private void DoSelect()
            //SurveyQuestion[] Ent = SurveyQuestion.FindAll(SearchCriterion);
            string where = "";
            foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString()))
                    switch (item.PropertyName)
                    case "StartTime":
                        where += " and StartTime>='" + item.Value + "' ";

                    case "EndTime":
                        where += " and StartTime<='" + (item.Value.ToString()).Replace(" 0:00:00", " 23:59:59") + "' ";

                        where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' ";

            string SQL = @"select  T1.MustCheckFlow As IsCheck,T.* from  FL_Culture..SurveyQuestion As T
                            left join  FL_Culture..SurveyType AS T1
	                            on T.SurveyTypeId=T1.Id
                            where  IsFixed='0' and ( SurveyTitile is not null or  SurveyTitile<>'' ) ";

            CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit();//角色组 or HR

            if (!ps.IsSurveyRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || !ps.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName))
                SQL += " and ( T.CreateId='{0}' or T.CompanyId in ({1}) ) ";

                //UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo();
                string Corps = ps.GetCorps(UserInfo.UserID) + "";
                Corps = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Corps.TrimEnd(',')) ? "NULL" :
                        string.Join(",", Corps.TrimEnd(',').Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(ten => "'" + ten + "'").ToArray());

                SQL = string.Format(SQL, UserInfo.UserID, Corps);

            SQL  = SQL.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB);
            SQL += where;

            this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(SQL, SearchCriterion));