        public override void FormatResult(CommandBase?command, CommandDTOBase result, bool filterResults)
            var dto            = (PowerShellDTO)result;
            var lowestVersion  = dto.InstalledVersions.Min(v => GetVersionFromString(v));
            var highestVersion = dto.InstalledVersions.Max(v => GetVersionFromString(v));

            WriteLine("\n  Installed CLR Versions");
            foreach (var v in dto.InstalledCLRVersions)
                WriteLine("      " + v);

            WriteLine("\n  Installed PowerShell Versions");
            foreach (var v in dto.InstalledVersions)
                WriteLine("      " + v);
                if ((v == "2.0") && !dto.InstalledCLRVersions.Contains("2.0.50727"))
                    WriteLine("        [!] Version 2.0.50727 of the CLR is not installed - PowerShell v2.0 won't be able to run.");

            WriteLine("\n  Transcription Logging Settings");
            WriteLine("      Enabled            : " + dto.TranscriptionLogging);
            WriteLine("      Invocation Logging : " + dto.TranscriptionInvocationLogging);
            WriteLine("      Log Directory      : " + dto.TranscriptionDirectory);

            WriteLine("\n  Module Logging Settings");
            WriteLine("      Enabled             : " + dto.ModuleLogging);
            WriteLine("      Logged Module Names :");

            if (dto.ModuleNames != null)
                foreach (var m in dto.ModuleNames)
                    WriteLine("          " + m);

            if (dto.ModuleLogging)
                if (lowestVersion.Major < 3)
                    WriteLine("        [!] You can do a PowerShell version downgrade to bypass the logging.");

                if (highestVersion.Major < 3)
                    WriteLine("        [!] Module logging is configured. Logging will not occur, however, because it requires PSv3.");

            WriteLine("\n  Script Block Logging Settings");
            WriteLine("      Enabled            : " + dto.ScriptBlockLogging);
            WriteLine("      Invocation Logging : " + dto.ScriptBlockInvocationLogging);
            if (dto.ScriptBlockLogging)
                if (highestVersion.Major < 5)
                    WriteLine("        [!] Script block logging is configured. Logging will not occur, however, because it requires PSv5.");

                if (lowestVersion.Major < 5)
                    WriteLine("        [!] You can do a PowerShell version downgrade to bypass the logging.");

            WriteLine("\n  Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI)");
            WriteLine("      OS Supports AMSI: " + dto.OsSupportsAmsi);
            if (dto.OsSupportsAmsi && lowestVersion.Major < 3)
                WriteLine("        [!] You can do a PowerShell version downgrade to bypass AMSI.");
        public override void FormatResult(CommandBase?command, CommandDTOBase result, bool filterResults)
            var dto = (HotfixDTO)result;

            WriteLine($"  {dto.HotFixID,-10} {dto.InstalledOnUTC?.ToLocalTime(),-22} {dto.Description,-30} {dto.InstalledBy}");
 // Children implement this method to customize the command's string output
 public abstract void FormatResult(CommandBase?command, CommandDTOBase results, bool filterResults);
        public override void FormatResult(CommandBase?command, CommandDTOBase result, bool filterResults)
            var dto = (ExplorerRecentFilesDTO)result;

            WriteLine("  {0}  {1}  {2}  {3}", dto.Application, dto.User, dto.LastAccessDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), dto.Target);
        public override void FormatResult(CommandBase?command, CommandDTOBase result, bool filterResults)
            var dto = (ProcessCreationEventDTO)result;

            WriteLine($"  {dto.TimeCreatedUtc?.ToLocalTime(),-22}  {dto.User,-30} {dto.Match}");