fai = ForumAttachmentInfoProvider.GetForumAttachmentInfo(attachmentId); if (fai != null) { // Delete attachment ForumAttachmentInfoProvider.DeleteForumAttachmentInfo(fai); } //Reload page URLHelper.Redirect(RequestContext.CurrentURL); } }
protected void memberListElem_GridOnAction(object sender, CommandEventArgs args) { switch (args.CommandName.ToLower()) { case "approve": lblInfo.Text = GetString("group.member.userhasbeenapproved"); lblInfo.Visible = true; break; case "reject": lblInfo.Text = GetString("group.member.userhasbeenrejected"); lblInfo.Visible = true; break; case "edit": int memberId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(args.CommandArgument, 0); memberEditElem.MemberID = memberId; memberEditElem.GroupID = GroupID; plcList.Visible = false; plcEdit.Visible = true; memberEditElem.Visible = true; memberEditElem.ReloadData(); GroupMemberInfo gmi = GroupMemberInfoProvider.GetGroupMemberInfo(memberId); if (gmi != null) { UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(gmi.MemberUserID); if (ui != null) { lblEditBack.Text = " <span class=\"TitleBreadCrumbSeparator\"> </span> " + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ui.FullName); } } break; } }
public void HandleAdminCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.Mobile != null && !e.Mobile.Deleted && e.Mobile is PlayerMobile) { SuperGump.Send(new EquipmentSetsAdminUI((PlayerMobile)e.Mobile)); } }
/// <summary> /// Actions handler - saves the changes. /// </summary> protected void HeaderActions_ActionPerformed(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { // Update the form object and its class BizFormInfo form = EditedObject as BizFormInfo; if ((form != null) && (mapControl != null)) { if (plcMapping.Visible) { // Update mapping of the form class only if mapping dialog is visible DataClassInfo classInfo = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(form.FormClassID); if (classInfo != null) { classInfo.ClassContactOverwriteEnabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(mapControl.GetValue("allowoverwrite"), false); classInfo.ClassContactMapping = ValidationHelper.GetString(mapControl.GetValue("mappingdefinition"), string.Empty); DataClassInfoProvider.SetDataClassInfo(classInfo); } } // Update the form form.FormLogActivity = chkLogActivity.Checked; BizFormInfoProvider.SetBizFormInfo(form); // Show save information ShowChangesSaved(); } }
private static void LootConfigReload_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { // TODO: implement me! }
protected void lnkDelete(Object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { int id = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); var uzytkownicy = new WSTApi().DelUzytkownicy(id); }
public override CommandResult Execute(CommandEventArgs commandEventArgs) { return(new MoveEntity().Execute(commandEventArgs, Constants.EXIT.DOWN)); }
public Poll(CommandEventArgs e, string question, IEnumerable <string> enumerable) { this.e = e; this.question = question; this.answers = enumerable as string[] ?? enumerable.ToArray(); }
public static void queryClientHash_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; from.Send(new UltimaLive.Network.QueryClientHash(from)); }
public static void LiveFreeze_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { BoundingBoxPicker.Begin(e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback(LiveFreezeBox_Callback), null); }
public static void AddDoor_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.SendGump(new AddDoorGump()); }
private static void SQGump_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.SendGump(new SQGump(e.Mobile)); }
private static void GrandpaTamGump_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.SendGump(new GrandpaTamGump(e.Mobile)); }
protected void OpenModal(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { Popup(true); lblOrderNo.Text = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); DynamicalllAddList(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString())); }
protected void OnButtonCommand(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { //Event handler for command button clicked try { //Change view to Viewer and reset to clear existing data Master.Viewer.Reset(); //Get parameters for the query string _client = Master.ClientNumber; string _division = Master.Division; string _agent = Master.AgentNumber; string _region = Master.Region; string _district = Master.District; string _store = Master.StoreNumber; string _start = Master.StartDate; string _end = Master.EndDate; //Initialize control values LocalReport report = Master.Viewer.LocalReport; report.DisplayName = this.mTitle; report.EnableExternalImages = true; EnterpriseGateway enterprise = new EnterpriseGateway(); DataSet ds = enterprise.FillDataset(this.mUSPName, mTBLName, new object[] { _client, _division, _agent, _region, _district, _store, _start, _end }); if (ds.Tables[mTBLName] == null) { ds.Tables.Add(mTBLName); } switch (e.CommandName) { case "Run": //Set local report and data source System.IO.Stream stream = Master.GetReportDefinition(this.mSource); report.LoadReportDefinition(stream); report.DataSources.Clear(); report.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource(this.mDSName, ds.Tables[mTBLName])); //Set the report parameters for the report ReportParameter clientName = new ReportParameter("ClientName", Master.ClientName); ReportParameter client = new ReportParameter("ClientNumber", _client); ReportParameter division = new ReportParameter("Division", _division); ReportParameter agent = new ReportParameter("AgentNumber", _agent); ReportParameter region = new ReportParameter("Region", _region); ReportParameter district = new ReportParameter("District", _district); ReportParameter store = new ReportParameter("StoreNumber", _store); ReportParameter start = new ReportParameter("StartDate", _start); ReportParameter end = new ReportParameter("EndDate", _end); report.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { client, division, agent, region, district, store, start, end, clientName }); //Update report rendering with new data report.Refresh(); if (!Master.Viewer.Enabled) { Master.Viewer.CurrentPage = 1; } break; case "Data": //Set local export report and data source report.LoadReportDefinition(Master.CreateExportRdl(ds, this.mDSName)); report.DataSources.Clear(); report.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource(this.mDSName, ds.Tables[mTBLName])); report.Refresh(); break; case "Excel": //Create Excel mime-type page Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.Clear(); Response.Charset = ""; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=OnTimeDeliverySummaryByStore.xls"); Response.ContentType = "application/"; //application/octet-stream"; System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter(); System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter hw = new System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(sw); DataGrid dg = new DataGrid(); dg.DataSource = ds.Tables[mTBLName]; dg.DataBind(); dg.RenderControl(hw); Response.Write(sw.ToString()); Response.End(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ReportError(ex); } }
public static void Maintenance_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Length == 0) { Usage(e); } else { string strParam = e.GetString(0); if (strParam.ToLower().Equals("cancel")) { m_Scheduled = false; if (m_Rebuild) { if (KillRebuild()) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Rebuild.exe canceled succesfully."); Rebuild = false; } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Error closeing rebuild.exe!!!"); } } m_Countdown = 5; AutoSave.SavesEnabled = true; e.Mobile.SendMessage("Maintenance has been canceled."); World.Broadcast(0x482, true, "Server maintenance has been canceled."); m_Maintenance.Stop(); } else if (strParam.ToLower().Equals("rebuild")) { if (Rebuild) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("The server is already prepareing for a rebuild."); } else { Rebuild = true; Shutdown = true; Scheduled = true; AutoSave.SavesEnabled = false; e.Mobile.SendMessage("You have initiated a server rebuild."); m_Maintenance.Start(); if (!StartRebuild(Misc.TestCenter.Enabled)) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Rebuild.exe failed to start, canceling rebuild."); Rebuild = false; Scheduled = false; } } } else if (strParam.ToLower().Equals("restart") || strParam.ToLower().Equals("shutdown")) { if (m_Scheduled) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("The server is already restarting."); } else { m_Shutdown = strParam.ToLower().Equals("shutdown") ? true : false; m_Scheduled = true; m_Countdown = 5; AutoSave.SavesEnabled = false; e.Mobile.SendMessage("You have initiated server {0}.", m_Shutdown ? "shutdown" : "restart"); m_Maintenance.Start(); } } else { Usage(e); } } } catch (Exception exc) { LogHelper.LogException(exc); e.Mobile.SendMessage("There was a problem with the [Maintenance command!! See console log"); System.Console.WriteLine("Error with [Maintenance!"); System.Console.WriteLine(exc.Message); System.Console.WriteLine(exc.StackTrace); } }
protected void TreeViewCategory_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { CommandEventArgs CmdEvntArgs = new CommandEventArgs("", (object)TreeViewCategory.SelectedValue.ToString()); btnEdit_Command(sender, CmdEvntArgs); }
void lbCell_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { _strOrder = e.CommandName; ViewState["strOrder"] = _strOrder; ShowGrid(); }
public static void Password_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; Account acct = from.Account as Account; if (acct == null) { return; } IPAddress[] accessList = acct.LoginIPs; if (accessList.Length == 0) { return; } NetState ns = from.NetState; if (ns == null) { return; } if (e.Length == 0) { from.SendMessage("You must specify the new password."); return; } else if (e.Length == 1) { from.SendMessage("To prevent potential typing mistakes, you must type the password twice. Use the format:"); from.SendMessage("Password \"(newPassword)\" \"(repeated)\""); return; } string pass = e.GetString(0); string pass2 = e.GetString(1); if (pass != pass2) { from.SendMessage("The passwords do not match."); return; } bool isSafe = true; for (int i = 0; isSafe && i < pass.Length; ++i) { isSafe = (pass[i] >= 0x20 && pass[i] < 0x80); } if (!isSafe) { from.SendMessage("That is not a valid password."); return; } try { IPAddress ipAddress = ns.Address; if (Utility.IPMatchClassC(accessList[0], ipAddress)) { acct.SetPassword(pass); from.SendMessage("The password to your account has changed."); } else { PageEntry entry = PageQueue.GetEntry(from); if (entry != null) { if (entry.Message.StartsWith("[Automated: Change Password]")) { from.SendMessage("You already have a password change request in the help system queue."); } else { from.SendMessage("Your IP address does not match that which created this account."); } } else if (PageQueue.CheckAllowedToPage(from)) { from.SendMessage("Your IP address does not match that which created this account. A page has been entered into the help system on your behalf."); from.SendLocalizedMessage(501234, "", 0x35); /* The next available Counselor/Game Master will respond as soon as possible. * Please check your Journal for messages every few minutes. */ PageQueue.Enqueue(new PageEntry(from, String.Format("[Automated: Change Password]<br>Desired password: {0}<br>Current IP address: {1}<br>Account IP address: {2}", pass, ipAddress, accessList[0]), PageType.Account)); } } } catch { } }
protected void Pager_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { string commandname = e.CommandName.ToLower(); int firstPageIndex = 0; int pageIndex = 0; int currentPageNumber = 0; int currentFirstPageNumber = 0; if (ViewState[UniqueID + "FirstPageIndex"] != null) { firstPageIndex = (int)ViewState[UniqueID + "FirstPageIndex"]; } int.TryParse(this.lblCurrentPageNumber.Text, out currentPageNumber); int.TryParse(this.lblCurrentFirstPageNumber.Text, out currentFirstPageNumber); switch (commandname) { case "first": pageIndex = 0; break; case "previous": pageIndex = currentPageNumber; if (currentPageNumber > 0) { pageIndex = currentPageNumber - 1; } break; case "previous10": firstPageIndex = currentFirstPageNumber - ShowPageNumbers > 0 ? currentFirstPageNumber - ShowPageNumbers : 0; pageIndex = (currentFirstPageNumber - 1) > 0 ? currentFirstPageNumber - 1 : 0; break; case "next10": firstPageIndex = currentFirstPageNumber + ShowPageNumbers > TotalPageCounts ? TotalPageCounts - ShowPageNumbers : currentFirstPageNumber + 10; pageIndex = firstPageIndex; break; case "next": pageIndex = currentPageNumber; if (currentPageNumber < TotalPageCounts - 1) { pageIndex = currentPageNumber + 1; } break; case "last": pageIndex = TotalPageCounts - 1; firstPageIndex = TotalPageCounts - ShowPageNumbers; if (firstPageIndex < 0) { firstPageIndex = 0; } break; default: int.TryParse(commandname, out pageIndex); break; } if (pageIndex < firstPageIndex || pageIndex >= firstPageIndex + ShowPageNumbers) { firstPageIndex = pageIndex; } ViewState[UniqueID + "FirstPageIndex"] = firstPageIndex; SaveCurrentPageIndex(pageIndex); //invoke the pagechanged PageChanged(pageIndex, currentPageNumber); }
protected void btnVer_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { int id = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); Response.Redirect("productoVistaCliente.aspx?id=" + id); }
private static void VacarJamesGump_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.SendGump(new VacarJamesGump(e.Mobile)); }
public virtual bool ValidateArgs(BaseCommandImplementor impl, CommandEventArgs e) { return(true); }
protected void btnAgregar_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("CompraVerificarJuego.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "AdvancedSearch") { Response.Redirect(Page.AppRelativeVirtualPath + "?Advanced=1"); } else if (e.CommandName == "BasicSearch") { Response.Redirect(Page.AppRelativeVirtualPath + "?Advanced=0"); } else if (e.CommandName == "Clear") { // 12/17/2007 Paul. Clear the sort order as well. CommandEventArgs eSortGrid = new CommandEventArgs("SortGrid", null); Command(this, eSortGrid); // 12/04/2007 Paul. Clearing the form is not needed as the redirect will do the same. // However, when we start to save the last search view, that is when the clear will be useful. ClearForm(); // 12/09/2007 Paul. We have to save the cleared form, otherwise the default view will restore settings. SaveDefaultView(); Server.Transfer(Page.AppRelativeVirtualPath + "?Advanced=" + nAdvanced.ToString()); } else if (e.CommandName == "SavedSearch.Save") { txtSavedSearchName.Text = txtSavedSearchName.Text.Trim(); if (Sql.IsEmptyString(txtSavedSearchName.Text)) { lblSavedNameRequired.Visible = true; } else { try { string sXML = GenerateSavedSearch(false); Guid gID = Guid.Empty; SqlProcs.spSAVED_SEARCH_Update(ref gID, Security.USER_ID, txtSavedSearchName.Text, m_sMODULE, sXML, String.Empty); // 12/14/2007 Paul. The sort may have changed, so send an update event. if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(lstColumns.SelectedValue) && (radSavedSearchASC.Checked || radSavedSearchDESC.Checked)) { string[] arrSort = new string[] { lstColumns.SelectedValue, (radSavedSearchASC.Checked ? "asc" : "desc") }; CommandEventArgs eSortGrid = new CommandEventArgs("SortGrid", arrSort); Command(this, eSortGrid); } RefreshSavedSearches(gID); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); lblError.Text = ex.Message; } } } else if (e.CommandName == "SavedSearch.Update") { try { string sXML = GenerateSavedSearch(false); Guid gID = Sql.ToGuid(lstSavedSearches.SelectedItem.Value); SqlProcs.spSAVED_SEARCH_Update(ref gID, Security.USER_ID, txtSavedSearchName.Text, m_sMODULE, sXML, String.Empty); // 12/14/2007 Paul. The sort may have changed, so send an update event. if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(lstColumns.SelectedValue) && (radSavedSearchASC.Checked || radSavedSearchDESC.Checked)) { string[] arrSort = new string[] { lstColumns.SelectedValue, (radSavedSearchASC.Checked ? "asc" : "desc") }; CommandEventArgs eSortGrid = new CommandEventArgs("SortGrid", arrSort); Command(this, eSortGrid); } RefreshSavedSearches(gID); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); lblError.Text = ex.Message; } } else if (e.CommandName == "SavedSearch.Delete") { try { Guid gID = Sql.ToGuid(lstSavedSearches.SelectedItem.Value); SqlProcs.spSAVED_SEARCH_Delete(gID); RefreshSavedSearches(Guid.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); lblError.Text = ex.Message; } } else if (Command != null) { Command(this, e); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void LinkButton2_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { int Id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandName); Response.Redirect("N_XJBAdd.aspx?pagetitle=1&indexId=" + Id + ""); }
private static void ArathanFinishGump_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.SendGump(new ArathanFinishGump(e.Mobile)); }
public virtual void Execute(CommandEventArgs e, object obj) { }
protected void lnkDownloadReport_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { CreateWordDocument(e); }
public void ApplySavedSearch(string sXML) { try { if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sXML)) { XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.LoadXml(sXML); string sSortColumn = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "SortColumn"); string sSortOrder = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "SortOrder"); if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sSortColumn) && !Sql.IsEmptyString(sSortOrder) && Command != null) { // 12/14/2007 Paul. The ViewState in the search control is different than the view state on the page or the grid control. // We need to send a command to set the sort fields. string[] arrSort = new string[] { sSortColumn, sSortOrder }; CommandEventArgs eSortGrid = new CommandEventArgs("SortGrid", arrSort); Command(this, eSortGrid); } string sDefaultSearch = XmlUtil.SelectSingleNode(xml, "DefaultSearch"); if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sDefaultSearch)) { try { lstSavedSearches.SelectedValue = sDefaultSearch; } catch { } } XmlNodeList nlSearchFields = xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("SearchFields/Field"); foreach (XmlNode xField in nlSearchFields) { string sDATA_FIELD = XmlUtil.GetNamedItem(xField, "Name"); string sFIELD_TYPE = XmlUtil.GetNamedItem(xField, "Type"); if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(sDATA_FIELD)) { DynamicControl ctl = new DynamicControl(this, sDATA_FIELD); if (ctl != null) { if (sFIELD_TYPE == "ListBox") { ListControl lst = FindControl(sDATA_FIELD) as ListControl; if (lst != null) { if (lst is ListBox) { XmlNodeList nlValues = xField.SelectNodes("Value"); foreach (XmlNode xValue in nlValues) { foreach (ListItem item in lst.Items) { if (item.Value == xValue.InnerText) { item.Selected = true; } } } } else if (lst is DropDownList) { // 12/13/2007 Paul. DropDownLists must be handled separately to ensure that only one item is selected. try { lst.SelectedValue = xField.InnerText; } catch { } } } } else if (sFIELD_TYPE == "DatePicker") { DatePicker ctlDate = FindControl(sDATA_FIELD) as DatePicker; if (ctlDate != null) { if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(xField.InnerText)) { ctlDate.DateText = xField.InnerText; } } } else if (sFIELD_TYPE == "DateRange") { XmlNode xStart = xField.SelectSingleNode("After"); if (xStart != null) { DatePicker ctlDateStart = FindControl(sDATA_FIELD + "_AFTER") as DatePicker; if (ctlDateStart != null) { if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(xStart.InnerText)) { ctlDateStart.DateText = xStart.InnerText; } } } XmlNode xEnd = xField.SelectSingleNode("Before"); if (xEnd != null) { DatePicker ctlDateEnd = FindControl(sDATA_FIELD + "_BEFORE") as DatePicker; if (ctlDateEnd != null) { if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(xEnd.InnerText)) { ctlDateEnd.DateText = xEnd.InnerText; } } } } else if (sFIELD_TYPE == "CheckBox") { ctl.Checked = Sql.ToBoolean(xField.InnerText); } else if (sFIELD_TYPE == "TextBox") { ctl.Text = xField.InnerText; } else if (sFIELD_TYPE == "ChangeButton") { ctl.Text = xField.InnerText; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex); } }
//Po wciśnięciu strzałek danej książki przekierowujemy na stronę BookDetails.aspx z odpowiednim id. protected void lbBookDetails_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("BookDetails.aspx?id=" + e.CommandArgument); }
private void CreateWordDocument(CommandEventArgs e) { var id = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); using (var context = new ReportContext()) { var entity = context.Reports.Find(id); if (entity != null) { var customerId = context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == entity.Company).ID; Document document = new Document(Server.MapPath("~/template_files/week_report.doc")); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(document); document.Range.Replace("{Company}", entity.Company, false, false); document.Range.Replace("{ReportType}", new ManageReports().GetTypeNameById(entity.ReportType.ToInt32()), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{year}", entity.Year.Trim(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{month}", entity.Month.Trim(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{Subsidiary}", entity.Subsidiary ?? "", false, false); document.Range.Replace("{area}", entity.Area ?? "", false, false); document.Range.Replace("{day}", entity.Day.Trim(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{number1}", entity.CurrentNumber.Trim(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{number2}", entity.TotalNumber.Trim(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{TypeString}", CommonUtility.ReplaceReportType(new ManageReports().GetTypeNameById(entity.ReportType.ToInt32())), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{aTypeString}", CommonUtility.ReplaceReportType(new ManageReports().GetTypeNameById(entity.ReportType.ToInt32())).Replace("本", ""), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{news_number}", entity.News_number.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{hudong_number}", entity.Hudong_number.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{mingan_number}", entity.Mingan_number.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{strText}", entity.StrText, false, false); document.Range.Replace(new Regex("{info_total_pic}"), new ReplaceAndInsertImage(Server.MapPath(entity.Info_total_pic)), false); //本周重点敏感舆情、风险分析研判与处置建议 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.PriorityArticles)) { var articleIds = entity.PriorityArticles.Split(',').Select(a => int.Parse(a)); var entities = context.Articles.Where(a => a.CustomerID == customerId && articleIds.Contains(a.ID)).OrderByDescending(a => a.ID).Select(a => a); int i = 0; docBuilder.MoveToMergeField("Content"); foreach (var article in entities) { i++; //插入标题 docBuilder.Writeln(); docBuilder.Font.Name = "楷体_GB2312"; docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Font.Bold = true; docBuilder.Writeln(String.Format("{0}.{1}", i, article.Title)); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); //插入内容 docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Writeln(article.Content); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); //插入图片 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(article.ScreenshotsPath)) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath(article.ScreenshotsPath)); if (fileInfo.Exists) { docBuilder.InsertImage(Server.MapPath(article.ScreenshotsPath), RelativeHorizontalPosition.Margin, 1, RelativeVerticalPosition.Default, 10, 430, 220, WrapType.Square); } } //插入链接 docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Write("网址链接:"); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); docBuilder.Font.Color = Color.Blue; docBuilder.Font.Size = 10; docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋"; docBuilder.Font.Underline = Underline.Single; docBuilder.InsertHyperlink(article.Url, article.Url, false); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Writeln(); docBuilder.Writeln(String.Format("风险分析研判:{0}", article.JudgeContent)); docBuilder.Write("舆情星级:"); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); //插入舆情星级 docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Font.Color = Color.Red; docBuilder.Writeln("★".Repeat(article.Rating.Value)); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); //插入处置建议 docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Write(String.Format("处置建议:{0}", article.SuggestContent));; docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); } } docBuilder.MoveToMergeField("DistributeContent"); docBuilder.Write(entity.DistributeSummary.Replace("#", "")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Distribute_Pic)) { docBuilder.InsertImage(Server.MapPath(entity.Distribute_Pic), RelativeHorizontalPosition.Margin, 1, RelativeVerticalPosition.Default, 10, 430, 220, WrapType.Square); } document.Range.Replace(new Regex("{NextWeekWarning_Pic}"), new ReplaceAndInsertImage(Server.MapPath(entity.NextWeekWarning_Pic)), false); document.Range.Replace("{NextWeekMinganValue}", entity.NextWeekMinganValue, false, false); document.Range.Replace("{NextWeekSustainNumber}", entity.NextWeekSustainNumber.Value.ToString(), false, false); docBuilder.MoveToMergeField("Questions"); int b = 0; docBuilder.Writeln(); foreach (var item in entity.AttentionQuestions.Split('|')) { b++; if (item.Split(',')[0] != item.Split(',')[1]) { string str = String.Format("{0}.{1}", b, item.Split(',')[0]); docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Font.Bold = true; docBuilder.Writeln(str); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); if (b == entity.AttentionQuestions.Split('|').Count()) { docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Write(item.Split(',')[1].Trim()); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); } else { docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Writeln(item.Split(',')[1].Trim()); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); } } else { if (b == entity.AttentionQuestions.Split('|').Count()) { docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Write(String.Format("{0}.{1}", b, item.Split(',')[1])); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); } else { docBuilder.Font.Size = 16; docBuilder.Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"; docBuilder.Writeln(String.Format("{0}.{1}", b, item.Split(',')[1])); docBuilder.Font.ClearFormatting(); } } } document.Range.Replace(new Regex("{week_pic}"), new ReplaceAndInsertImage(Server.MapPath(entity.Week_Pic)), false); document.Range.Replace("{lowExponent}", entity.LowExponent.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{heightExponent}", entity.HeightExponent.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{avgExponent}", entity.AvgExponent.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{startMonth}", entity.StartMonth.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{startDay}", entity.StartDay.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{lowNumber}", entity.LowNumber.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{endMonth}", entity.EndMonth.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{endDay}", entity.EndDay.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{heightNumber}", entity.HeightNumber.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{trend}", entity.Tend, false, false); document.Range.Replace(new Regex("{attention_pic}"), new ReplaceAndInsertImage(Server.MapPath(entity.Attention_Picture)), false); document.Range.Replace("{total_AttentionNumber}", entity.Total_AttentionNumber.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{mobile_AttentNumber}", entity.Mobile_AttentNumber.Value.ToString(), false, false); document.Range.Replace("{total_FloatingType}", entity.Total_FloatingType, false, false); document.Range.Replace("{total_AttentionPercent}", entity.Total_AttentionPercent, false, false); document.Range.Replace("{mobile_FloatingType}", entity.Mobile_FloatingType, false, false); document.Range.Replace("{mobile_AttentionPercent}", entity.Mobile_AttentionPercent, false, false); StringBuilder cityBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in entity.AttentionCities.Split("、")) { cityBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}、", item); } string cities = cityBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd('、'); document.Range.Replace("{cities}", cities, false, false); string fileName = String.Format("{0}网络舆情{1}第{2}期.doc", entity.Company, new ManageReports().GetTypeNameById(entity.ReportType.ToInt32()), entity.CurrentNumber); //string fileName = String.Format("{0}网络舆情{1}第{2}期.doc", entity.Company, "aaaaaaa", entity.CurrentNumber); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { document.Save(ms, Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.CreateSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Doc)); Response.ContentType = "application/msword"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName); Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray()); Response.End(); } } } }
protected void bookdetail_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { Session["selectedBook"] = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); Response.Redirect("ItemDetail.aspx"); }
protected void btnPagar_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (Session["usuario"] == null) { Response.Redirect("inicioSesion.aspx"); } else { //Usuario autentificado UsuarioEntidad user = (UsuarioEntidad)Session["usuario"]; CompraEntidad compra = new CompraEntidad(); compra.fecha = DateTime.Now; compra.idUsuario = user.idUsuario; //Datos producto double descuento = 0; double totalPagar = 0; foreach (var item in listaCarrito) { compra.idProducto = item.idProducto; compra.cantidadProductos = item.cantidadProductos; totalPagar = Convert.ToDouble(; } //Consultar cupon por usuario List <CuponEntidad> cupones = new List <CuponEntidad>(); cupones = CuponLN.ObtenerCuponporUsuario(user.idUsuario); foreach (var item in cupones) { if (item.idNivel == user.nivelEntidad.idNivel && item.idProducto == compra.idProducto) { NivelEntidad nivel = NivelLN.Obtener(item.idNivel); if (nivel.descripcion == "Bronce") { = Convert.ToDecimal(totalPagar - (totalPagar * 0.02)); descuento = totalPagar * 0.02; } else { if (nivel.descripcion == "Plata") { = Convert.ToDecimal(totalPagar - (totalPagar * 0.05)); descuento = totalPagar * 0.05; } else { if (nivel.descripcion == "Oro") { = Convert.ToDecimal(totalPagar - (totalPagar * 0.07)); descuento = totalPagar * 0.07; } else { if (nivel.descripcion == "Diamante") { = Convert.ToDecimal(totalPagar - (totalPagar * 0.10)); descuento = totalPagar * 0.10; } else { = Convert.ToDecimal(totalPagar); } } } } } } if (compra != null) { if ( == 0) { = Convert.ToDecimal(totalPagar); } CompraLN.Nuevo(compra); CompraLN.limpiarLista(); descuentoGlobal = 0; totalFinal = 0; Response.Redirect("carritoCompras.aspx"); this.lblMensaje.Text = "Compra realizada con exito"; } } }