        public override void SerialiseBatch(CommandBatch commandBatch)
            List <string> commands = new List <string>();
            List <string> data     = new List <string>();

            // Attach batch headers to post data
            JArray batchHeaders = new JArray();

            for (int batchHeaderI = 0; batchHeaderI < commandBatch.BatchHeaders.Count; batchHeaderI += 1)
                Dictionary <string, string> batchHeader = commandBatch.BatchHeaders[batchHeaderI];

            // Attach command names to url and parameters to post data
            for (int batchItemI = 0; batchItemI < commandBatch.BatchItems.Count; batchItemI += 1)
                CommandBatchItem commandItem = commandBatch.BatchItems[batchItemI];
                Logger.Data(commandItem.Parameters).Verbose("sending command: " + commandItem.CommandName);

            string batchUrl = endpoint + "/" + String.Join(",", commands.ToArray()) + "?queryId=" + commandBatch.QueryId.ToString();
            string postData = string.Join("\n", data.ToArray());

            // Cached the serialisation
            commandBatch.SerialisedCache = (object)new CommandHttpClientCache(
                (headers != null) ? new Dictionary <string, string>(headers) : new Dictionary <string, string>()
        public override void SendBatch(CommandBatch commandBatch)
            // Extract serialisation from cache
            CommandHttpClientCache serialisedCache = (CommandHttpClientCache)commandBatch.SerialisedCache;
            string batchUrl = serialisedCache.BatchUrl;
            string postData = serialisedCache.PostData;
            Dictionary <string, string> headers = serialisedCache.Headers;

            // Send HTTP request
            SendRequest(batchUrl, postData, headers, responseArray => {
                // Process each command response
                    for (var batchId = 0; batchId < responseArray.Count; batchId += 1)
                        var commandResponse = responseArray[batchId] as JArray;
                        if (commandResponse == null)
                            throw new Exception("Response item " + batchId + " is not an Array:" + responseArray);

                        CommandBatchItem commandItem         = commandBatch.BatchItems[batchId];
                        string commandName                   = commandItem.CommandName;
                        Action <Exception, JToken> commandCb = commandItem.Cb;

                        // Check if there are any events attached to this request
                        if (commandResponse.Count >= 3)
                            Logger.Verbose("[" + commandName + "] processing events");

                        // Check if the response was an error
                        if (commandResponse[0].Type != JTokenType.Null)
                            Logger.Verbose("[" + commandName + "] server error");
                            commandCb(new Exception(commandResponse[0].ToString()), null);

                        // Pull off call result object, if it doesn't exist
                        Logger.Verbose("[" + commandName + "] call response");

                            commandCb(null, commandResponse[1]);
                        catch (Exception error)
                            Logger.Data(error).Error("Error during command callback");
                catch (Exception error)
                    Logger.Data(error).Error("Error when processing command batch responses");