public void UseCase3_TFSBuildToolSampleArguments() { b.Info.Log("Starting UseCase3 - TBuildtool Sample UseCase"); var argsupport = new CommandArgumentSupport(); argsupport.ArgumentPrefix = "-"; argsupport.ArgumentPostfix = "="; TFSBuildToolArgs parsedArgs = new TFSBuildToolArgs(); string[] expectedArguments = new string[] { "-tfs=http://appsd1011:8080", "-teamproject=Acme", "-builddefinition=BuildTasks_CERTIFIED", "-agenturi=wks3090852" }; argsupport.ProcessArguments(parsedArgs, expectedArguments); Assert.Equal("wks3090852", parsedArgs.agentUri); Assert.Equal("BuildTasks_CERTIFIED", parsedArgs.buildDefinition); Assert.Equal("http://appsd1011:8080", parsedArgs.tfs); Assert.Equal("Acme", parsedArgs.teamProject); expectedArguments[3] = "-agent=wks3090852"; // Test alternative parameter naming. parsedArgs = new TFSBuildToolArgs(); argsupport.ProcessArguments(parsedArgs, expectedArguments); Assert.Equal("wks3090852", parsedArgs.agentUri); Assert.Equal("BuildTasks_CERTIFIED", parsedArgs.buildDefinition); Assert.Equal("http://appsd1011:8080", parsedArgs.tfs); Assert.Equal("Acme", parsedArgs.teamProject); }
public void TFSUseCaseOptionalPrefix() { var tcc1 = new Kev_TFS_UseCase(); var tcc2 = new Kev_TFS_UseCase(); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); string[] expectedArgs = new string[] { "/BUILDNAME:TFSSupport_DevDesktopPack_Main_Certified_20090423.8", "/ATTACHMENT:\"c:\\temp\\list.txt\"" }; string[] expectedArgs2 = new string[] { "BUILDNAME:TFSSupport_DevDesktopPack_Main_Certified_20090423.8", "ATTACHMENT:\"c:\\temp\\list.txt\"" }; clas.ArgumentPrefix = "/"; clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ArgumentPrefixOptional = true; clas.ProcessArguments(tcc1, expectedArgs); clas.ProcessArguments(tcc2, expectedArgs2); Assert.Equal("TFSSupport_DevDesktopPack_Main_Certified_20090423.8", tcc1.BuildName); Assert.Equal("\"c:\\temp\\list.txt\"", tcc1.Attachment); Assert.Equal(tcc1.BuildName, tcc2.BuildName); Assert.Equal(tcc1.Attachment, tcc2.Attachment); }
[Trait(Traits.Style, Traits.Regression)] // Legacy Tests, replace when working on them. public void BasicTest_BooleanParameters() { b.Info.Log("Starting Testing boolean behaviour"); var sc1 = new SampleCommandLine_C1(); var sc2 = new SampleCommandLine_C1(); var sc3 = new SampleCommandLine_C1(); VerifySampleCommandLine1_InitialState(sc1); VerifySampleCommandLine1_InitialState(sc2); VerifySampleCommandLine1_InitialState(sc3); string[] argsBothTrue = new string[] { "/OP1", "/OP2" }; string[] argsBothTrue2 = new string[] { "/OP1true", "/OP2TRUE" }; string[] argsBothTrue3 = new string[] { "/OP1YES", "/OP2y" }; CommandArgumentSupport clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPrefix = "/"; clas.ProcessArguments(sc1, argsBothTrue); Assert.True(sc1.OptionParameterOne); Assert.True(sc1.OptionParameterTwo); clas.ProcessArguments(sc2, argsBothTrue2); clas.ProcessArguments(sc3, argsBothTrue3); Assert.Equal(sc1.OptionParameterOne, sc2.OptionParameterOne); Assert.Equal(sc1.OptionParameterTwo, sc2.OptionParameterTwo); Assert.Equal(sc1.OptionParameterOne, sc3.OptionParameterOne); Assert.Equal(sc1.OptionParameterTwo, sc3.OptionParameterTwo); string[] argsBothFalse = new string[] { "/OP1false", "/OP2no" }; string[] argsBothFalse2 = new string[] { "/OP1N", "/OP2False" }; sc1.OptionParameterOne = true; sc1.OptionParameterTwo = true; clas.ProcessArguments(sc1, argsBothFalse); Assert.False(sc1.OptionParameterOne); Assert.False(sc1.OptionParameterTwo); sc1.OptionParameterOne = true; sc1.OptionParameterTwo = true; clas.ProcessArguments(sc1, argsBothFalse2); Assert.False(sc1.OptionParameterOne); Assert.False(sc1.OptionParameterTwo); }
[Trait(Traits.Style, Traits.Regression)] // Legacy Tests, replace when working on them. public void BasicTest_NumberStringAndBoolParams() { b.Info.Log("Starting test for SimpleArguments"); const string STRINGPAR1 = "StringParameter1"; const string STRINGPAR2 = "StrnigParameter2"; const int NUMVALUE = 12; var sc1 = new SampleCommandLine_C1(); VerifySampleCommandLine1_InitialState(sc1); string[] args = new string[] { "/N:" + STRINGPAR1, "/A:" + STRINGPAR2, "/C:" + NUMVALUE.ToString(), "/OP1" }; var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPrefix = "/"; clas.ProcessArguments(sc1, args); Assert.Equal(STRINGPAR1, sc1.NameParameterOne); Assert.Equal(STRINGPAR2, sc1.NameParameterTwo); Assert.True(sc1.OptionParameterOne, "Boolean parameter one failed"); Assert.False(sc1.OptionParameterTwo, "Boolean argument two failed"); Assert.Equal(12, sc1.NumberParameterOne); Assert.Equal(0, sc1.NumberParameterTwo); }
[Trait(Traits.Style, "exploratory")] // Legacy Tests, replace when working on them. public void Basic_ArrayOfStrs_Works() { var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport { ArgumentPostfix = ":", ArgumentPrefix = "", ArgumentPrefixOptional = true }; string[] parms = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" }; string strArrayConcat = ""; foreach (var f in parms) { strArrayConcat += f + ","; } var argsClass = new SampleCommandLine_C3(); string[] args = new string[] { $"StrArray:{strArrayConcat}", }; clas.ProcessArguments(argsClass, args); Assert.Equal(parms.Length, argsClass.StrArray.Length); for (int i = 0; i < parms.Length; i++) { Assert.Equal(parms[i], argsClass.StrArray[i]); } }
[Trait(Traits.Style, "exploratory")] // Legacy Tests, replace when working on them. public void Basic_ArrayOfInts_Works() { var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport { ArgumentPostfix = ":", ArgumentPrefix = "", ArgumentPrefixOptional = true }; int[] nums = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; string numsAsParam = ""; foreach (var f in nums) { numsAsParam += f + ","; } var argsClass = new SampleCommandLine_C3(); string[] args = new string[] { $"IntArray:{numsAsParam}", }; clas.ProcessArguments(argsClass, args); Assert.Equal(nums.Length, argsClass.NumArray.Length); for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i++) { Assert.Equal(nums[i], argsClass.NumArray[i]); } }
public void Required_ThrowsIfNotPresent() { b.Info.Flow(); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ArgumentPrefix = ""; clas.ArgumentPrefixOptional = true; var argsClass = new SampleCommandLine_C5(); string[] args = new string[] { "firstx:hello", "second:1" }; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { clas.ProcessArguments(argsClass, args); if (argsClass.first != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("This cant be right, the value should not be set"); } }); }
static async Task <int> Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("online"); ConfigHubTests(); // Test var f = new FeatureHardCodedProvider(); f.AddFeature(new Feature("TEST", true)); if (Feature.GetFeatureByName("TEST").Active) { } CommandLineArgs cla = new CommandLineArgs(); CommandArgumentSupport clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ProcessArguments(cla, args); clas.AddExample("TestConsoleApp.exe -x", "Runs it with an x parameter"); string sa = clas.GenerateShortHelp(cla, "TestConsoleApp"); Console.WriteLine("sec"); Console.WriteLine(sa); await HHTestExecute(); Console.ReadLine(); return(0); }
[Trait(Traits.Style, Traits.Regression)] // Legacy Tests, replace when working on them. public void BasicTest_MultipleArgumentsSameValue() { var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPrefix = "/"; clas.ArgumentPostfix = "="; var tbta1 = new TFSBuildToolArgs(); var tbta2 = new TFSBuildToolArgs(); string[] args = new string[] { "/tfs=first", "/agent=second", "/teamproject=acme" }; string[] args2 = new string[] { "/tfs=first", "/agenturi=second", "/teamproject=acme" }; clas.ProcessArguments(tbta1, args); clas.ProcessArguments(tbta2, args2); Assert.Equal(tbta1.agentUri, tbta2.agentUri); }
[Trait(Traits.Style, Traits.Regression)] // Legacy Tests, replace when working on them. public void BasicTest_DefaultArguments() { var c2 = new SampleCommandLine_C2(); VerifySampleCommandLine2_InitialSate(c2); string[] args = new string[] { "filename.txt" }; CommandArgumentSupport clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPrefix = "-"; clas.ArgumentPostfix = "="; clas.ProcessArguments(c2, args); Assert.Equal("filename.txt", c2.Filename); args[0] = "-filename=filename.txt"; c2 = new SampleCommandLine_C2(); VerifySampleCommandLine2_InitialSate(c2); clas.ProcessArguments(c2, args); Assert.Equal("filename.txt", c2.Filename); }
[Trait(Traits.Style, Traits.Regression)] // Legacy Tests, replace when working on them. public void BasicTest_ArgumentPrefix() { b.Info.Log("Starting Testing Argument prefix behaviour"); SampleCommandLine_C1 sc1 = new SampleCommandLine_C1(); VerifySampleCommandLine1_InitialState(sc1); // Should be identical with differing prefixes. string[] argsBothTrue = new string[] { "-OP1", "-OP2" }; string[] argsBothTrue2 = new string[] { "XOP1", "XOP2" }; string[] argsBothTrue3 = new string[] { "OP1", "OP2" }; CommandArgumentSupport clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPrefix = "-"; sc1.OptionParameterOne = sc1.OptionParameterTwo = false; clas.ProcessArguments(sc1, argsBothTrue); Assert.True(sc1.OptionParameterOne); Assert.True(sc1.OptionParameterTwo); sc1.OptionParameterOne = sc1.OptionParameterTwo = false; clas.ArgumentPrefix = "X"; clas.ProcessArguments(sc1, argsBothTrue2); Assert.True(sc1.OptionParameterOne); Assert.True(sc1.OptionParameterTwo); sc1.OptionParameterOne = sc1.OptionParameterTwo = false; clas.ArgumentPrefix = ""; clas.ProcessArguments(sc1, argsBothTrue3); Assert.True(sc1.OptionParameterOne); Assert.True(sc1.OptionParameterTwo); b.Info.Log("TESTOK: Finished Testing ArgumentPrefix"); }
public void Bug_IfBilgePassed_NullRefException() { b.Info.Flow(); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(b); clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; string[] args = new string[] { "firstonethenanother:gloop", }; var argsClass = new SampleCommandLine_C6(); clas.ProcessArguments(argsClass, args); }
public void TFSUseCaseUsesProperties() { var tcc = new Kev_TFS_UseCase(); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); string[] expectedArgs = new string[] { "/BUILDNAME:TFSSupport_DevDesktopPack_Main_Certified_20090423.8", "/ATTACHMENT:\"c:\\temp\\list.txt\"" }; clas.ArgumentPrefix = "/"; clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ProcessArguments(tcc, expectedArgs); Assert.Equal("TFSSupport_DevDesktopPack_Main_Certified_20090423.8", tcc.BuildName); Assert.Equal("\"c:\\temp\\list.txt\"", tcc.Attachment); b.Info.Log(tcc.Attachment); }
[Trait(Traits.Style, Traits.Regression)] // Legacy Tests, replace when working on them. public void TestIntAndLogMaxValues() { CommandArgumentSupport clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ArgumentPrefix = ""; clas.ArgumentPrefixOptional = true; SampleCommandLine_C2 argsClass = new SampleCommandLine_C2(); string[] args = new string[] { "filename:this is the filename", "INTVALUE:2147483647", "LONGVALUE:9223372036854775807" }; clas.ProcessArguments(argsClass, args); Assert.Equal(int.MaxValue, argsClass.NumberParam1); Assert.Equal(long.MaxValue, argsClass.NumberParam2); }
public void Sean_DateTime_UseCase() { b.Info.Flow(); var suc = new Sean_DateUseCase(); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPrefix = "/"; DateTime first = new DateTime(2018, 11, 22); DateTime to = new DateTime(2018, 12, 30); string[] expectedArgs = new string[] { "/f22-11-2018", "/t30-12-2018" }; clas.ProcessArguments(suc, expectedArgs); Assert.Equal(first, suc.from); Assert.Equal(to,; }
public void TFSUseCaseRemainderCheck() { var tcc = new Kev_TFS_UseCase(); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); string[] expectedArgs = new string[] { "/BUILDNAME:TFSSupport_DevDesktopPack_Main_Certified_20090423.8", "/ATTACHMENT:\"c:\\temp\\list.txt\"", "/Remainder:True", "RemainderTwo" }; clas.ArgumentPrefix = "/"; clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ProcessArguments(tcc, expectedArgs); Assert.Equal(2, tcc.Remainder.Length); Assert.Equal("/Remainder:True", tcc.Remainder[0]); Assert.Equal("RemainderTwo", tcc.Remainder[1]); }
public void UseCase2_OptionalParameterDefaultFilenames() { b.Info.Log("Starting UseCase2 Testing"); #region string constants used to avoid typos string[] FILENAMES = new string[] { "file1.xml", "file2arflebarfleglooopmakethestringmuchlongerifwecan.xml", "c:\\temp\\files\\file3.xml", "\\s816244\\c$\\afile\\file4.xml", "file://testingfile/file5.xml" }; #endregion UC2_OptionPlusDefaultFilenames uc2Class = new UC2_OptionPlusDefaultFilenames(); #region verify the initial state of the class b.Info.Log("About to verify the initial state of the UC2 Class"); Assert.True(uc2Class.Filenames.Length == 0, "The initial state of the default array is wrong"); Assert.True(uc2Class.Overwrite == false, "the initial state of the overwrite flag is false"); #endregion string[] expectedArguments = new string[] { FILENAMES[0], FILENAMES[1], FILENAMES[2], FILENAMES[3], FILENAMES[4], "/O" }; b.Info.Log("About to perform the actual test case"); CommandArgumentSupport clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPrefix = "/"; clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ProcessArguments(uc2Class, expectedArguments); b.Info.Log("Verifying the findings of the test case"); Assert.True(uc2Class.Filenames.Length == 5, "The filenames were not passed through to the default array correctly"); for (int i = 0; i < FILENAMES.Length; i++) { Assert.Equal(FILENAMES[i], uc2Class.Filenames[i]); } Assert.True(uc2Class.Overwrite, "The overwrite paramteter was not passed correctly"); }
[Trait(Traits.Style, Traits.Regression)] // Legacy Tests, replace when working on them. public void IntegerParameter_TooLarge_ReturnsCorrectError() { var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ArgumentPrefix = ""; clas.ArgumentPrefixOptional = true; var argsClass = new SampleCommandLine_C2(); string[] args = new string[] { "filename:this is the filename", "INTVALUE:2200000000", }; clas.ProcessArguments(argsClass, args); string[] erroredArguments = clas.ListArgumentsWithErrors(); Assert.True(erroredArguments.Length > 0, "there was an errored argument"); Assert.True(erroredArguments[0].Contains("INTVALUE"), "The correct argument was not found"); Assert.True(erroredArguments[0].Contains("too large"), "The incorrect reason was found"); }
public void DateTime_StringParse_Works(DateTime exp, string text) { b.Info.Flow(); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.DateTimeParseFormat = "d-M-yyyy"; clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ArgumentPrefix = ""; clas.ArgumentPrefixOptional = true; var argsClass = new SampleCommandLine_C4(); string[] args = new string[] { $"dt1:{text}" }; clas.ProcessArguments(argsClass, args); Assert.Equal(exp, argsClass.datey1); }
public void DateTime_BasicParse_Works(int year, int month, int day) { b.Info.Flow(); DateTime target = new DateTime(year, month, day); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ArgumentPrefix = ""; clas.ArgumentPrefixOptional = true; var argsClass = new SampleCommandLine_C4(); string[] args = new string[] { "dt1:" + target.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") }; clas.ProcessArguments(argsClass, args); Assert.Equal <DateTime>(target, argsClass.datey1); }
public void UseCase1_BasicFilenameParameter() { b.Info.Log("Starting Usecase1 Basic testing"); #region string constants used to avoid types const string FILENAME1 = "Test1.Xslt"; const string FILENAME2 = "Test2.xslt"; const string FILENAME3 = "Test.xml"; #endregion UC1_BasicFilenameParameters uc1Class = new UC1_BasicFilenameParameters(); #region verify the initial state of the class Assert.True(uc1Class.TransformFilename1.Length == 0, "The initial state of filename 1 is wrong"); Assert.True(uc1Class.TransformFilename2.Length == 0, "The initial state of filename 2 is wrong"); Assert.True(uc1Class.OutputFilename.Length == 0, "The initial state of output filename is wrong"); Assert.False(uc1Class.OverwriteOutput, "The initial state of overwrite is wrong"); #endregion string[] expectedArguments = new string[] { "/X1:" + FILENAME1, "/x2:" + FILENAME2, "/o:" + FILENAME3, "/Y" }; CommandArgumentSupport clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPrefix = "/"; clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ProcessArguments(uc1Class, expectedArguments); // Actual test case verification. Assert.Equal(uc1Class.TransformFilename1, FILENAME1); Assert.Equal(uc1Class.TransformFilename2, FILENAME2); Assert.Equal(uc1Class.OutputFilename, FILENAME3); Assert.True(uc1Class.OverwriteOutput, "The boolean overwrite flag did not get passed correctly"); }
public void Bug_IfPostfixSpecified_ItMustBeUsed() { b.Info.Flow(); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPostfix = ":"; clas.ArgumentPrefix = ""; clas.ArgumentPrefixOptional = true; var argsClass = new SampleCommandLine_C6(); string[] args = new string[] { "firstonethenanother:gloop", "firstone:barfle", "first:arfle" }; clas.ProcessArguments(argsClass, args); Assert.Equal("arfle", argsClass.first); Assert.Equal("barfle", argsClass.second); Assert.Equal("gloop", argsClass.third); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Plisky Tool - Online."); var clas = new CommandArgumentSupport(); clas.ArgumentPostfix = "="; clas.ProcessArguments(options, args); if (!ValidateArgumentSettings(options)) { // TODO : Merge this in with the same code below Console.WriteLine("Fatal: Argument Validation Failed."); Console.WriteLine(); string s = clas.GenerateShortHelp(options, "Plisky Tool"); Console.WriteLine(s); return; } if ((options.Debug) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Trace))) { Console.WriteLine("Debug Mode, Adding Trace Handler"); Bilge.AddHandler(new ConsoleHandler(), HandlerAddOptions.SingleType); Bilge.SetConfigurationResolver((name, inLevel) => { SourceLevels returnLvl = SourceLevels.Verbose; if ((options.Trace != null) && (options.Trace.ToLowerInvariant() == "info")) { returnLvl = SourceLevels.Information; } if ((name.Contains("Plisky-Versioning")) || (name.Contains("Plisky-Tool"))) { return(returnLvl); } return(inLevel); }); } Bilge b = new Bilge("Plisky-Tool"); Bilge.Alert.Online("Plisky-Tool"); b.Verbose.Dump(options, "App Options"); if (PerformActionsFromCommandline()) { if (versionerUsed != null) { VersioningOutputter vo = new VersioningOutputter(versionerUsed); vo.DoOutput(options.OutputsActive); } b.Info.Log("All Actions - Complete - Exiting."); } else { // TODO : Merge this in with the same code Above string s = clas.GenerateShortHelp(options, "Plisky Tool"); Console.WriteLine(s); } b.Verbose.Log("Plisky Tool - Exit."); b.Flush(); }