protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ComboBoxWeighingLocation.DataBind(); ComboBoxCustomer.DataBind(); // parse the FreightId and link this one up to that freight if (Request.Params["FreightId"] != null) { //ModelTMSContainer ControlObjectContext = new ModelTMSContainer(Session["CustomerConnectString"].ToString(), Session); CurrentWeighingId = new Guid(Request.Params["FreightId"].ToString()); Freight frg = Freight.SelectFreightByFreightId(CurrentWeighingId, ControlObjectContext); if ((frg.FreightStatus == "In sorting") && (frg.FreightSortingMaterial.Count == 0)) { // only create a new sorting form for an existing weighing if this weighing is "In sorting" and not filled in yet PrepareOldWeighingForSorting(); // show form CurrentPageNr = 2; } else { CurrentWeighingId = Guid.Empty; } } Common.LimitLocationList(ComboBoxWeighingLocation.Items, Session, ControlObjectContext); ShowCorrectCustomer(); } }
protected void LoadFreightData(Freight frg) { RadioButtonListBuyOrSell.SelectedIndex = frg.FreightDirection == "To customer" ? 1 : 0; RadioButtonListBuyOrSell_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); CalendarWithTimeControlDateTime1.SelectedDateTime = frg.FreightDateTime; TextBoxTotalNetWeight.Text = frg.TotalNetWeight.ToString(); TextBoxPMV.Text = frg.FirstFreightWeighingDescription(); TextBoxCustomerPlate.Text = frg.YourTruckPlate; TextBoxCustomerID.Text = frg.YourDriverName; ComboBoxWeighingLocation.DataBind(); ListItem li = ComboBoxWeighingLocation.Items.FindByValue(frg.SourceOrDestinationLocation.Id.ToString()); if (li != null) { li.Selected = true; } ComboBoxCustomer.DataBind(); li = ComboBoxCustomer.Items.FindByValue(frg.FromRelation.Id.ToString()); if (li != null) { li.Selected = true; } ComboBoxOurPlate.DataBind(); if (frg.OurTruck != null) { li = ComboBoxOurPlate.Items.FindByValue(frg.OurTruck.Id.ToString()); if (li != null) { li.Selected = true; } } //ComboBoxWeighingLocation = ControlObjectContext.GetObjectByKey(new EntityKey("ModelTMSContainer.LocationSet", "Id", frg.SourceOrDestinationLocation )) as Location; //ComboBoxCustomer = ControlObjectContext.GetObjectByKey(new EntityKey("ModelTMSContainer.RelationSet", "Id", frg.FromRelation.Id)) as Relation; //ComboBoxOurPlate = ControlObjectContext.GetObjectByKey(new EntityKey("ModelTMSContainer.TruckSet", "Id", frg.OurTruck.Id)) as Truck; }
public void LoadFirstWeighingData(Freight frg) { DataBind(); FreightWeighing fgw = frg.FreightWeighing.First <FreightWeighing>(); FreightWeighingMaterial fwm = fgw.FreightWeighingMaterial.First <FreightWeighingMaterial>(); TextBoxOrderNumber.Text = frg.OurReference.ToString(); TextBoxDescription.Text = frg.Description; if (frg.FreightDirection == "To warehouse") { RadioButtonListBuyOrSell.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { RadioButtonListBuyOrSell.SelectedIndex = 1; } SetCustomerType(); ComboBoxWeighingLocation.DataBind(); ListItem li = ComboBoxWeighingLocation.Items.FindByValue(frg.SourceOrDestinationLocation.Id.ToString()); if (li != null) { li.Selected = true; } CalendarWithTimeControlDateTime1.SelectedDateTime = frg.FreightDateTime; TextBoxKey1.Text = fgw.Key1; TextBoxGrossWeight.Text = fgw.Weight1.ToString(); CheckBoxIsDriverInTruck.Checked = fgw.IsDriverInTruck; TextBoxPMV.Text = fgw.Description; ComboBoxOurPlate.DataBind(); if (frg.OurTruck != null) { li = ComboBoxOurPlate.Items.FindByValue(frg.OurTruck.Id.ToString()); if (li != null) { li.Selected = true; ComboBoxOurPlate.SelectedIndex = ComboBoxOurPlate.Items.IndexOf(li); } } TextBoxCustomerPlate.Text = frg.YourTruckPlate; TextBoxCustomerID.Text = frg.YourDriverName; ComboBoxCustomer.DataBind(); li = ComboBoxCustomer.Items.FindByValue(frg.FromRelation.Id.ToString()); if (li != null) { li.Selected = true; } LabelCustomerGuid.Text = frg.FromRelation.Id.ToString(); ComboBoxProduct.DataBind(); li = ComboBoxProduct.Items.FindByValue(fwm.Material.Id.ToString()); if (li != null) { li.Selected = true; } CurrentWeighingId = frg.Id; // make sure the cash ledger of the current location is set SetCorrectLocationCashLedger(); }
private void EnableCorrectScreenElements() { // disable all screen elements //PanelCustomerInformation.Visible = true; PanelFirstWeighing.Visible = false; PanelFirstWeighingNr.Visible = false; PanelInvoice.Visible = false; PanelSecondWeighing.Visible = false; PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Visible = false; PanelCustomerInformation.Enabled = false; PanelFirstWeighing.Enabled = false; PanelFirstWeighingNr.Enabled = false; PanelInvoice.Enabled = false; PanelSecondWeighing.Enabled = false; PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Enabled = false; ButtonContinue.Visible = false; ButtonDestroyAndBack.Visible = false; ButtonInvoiceOrder.Visible = false; ButtonNew.Visible = false; ButtonPrintAndProcess.Visible = false; ButtonRevert.Visible = false; ButtonSecondWeighing.Visible = false; ButtonSortOrder.Visible = false; URLPopUpControlLegalDocuments.Visible = false; if (CurrentPageNr == 9) { CurrentPageNr = 1; } if (CurrentPageNr == 19) { CurrentPageNr = 1; } if (CurrentPageNr == 12) { CurrentPageNr = 11; } // error situation. Fix this way. if (CurrentPageNr > 23) { CurrentPageNr = 23; } // error situation. Fix this way. switch (CurrentPageNr) // note : 1 is general, 10 series is for first weighing, 20 is for second weighing. { case 1: PanelCustomerInformation.Enabled = true; ButtonContinue.Visible = true; break; case 10: PanelFirstWeighing.Visible = true; PanelFirstWeighing.Enabled = true; CalendarWithTimeControlDateTime1.SelectedDateTime = Common.CurrentClientDateTime(Session); ComboBoxWeighingLocation.DataBind(); ComboBoxCustomer.DataBind(); ShowCorrectCustomer(); ButtonRevert.Visible = PanelCustomerInformation.Visible; ButtonPrintAndProcess.Visible = true; break; case 11: if (Convert.ToInt64("0" + TextBoxGrossWeight.Text) <= 0) { CurrentPageNr--; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); Common.InformUser(Page, "Vul aub een positief gewicht in."); } else { if (ProcessFirstWeighing()) { PanelFirstWeighing.Visible = true; PanelFirstWeighing.Enabled = true; PanelFirstWeighingNr.Visible = true; ButtonSecondWeighing.Visible = true; //ButtonDestroyAndBack.Visible = true; ButtonNew.Visible = true; PanelInvoice.Visible = true; PanelInvoice.Enabled = true; FrameShowInvoiceB.Visible = false; FrameShowInvoiceA.Attributes["src"] = "WebFormPopup.aspx?UC=ShowReport&d=DataSetWeighing&r=ReportWeighingA4&Id=" + CurrentWeighingId.ToString(); URLPopUpControlLegalDocuments.URLToPopup = "webformpopup.aspx?UC=FreightLegalDocuments&FreightId=" + CurrentWeighingId.ToString(); URLPopUpControlLegalDocuments.Visible = true; } else { CurrentPageNr--; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); } } break; case 20: PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Visible = true; PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Enabled = true; LabelWeighingLoaded.Text = ""; ButtonRevert.Visible = true; ButtonContinue.Visible = true; break; case 21: // load freight Freight frg = Freight.SelectFreightByFreightNr(Convert.ToInt64(TextBoxOrderNumber.Text), new ModelTMSContainer(Session["CustomerConnectString"].ToString(), Session)); if (frg != null) { if (LabelWeighingLoaded.Text == "") { LoadFirstWeighingData(frg); LabelWeighingLoaded.Text = "x"; } PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Visible = true; PanelFirstWeighing.Visible = true; PanelFirstWeighing.Enabled = true; PanelSecondWeighing.Visible = true; CalendarWithTimeControl2.SelectedDateTime = Common.CurrentClientDateTime(Session); ButtonRevert.Visible = true; ButtonContinue.Visible = true; if (frg.FreightStatus != "2nd weighing") { Common.InformUser(Page, "Deze weging heeft niet de juiste status voor het invoeren van een tweede weging. U kunt deze gegevens wel invoeren als u het zeker weet."); } } else { CurrentPageNr--; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); if (frg == null) { Common.InformUser(Page, "Geef aub een correct vrachtnummer op."); } else { Common.InformUser(Page, "Het opgegeven vrachtnummer is correct, maar deze vracht is al verder verwerkt. Een tweede weging opgeven kan maar één keer."); } } break; case 22: PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Visible = true; PanelFirstWeighing.Visible = true; PanelSecondWeighing.Visible = true; PanelSecondWeighing.Enabled = true; SetCustomerType(); ButtonRevert.Visible = true; ButtonPrintAndProcess.Visible = true; break; case 23: if (Convert.ToInt64("0" + TextBoxGrossWeight.Text) <= Convert.ToInt64("0" + TextBoxWeight2.Text)) { CurrentPageNr--; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); Common.InformUser(Page, "Vul aub een gewicht in wat kleiner is dan de eerste weging."); } else { if (ProcessSecondWeighing()) { PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Visible = true; PanelFirstWeighing.Visible = true; PanelSecondWeighing.Visible = true; PanelInvoice.Visible = true; PanelInvoice.Enabled = true; ButtonNew.Visible = true; //ButtonDestroyAndBack.Visible = true; ButtonSortOrder.Visible = CheckBoxWeighingActionSort.Checked; ButtonInvoiceOrder.Visible = CheckBoxWeighingActionInvoice.Checked; FrameShowInvoiceB.Visible = CheckBoxWeighingActionPay.Checked; FrameShowInvoiceA.Attributes["src"] = "WebFormPopup.aspx?UC=ShowReport&d=DataSetWeighing&r=ReportWeighingA4&Id=" + CurrentWeighingId.ToString(); if (FrameShowInvoiceB.Visible) { FrameShowInvoiceB.Attributes["src"] = "WebFormPopup.aspx?UC=ShowReport&d=DataSetInvoice&r=ReportInvoiceA4&Id=" + LabelGeneratedInvoiceId.Text.ToString(); } URLPopUpControlLegalDocuments.URLToPopup = "webformpopup.aspx?UC=FreightLegalDocuments&FreightId=" + CurrentWeighingId.ToString(); URLPopUpControlLegalDocuments.Visible = true; } else { CurrentPageNr--; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); } } break; } }
private void EnableCorrectScreenElements() { string InvoiceType = ""; PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Visible = true; PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Enabled = false; PanelBasicData.Visible = false; PanelBasicData.Enabled = false; PanelMaterials.Visible = false; PanelMaterials.Enabled = false; PanelTotals.Visible = false; PanelTotals.Enabled = false; PanelInvoice.Visible = false; PanelInvoice.Enabled = false; ButtonContinue.Visible = false; ButtonDestroyAndBack.Visible = false; ButtonInvoiceOrder.Visible = false; ButtonNew.Visible = false; ButtonPrintAndProcess.Visible = false; ButtonProcessAndCashInvoice.Visible = false; ButtonRevert.Visible = false; URLPopUpControlShowSorting.Visible = false; LabelWeightWarning.Visible = false; switch (CurrentPageNr) { case 1: PanelSecondWeighingOrderNumber.Enabled = true; ButtonContinue.Visible = true; break; case 2: ButtonContinue.Visible = true; ButtonRevert.Visible = true; PanelBasicData.Visible = true; PanelBasicData.Enabled = true; // get the data from the already registered weighing if (Convert.ToInt32(LabelPreviousPageNr.Text) < CurrentPageNr) { if ((!CheckBoxNewSorting.Checked)) { bool Success = false; try { long FreightNr = Convert.ToInt64(TextBoxOrderNumber.Text); Freight frg = Freight.SelectFreightByFreightNr(FreightNr, new ModelTMSContainer(Session["CustomerConnectString"].ToString(), Session)); if (frg != null) { LoadFreightData(frg); CurrentWeighingId = frg.Id; Success = true; if (RadioButtonListBuyOrSell.SelectedIndex == 0) { InvoiceType = "Buy"; } else { InvoiceType = "Sell"; } URLPopUpControlShowSorting.URLToPopup = "WebFormPopup.aspx?UC=ShowReport&d=DataSetSorting&r=ReportSortingA4&Id=" + CurrentWeighingId.ToString() + "&InvoiceType=" + InvoiceType; } else { Common.InformUser(Page, "Geef aub een geldig nummer op voor de sorteerbon die nog niet verder is verwerkt."); } } catch { } if (!Success) { CurrentPageNr--; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); } } else { ComboBoxWeighingLocation.DataBind(); ComboBoxOurPlate.DataBind(); ComboBoxCustomer.DataBind(); CalendarWithTimeControlDateTime1.SelectedDateTime = Common.CurrentClientDateTime(Session); TextBoxTotalNetWeight.Text = "0"; ShowCorrectCustomer(); } } break; case 3: ButtonContinue.Visible = true; ButtonRevert.Visible = true; PanelBasicData.Visible = true; PanelMaterials.Enabled = true; PanelMaterials.Visible = true; // load materials from the sorting into the xml data source InitSortingMaterials(); break; case 4: PanelBasicData.Visible = true; PanelMaterials.Visible = true; PanelTotals.Visible = true; PanelTotals.Enabled = true; // save in XML LoadSortingMaterials(); // load them in the freightsortingmaterial lines SaveSortingMaterials(); // save them in the screen & freightsortingmaterial lines // calc total weights double TotalWeightInLines = Convert.ToDouble(LabelTotalWeightInOrder.Text); double TotalWeightInOrder = 0; try { TotalWeightInOrder = Convert.ToDouble(TextBoxTotalNetWeight.Text); } catch { TotalWeightInOrder = 0.1; }; LabelWeightWarning.Visible = TotalWeightInOrder < TotalWeightInLines; if (LabelWeightWarning.Visible) { Common.InformUser(Page, LabelWeightWarning.Text); } ButtonContinue.Visible = true; ButtonRevert.Visible = true; ButtonProcessAndCashInvoice.Visible = true; break; case 5: PanelBasicData.Visible = true; PanelMaterials.Visible = true; PanelTotals.Visible = true; PanelInvoice.Visible = true; PanelInvoice.Enabled = true; // store the sorted materials which are relevant with the weighing LoadSortingMaterials(); if (StoreSorting()) { // if storing was successfull then show the sorting slip if (RadioButtonListBuyOrSell.SelectedIndex == 0) { InvoiceType = "Buy"; } else { InvoiceType = "Sell"; } FrameShowInvoice.Attributes["src"] = "WebFormPopup.aspx?UC=ShowReport&d=DataSetSorting&r=ReportSortingA4&Id=" + CurrentWeighingId.ToString() + "&InvoiceType=" + InvoiceType; ButtonDestroyAndBack.Visible = true; ButtonInvoiceOrder.Visible = true; ButtonNew.Visible = true; } else { CurrentPageNr--; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); } break; } }