public SmartPlaylistQueryValueEntry() : base() { combo = ComboBox.NewText(); combo.WidthRequest = DefaultWidth; int count = 0; SmartPlaylistSource playlist; foreach (Source child in ServiceManager.SourceManager.DefaultSource.Children) { playlist = child as SmartPlaylistSource; if (playlist != null && playlist.DbId != null) { if (Editor.CurrentlyEditing == null || (Editor.CurrentlyEditing != playlist && !playlist.DependsOn(Editor.CurrentlyEditing))) { combo.AppendText(playlist.Name); playlist_id_combo_map [(int)playlist.DbId] = count; combo_playlist_id_map [count++] = (int)playlist.DbId; } } } Add(combo); combo.Active = 0; combo.Changed += HandleValueChanged; }
public GtkFeatureWidget(DotNetProject project) { Spacing = 6; versionCombo = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); ReferenceManager refmgr = new ReferenceManager(project); foreach (string v in refmgr.SupportedGtkVersions) { versionCombo.AppendText(v); } versionCombo.Active = 0; refmgr.Dispose(); // GTK# version selector HBox box = new HBox(false, 6); Gtk.Label vlab = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Target GTK# version:")); box.PackStart(vlab, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(versionCombo, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("(or upper)")), false, false, 0); PackStart(box, false, false, 0); ShowAll(); }
void PopulateBox(ComboBox box, string category, List <Type> types) { var mapping = Options.CollectionMappings.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Category == category); Type current = null; if (mapping != null) { current = GetType(mapping.TypeName); } if (current == null) { current = types [0]; } if (!types.Contains(current)) { types.Add(current); } foreach (var type in types) { box.AppendText(GetTypeName(type)); } box.Active = types.IndexOf(current); }
private void OnResetPasswordLoad(object o, EventArgs args) { DomainController domainController = DomainController.GetDomainController(); domains = domainController.GetLoggedInDomains(); if (domains == null) { this.Respond(ResponseType.DeleteEvent); return; } string defaultDomainID = simws.GetDefaultDomainID(); int defaultDomain = 0; for (int x = 0; x < domains.Length; x++) { domainComboBox.AppendText(domains[x].Name + "-" + domains[x].Host); if (defaultDomainID != null && defaultDomainID == domains[x].ID) { defaultDomain = x; } } if (domains.Length > 0) { domainComboBox.Active = defaultDomain; } oldPassword.Sensitive = newPassword.Sensitive = confirmPassword.Sensitive = savePassword.Sensitive = true; }
public TasksPanelWidget() { Build(); comboPriority = ComboBox.NewText(); foreach (TaskPriority priority in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TaskPriority))) { comboPriority.AppendText(Enum.GetName(typeof(TaskPriority), priority)); } comboPriority.Changed += new EventHandler(Validate); comboPriority.Show(); vboxPriority.PackEnd(comboPriority, false, false, 0); tokensStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(int)); tokensTreeView.AppendColumn(String.Empty, new CellRendererText(), "text", 0); tokensTreeView.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(OnTokenSelectionChanged); tokensTreeView.Model = tokensStore; OnTokenSelectionChanged(null, null); buttonAdd.Clicked += new EventHandler(AddToken); buttonChange.Clicked += new EventHandler(ChangeToken); buttonRemove.Clicked += new EventHandler(RemoveToken); entryToken.Changed += new EventHandler(Validate); }
protected void OnOK(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Clear media player list for (int j = 0; j != mediaPlayerCombo.Model.IterNChildren();) { Console.WriteLine("Removing a line"); mediaPlayerCombo.RemoveText(0); } // Add media players to list for (int i = 0; i < store.IterNChildren(); i++) { TreeIter iter; string playerValue; // Get strings from list store.GetIterFromString(out iter, i.ToString()); playerValue = store.GetValue(iter, 0).ToString(); // Append strings to combo box Console.WriteLine("Adding " + playerValue); mediaPlayerCombo.AppendText(playerValue); // Select first player in combo box TreeIter newSelect; mediaPlayerCombo.Model.GetIterFirst(out newSelect); mediaPlayerCombo.SetActiveIter(newSelect); } this.Destroy(); }
private void BuildInterface() { field_chooser = ComboBox.NewText(); field_chooser.Changed += HandleFieldChanged; op_chooser = ComboBox.NewText(); op_chooser.RowSeparatorFunc = IsRowSeparator; op_chooser.Changed += HandleOperatorChanged; value_box = new HBox(); remove_button = new Button(new Image("gtk-remove", IconSize.Button)); remove_button.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; remove_button.Clicked += OnButtonRemoveClicked; add_button = new Button(new Image("gtk-add", IconSize.Button)); add_button.Relief = ReliefStyle.None; add_button.Clicked += OnButtonAddClicked; button_box = new HBox(); button_box.PackStart(remove_button, false, false, 0); button_box.PackStart(add_button, false, false, 0); foreach (QueryField field in sorted_fields) { field_chooser.AppendText(field.Label); } Show(); field_chooser.Active = 0; }
public ProfileSetupDialog(Gtk.Window parent) : base("Profile Options", parent, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel, Stock.Execute, ResponseType.Accept) { config = new ProfileConfiguration(); HBox box = new HBox(false, 6); box.PackStart(new Label("Assembly:"), false, false, 0); FileChooserButton assembly_button = new FileChooserButton("Select Assembly", FileChooserAction.Open); FileFilter filter = new FileFilter(); filter.AddPattern("*.exe"); assembly_button.Filter = filter; assembly_button.SelectionChanged += delegate { config.AssemblyPath = assembly_button.Filename; SetResponseSensitive(ResponseType.Accept, !String.IsNullOrEmpty(assembly_button.Filename)); }; box.PackStart(assembly_button, true, true, 0); box.ShowAll(); VBox.PackStart(box, false, false, 3); box = new HBox(false, 6); box.PackStart(new Label("Type:"), false, false, 0); ComboBox type_combo = ComboBox.NewText(); type_combo.AppendText("Allocations"); type_combo.AppendText("Calls/Instrumented"); type_combo.AppendText("Statistical"); type_combo.Active = 2; type_combo.Changed += delegate { config.Mode = (ProfileMode)(1 << type_combo.Active); }; box.PackStart(type_combo, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); VBox.PackStart(box, false, false, 3); box = new HBox(false, 6); CheckButton start_enabled_chkbtn = new CheckButton("Enabled at Startup"); start_enabled_chkbtn.Active = true; start_enabled_chkbtn.Toggled += delegate { config.StartEnabled = start_enabled_chkbtn.Active; }; box.PackStart(start_enabled_chkbtn, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); VBox.PackStart(box, false, false, 3); SetResponseSensitive(ResponseType.Accept, false); }
public XspOptionsPanelWidget(AspNetAppProjectFlavor project) { Build(); XspParameters xPar = project.XspParameters; //index should be equivalent to XspSslMode enum ((ListStore)sslMode.Model).Clear(); sslMode.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("None")); sslMode.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Enabled")); sslMode.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Accept Client Certificates")); sslMode.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Require Client Certificates")); //index should be equivalent to XspSslProtocol enum ((ListStore)sslProtocol.Model).Clear(); sslProtocol.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Default")); #pragma warning disable MD0005 sslProtocol.AppendText("TLS"); sslProtocol.AppendText("SSL 2"); sslProtocol.AppendText("SSL 3"); #pragma warning restore MD0005 ((ListStore)keyType.Model).Clear(); keyType.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("None")); #pragma warning disable MD0005 keyType.AppendText("Pkcs12"); keyType.AppendText("PVK"); #pragma warning restore MD0005 ((ListStore)passwordOptions.Model).Clear(); passwordOptions.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("None")); passwordOptions.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Ask")); passwordOptions.AppendText(GettextCatalog.GetString("Store (insecure)")); //load all options ipAddress.Text = xPar.Address; portNumber.Value = xPar.Port; verboseCheck.Active = xPar.Verbose; sslMode.Active = (int)xPar.SslMode; sslProtocol.Active = (int)xPar.SslProtocol; keyType.Active = (int)xPar.KeyType; keyLocation.Path = xPar.PrivateKeyFile; certLocation.Path = xPar.CertificateFile; passwordOptions.Active = (int)xPar.PasswordOptions; passwordEntry.Text = xPar.PrivateKeyPassword; }
//when only one value has to be displayed public static void ComboUpdate(ComboBox myCombo, string myData) { //1stdelete combo values comboDelAll(myCombo); //2nd put new values myCombo.AppendText(myData); }
void PopulateTargetFrameworks() { foreach (TargetFramework framework in wizardPage.TargetFrameworks) { targetFrameworkComboBox.AppendText(framework.GetDisplayName()); } targetFrameworkComboBox.Active = wizardPage.SelectedTargetFrameworkIndex; }
public void LoadProviderCombo() { for (int i = 0; i < providers.Length; i++) { providerCombo.AppendText(providers[i].Name); } providerCombo.Changed += new EventHandler(OnProviderChanged); }
private void LoadComboBox(ComboBox cmb, IList <string> names) { foreach (var c in names) { cmb.AppendText(c); } cmb.Active = 0; }
public static void generirajKategorije(ComboBox cb) { foreach (var s in Kategorija.kategorije) { cb.AppendText(s.Naziv); } cb.Active = 0; combo.Add(cb); }
public void Render(HBox browseBtnBox, ComboBox subscribedBox) { foreach (SubReddit subreddit in subReddits) { Label labelObj = new Label(; subscribedBox.AppendText(; GenerateButton(browseBtnBox, labelObj); } }
void PopulateAuthentications() { foreach (var authentication in wizardPage.SupportedAuthentications) { authenticationComboBox.AppendText(authentication.Description); } authenticationComboBox.Active = wizardPage.SelectedAuthenticationIndex; authenticationInformationLabel.LabelProp = wizardPage.SupportedAuthentications [wizardPage.SelectedAuthenticationIndex].Information; }
private void InitializeWidgets(Dictionary <Type, string> processes) { // Por defecto tiene un elemento sin texto que mejor eliminamos. bitmapProcessCmb.RemoveText(0); foreach (string desc in processes.Values) { bitmapProcessCmb.AppendText(desc); } }
void FillPolicySets() { loading = true; int current = policiesCombo.Active; ((ListStore)policiesCombo.Model).Clear(); policiesCombo.WidthRequest = -1; sets.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Name.CompareTo(p2.Name)); foreach (PolicySet pset in sets) { policiesCombo.AppendText(pset.Name ?? ""); } if (current == -1 && sets.Count > 0) { policiesCombo.Active = 0; } else if (current >= sets.Count) { policiesCombo.Active = sets.Count - 1; } else { policiesCombo.Active = current; } if (policiesCombo.SizeRequest().Width < 200) { policiesCombo.WidthRequest = 200; } loading = false; if (policiesCombo.Active != -1 && sets [policiesCombo.Active] != currentSet) { currentSet = sets [policiesCombo.Active]; editingSet.Name = currentSet.Name; editingSet.CopyFrom(currentSet); } UpdateStatus(); }
public WindowOne() { VBox vb = new VBox(); Button sendDrink = new Button("Send Drink"); sendDrink.Clicked += OnSend; drink.Changed += new EventHandler(onDrinkChanged); drink.AppendText("Beer"); drink.AppendText("Red Wine"); drink.AppendText("White Wine"); drink.AppendText("Whiskey"); vb.PackStart(drink, false, false, 1); vb.PackStart(sendDrink, false, false, 1); w1.Add(vb); w1.ShowAll(); }
public static void ComboUpdate(ComboBox myCombo, List <double> list) { //1stdelete combo values comboDelAll(myCombo); //2nd put new values foreach (double l in list) { myCombo.AppendText(l.ToString()); } }
//more elegant method, with ArrayList public static void ComboUpdate(ComboBox myCombo, ArrayList array) { //1stdelete combo values comboDelAll(myCombo); //2nd put new values foreach (string str in array) { myCombo.AppendText(str); } }
public static void ComboUpdate(ComboBox myCombo, List <string> list) { //1stdelete combo values comboDelAll(myCombo); //2nd put new values foreach (string l in list) { myCombo.AppendText(l); } }
public WindowTwo() { VBox vb = new VBox(); Button sendCheese = new Button("Send Cheese"); sendCheese.Clicked += OnSend; cheese.Changed += new EventHandler(onCheeseChanged); cheese.AppendText("Gorgonzola"); cheese.AppendText("Edam"); cheese.AppendText("Brie"); cheese.AppendText("Feta"); vb.PackStart(cheese, false, false, 1); vb.PackStart(sendCheese, false, false, 1); w2.Add(vb); w2.ShowAll(); }
public ComboBoxWidget(string[] entries) { this.Build(); foreach (string s in entries) { combobox.AppendText(s); } combobox.Changed += delegate { OnChanged(); }; }
// Convenience function to create a combo box holding a number of strings private ComboBox CreateComboBox(string [] strings) { ComboBox combo = ComboBox.NewText(); foreach (string str in strings) { combo.AppendText(str); } combo.Active = 0; return(combo); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the methods. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param> /// <param name="e">E.</param> private static void AddMethods(object sender, EventArgs e) { var name = classes.ActiveText.ToString(); var currentClass = assembly.GetType(name); Clear(methods); Clear(paramethers); foreach (var method in currentClass.GetMethods()) { methods.AppendText(method.Name); } }
public QueryLimitBox(QueryOrder [] orders, QueryLimit [] limits) : base() { this.orders = orders; this.limits = limits; Spacing = 5; enabled_checkbox = new CheckButton(Catalog.GetString("_Limit to")); enabled_checkbox.Toggled += OnEnabledToggled; count_spin = new SpinButton(0, double.MaxValue, 1) { Numeric = true, Digits = 0, Value = 25 }; count_spin.SetSizeRequest(60, -1); limit_combo = ComboBox.NewText(); foreach (var limit in limits) { limit_combo.AppendText(limit.Label); } order_combo = ComboBox.NewText(); order_combo.RowSeparatorFunc = IsRowSeparator; foreach (var order in orders) { if (order == null) { order_combo.AppendText(string.Empty); } else { order_combo.AppendText(order.Label); } } PackStart(enabled_checkbox, false, false, 0); PackStart(count_spin, false, false, 0); PackStart(limit_combo, false, false, 0); PackStart(new Label(Catalog.GetString("selected by")), false, false, 0); PackStart(order_combo, false, false, 0); enabled_checkbox.Active = false; limit_combo.Active = 0; order_combo.Active = 0; OnEnabledToggled(null, null); ShowAll(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the paramethers. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param> /// <param name="e">E.</param> private static void AddParamethers(object sender, EventArgs e) { var currentClassName = classes.ActiveText.ToString(); var currentClass = assembly.GetType(currentClassName); var currentMethodName = methods.ActiveText.ToString(); var currentMethod = currentClass.GetMethod(currentMethodName); Clear(paramethers); foreach (var paramether in currentMethod.GetParameters()) { paramethers.AppendText(paramether.Name); } }
public static ComboBox CreateServerCombo() { ComboBox serverComboBox = ComboBox.NewText(); foreach (string s in Global.Connections.ConnectionNames) { serverComboBox.AppendText(s); } serverComboBox.Active = 0; serverComboBox.Show(); return(serverComboBox); }
void PopulateCombos() { for (uint k = 0; k < rolls.Length; k++) { uint numphotos = rollstore.PhotosInRoll(rolls[k]); // Roll time is in UTC always var date = rolls[k].Time.ToLocalTime(); string header = $"{date.ToString ("%dd %MMM, %HH:%mm")} ({numphotos})"; combo_roll_1.AppendText(header); combo_roll_2.AppendText(header); } }
private void PopulateComboBox() { ComboBox aux = ComboBox.NewText (); aux.Changed += ChangeComboBox; Box box = (Box) templateComboBox.Parent; box.Remove (templateComboBox); templateComboBox = aux; box.PackEnd (templateComboBox); FileInfo[] files = new DirectoryInfo(Defines.TEMPLATES_DATADIR).GetFiles("*.rc"); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in files) { StreamReader sr = fileInfo.OpenText(); string line; string path = ""; string templateName = ""; char[] delimiter= {'='}; while (true) { line = sr.ReadLine (); if (line == null) break; string[] split = line.Split (delimiter); if (split[0] == null || split[1] == null) continue; switch (split[0].ToUpper()) { case "NAME": templateName = split[1]; path = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension (fileInfo.FullName, "html"); break; case "CATALOG": if (catalog.Name.Equals (split[1])) { templateComboBox.AppendText (templateName); templates.Add (templateName, path); } break; } } sr.Close (); } templateComboBox.Active = 0; }
//when only one value has to be displayed public static void ComboUpdate(ComboBox myCombo, string myData) { //1stdelete combo values comboDelAll(myCombo); //2nd put new values myCombo.AppendText (myData); }
//if there's no default value, simply pass a "" and there will be returned a 0, that's the first value of combo public static int ComboUpdate(ComboBox myCombo, string [] myData, string strDefault) { //1stdelete combo values comboDelAll(myCombo); //2nd put new values int i=0; int foundValue=0; foreach (string str in myData) { myCombo.AppendText (str); if(str == strDefault) foundValue = i; i++; } return foundValue; }
protected void Populate() { this.SetDefaultSize(1024,768); Window pingpong = new Window(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel); pingpong.SetDefaultSize(500,50); pingpong.SetPosition(Gtk.WindowPosition.CenterOnParent); pingpong.Title = "Loading..."; _pulseBar = new ProgressBar(); pingpong.Add(_pulseBar); pingpong.ShowAll(); pingpong.Show(); while (_currentStrs == null) { Application.Invoke( delegate { _pulseBar.Pulse(); }); Thread.Sleep(100); } Application.Invoke( delegate { pingpong.Destroy(); this.Remove(_vbox); _vbox = new VBox(false, 10); MenuBar bar = new MenuBar (); Menu fileMenu = new Menu (); MenuItem fileMenuItem = new MenuItem ("File"); fileMenuItem.Submenu = fileMenu; MenuItem exit = new MenuItem ("Exit"); exit.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application.Quit (); }; MenuItem openFile = new MenuItem ("Open file..."); openFile.Activated += OpenFile; fileMenu.Append (openFile); fileMenu.Append (exit); bar.Append (fileMenuItem); _vbox.PackStart(bar, false, false, 0); _regxTitle = ComboBox.NewText(); _regxTitle.Changed += HandleChanged; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in _regexes) _regxTitle.AppendText(pair.Key); _regx = new Entry(); _regx.IsEditable = false; _regx.CanFocus = false; HBox comboRegexBox = new HBox(true, 10); comboRegexBox.SetSizeRequest(768, 50); comboRegexBox.PackStart(_regxTitle, false,false, 0); comboRegexBox.PackStart(_regx, true, true, 0); Button search = new Button("Search!"); search.Clicked += HandleClicked; comboRegexBox.PackStart(search, false, false, 20); _vbox.PackStart(comboRegexBox, true, true, 10); ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow(); _tv = new TreeView(); sw.Add(_tv); CellRendererText tsText = new CellRendererText(); TreeViewColumn match = new TreeViewColumn(); match.Title = "Match"; match.PackStart(tsText, true); match.AddAttribute(tsText, "text", 0); _tv.AppendColumn(match); TreeStore store = new TreeStore(typeof(string)); foreach (string str in _currentStrs) store.AppendValues(str); _tv.Model = store; sw.SetSizeRequest(768,600); _vbox.PackStart(sw, false, false, 0); this.Add(_vbox); this.ShowAll(); }); }
public GnomeArtNgApp(string[] args) { Application.Init(); //i18n Catalog.Init("gnomeartng","./locale"); config=new CConfiguration(); //initialize Glade string mainW = "MainWindow"; Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML (null, "", mainW, null); mainWindow = (Gtk.Window) gxml.GetWidget (mainW); gxml.Autoconnect (this); //Connect all events mainWindow.DeleteEvent+=new DeleteEventHandler(OnWindowDeleteEvent); ExtInfoPreviewButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnPreviewButtonClicked); InstallButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnInstallButtonClicked); RevertButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnRevertButtonClicked); RefreshButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnRefreshButtonClicked); SaveButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnSaveButtonClicked); MainNotebook.SwitchPage += new SwitchPageHandler(OnSwitchPage); FilterEntry.Changed += new EventHandler(OnFilterEntriesChanged); // SortKindCb.Changed += new EventHandler(OnSortKindEntryChanged); // SortDirectionCb.Changed += new EventHandler(OnSortDirectionEntryChanged); // SortCloseButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnSortCloseClicked); FilterEntry.KeyReleaseEvent += new KeyReleaseEventHandler(OnFilterbarKeyReleased); FilterCloseButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnFilterbarCloseClicked); //Menuitems QuitMenuItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnQuitItemSelected); UpdateMenuItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnUpdateItemSelected); DonateMenuItem.Activated += new EventHandler(CUpdateWindow.onDonateButtonClicked); FilterMenuItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnFilterItemSelected); // SortMenuItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnSortItemSelected); InfoMenuItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnInfoItemSelected); PreferencesMenuItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnPreferencesItemSelected); FTAItem.Activated += new EventHandler(onFtaItemSelected); //First, download all thumbs...but don't bother the user with the update message, even if there is one bool RestartApp= false; if (config.NeverStartedBefore) new CFirstTimeAssistant(config); else if (config.DontBotherForUpdates==false) { if (config.UpdateAvailable) { Console.WriteLine("An update is available, newest version is: "+config.NewestVersionNumberOnServer); RestartApp = ShowUpdateWindow(); } } if (!RestartApp) { //Application placement - doesn't work properly with compiz (is it the window placement plugin?) if (config.SettingsLoadOk) { mainWindow.Resize(config.Window.Width, config.Window.Height); mainWindow.Move(config.Window.X, config.Window.Y); //Console.WriteLine(config.Window.X+" "+ config.Window.Y); } //ArtManager erzeugen man = new CArtManager(config); //Stores anlegen und IconViews anlegen for(int i=0;i<ListStoreCount;i++){ sWins[i] = (Gtk.ScrolledWindow)(gxml.GetWidget("swin"+i)); stores[i]= new ListStore (typeof(Pixbuf),typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof(int)); IconViews[i] = new Gtk.IconView(stores[i]); IconViews[i].SelectionChanged += new System.EventHandler(OnSelChanged); IconViews[i].ItemActivated += new ItemActivatedHandler(OnItemActivated); IconViews[i].PixbufColumn = 0; CurrentIconView = IconViews[0]; sWins[i].Add(IconViews[i]); IconViews[i].Show(); } //Create the comboboxes imageTypeBox = ComboBox.NewText(); imageResolutionsBox = ComboBox.NewText(); imageStyleBox = ComboBox.NewText(); //Verschiedene Styles hinzufügen imageStyleBox.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("Centered")); imageStyleBox.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("Filled")); imageStyleBox.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("Scaled")); imageStyleBox.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("Zoomed")); imageStyleBox.AppendText(Catalog.GetString("Tiled")); imageStyleBox.Active=0; imageStyleBox.Changed += new EventHandler(OnImageStyleBoxChanged); LowerTable.Attach(imageTypeBox,1,2,2,3); LowerTable.Attach(imageResolutionsBox,1,2,3,4); LowerTable.Attach(imageStyleBox,1,2,4,5); OnSwitchPage(MainNotebook,new SwitchPageArgs()); Gtk.Application.Run (); } }
public static void ComboUpdate(ComboBox myCombo, List<double> list) { //1stdelete combo values comboDelAll(myCombo); //2nd put new values foreach (double l in list) myCombo.AppendText (l.ToString()); }
//more elegant method, with ArrayList public static void ComboUpdate(ComboBox myCombo, ArrayList array) { //1stdelete combo values comboDelAll(myCombo); //2nd put new values foreach (string str in array) myCombo.AppendText (str); }
public static void ComboAdd(ComboBox myCombo, string str) { myCombo.AppendText (str); }