private void CheckKart()//Kart numarasının olması durumunda numaraya göre kart sınıfının verilerini çeker. { KartlarContext contextKartlar = new KartlarContext(); List <Kartlar> kartlar = contextKartlar.GetAllCards(); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = KartNoTextEdit.Properties.Items; coll.Clear(); coll.BeginUpdate(); try { foreach (Kartlar item in kartlar) { coll.Add(item._KartNo.ToString()); } } finally { coll.EndUpdate(); } KartNoTextEdit.SelectedIndex = -1; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(KartNoTextEdit.Text))//kart numarası olmadığı durumda tool'lara veri işlemek kapalıdır. { ToolBoxEdits(false); } }
public static void DataBind(ComboBoxItemCollection collection, IEnumerable dataSource, string valueMemberName, string tagMemberName) { if (CollectionUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSource)) { collection.Clear(); return; } MemberInfo valueMember = ReflectionUtils.GetInstanceMember <object>(valueMemberName); MemberInfo tagMember = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagMemberName)) { tagMember = ReflectionUtils.GetInstanceMember <object>(tagMemberName); } collection.BeginUpdate(); try { throw new NotImplementedException(); } finally { collection.EndUpdate(); } }
private void tabelaWybranychProduktow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Zapełnienie kolumn this.tabelaWybranychProduktow.DataSource = _asortymenty; for (int i = 0; i < this.widokTabeliWybranychProduktow.Columns.Count; i++) { if (this.widokTabeliWybranychProduktow.Columns[i].FieldName.Equals("Nazwa") || this.widokTabeliWybranychProduktow.Columns[i].FieldName.Equals("CenaEwidencyjna")) { this.widokTabeliWybranychProduktow.Columns[i].Visible = true; } else { this.widokTabeliWybranychProduktow.Columns[i].Visible = false; } } var kolumnaIlosc = new KolumnaIlosc(widokTabeliWybranychProduktow); _klienci = _serwisPodmiotow.PodajWszystkieFirmy(); // Zapełnienie pola wyboru ComboBoxItemCollection zbiorKlientowDoWyboru = this.poleWyboruKlienta.Properties.Items; zbiorKlientowDoWyboru.BeginUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < _klienci.Length; i++) { zbiorKlientowDoWyboru.Add(new KlientInfo(_klienci[i])); } zbiorKlientowDoWyboru.EndUpdate(); }
private LayoutControlItem createMetadataProviderLayoutControlItem(LayoutControlGroup lg) { LayoutControlItem lci = lg.AddItem( ); lci.Name = "lciMetadataProvider"; lci.Text = "Metadata Provider"; ComboBoxEdit o = (ComboBoxEdit)(lci.Control = new ComboBoxEdit( )); { ComboBoxItemCollection coll = o.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate( ); try { string[] name = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MetadataProviderEnum)); for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++) { string tc = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(name[i]); coll.Add(tc); } o.SelectedIndex = 0; } finally { coll.EndUpdate( ); } } return(lci); }
private void frmChuyenBan_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lsBanDangAn = BanAn_BUS.selectBanAnTheoTrangThai(1, int.Parse(frmMain.nhanVien.MaNH.Trim()), Mode); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = cbbox_BanCanChuyen.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate(); foreach (BanAn_DTO ban in lsBanDangAn) { String content = "Bàn " + ban.MaBan; coll.Add(content); coll.EndUpdate(); } lsBanTrong = BanAn_BUS.selectBanAnTheoTrangThai(0, int.Parse(frmMain.nhanVien.MaNH.Trim()), Mode); ComboBoxItemCollection coll2 = cbbox_ChuyenSangBan.Properties.Items; coll2.BeginUpdate(); foreach (BanAn_DTO ban in lsBanTrong) { String content = "Bàn " + ban.MaBan; coll2.Add(content); coll2.EndUpdate(); } indexBanDangAn = indexBanTrong = -1; }
public static void FillComboComponentType(ComboBoxItemCollection coll) { coll.BeginUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; ++i) { coll.Add(components[i]); } coll.EndUpdate(); }
private void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblInfo.Text = Reader.TestConnection(memConnString.Text); lblInfo.Visible = true; ComboBoxItemCollection itemsCollection = cmbServer.Properties.Items; itemsCollection.BeginUpdate(); lblInfo.Text = "Konekcija uspješna!"; }
private void InitComboHtmlExportType() { ComboBoxItemCollection collExportHtml = edtExportHtmlType.Properties.Items; collExportHtml.BeginUpdate(); collExportHtml.Clear(); collExportHtml.Add(ExportRootTag.Body); collExportHtml.Add(ExportRootTag.Html); collExportHtml.EndUpdate(); edtExportHtmlType.SelectedIndex = 0; htmlExportType = ExportRootTag.Body; }
private void FormZamowienia_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Zapełnienie pola wyboru ComboBoxItemCollection zbiorKlientowDoWyboru = this.comboBoxEdit1.Properties.Items; zbiorKlientowDoWyboru.BeginUpdate(); foreach (var k in _kontrahenci) { zbiorKlientowDoWyboru.Add(k); } zbiorKlientowDoWyboru.EndUpdate(); }
private void InitComboCssExportType() { ComboBoxItemCollection collCssStyle = edtCssStyleType.Properties.Items; collCssStyle.BeginUpdate(); collCssStyle.Clear(); collCssStyle.Add(CssPropertiesExportType.Style); collCssStyle.Add(CssPropertiesExportType.Link); collCssStyle.Add(CssPropertiesExportType.Inline); collCssStyle.EndUpdate(); edtCssStyleType.SelectedIndex = 0; cssExportType = CssPropertiesExportType.Style; }
private void load_CbboxBanTrong() { ComboBoxItemCollection coll = cbboxChuyenVaoBan.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < lsBan.Count; i++) { String content = "Bàn " + lsBan[i].MaBan; coll.Add(content); coll.EndUpdate(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gridde alanların listelenmesi ile alan isimleri de ortaya çıkar. Bu alan isimleri database'deki alan /// isimleri ile eşleştirme amacıyla tüm comboboxlara yüklenir. Daha sonra ekleme için, gridde'ki hangi alan /// database'deki hangi alana eklenecek seçilir. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmb"></param> private void BaslikYukle(ComboBoxEdit cmb) { ComboBoxItemCollection data = cmb.Properties.Items; data.Clear(); data.BeginUpdate(); data.Add(""); for (int i = 0; i < gridListe.Columns.Count; i++) { data.Add(gridListe.Columns[i].FieldName); } data.EndUpdate(); cmb.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void nhom() { ComboBoxItemCollection item = comboBoxEdit1.Properties.Items; item.BeginUpdate(); using (qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2()) { foreach (var i in c.NhomDoiTuongs.Select(a => a.MaNhom)) { item.Add(i); } } item.EndUpdate(); }
private void khoa() { ComboBoxItemCollection item = comboBoxEdit2.Properties.Items; item.BeginUpdate(); using (qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2()) { foreach (var i in c.Khoas.Select(a => a.MaKhoa)) { item.Add(i); } } item.EndUpdate(); }
void load() { var b = c.Khoas.Select(a => a.TenKhoa); ComboBoxItemCollection item = cbNhom.Properties.Items; item.BeginUpdate(); using (qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2()) { foreach (var i in b) { item.Add(i); } } item.EndUpdate(); }
void PopulateComboBoxWithBuiltInTableStyles(IWorkbook workbook) { // Add names of all built-in table styles contained in the workbook to the combo box. ComboBoxItemCollection comboBoxItems = comboBuiltInTableStyles.Properties.Items; comboBoxItems.BeginUpdate(); try { Array builtInTableStyleIds = Enum.GetValues(typeof(BuiltInTableStyleId)); for (int i = 0; i < builtInTableStyleIds.Length; i++) { comboBoxItems.Add(workbook.TableStyles[(BuiltInTableStyleId)builtInTableStyleIds.GetValue(i)].Name); } } finally { comboBoxItems.EndUpdate(); } }
private void LoadFlag() { this.cb_Flag.Properties.Items.Clear(); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = this.cb_Flag.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate(); try { coll.Add("是"); coll.Add("否"); } finally { coll.EndUpdate(); } this.cb_GoodsType.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void comboBoxinit() { ComboBoxItemCollection coll = comboBoxCarList.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate(); try { //coll.Add(new PersonInfo("Sven")); //coll.Add(new PersonInfo("Cheryl")); //coll.Add(new PersonInfo("Dirk")); } finally { coll.EndUpdate(); } comboBoxCarList.SelectedIndex = -1; Controls.Add(comboBoxCarList); }
public void ShowMaterialType(List <string> typeList) { this.cb_GoodsType.Properties.Items.Clear(); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = this.cb_GoodsType.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate(); try { for (int i = 0; i < typeList.Count; i++) { coll.Add(typeList[i]); } } finally { coll.EndUpdate(); } this.cb_GoodsType.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void InitializeIndexList() { List <IndexSystem> list = this.indexService.FindAllIndexSystem(); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = this.cmbIndexSystemNames.Properties.Items; try { coll.BeginUpdate(); foreach (IndexSystem item in list) { coll.Add(item); } } finally { coll.EndUpdate(); } this.cmbIndexSystemNames.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void frmLogin_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //ComboBoxEdit combo = new ComboBoxEdit(); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = cmbDB.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate(); try { coll.Add("localhost"); //coll.Add(""); } finally { coll.EndUpdate(); } cmbDB.Reset(); cmbDB.SelectedIndex = 0; Controls.Add(cmbDB); }
public CreateItemVersionSelection(LeagueBuildStatsForm form, List <string> versions) { var matches = form.Controls.Find("cmbBoxEditItemVersion", true); foreach (Control c in matches) { ComboBoxEdit cmbBoxItemVersions = (ComboBoxEdit)c; ComboBoxItemCollection coll = cmbBoxItemVersions.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate(); try { foreach (string ver in versions) { coll.Add(ver); } } finally { coll.EndUpdate(); } } }
private void LoadDanhSachTho() { BUL_Tho bulTho = new BUL_Tho(); List <THO> listThos = bulTho.GetAllWorkerList(); comboBoxEditTenTho.Properties.TextEditStyle = TextEditStyles.DisableTextEditor; _comboboxItemsTho = comboBoxEditTenTho.Properties.Items; _comboboxItemsTho.BeginUpdate(); try { foreach (var item in listThos) { ContainerItem tho = new ContainerItem(); tho.Text = item.TenTho; tho.Value = item; _comboboxItemsTho.Add(tho); } } finally { _comboboxItemsTho.EndUpdate(); } }
private void Init() { EducationalServices eduServices = new EducationalServices(); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = comboBoxEdit1.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate(); try { List <Educational> EList = eduServices.GetAllEducationals(); foreach (Educational edu in eduServices.GetAllEducationals()) { coll.Add(edu.EducationalName); } } finally { coll.EndUpdate(); } comboBoxEdit1.SelectedIndex = -1; Application.DoEvents(); }
private void comboBoxEdit2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBoxEdit4.Properties.Items.Clear(); ComboBoxItemCollection item = comboBoxEdit4.Properties.Items; item.BeginUpdate(); using (qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2()) { String k = comboBoxEdit2.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit2); var query = from e1 in c.BacSis where e1.Khoa.Equals(k) select e1.MaBS; foreach (var i in query) { item.Add(i); } } item.EndUpdate(); }
private void comboBoxEdit3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex == (int)CANBusAdapter.COMBI || cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex == (int)CANBusAdapter.ELM327 || cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex == (int)CANBusAdapter.JUST4TRIONIC || cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex == (int)CANBusAdapter.MXWIFI) { btnAdapterConfiguration.Enabled = true; } else { btnAdapterConfiguration.Enabled = false; } if (cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex != -1) { string[] adapters = ITrionic.GetAdapterNames((CANBusAdapter)cbAdapterType.SelectedIndex); ComboBoxItemCollection collection = cbAdapter.Properties.Items; collection.BeginUpdate(); collection.Clear(); foreach (string adapter in adapters) { collection.Add(adapter); } collection.EndUpdate(); if (adapters.Length > 0) { cbAdapter.SelectedIndex = 0; cbAdapter.Enabled = true; } else { cbAdapter.SelectedIndex = -1; cbAdapter.Enabled = false; } } }
private LayoutControlItem createSyntaxProviderLayoutControlItem(LayoutControlGroup lg) { LayoutControlItem lci = lg.AddItem( ); lci.Name = "lciMetadataProvider"; lci.Text = "Metadata Provider"; ComboBoxEdit o = (ComboBoxEdit)(lci.Control = new ComboBoxEdit( )); { ComboBoxItemCollection coll = o.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate( ); try { coll.AddRange(SyntaxProviderType.ToArray); o.SelectedIndex = 0; } finally { coll.EndUpdate( ); } } return(lci); }
private void LoadTho(int matho) { BUL_Tho bulTho = new BUL_Tho(); List <THO> listThos = bulTho.GetAllWorkerList(); comboBoxEditTenTho.Properties.TextEditStyle = TextEditStyles.DisableTextEditor; _comboboxItemsTho = comboBoxEditTenTho.Properties.Items; _comboboxItemsTho.BeginUpdate(); try { foreach (var item in listThos) { ContainerItem tho = new ContainerItem(); tho.Text = item.TenTho; tho.Value = item; _comboboxItemsTho.Add(tho); } } finally { _comboboxItemsTho.EndUpdate(); } comboBoxEditTenTho.SelectedIndex = listThos.IndexOf(listThos.Find(i => i.MaTho == matho)); }
void Load_ComboBox_DonViTinh() { listDonViTinh = new List <DonViTinh_View>(); listDonViTinh = DonViTinh_DAL.getAll_DonViTinh(); ComboBoxItemCollection items = cbDonViTinh.Properties.Items; items.BeginUpdate(); try { for (int i = 0; i < listDonViTinh.Count; i++) { items.Add(listDonViTinh[i].TenDonViTinh.ToString()); } } finally { items.EndUpdate(); } cbDonViTinh.Properties.AutoComplete = true; }
private void frmThemMonAn_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dtLoaiMonAn = LoaiMonAn_BUS.DocLoaiMonAn(); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = cboLoaiMonAn.Properties.Items; coll.BeginUpdate(); foreach (DataRow row in dtLoaiMonAn.Rows) { coll.Add((String)row.ItemArray[1]); coll.EndUpdate(); } //cboLoaiMonAn.SelectedIndex = 0; dtMonAn = new DataTable(); dtMonAnChon = new DataTable(); dtMonAnChon.Columns.Add("MaMon", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")); dtMonAnChon.Columns.Add("TenMon", System.Type.GetType("System.String")); dtMonAnChon.Columns.Add("DonViTinh", System.Type.GetType("System.String")); dtMonAnChon.Columns.Add("SoLuong", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")); dtMonAnChon.Columns.Add("Gia", System.Type.GetType("System.Double")); }