public void LoadData() { string strDataFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "coincapio.dat"; string strLogFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "coincap.log"; string DL = "|"; //** Get IBM Date CommUtil cm = new CommUtil(); string strDt = cm.GetDateInt(); string strTimeHR = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours.ToString(); string strTimeMN = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Minutes.ToString(); if (strTimeHR.Equals("0")) { strTimeHR = ""; } if (Int16.Parse(strTimeMN) < 10) { strTimeMN = "0" + strTimeMN; } string strTm = strTimeHR + strTimeMN; DateTime dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); //DateTime dtDateTime = new DateTime(2017, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime dtDateTimeAdj = dtDateTime.AddSeconds(1500176348).ToLocalTime(); string strUpdt = GetStandardDt(dtDateTime); //** Get Json data //string input = ""; //string input = ""; string input = ""; WebClient client = new WebClient(); string jsonInput = client.DownloadString(input); Dictionary <string, string>[] ccurData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string>[]>(jsonInput); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string strLine = ""; string strElem = ""; //int intUTCSec = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ccurData.Length; i++) { strLine = ""; strLine = strDt + DL + strTm + DL + ccurData[i]["long"] + DL + ccurData[i]["short"] + DL; strElem = ccurData[i]["price"]; if (strElem == null) { strElem = "0"; } decimal dec = 0; if (!Decimal.TryParse(strElem, out dec)) { strElem = "0"; } strLine += strElem + DL; strElem = ccurData[i]["mktcap"]; if (strElem == null) { strElem = "0"; } else { strElem = GetFormattedElem(strElem); } strLine += strElem + DL; strElem = ccurData[i]["supply"]; if (strElem == null) { strElem = "0"; } else { strElem = GetFormattedElem(strElem); } strLine += strElem + DL; strElem = ccurData[i]["volume"]; if (strElem == null) { strElem = "0"; } else { strElem = GetFormattedElem(strElem); } strLine += strElem + "\n"; //strElem = ccurData[i]["total_supply"]; //if (strElem == null) strElem = "0"; //else strElem = GetFormattedElem(strElem); //strLine += strElem + DL; //strElem = ccurData[i]["percent_change_1h"]; //if (strElem == null) strElem = "0"; //strLine += strElem + DL; //strElem = ccurData[i]["percent_change_24h"]; //if (strElem == null) strElem = "0"; //strLine += strElem + DL; //strElem = ccurData[i]["percent_change_7d"]; //if (strElem == null) strElem = "0"; //strLine += strElem + DL; //intUTCSec = Int32.Parse(ccurData[i]["last_updated"]); //dtDateTimeAdj = dtDateTime.AddSeconds(intUTCSec).ToLocalTime(); //strUpdt = GetStandardDt(dtDateTimeAdj); //strLine += strUpdt + "\n"; sb.Append(strLine); } StreamWriter st = new StreamWriter(strLogFile, true); st.WriteLine("*************** COINCAP-IO LOG " + strDt + " at " + strTm + " ***************************"); try { File.WriteAllText(strDataFile, sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { st.WriteLine(ex.Message); st.Close(); return; } SqlClientBuilder sq = new SqlClientBuilder(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["conn"], false); if (sq.ErrNum > 0) { st.WriteLine(sq.ErrMes); return; } Hashtable htParms = new Hashtable(); htParms.Add("@table", "coincapio"); htParms.Add("@filepath", strDataFile); htParms.Add("@fieldbreak", DL); htParms.Add("@rowbreak", "\n"); htParms.Add("@truncate", 0); sq.SetData("load_table", htParms, false); if (sq.ErrNum > 0) { st.WriteLine(sq.ErrMes); st.Close(); return; } //** Add the coins that do not exist in info table yet sq.SetData("refresh_coincapinfo", true); if (sq.ErrNum > 0) { st.WriteLine(sq.ErrMes); st.Close(); return; } st.WriteLine("Sucsess - creating file and loading to database with " + ccurData.Length.ToString() + " records"); st.Close(); }